Everything will be my way!

Chapter 509

Gina and Lana regained their memories a week after the disappearance of their father, almost simultaneously. For several hours, each of them tried to comprehend the whole last year, which she spent being a naive, stupid girl, after which both women began to act. No, they did not start a fight among themselves, on the contrary, they diligently avoided meeting and talking, because now they were worried about something completely different - to find the messenger of the goddess! He is also known as Kyon, as Dick Baker and as Zosimos - the bastard who deceived, used and humiliated them with his feigned patronage for a whole year!

The reason why both girls knew that Zosimos and Ken were the same person was because he had emitted the same unique supreme aura during the second demon raid that the goddess' messenger had emitted at the tournament of families. There is no such thing as a coincidence. And the battle with Edward, who surpassed him by almost 2 phases, speaks for itself.

The head of the Virgo sect's face was blazing with anger, and her hands were shaking with burning rage. Some immature boy in the guise of a vile man condescendingly stroked her head! He called her a "bunny" and even saw her naked! He enjoyed her obedience and humility! He pretended to be her father and tricked her into falling in love with him!

The head of the Dance sect was afraid to go mad with rage. The feeble boy convinced her that he was her father, and also made her fall in love with him… He saw her naked, spanked her ass, brazenly put her in her place and humiliated her in every possible way with his condescending attitude! And she was acting like a fool, trying her best to seduce him… The humiliation was so immense that the girl's heart was ready to burst from the anger that seized her.

The heads of the sects were united by the desire to find Zosimos and deal with him. The purpose of the search is the pot-bellied bald practitioner of the 5th stage of the noble phase, or the obscenely ugly fat man, well, or the handsome young man. They'll have to check everyone out.

Gina started looking for the target in the department, and then went to the palace.

Meanwhile, Lana was looking for him at the headquarters of the shadow clan and the Golden Pig guild, then decided to explore the surroundings. Intuition told her the direction, and indeed: she felt a man with suitable characteristics in a carriage outside the walls of Dantes.

The beautiful girl, like the goddess of chaos from a painting by a brilliant artist, smoothly descended from the sky and landed next to the coffin. Initially, she thought that she would kick the messenger of the goddess to the curb as soon as she found him, because this bastard deceived, used and humiliated her for a whole year. However, now, at the first glance at the deathly pale face of her already deceased father, even if he was fake, all her fiery feelings were instantly replaced by pity and sorrow. Her chest hurt. Her eyes were burning with tears. Why is she reacting like that? Why do only happy memories of their life together flash through her thoughts? This deceiver managed to get so deep into her heart that she can't even control her emotions…

Suddenly the "dead man" blinked.

{Alive?!} – Lana opened her small lips in amazement, but quickly came to her senses and sent a telepathic signal across the capital. – {«He is here! Hurry up and save him!»}

In a matter of seconds, another extraterrestrial creature of indescribable beauty appeared from heaven. The charming appearance of this attractive girl could captivate even the devil's heart. When she looked at Zosimos, whose head was almost completely separated from his body, something in her icy face trembled. The indignation and rage that had been bubbling inside her a second ago were replaced by other feelings. For the most famous man-hater in the world, it is completely unimaginable to feel pity for some weak, pot-bellied old man.

«Use your cursed healing immediately!» – Lana either ordered, or demanded. She looked at her sister with hatred, but without the usual desire to finish off her rival as soon as possible.

«Get out of my sight!» – Gina said and, hesitating, stretched out her hands to the neck of the fake father and touched the wound. For the first time in over 200 years, except for the events of the past year, she touched a man, and the sensations did not seem disgusting to her at all.

With her thin, elegant fingers, the girl began to gently massage the man's cut throat and neck with light touches. A green glow began to emanate from the healer's palms, it radiated a warm and gentle aura, reminiscent of a light spring breeze. It was possible to notice how the flesh between the head and the torso gradually fused.

A few minutes later, Zosimos' neck was completely healed.

Noticeably pale, Gina walked unsteadily away from her "father". She had just used up almost all her energy because the man's mind and body had been critically damaged. The girl tried to cheer up, but she could not hide her almost complete exhaustion from her sister. Now she is extremely vulnerable, and if Lana suddenly attacks, she will not be able to defend herself.

