Everything will be my way!

Chapter 502

The next day, Kyon made a 100% pure immune boosting medicine and sent it to the patriarch of the Valentines. No catch. It's not necessary this time.

After 6 days, Lovr, in the guise of Albert, who was killed by him, visited Rose.

«Mr. Albert, I've been vomiting all night! My stomach and head hurt terribly! My health is only getting worse! Please help me get well!» – the frightened blonde begged the old man. The amount of hair on his head has noticeably decreased.

The gloomy patriarch stood nearby with his arms crossed on his chest. He already regretted a hundred times that for the first three days he gave his son an immune stimulation medicine made by trusted alchemists, and not Albert's miracle student.

The best family doctor was also present, all pale and with bags under his eyes. He hardly slept, trying to figure out if Albert was right or fooling everyone. Unsuccessfully.

«So, the condition has not improved… Well, let's look for the root cause of all the troubles.» – Kyon took out a variety of devices and began to examine him. At some point, he took out the formation and applied it to the patient's navel. Soon, a small screen with a blurry fuzzy image of something light gray lit up above the nephrite. There was a dark spot in the center, from which appendages stretched in all directions.

«What is this?!» – exclaimed everyone present.

Kyon rubbed his eyes with a sullen look: «I know what it is, but I'm afraid I might offend you with my assumption…»

«Tell it as it is! I give you my word, nothing will happen to you!» – Monty promised.

Lovr quietly asked those around him: «Do any of you believe in karma?»

Those present looked at each other in puzzlement and stared blankly at Albert.

Kyon explained: «Some people believe that when a person does bad deeds towards others, the soul is saturated with negative karma, and then after death, at the judgment of souls, you will have to answer for all your sins. My life experience tells me that karma can affect our daily life too. The soul can accumulate so much negative karma that it will begin to poison the owner's life.»

«Do you want to say that my son is a bad person?» – the patriarch began to boil.

«Dad, let's listen!» – demanded the excited Rose.

Kyon continued: «Karma is not just evil deeds. When a demon kills people, he is not subject to karma, no matter how much his victims hate him. His soul believes that he is doing the right thing, so it protects itself from the effects of negative karma. The same applies to most criminals and maniacs. However, it happens that a person realizes all the wrongness of his actions, and then the soul absorbs the karma that arises from the negative emotions of the victims. There can be so much of it that it will form into something terrible… Into the root of evil. The soul with the cultivated root of evil loses the will to live and, as a result, turns against the body. The self-destruction process that I told you about earlier will start…»

«Albert, do you dare to suspect my son of being a monster?!»

«I'm just looking for answers… I have only one task - to cure the boy. The formation I just used shows the state of the soul. The dark spot in the middle, from which the appendages stretched, confirms my version.»

«B-but where did you even get the formation capable of seeing the soul?! I've never heard of them!» – Monty asked incredulously.

Lovr invented a tale that in Saturn he has connections with one of the seven legendary formacists of the 1st rank. It was he who created the formation for him, capable of looking into the soul. Then he demonstrated its work on the servants and even on himself. The picture this time showed just something light gray without a dark spot in the middle.

In fact, of course, the formation does not see any soul. The guy deceived everyone.

Meanwhile, Rose looked as if his soul had been ripped out of his body. For him, everything that was happening seemed like a nightmare. He raped many wives right in front of their husbands during their wedding night… He took the innocence of beautiful girls at the most important moment in their lives… It's easy to imagine how many negative emotions he absorbed. Albert's delusional words about the root of evil sound more realistic than ever.

«Is there a way to get rid of the root of evil?» – the blond man asked with suppressed hope.

«Son, do you really believe in all this?!» – Monty was surprised. You can believe in the formation that can look into the soul, but it's quite another thing when you are persuaded to believe that your son is a dirty, cruel scoundrel!

«Dad, stop it! I'm not as kind and honest as you think…» – Rose groaned. – «I've done a lot of bad things you don't even know about…»

The patriarch opened his mouth in shock, not believing his ears.

Kyon came up with the legend of the root of evil for a reason. He knew that Rose would convince himself of its veracity, and even convince his father of it. Information is the key to success.

«Don't ask me why, but I'm sure I have the root of evil in my soul… Dad, I can literally feel this rubbish inside!» – the frightened blond babbled with tears in his eyes.

Kyon, like a wise man who sees through the world, crossed his arms behind his back, fixed his gaze somewhere in the distance and spoke in a hoarse voice: «The root of evil still exists… As I thought, my theory turned out to be correct. Karma is not fiction.»

«How to remove this damn root?! Mr. Albert, please tell me!» – Rose pleaded.

«It is reasonable to assume that positive karma could eradicate the root of evil, but, as everyone knows, a person who does good with selfish motives is wasting his time. Therefore, I see only one option: we will have to create in your soul a climate unsuitable for the further development of the root of evil.»

«That is, you will poison my son's soul?!» – Monty was indignant.

«Patriarch, any medicine in large quantities is poison. And any poison in small doses is a medicine. I can't be completely sure that this will work, but I see no reason not to try. If the dark spot in the picture starts to decrease, then we will continue the treatment, and if not, then anyone will be powerless here…»

«Dad, please! I don't want to die!» – Rose snarled. He trusted Albert, feeling a kinship with him and seeing in him the only opportunity for salvation.

«And how quickly will he recover if he gets rid of the root of evil?» – the patriarch asked gloomily.

