Everything will be my way!

Chapter 503

Grand Palace of the Walders, north tower.

A solid-looking man, with his arms crossed behind his back, admired the view from the window and calmly explained the situation: «Whoever this Juno is, it is impossible to buy her for a reasonable price. I'm afraid, my boy, you will be left without the girl you like.»

A handsome young man standing nearby fell to his knees: «Father, I beg you! Please, fulfill only one request of your son! Less than a month left until Juno's wedding! I want to get this impudent Rosarrian to be my concubine, am I asking too much?!»

Walder turned around and patted the youngster's hair with a smile: «I was just joking, XiaoXiao. The Rosarrians are unaware that the Walders always get what they want!»

«W-will you get her for me?!» – XiaoXiao rejoiced. – «But how?»

«Of course we'll kidnap her.» – the elder said. – «In two weeks they will have a tournament in the forests of Regan. There is no better way to steal Juno without being seen. XiaoXiao, very soon you will be sharing a bed with someone you like.»

«Thank you, Dad!» – wiping away tears, the young man thanked his father.

It's been two days since the headmaster made the announcement.

Juno just now found out about the upcoming tournament in the forests of Regan. She was about to go and sign up, when suddenly, for no reason at all, a bad mood came over her, and she realized that she did not want to participate at all. Anyway, Elsa will win.

This happened because Kyon used Synergy to worsen the girl's mood, which is why she changed her mind about going to the tournament. The trick is sneaky, but extremely effective!

This morning, loud news thundered in the order: Elsa broke into the imperial phase! Fans of the girl rejoiced and even arranged a holiday in her honor.

«Lady Elsa broke into the imperial phase! Hoora-a-a-a-ay!»

«Wha-a-a-aa-a-at?!» … «It's incredible!» … «She is a genius among geniuses!» … «Ugh… I'd like to be an imperial phaser by the time I'm eighteen! I am so jealous of her talent…» … «An imperial phaser has appeared in our order! I am so glad that I am studying with her!»

Elsa walked along the order with a dancing gait, proudly straightening her shoulders. She looked like a great angel who was about to fly up into the sky. The aura emanating from her was awe-inspiring. One glance of her emerald eyes made the students melt with happiness.

Stone left the territory of the order and visited her boyfriend for the first time in a week.

The pale Rose leaned back against the head of the bed and forced a smile on the lovely guest: «C-congratulations, Elsa! Now you are the imperial phaser! I… I am very proud that my girlfriend and future wife is a genius among geniuses! Tell me, how did it go?»

«Let's talk about you instead. You've been sick for a month now, and I'm starting to worry! Tell me the truth, is this something serious? What is the diagnosis?» – Elsa asked with a worried look. She noticed that the guy had lost two teeth, and there was significantly less hair on his head than before.

«I'm getting… Ugh… I'm getting better! The diagnosis is made… One lousy disease that few people know about… But don't worry, the progress in treatment is already visible, so I will definitely recover in a while! Ugh… Everything will be fine!» – because of Albert's new medicine, the guy felt strange in the presence of the beauty.

«Really? I'm so glad… By the way, after the breakthrough, enlightenment in alchemy came to me. If you need high quality healing medicine, I am ready to make it.» – the girl smiled affectionately, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, and sat on the edge of the bed.

«Enlightenment?! Is that really it?!» – Rose was amazed.

During the transformation of the soul, it often happens that the practitioner finds enlightenment in the study of the grade of element or technique that he has not been able to master until now. However, it also happens - about a thousand times less often - that a person finds enlightenment in alchemy, formacy, enchantment, or even fighting fists. The world is arranged in such a way that the soul of a truly aspiring practitioner can be blessed by the almighty to receive the necessary knowledge and skills.

«Yes, that's it! It's great, isn't it?» – Elsa beamed.

«Just super! Oh, I'm so proud of you!» – Rose got up and hugged the girl tightly. Feeling the amazing aroma of the phenomenally beautiful blonde, the guy felt dizzy. He was seized by an unbridled desire, and he had absolutely no strength to resist it.

Elsa allowed Valentine to hug her, but suddenly she felt the tension in his underpants by passive scanning… She tried to push away the horny remora, but he pounced on her like a hungry beast, and greedily grabbed her breasts.


