Everything will be my way!

Chapter 564

Chapter 564

Kyon infiltrated the family's territory, where his next target lives – an investigator of the 4th rank, working in the department as an executioner. This position allows him to freely visit the basement floors of the department - which is very important.         


The poor man couldn't even afford security. He was completely defenseless against such a person as the messenger of the goddess.     

Within three minutes, the investigator, tied to the chair, was sleeping under the influence of the soporific, while Kyon was fumbling with a scalpel in his wrist with filigree precision. If he had not used a tourniquet and therapeutic medicine, the man would have died of blood loss.     

The main task now is to steal the identity of the sleeper, and formation is needed to complete the image. The guy decided that surgery was the easiest way to get it.     

It would never occur to anyone to suspect that someone is capable of doing such a procedure. You'd have to be crazy to put a piece of someone else's flesh in your wrist! However, Kyon loses all moral shackles in a difficult situation.     

It is worth noting that someone else's flesh inside the body will be immediately attacked by the immunity of the soul, so the formation inside it will last at best one hour. He didn't have much time.     

Fortunately, formations do not read vital signs from investigators of the 4th rank, otherwise the staff of the department's information center would be surprised at the appearance of the deceased in the building.     

After completing the procedure, Kyon went to the department.     

Early morning, just the very beginning of the working day. No one will suspect that someone can hide under the identity of a gray inconspicuous executioner.     

Kyon took the elevator down to the 1st basement floor without any incident and, leaving the clone next to the stairs, disappeared…     

Remembering Milan's words about the location of the secret archive, it was not difficult for Lovr to determine the exact direction and distance to the desired room. He found the most comfortable position and, jumping, pushed off from the ceiling, and then, instead of crashing into the floor with his head, he went through it using the astral.     

Kyon appeared in a small room littered with filing cabinets.     

His heart was pounding wildly. Just two rooms to the left was the office of the head of the department, who had intended to capture and kill him three days ago!     

Without a moment's hesitation, Kyon activated Synergy. Blue threads rushed into the lockers with secret documents. One for each. He will not have to study the archive with his own eyes. In a few seconds he will find out everything with the help of Synergy!     


Suddenly two men in black masks entered the room.     

{Damn it!} – Kyon cursed. It looked like an invisible alarm barrier had been placed on the secret archive, which triggered as soon as he was inside.     

The servants of the 0th general turned their heads towards the invisible man and instantly rushed to the attack. Judging by the speed and pressure coming from them, one of them is the imperial phaser at the 9th stage, the other is at the 6th stage. One of them has an advantage of 30 stages!     

Kyon has no chance to win. But he doesn't need it. He just needs to hold out for a few seconds until Synergy scans all the documents!     

Taking out the Scourge, he turned around and launched "The cut of darkness" at the opponents.     

The imperial phaser at the 9th stage seemed to be using his black gloves as a weapon. With his hands clad in them, he grabbed the black blade and, scraping on the ground, tried to tear it, but to no avail, because this blade copies the strength of the weapon that emitted it.     

The second imperial phaser was smarter: he just ducked. With his maneuver, he bought himself time, for this he was awarded an individual black blade, from which he could not dodge… He had to attack him with a sword, which took him a second.     

Meanwhile, the imperial phaser at the 9th stage stopped the blade and rushed forward. He repelled the next attack of the enemy with the back of his hand, redirecting it upwards, and, instantly reducing the distance, boldly took the blow of the blade, having managed to hit the guy with his fist in the chest with all his might.     


The entire department building shook as the youth's body crashed into the wall.     

Kyon received severe damage from just one hit…         


This time both masked men approached and attacked at the same time.     


The young man disappeared with a light pop a moment before the collision.     

Kyon teleported to the clone who had been standing near the stairs all this time. Staggering like a zombie, he hobbled up, rising literally 3 meters in order to overcome the barrier blocking the signal (and hence the ability to teleport), after which he moved to the second clone located in the palace.     

Lovr collapsed and went into a fit of bloody coughing. The damage was incredible: almost all the ribs on the left side of the chest were crushed, the left lung was torn and even the heart was hurt. If he hadn't moved slightly to the side before receiving the blow, then the heart would have been completely destroyed. The bastard was aiming at it!     

All of these injuries were inflicted by just one blow from the imperial phaser at the 9th stage - the practitioner who surpassed him by 3 phases. However, in the worst case, it will take 1 day to return to full combat capability, because it is not difficult to restore the bones with the element of the earth, as well as to heal the heart, and the right lung was not damaged.     

However, full recovery will take a week.     

Kyon got all this to study the secret archive at 100%.     

He lay down on the bed and began to analyze the information received.     

