Everything will be my way!

Chapter 508

A week has passed since the conclusion of the deal with the empress.

Kyon has just cleared the last key to 99% and said with a bow: «Your majesty, I have fulfilled my obligations. Now it's your turn to keep the vow.»

Lanatelle checked the result with the device, put on a thin silver robe and gave the man a mysterious look: «Wait in the chambers. Soon you'll be taken to the living room.»

Soon Lovr was escorted to the living room, in the center of which a teleportation trigram was inscribed. Five people – Feng, Julius, Vladimir, Horace and Monty - prostrated themselves in front of the empress.

Kyon breathed a sigh of relief to himself: {I was worried for nothing…} – when suddenly he noticed something strange: Monty Valentine's hair shone greasy, and if one looked closely, the other witnesses also looked very unkempt, as if they had spent the last week not at home.

Lovr had a premonition that something bad would happen. A chill went down his spine. It seemed that death smoothly wrapped its nasty bony fingers around his neck.

«Get up.» – Lanatelle ordered majestically, already wrapped in her exquisite imperial attire.

The five powerful personalities of Rosarrio rose to their feet and raised their eyes full of awe at the bloody empress. Patriarch Horace's knees were shaking. Master Julius was clutching the nephrite with his favorite game about the plumber in his palm.

«You have done nothing wrong to me, but today you will have to give up your lives. Rest in peace.» – at these ruthless words, Lanatelle abruptly waved her hand. Five blood-red lightning bolts pierced the heart of each of the witnesses of her oath to Zosimos in the blink of an eye.

The five men almost simultaneously let out their death rattles and collapsed to their knees. Their faces twisted with horror were rapidly turning pale and wrinkled, and their hair was turning gray. The red energy, like a leech, pumped vital energy through the hearts of the poor fellows, turning them into wrinkled old men – skin and bones. Soon they all died.

Kyon turned deathly pale. He had no words. This cruel bitch just killed the Minister of Finance, two patriarchs of great families, and two of the empire's best masters in cold blood! And she did not hesitate at all, although she was well aware of how important these people were to Rosarrio.

The empress turned her icy gaze on the man and said: «With your insulting desire to take the oath in front of witnesses, you sentenced innocent people to death. Your excessive caution was in vain, because no one in this world should know about the existence of the person who can purify keys! I'm grateful for your services, but now you will die. Nothing personal, Zosimos. Thank you and goodbye.»

«You ruthless bitch, you swore an oath!» – Kyon roared.

«My last name is not Russell. The oath is void.» – Lanatelle calmly replied.

Kyon suddenly felt a sharp pain in his throat.

The stroke of the scarlet dagger cut the neck of "The Dark Baron" and even the spine. Only a small piece of skin, due to its strength, remained intact and did not allow the head to fall from the shoulders. The man collapsed on his back while a pool of blood rapidly spread on the floor.

Lanatelle watched "The Dark Baron's" fading gaze until his heart stopped, then said absently: «Bury them secretly in a tomb under unmarked graves.»

Killing with red lightning is a kind of tribute, because what could be more honorable than dying, giving your life energy? And even "The Dark Baron", the great criminal of Dantes, was also awarded a place in the cemetery.

Several servants in gray masks bowed and carried the six dead to the elevator.

«Take care of any possible suspicions regarding my involvement in their disappearance.» – added Lanatelle in the end and went to her chambers with a serene gait.

A week ago, Feng, Julius, Vladimir, Monty and Horace received the highest order from the empress for a secret meeting. What does secret mean? This means that if at least one outsider living soul finds out about it, the consequences will be catastrophic. All formations were removed from them, including family ones, in order to deprive anyone of the opportunity to track them. Given all this, it is hardly possible for anyone to know exactly where they disappeared.

"The Dark Baron", along with the rest of the dead, was placed in the elevator for transporting bodies and sent down. The cabin is designed for 7 bodies, because that's how much the empress consumes in one meal, so in addition to the six dead, a man in a gray mask climbed inside. The rest of the servants went down the stairs.

Meanwhile, Kyon's heart had not been beating for a minute. He entered the terminal state. Due to the lack of oxygen, darkness enveloped the mind, but the Synergy did not allow the owner to lose consciousness. Neurons gradually died due to hypoxia. If the brain is not supplied with oxygen for 6 minutes, then an ordinary person will either die or become a vegetable. Lovr will need about a week of recovery with the support of Synergy, but if anoxia lasts 8 minutes, the process of brain death will be irreversible even with the help of miracle energy.

The situation seemed hopeless. There are only two options for salvation – to call Eve and Leila for help, or to wait until he is left alone, then he will be able to fuse the cut arteries with the healing technique, and then the earth element and Synergy will come into play. However, it will take a long time until he is taken to the cemetery and buried… He needs to figure out a way to saturate the brain with oxygen for as long as possible!

It is possible to lay strings from Synergy between the dissected vertebrae and, by means of signals, control the key of water in order to use it to drive blood from the body to the head through the air, however, the fluctuations of the element will immediately be caught by the servants of the empress. They will certainly finish off someone who should have been dead for so long…

Is there any other way? Science knows the answer!