A powerful slap in the face sobered Valentine.

«How dare you touch me?!» – Stone, flushed with anger, was indignant.

«Oh…» – Rose, stunned, put his palm to his swelling cheek. – «I… I do not know how it happened… Elsa, forgive me! I did it unconsciously!»

«I really hope that this will not happen again, otherwise you will be left alone.» – Elsa promised in an icy tone. Her gaze seemed as sharp as a razor blade. She spoke from a position of strength, because, having become imperial phaser, she now had every right to do so. No one has touched her breasts yet. Rose isn't even her husband, but he already can't keep his hands to himself!

«Y-you misunderstood, it's all because of the treatment!» – Rose tried to justify himself.

«Lousy excuses won't work on me.» – said the girl and left the room.

«Damn it! What is it?! Fuck!» – Rose got angry. Albert's medicine affected his behavior in a strange way. Sometimes he could not control his emotions and impulses. Sometimes he behaved inappropriately, as, for example, now.

{She was very angry with me… But does it really matter? If I become the empress's junior apprentice, she will have to keep her promise and marry me!} – Rose got out of bed with an effort, changed his clothes and went to the order to sign up for the tournament. Even despite the terrible state, he must enter the top 64, and then take at least 8th place in fights, and then Elsa will definitely marry him. Otherwise, he may lose her. The blonde will not survive this. He won't let the angel out of his nets.

After learning that Elsa had broken into the imperial phase, Kyon was only happy for the girl. No envy. She'll never match his pace anyway. Over the past 2 months since the transformation, he has received 3 stages, almost 4, and has already reached the 5th stage of the noble phase.

Also, Lovr invented a healing technique of approximately "A" rank (he has been inventing it since he learned how to create clones). It cannot be compared with narrowly focused types of healing medicine, but this technique, with its wide spectrum of action, is much better than any medicinal analogues. In the future, it can be improved with the help of the legacy of wealthy families (sources), as well as by increasing the grades of water and light.

The promised 100 lectures with Stephanie Russell came to an end, so Kyon spent almost all his free time training. He was practicing with all his might with a new technique based on the spatial attribute – he had never used it until now. There was also progress with the element of time.

In addition to training, Kyon still held 2 general lectures every day.

Elsa came to today's lecture on alchemy for the first time in a week.

Her appearance gave rise to an explosive effect. The majestic aura of the imperial phaser emanating from her, coupled with an irresistible appearance, left students speechless.

Elsa looked around at everyone present with a calm look and stopped at Dick: «I challenge you!»

«Challenge your master?» – Kyon pointed his finger at himself in surprise.

The students gasped in shock.

«I have recently achieved enlightenment, so today you will give me the title of the best alchemist in the order, whether you want it or not!» – the blonde said confidently.

Those present grabbed their heads. If Elsa, an alchemist of almost the 3rd rank, received that phenomenal enlightenment, then now she turns out to be an alchemist of the 2nd rank?!

«Enlightenment… Do you understand that this is a war?» – Lovr grinned unkindly.

«We didn't have a truce!» – Elsa retorted with a gambling gleam in her eyes.

«So be it, I accept your challenge, but on my terms. Firstly, we will make the same medicine of "Enzymes" for practitioners of the royal phase. Secondly, you make it first. Thirdly, in case of defeat, you will loudly and respectfully say the following: "Master, forgive this upstart. From now on I will know my place".»

The first two conditions suited Elsa, but the third one shook her self-confidence. What happens if she still loses? She might be ashamed! However, recently the girl tested her new skills and was 100% sure that she would surpass Dick, so she answered the following: «I agree, but if I win, then you will publicly kneel in front of me and recognize me as the best!»

«Deal!» – Kyon instantly agreed, thereby surprising the opponent.

«I can't believe I'm about to witness the legendary alchemy duel between Dick and Lady Elsa!» … «I'm sincerely rooting for Lady Elsa, but Dick is a monster!» – the students whispered excitedly.

Soon the duel began.

While Elsa was making medicine, Kyon wondered to himself: {She acts completely differently… She uses other methods of fusion of ingredients… Now she is at least an alchemist of the second rank, or even the first! Does the creator of the world really give enlightenment to those who really want something? I hardly believe it.} – he put forward the theory that after death all the memories in the soul are sealed, and then, in the next life, they are partially released under certain circumstances. Roughly speaking, enlightenment is a past life experience. That sounds reasonable.