«Your boy is very strong. I am sure that as soon as the soul takes the side of the body, he will fully recover from all the consequences within a few months.» – Kyon assured.

Monty took a long time to decide. The whole situation seemed extremely absurd to him. Is the soul attacking the body? The root of evil due to karma? Has Rose done terrible things? Unthinkable! However, even the best doctors of the empire are not able to make a diagnosis, and the son also looks at him with puppy eyes… The patriarch had no choice: «In that case, I rely on you, Albert. My son's life is in your hands.»

«I am grateful for your trust!» – hiding a malicious smile, Lovr bowed slightly.

Having received carte blanche, Kyon proceeded to the so-called "treatment".

At first, he decided to act more carefully, so he simply pumped the patient with energy drinks, from which Rose received charges of vivacity and inspiration, but by night this effect stopped. He made all the medicine himself, so even the best alchemists of the empire will not understand the real plan: to drain all the resources from Valentine's body to prevent him from resisting radiation sickness.

Side effects were easily justified like this: there is no point in expecting improvements until we completely remove the root of evil from the soul.

At the end of the week, Kyon looked at the result and laughed happily: «Haha! I knew it would work! The spot has decreased by about one tenth!»

«Indeed, it has decreased!» – Monty perked up. Now all his suspicions about Albert were almost gone. Until recently, he doubted the effectiveness of the treatment, but now, after seeing the result, he breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, Rose felt even worse than a week ago, but he forced himself to smile, believing that everything would get better soon: «I'm so glad that the treatment is working! If everything goes on like this, then in two or three months I will get rid of it!»

«Yes, you will definitely get rid of it.» – Kyon patted the blond man on the shoulder encouragingly.

After the checks, Rose asked everyone except Albert to leave.

When he was left alone with the old man, Valentine said earnestly: «Sir, I have thought a lot about my life and realized that you are the only person I can trust and who can understand me… I, like your son, am not sinless. The reason why the root of evil appeared in my soul… I raped other people's women right during their wedding night. I was just trampling on their feelings… I am a very bad person.» – the blond man said in a half-whisper with the deepest regret in his voice, shedding a tear. – «You helped your son despite all the sins that he committed, and now you are helping me.»

Kyon said thoughtfully: «It's all right, Rose. We are all sinners. We all live for ourselves and those we love, while the feelings of strangers are indifferent to us. I understand you perfectly. I did not save my son, but I will definitely save you, because you are almost like a son to me!»

«Really?» – Valentine asked hopefully.

«Yes.» – Kyon confirmed with conviction and reluctantly hugged the future deceased.

«Thank you… Thank you, grandpappy!» – Rose sobbed with emotion.

{I see right through you, you rotten piece of shit. Oh, it's good that I shot everything!} – Lovr foresaw such a turn of events and put a visual formation on his forehead, which shot Rose's sincere confession. The recording will definitely come in handy.

«Since we both want you to get well as soon as possible, then let's try a new method of treatment. It will have some side effects, but nothing fatal.»

«With joy, grandpappy!» – Rose smiled sunnily.

Since then, hormone therapy has been used. Lovr intended to turn Rose into a kind of hybrid of a feminine guy and a masculine woman. Mood swings are the least of the troubles that await him. Soon his breasts will increase and the reproductive organ will decrease.

As he left the territory of the Valentines, Kyon laughed devilishly to himself. He planned to properly fill the vessel of darkness at the expense of Rose! Perfect victim, perfect circumstances. It's hard to dream of more. Although there is still something to work on.

Exactly at 6 pm, an announcement was made to the whole order: «Ladies and gentlemen, the headmaster is speaking to you. In two weeks, the annual tournament will be held for the students of the central zone of the order. It will be held in the forests of Regan on the border of Rosarrio. The top sixty-four participants will have the right to fight in duels, the eight finalists of which will become the junior disciples of the empress. You can find out information about other awards from the informant. For those who refuse to participate, regardless of the circumstances, or take the sixty-fifth place and below, admission to the final exam will be prohibited for one year…»

These words made Kyon freeze in place: {What do you mean?!} – the problem is that the conditions of the 0th general imply passing the final exam in one year. It turns out that he is obliged to participate and enter the top 64!

Initially, Lovr did not plan to sign up for the tournament. What for? To get a chance to become a junior disciple of the empress? He aims higher! To get several tens of thousands of points on the balance? It's nothing! The risks aren't worth it, but now he has no choice…

{Damn zeroth, why all this?!} – Kyon immediately guessed who was putting spokes in his wheels, and why all this was needed at all.

In past annual tournaments, participation was optional, and the system consisted of the top 32, and only four finalists could become students of the empress. Now the indicators have doubled. Why? Obviously, the zeroth general (or someone else) wants to officially title promising candidates: Timothy, Seraphima, Clementine, as well as Rose and Elsa. Or maybe even Roman and Juno. Everything is thought out in advance to the smallest detail.

The sequence of events is as follows: in 2 weeks, the tournament in the forest on the border of Rosarrio, 5 days after the start of the tournament, the wedding of Juno and Roman, and after another 3 days, the second tournament, where the 64 best participants will fight each other.

Another problem was that it was necessary to force Juno not to participate. It is too dangerous for her to get out of the order, especially into the dense forest. There will be many students who want to forcibly taste her forbidden fruit.. But XiaoXiao Walder is even more dangerous. Surely he will start acting at such an opportune moment!

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