With the help of Synergy, through electrolysis, it is possible to split excess water into hydrogen and oxygen! But the essence of the universe is only 10% of the maximum left due to purifying the keys for the damned bitch, this is enough at best for 15 minutes of oxygen supply to the brain. The reason for such costs is obvious: it is necessary to deliver oxygen molecules to each individual neuron without the participation of blood circulation. Moreover, he must not interrupt the process of supplying air for a second, since there is a significant risk that he will no longer be able to resume it. There is also a danger that the servants of the empress will feel the work of Synergy, although this is unlikely.

Synergy began to work, and precious oxygen began to flow into the brain. Unfortunately, this did not apply to all other internal organs. This is also a serious problem, because if oxygen does not reach them for more than half an hour, they will suffer greatly.

Meanwhile, the elevator went down. Six bodies were carried to pre-prepared wooden coffins, which were then placed in a closed carriage. Soon it left the palace and headed for the cemetery outside the walls of Dantes.

It took 5 minutes. Over the past 100 years, the process has been fine-tuned to perfection: step 1 - the search for victims, at least one of whom must have silver rank blood, and the rest must have at least white blood; step 2 – silent abduction of victims, their delivery to the palace and removal of all formations from them; step 3 - preparation for reception; step 4 - the reception itself; step 5 - secret burial of bodies.

In order not to attract attention, the carriage did not go too fast, but also not too slow. Inside, in addition to 6 closed coffins, there were four servants of the empress. Until they do her bidding, they won't even dare to step aside.

Due to the lack of communication with subordinates, Kyon realized that protective barriers were imposed on the carriage, among which there is one that blocks communication (it is needed to prevent possible hidden formations on abducted people from transmitting a signal). Therefore, the only chance for salvation is to wait until they bury him and leave him alone. But will he have enough time to be carried to the cemetery and buried? Alas, there are simply no other options to prolong his life. The situation is really terrifying. As if death lifted a scythe over his head.

{Damn bitch… I wish I didn't waste Synergy on you…} – Kyon hated Lanatelle with all his heart for breaking her oath, but he also hated himself for being used gratuitously, although he was well aware that he was clinging to the only and most likely hope of salvation.

10 minutes have passed on the way, 15 in total since the moment of cardiac arrest. The carriage never left the city limits, the Synergy had already ended, and the one that was replenished naturally was immediately spent on keeping the owner conscious.

{DAMN!} – a deafening thought flashed through Kyon's head.

After 3 minutes of hypoxia, Lovr began to clearly realize that his life was slipping through his fingers. That the neurons of his brain are rapidly dying. That he is fading away, dissolving into infinite nothingness.

At the 6th minute of anoxia, the damage reached the stage when it would take a week to recover by Synergy. An ordinary person in such a situation would inevitably fall into a vegetative state, unable to show any signs of consciousness.

Kyon realized in despair that nothing could save him. After 2 minutes, the brain damage will become so serious that the process will be irreversible even with a full supply of Synergy and a restored neck.

Time seemed to slow down a thousandfold. One hundred and twenty paces separated Lovr from the abyss, where his entire journey would come to an end. He was wondering if anyone would remember him with warmth in their hearts? Maybe only Marina and the heads of sects…

The carriage left Dantes, but too late. It's been a minute and a half.

Kyon was afraid of death. Only those who do not value their lives are not afraid of it. He was afraid of the endless darkness enveloping consciousness, so he took a desperate step: with the help of the element of water, he paved a route for blood between the dissected arteries and forced it to circulate.

«Eh?» – the servants in gray masks looked at each other in surprise and opened the lid of the coffin. When they saw how the blood of the man with the cut neck surprisingly moved from the body to the head and back, they, even despite their professional composure acquired over the years, gaped in amazement.

«He is still alive… What a monster!»

«I envy his will to live… However, he must die.» – the servant of the empress said with some respect and blocked the flow of blood with his palm, however, the scarlet stream, as if alive, circled the palm and continued its course.

The masked man frowned and froze his entire neck with the element of cold to make sure.

Due to the ice filled with energy, Synergy was no longer able to send a signal to the key of water. At that moment, Kyon realized that now it was definitely the end. There is no way to survive.

He regretted many things: he did not become an alpha for Triana, did not return the debt to Juno and Anna, did not recapture Dina from the goddess, did not save Valeera from the zeroth general, and most importantly, he never saw his son, whom he had dreamed of for so long. It is even possible that he was never born.

When Lovr had already resigned himself to his fate, the unexpected happened…

Some force tore off the roof of the carriage, like a lid from a tin can.

«What's going on?!» … «We have been attacked!» – the masked servants shouted, preparing for battle.

A girl with the appearance of a goddess was floating in the sky. There were two sand whirlwinds in her beautiful eyes. Looking inside the wrecked carriage, she saw a familiar man with a cut neck in the coffin. Her face turned pale, but after a moment it was contorted with rage.

The four servants of the empress and the coachman in the blink of an eye turned into tens of thousands of perfectly chopped cubes of flesh, slowly falling apart like a house of cards in the wind.

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