Everything will be my way!

Chapter 563

Chapter 563

There was total chaos in Dantes. The roar of nothingness, the disappearance of all sounds and colors, as well as the sudden onset of night – this is not even seen in a nightmare. Although all these anomalies lasted only a few seconds, it was more than enough to cause mass panic. The citizens were afraid that the end of the world had come, and many of them began to rampage, rob, **** and even kill.         


That was the least of Kyon's worries. He suppressed his grief for Valeera with Synergy and focused entirely on the plan, which, alas, was entirely based on the fact that the empress would begin the transformation of the soul before she got acquainted with Elsa's compromising material.     

By the way, he almost immediately rejected the idea of intercepting the letter. The fact is that letters of the highest importance, and Stone sent just such a letter, are delivered by the empress's personal servants to the palace from the post office, of which there are hundreds in Dantes. Moreover, the servant will not necessarily go through the main entrance. Perhaps he will even go through secret underground passages. And even if he miraculously manages to find a courier, he will definitely not be able to negotiate with him, he will have to somehow neutralize him, and all the servants of the empress are extremely strong.     

Kyon was comforted by one thought: Lanatelle will certainly not be able to read the letters now. As soon as she takes "The Child of the Void" under her control, she will surely immediately begin the transformation, since she has been longing to break into the overlord phase for many years (9). In general, the chances of success of the plan are significant. But for its implementation, it is vital to get into the archive with secret documents, that is, to give the drop of blood to the 0th general, fulfilling his condition.     

However, he did not rush headlong into the predator's lair. He needed a backup plan, so he left Dantes. Having waited for the sky to be enveloped by the impenetrable darkness of the night, the young man hovered on a pterodactyl over the city and, having imposed many barriers of concealment on himself, jumped down. First, he overcame the city barrier, then the barrier of the Valentine family, then, entering the astral, penetrated into the mansion located in the central territory of the family.     

Kyon got into Roman's chambers during his wedding night with Juno by the same method. The only difference was that the night darkness was now instead of clouds covering the sky.     

Lovr entered the chambers of his former boss: the bespectacled head of the analytics department, Milan, the brother of patriarch Monty Valentine, who was killed by the empress.     

Then he installed many concealment barriers in an inconspicuous corner and, leaving a clone there, teleported to another one on the pterodactyl.     

Now Kyon will be able to get into Milan Valentine's chambers at any time.     

After completing the preparation, he left the second clone in the palace and went to the department to give the general the trophy blood. Will the 0th general keep his promise? Will he give him access to the secret archive? Kyon wasn't sure. Every meeting with this unpredictable maniac is a hassle, and it is impossible to predict the outcome of the meeting in advance.     

Soon Kyon entered the department. Despite the fact that it was late and the working day had come to an end, it was very brisk inside. There was shouting, swearing and running around everywhere. Given the situation in the capital, it was not surprising that the investigators had a lot of work to do.     

The guy went down to the underground floors by elevator. Unfortunately, there are barriers placed on the dungeon in the department that block the signal, which means that it will not be possible to teleport to the clone; at one time, this made it difficult for him to escape and rescue Valeera. Only teleportation trigrams will work, but they take a lot of time.     

Downstairs, Kyon was searched by men in black masks and escorted to their master's office.     

The head of the department sat at the table, resting his forehead on his fingers folded in a lock, while, frowning, he read Milan's report on the chaos that is happening now in the capital. He looked up from his notes and looked coldly at the guest.     

Just because of the reaction of the 0th general, Kyon felt his chances of success rapidly melting away. And yet it's worth at least trying.     

«Hello. It's a little noisy in the department today, isn't it?»     

«Did you come to me late at night to make jokes? Get to the point.» – the zeroth general, as always, preferred not to waste time on empty chatter.     

«You are absolutely right. I'm here for something else.» – Kyon took out the ampoule with blood.     

The look of the 0th general changed, and his eyebrows went up: «Is it really…» – he took a long needle from somewhere behind the table and put it into the ampoule, then slowly and carefully took it out and licked the very tip of the needle with reverent awe. His eyelids closed blissfully, as if he had fallen out of reality and entered the realm of pleasure.     

Kyon could hardly keep his countenance. And it wasn't even because of where exactly this blood came from – he was about to find out what the 0th general really was. Will he really keep his promise? Does he want to cooperate with him?     

Finally, the head of the department opened his eyes and, with a hoarseness in a quiet voice, unkindly asked: «What is it like to deflower the great and beautiful Lanatelle?» – in an instant he changed so much that he seemed like a completely different person.     

{Fuck, what was I hoping for?} – Kyon swore under his breath, feeling the thirst for blood on himself. Of course, after the tragedy with Valeera, he immediately understood why the 0th general set him the impossible task of collecting blood: he knew about the ritual! He knew how exactly the messenger of the goddess would complete the task. The bastard calculated everything.     

From the first seconds in this office, Lovr was seized with a bad feeling, because for some reason the 0th general pretended that he did not expect his appearance. As if he was afraid of something. If his intentions were pure, he would not do such nonsense.     

However, even so, there was still a possibility that he would fulfill his end of the bargain. That's why Kyon gave the ampoule: he hoped for the best, you know the rest.     

«You know, it was pretty good… Quite good. A very passionate lady.» – Kyon quipped without a bit of respect in his voice. Just because of one question, he guessed that the general cares about Lanatelle, which means it's time to make fun of the traitor.     

«Sucker, you don't seem to understand what situation you are in?!» – the man thundered, rising menacingly. The density of the bloodlust emitted by him increased tenfold, it seemed that an ancient powerful monster had awakened. Even some crazy serial maniac will seem like a harmless cute puppy next to him! There was such an aura that even the battle-hardened general Richard would have felt trembling in the knees, to say nothing of the rest.         