Stone chuckled contentedly and handed the pill to the fat man: «I'm done. Your turn.»

Kyon borrowed a medicine purity tester from a blonde so that she would not suspect him of cheating, and brought it to the pill. The number "92" was displayed on it.

«Ninety-two percent purity?!» … «Medicine of "B" rank of grandiose quality?!» … «Oh goddess, Lady Elsa's alchemy skills have improved incredibly!» – the students burst into enthusiastic shouts and already began to congratulate the blonde on her victory.

Previously, Dick had made the same medicine with a purity of 87%. At first glance, it may seem that the difference of 5% is insignificant, but this would be a gross mistake. The closer the medicine is to perfection, the more difficult it is to make it purer even by 1%. The difference of 5% purity is an almost insurmountable gap separating the 2nd rank alchemist from the legendary 1st rank. That's why Elsa didn't doubt her victory.

«Not bad, not bad.» – Kyon nodded approvingly.

The smug smile disappeared from Elsa's face: {Why is he reacting so calmly?!} – all her former confidence has sunk into oblivion. Every time she saw Dick's unshakable confidence, it was confirmed in practice. In fact, the girl had never seen the young man show confusion or fear at least once, so it began to seem to her that he was capable of anything.

Kyon stretched his back, neck and fingers and started making medicine. The process took about fifteen minutes, after which the alchemist brought his work to the device, and the number "93" lit up on it. Exactly 1% purer than Elsa's medicine.

Those present stood up from their seats in disbelief: «Ho-ooo-oo-o-oow?!» … «He… He mockingly surpassed her by one percent! Dick defeated Lady Elsa!» … «You must be joking!» … «Is Dick an alchemist of the first rank?! And I go to his lectures?!»

Elsa recoiled in shock, staring blankly at the result.

«Thank you. Thank you very much. And now I'm waiting for you to fulfill the third condition, my gifted student.» – Kyon turned his smug look to Elsa.

The blonde shuddered and, closing her eyes, said: «Master, please forgive this upstart… From now on, I… I will know my place.» – while saying this, the lady tried to look impassive, but her ears were treacherously red.

«So be it, you're forgiven.» – Kyon smiled condescendingly.

Just now, the practitioner of the imperial phase and the alchemist of the first rank (no less) were forced to recognize the superiority of some fat man through a humiliating apology. You won't see this even in a stupid dream. The students had no idea how they should react.

At the same moment, Elsa disappeared.

Once in her house, the girl slumped on the chair and stared apathetically at the ceiling. In her lazy pose, she could conquer anyone, so breathtakingly attractive she looked now.

The feeling of shame for the recent apology in front of fifty students passed surprisingly quickly. Apparently, she finally recognized Dick as a worthy adversary. She was imbued with respect for his monstrous skills, it cannot be explained otherwise.

{I thought the goddess had given me enlightenment to surpass Dick, but even so I didn't succeed… Why is he so gifted? I also want to be like him…} – she thought about Baker for an indecently long time. From the moment they first met, she thought about the fat man even more than about her boyfriend. Isn't there too much honor?

{Wait… And why did he put forward the second condition?} – remembering that the opponent asked her to prepare the pill first, the lady suspected something was wrong, when suddenly realization hit her. – {He purposely surpassed me by just one percent!}

Stone's eyes widened in shock, because this conclusion suggested that the young man could have made medicine even purer: 95%? 98%? Or even 100%?!

{One hundred percent?!} – Elsa jumped up from her chair. For the first time, such a seemingly obvious thought occurred to her: Dick could be "The Legendary Lord of the Cauldron"!

The lady has long admired the great alchemist, often imagining how a handsome, well-rounded and intelligent young man sits with an alchemy kit, performing miracles that no other alchemists are capable of. And Baker is a freak sitting with the lousy alchemical kit. It is impossible to imagine that this is the same person!

«Dick has been the one I've always been inspired by all this time?!» – Elsa muttered dumbfounded.. – «I must find out the truth at any cost!» – the girl quickly went somewhere.

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