The head of the Virgo sect did not understand why she was risking so much for his salvation, because until recently she wanted to tear off his head. On the other hand, she was sure that "sister" would not attack. It's too cheap for her to resort to such vile methods.


Kyon's heart made the first beat, the second, and then began to beat rhythmically… His lungs filled convulsively with air. It was as if the body had been placed in a vat of boiling oil. Mind in chaos. It took him five minutes to gather his thoughts and analyze the situation.

Apparently, Eve cured him with her miracle technique, practically pulling him out of the grave. Her healing is so amazing that it can restore even dead cells, including neurons. Now the neck has been completely restored, and the brain has been restored by almost 70%, which cannot be said about the internal organs. It will take two or even three weeks of recovery with the help of Synergy and healing technique. Today it will be an achievement for him to at least get on his feet. It is urgently necessary to restore the blood supply. But now something else is more important: from a short conversation between the girls, he can conclude that they have regained their memory!

The question arises: why did Leila call Eve to cure him? Don't they want him dead? Don't they hold a grudge against him? Unlikely… Most likely, everything is much more complicated.

Kyon lifted his body with difficulty, looked around and croaked in a sagging voice: «Eve… Leila… I know that you saved me… I know you got your memory back… Please show yourself, I want to see you, I want to thank you for saving me… I want to talk to you.» – he said it sincerely. It was painful for him to realize that his daughters were now completely strangers to him. Those whom he had recently considered his real relatives are now almost more dangerous for him than the empress.

Lovr thought that in this situation it would be reasonable to make them feel sorry for him, so, having hardly got up from the coffin, he assumed an oblique position and fell from the carriage. After lying for a while, he got up, grimacing in pain, and said hoarsely: «Eve, Leila, I understand that you hate me for deceiving you for a whole year, but let me explain everything. Try to understand my situation.»

«Leaving Cernos, I found the demons rushing after me. I could neither run away from them, nor fight. Then I had to look for salvation from you fighting in the sky, but you didn't even notice me, and then you generated that terrible explosion… It destroyed my pursuers, and I survived only by a miracle. Unintentionally, you saved my life. Even then I felt like I owed you.»

«After searching the crater, I found you, already half dead. Using my unique ability, I scanned and found out that you had only a few minutes to live, and even if you were healthy, you would have died of old age in a few years. I also learned that you are paternal sisters, and your brains had been severely damaged in the hippocampus area responsible for long-term memories, and there were noticeable defects in other areas responsible for mental age. That is, you have lost not only your memory, but also your mental maturity.»

«Ask yourself: could I let my sisters-saviors die? No. Could I leave you, remembering nothing and behaving like children, to the mercy of fate? Also no. If you really want to help, then do it to the end! Otherwise, there is no need to start this at all…»

«I rejuvenated you to such a young age in order to save you from madness when seeing adult women in the reflection of the mirror. You may ask – why did I pretend to be your father? Why didn't I tell the truth that I was just an unknown virtue? Because it was the most reliable way by which I could bind powerful children to me until their memory returned.»

«I will be completely honest. I know that you are the heads of the Dance and Virgo sects. However, I found this out only when I bought information from the Golden Pig guild, according to which there were some disagreements and riots in the Dance and Virgo sects. There was a feeling that they had lost an unified control center - that is, you.»

«And I will not deny that I was also interested in your power. You saved me from two waves of demons, helped intimidate Gusteau from the Golden Pig guild and stop Valeera. In exchange for this help, I purified your keys, you have known about this for a long time.»

«Yes, I insulted you by pretending to be your father, and I probably offended you with my rude patronizing attitude in order to establish control, but I can't imagine any other way to protect such strong children - especially the mischievous Leila – from the threats of our world. Over the past year, I have become so close to you that I have come to love you like my own daughters… Now, when you remember everything, my heart breaks from pain, and I don't know how I will live on… If I had a chance to go back in time, I would make you my daughters again. I'm not asking you to forgive me, but please be understanding.»