Nevertheless, Kyon remained calm, even confident: «I understand everything… You took off the mask, and there was a real piece of shit under it. All this time, you didn't give a damn about cooperating with me! Well, okay, it's not a big loss, it wasn't difficult for me to fulfill your wishes. There's one thing I don't understand: how can you be so sure that you can get away with killing the direct disciple?»     

The general bared his long fangs in a chilling smile: «Stupid boy, you behave so presumptuously, although you do not understand even a tenth of what is happening under your nose… Typical stupid little man.»     

«So tell me!» – Kyon demanded sharply, trying to find out at least something.     

«Why should I tell something to the future deceased?» – the zeroth general tilted his head in surprise, acting not like a typical villain. – «However, you will live for some time. But then… Believe me, your death will not be much better than Valeera's.» – having finished, he seemed to disappear from his place.     

As soon as the man twitched, explosive formations detonated in Kyon's soles, which caused the young man to rush into the ceiling with the speed of a cannon shot, however, contrary to common sense, he did not crash into it, but flew through it!     

«What was that?!» – the 0th general was amazed. Pyrobloin absorbs any energy it comes in contact with, but the messenger of the goddess somehow got through it! He had not demonstrated this ability before, and it was impossible to predict that the guy had it.     

In one second of being in the astral Kyon flew up 50 meters, ending up over the department. At the same moment, he disappeared with a quiet pop, teleporting to the clone previously left in the residence of Milan Valentine. The traitor and his masked stooges can search for him for as long as they want.     

{Damned bastard… If I had known that he adores Lanatelle so much, I definitely wouldn't have gone to him…} – Kyon complained to himself, rubbing his feet throbbing with pain. He knew he was taking a risk, but he went to the beast's lair anyway. Alas, he turned out to be hostile…     

To implement the plan, it is vital for Lovr to get into the secret archive of the department, and, fortunately, he has a plan B, and it is connected with his former boss. He just has to wait for his arrival, which may take some time…     

Two days have passed, but Milan has not shown up. As it is easy to guess, all this time the man was busy at work – there were plenty of things to do.     

But Kyon was not upset by such a delay. He had his own reasons for joy: the clone, who had been in the palace all this time, was safe and sound! This means that the empress has not yet read Elsa's letter, otherwise she would have already taken action. Lanatelle either died because of "The Child of the Void", or she has already begun the transformation of the soul.     

Finally, late at night, a tired-looking skinny man entered the room. He changed into pajamas, put his glasses on the nightstand, fell on the bed and instantly fell asleep.     

Kyon prepared for the operation: he sprayed an odorless soporific in the air to prevent the former boss from waking up; put a lot of barriers of concealment everywhere, including soundproof ones; gave the former boss a substance that paralyzes the keys and weakens the body. In the end, he seated his victim on a previously created metal chair and, having tightly tied his hands and feet, gave him an invigorating substance to wake the man up.     

«Mmm… Hmmm…» – Milan began to wriggle sleepily. – «Eh? What the… Am I dreaming?» – the bespectacled man muttered under his breath and tried to rub his eyes, but suddenly realized that he was tied up.     

«Easy-easy… Don't be nervous. You'll have time for that.»     

«D-Dick?! What… Is it really… WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!» – Milan quickly figured out what was going on, but this only increased the number of questions. It would never have occurred to him that his former gifted subordinate, who is now a direct disciple of the empress, would take him hostage! How did he do it?! Why did he do it and what does he expect at all?!     

«Are you awake? Then I'll get down to business…» – Kyon began dryly.     

«Are you crazy?! Untie me immediately!» – the bespectacled man demanded sternly.     

Kyon immediately pierced the former boss with one needle with Synergy, thus intending to clearly explain to him exactly what situation he was in.     


A heartbreaking scream echoed through the room. Only 3 seconds of exposure, and the man has already turned deathly pale, gasped and even sweated.     

«I ask questions and give directions here. If you dare to contradict me, I will make it even more painful. Did you hear me?» – Kyon asked softly.     

«Y-yes…» – Milan nodded his head obediently, like a chicken pecking grains.     

«Fine. So, what I need from you is a mere trifle: just information about the exact location of the secret archive in the department.» – Kyon said, patting the man on the shoulder in a friendly way, which only emphasized his control over the prisoner.     

The bespectacled man swallowed hard and immediately told everything, but Lovr was not stupid enough to trust the high-ranking investigator right away. Alas, but until he breaks the man's will, he will not believe in the truthfulness of the information in any case. The smallest mistake can turn into a disaster. Pity is an unaffordable luxury.         


It would be great to do without all this horror, taking advantage of his authority, but the chance of success will be less than 100%, which is unacceptable in this case.     

Half an hour passed away, full of piercing screams and desperate pleas.     

Torturing the imperial phaser at the beginning stage turned out to be extremely costly, and there was little Synergy left. It looks like he will have to use two needles, which he really does not want to do, because Milan did not deserve it. It will be necessary to make reparation for the injury caused.     

Suddenly, a second before using the second needle, the bespectacled man's expression changed dramatically. Here it is – the turning point! It is almost impossible to simulate this, especially in a critical situation. No doubt his will is broken and he's ready to tell the truth.     

Hearing the following words of the man, Lovr mentally chuckled: as expected, the information was different from what he had originally said. The sly fox wanted to deceive him!     

Kyon gave Milan the medicine of oblivion and put him to sleep. Fortunately, the torture lasted less than an hour, and the medicine of oblivion erases the memory with 100% purity for this time period, which means that in the morning the man will not remember anything. Nevertheless, principles are principles, and in the future he will have to pay him back somehow for what he did.     

Now it's time to take advantage of the information.     

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