The true events that took place during the military operations under the leadership of certain generals were described in most of the documents: the number of victims, strategies, achievements, and more. Everything that will never be written in historical literature.     

There were also important economic information and plans, including foreign ones. Arms, medicine, and even practitioners and slaves were traded with other empires.     

Another part of the documents was devoted to the combat power of each family, including the Russells. This information was updated every year, because of this, according to a special schedule, it was easy to determine which family was flourishing and which was in a state of decline.     

Kyon immediately noticed that the documents completely lacked information about the combat power of the personal army of the empress and the 0th general - about people in masks. There was also not a single mention of the Webers. As if the most important secrets didn't even need to be written down.     

Nevertheless, Lovr was overjoyed to find a detailed plan of the palace.     

The first three basement floors were equipped for a treasury. On the first one there were stocks of ingredients and a variety of medicine of the Russells, the guy had already been here. The second one was designated for spheres and keys, as well as valuable materials. On the third one - the legacy of the Russells and items with formations inside, for example, defensive and attacking ones.     

However, Kyon was interested in information about the 4th and 5th floors. The fourth one, according to the device, was equipped for prison cells. Surely Valeera was there. But the construction of the 5th floor was extremely strange: it was not only located at a depth of a kilometer underground, but also consisted of continuous long corridors, each of which ended in a room. There was an entrance in the hidden wall that required you to enter a password with energy.     

{That's what I was looking for, however…} – Lovr didn't look happy. The fact was that in the documents there was not a single word about the purpose of the rooms, traps and guards. And most importantly, there are no secret passages. This means that there is no way to bypass security. And what to do? Fighting them is tantamount to suicide. An attempt to put them to sleep or poison them with an invisible gas is also doomed to failure. As soon as the substance affects less developed practitioners, more developed ones will pour pure energy into their noses and raise the alarm.     

{What should I do?} – after thinking about the problem, Kyon finally found a solution. After all, he reached the Synergy of the Doctor of Science phase in his previous life.     

Having come up with the solution, Kyon immediately began to implement it, while simultaneously treating the injuries. Now he was sure that the empress was making the transformation that lasted from 7 to 14 days. He didn't have much time.     

The hours followed each other. Kyon's body was gradually getting skinny. Bones and muscles were shrinking and thinning. The chest and pelvis became smaller. He was turning into a weakling. A prisoner of war who has been eating only a piece of bread a day for several years would look about the same.     

By the end of the next day, the transformation was complete. And although Lovr has almost no muscles left, thanks to his development, he could still lift the Scourge, but on condition that it would weigh 5% of its usual mass – 500 kilograms.     

Kyon left the clone, and with the help of a teleportation trigram, he moved to one of his mansions in Dantes. Another parcel from the Golden Pig guild has just arrived with a lot of different concealment formations. Recently, they have been invaluable to him, so he spared no money to buy them.     

The skinny young man headed to the city center, taking everything he needed and wrapping himself in a raincoat. Stopping just a kilometer from the palace, he quietly jumped into the sewer and, using the elements of the earth, began to burrow into the ground.     

Of course, Kyon knew perfectly well that all important objects were equipped with alarm formations sensitive to vibrations and fluctuations of the elements, in particular to the element of the earth. They were needed to prevent anyone from getting through using a tunnel.     

Considering this, Lovr imposed on himself a lot of barriers blocking the "sound" of vibrations of the element of the earth. In addition, he worked very carefully to minimize vibrations. It was as if he was fixing a piece of land and digging only inside it.         


Meter by meter, Kyon carefully descended until he was a kilometer deep, after which he began to dig forward with even more caution. Soon he ran into a wall of pyrobloin. The earth element will not work on it in any way.     

Lovr put his ear to the wall, but did not hear anything. Even if there is a sound barrier ahead, which is extremely unlikely, it should still let in at least the slightest sounds. But there are no sounds.     

He nodded with satisfaction, put all the remaining barriers of concealment on himself, entered invisibility and overcame the wall with the help of the astral.     

Kyon found himself in an empty room, which was illuminated by several dusty lighting crystals. He was breathless with excitement: he was almost at the goal!     

He carefully studied the environment with "The eyes of truth" for the presence of barriers, then created the stairs with the element of the earth, climbed them and got into a narrow vent. That's how he was going to bypass all the traps and security!     

Of course, ventilation is indispensable, especially underground. However, the hole was so small that only a three-year-old skinny child could crawl on it, but even he would get stuck on turns. However, Kyon could use the earth element to make his bones soft and flexible, like plasticine, which would allow him to turn without getting stuck anywhere.     

The final stage of the brilliant plan has begun!     

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