At the end of the monologue, Kyon bowed his head wearily and closed his eyes. Without Synergy, he would have fainted from anemia long ago. He omitted some facts and embellished the existing ones for greater persuasiveness in order to win himself more points in the eyes of the girls. Of course, he was guided by pure selfishness, pretending to be their father, but all of the above was more or less true. He spoke with particular honesty about his father's feelings and the pain of parting.

Meanwhile, two girls, hidden under veils of invisibility, were hovering high in the sky. While they listened to the fake father's explanations, equally complex emotions were on their differently charming chiseled faces. No matter what speeches he used to justify his actions, it didn't get any easier for them, and the chaos in their heads only intensified. Only a strange contradictory feeling caused by the terribly painful condition of the man, as well as his sincere words that he was attached to them as to his own daughters, and would have done the same if he had been thrown into the past restrained the heads of sects from the intention to finish off Zosimos. The fact that he did not apologize and did not regret his actions at such a crucial moment played a decisive role.

And indeed, Zosimos flawlessly played the role of a loving, but strict father, protecting his daughters from the outside world. He did not give free rein to lust, although probably no man in the world would have restrained himself. But it cost him nothing to accept their love and do the unforgivable.

{«We need to talk.»} – Gina telepathically turned to her opponent.

The two sisters rised even higher, beyond the clouds, emerged from invisibility and met their gazes. It was as if an invisible lightning flashed between them. Hatred was clearly visible in the eyes, but for the first time there was no thirst for blood behind it.

{«As I see, you don't want him to die, otherwise you wouldn't have called me.»} – Gina said.

{«Don't pretend you understand me. I could have called you to kill Zosimos with my own hand, because he committed so many unforgivable things towards me…»}

{«Who are you trying to fool? I saw your face while I was healing him… You not only hate him, but also worry about him.»} – Gina replied sarcastically.

{«Shut your fucking mouth! You've spent almost all your energy on his recovery, like a fool!»} – Lana snapped, wanting to establish her superiority.

The atmosphere between the heads of sects heated up to such an extent that an ordinary person would not be able to be around for 5 seconds – he would lose consciousness.

{«Therefore, we both do not want his death, but we are eager to take him to the sect with us in order to punish him for the crimes he committed and raise a successor capable of bringing the whole world to its knees in front of us?»} – Gina summed up.

{«Smart girl, you draw the right conclusions.»} – Lana grinned venomously. – {«Well, since everything is clear, then I'll take him with me. Do you mind?»} – her tone sounded threatening.

{«I do mind.»} – Gina said in an icy tone.

{«And what are your objections worth in this situation? I even want to watch you try to stop me when you're exhausted!»}

{«Now you can take Zosimos, but in the near future I will appear…»}

{«Do you want me to organize your funeral to prevent your appearance in the near future?»}

{«You won't do it.»}

{«Why?»} – Lana frowned.

{«Because it's too mean. You asked me to save him, and now you're going to take advantage of my weakened state? Not your level.»}

{Bitch!} – the head of the Dance sect reluctantly bit her tongue. Her sister knows her too well, especially after spending a year together as the daughters of Zosimos.

Gazing at her sworn rival, Lana shook her head: {«So are you suggesting to humbly wait for your recovery and fight for him? You know I'd rather die than give him to you, right? We will fight to the death…»}

{«I am also not eager to give him into your vile clutches… And in general, as we have already found out, none of us will emerge victorious from the battle to the death, so we must find another solution.»} – Gina sat on an invisible chair, crossing her long legs.

{«And what are your suggestions? As I said, I will not give him to anyone, especially to a pest like you. He will either become my servant… that is, the successor. Or nobody's. And there can be no compromises.»} – Lana firmly assured.

{«Unprincipled bitch, your selfishness is amazing…»} – Gina shook her head contemptuously.

{«Watch your tongue, bitch! You're in no position to provoke me!»} – Lana threatened, focusing the pressure on her sister.

The head of the Virgo sect sighed and crossed her legs: {«In that case, we have no other option but to make sure that none of us gets him.»}

{«So you're proposing to kill him?»} – the head of the Dance sect frowned.

{«No. We will put a formation on Zosimos that will kill him if one of us gets close enough to him.»} – Gina said with icy equanimity.

Lana's thin eyebrows rose in amazement.. She didn't expect this from her sister.

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