For The Glory Of Sitia Empire

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

"Listen, I will warn you one last time. Don't say anything stupid", Della said scolding Hugo.

Clarence joined her too:" even though I don't believe your story of her falling from the sky or something, but if you are soo into her, then just ask her if she can come to play with us tomorrow ".

Della commented:" that's right, she seems to be the innocent type. Don't scare her".

Clarence:" her clothes seemed to be fancy, what if she was a daughter of some rich guy".

Hugo was about to say something, but immediately cut off by Della:" don't. Don't even think of arguing with us, you should be thankful that we didn't beat you to a plop after your shameless doings".

While Della was slapping and smacking Hugo, Clarence was scanning his surroundings looking for someone with a worried expression.

Clarence: "hey guys, don't you think she's late?".

Della released Hugos' hem from her grasp, she raised her head to look at a tall building in the middle of the town, at the top of that building was a large clock.

Della: "now that you said it, she really is late. She said that she will bring her friend along, could something happened to them?".

Clarence:" maybe they got lost in the crowd ".

a few minutes after searching in the crowd, Clarence spotted two figures running wild towards them. Clarence was taken aback first, but after confirming that the one in front was Everly, he sighed in relief.

Everly stood perfectly fine before them, while Lennox behind her, gasping for breath and cursing her in his mind.

Everly clapped her hands together and bent her head a little, apologizing:" sorry, really I am sorry. We are late".

Della cheerfully said:" it's okay, we were just worried about you. As long you guys are fine, we are good".

Now that he managed to calm himself, Lennox needs answers on what is he doing here with a bunch of strange kids. He grabbed Everlys' shoulder and called for her:" hey, Everly".


The three kids gasped the moment they saw Lennoxs' face, peach black eyes surrounded by black circles, pale Uranian- blue skin and scarlet red lips.

Everly noticed the change in their faces and quickly elbowed Lennox, she whispered:" hey don't scare them".

However, Lennox did not bother to lower his voice, he said:" huh? I didn't do anything ".

Indeed, Lennox knows very well that spreading his pheromones in public will bring nothing but troubles, so basically he is not doing anything.

Fortunately, the kids' wowers instantly broke their misunderstanding.

Della whooped and walked closer to him:" waah, your makeup is soo~ real".

Clarence also followed her, he said with a pressed laugh: "you even went all the way and applied lipstick...".

' makeup? Bitch this is my face. lipstick? bro have never tried swallowing a whole cup of cherry flavoured shaved ice in one go?'

The more they talked the more blue veins popping on Lennox's face.

Hugo:" he really looks like a corpse ".

Della:" idiot! Can't you see, he is Dracula, not a zombie".

Clarence:" isn't vampires dead? Then they are corpses as well".

Della exclaimed: "no, they are not".

And before the argument develop to a different level, Lennox interrupted with a firm voice:" anyways, why I am here?".

Clarence responded with confusion:" huh? Everly hadn't told you yet? she dragged you here like that?".

'Duh, are you blind? didn't you see her running like crazy and tugging me behind her? I might not be normal, but that zombie girl is a whole new level of abnormality'

Everly avoided the gazes directed at her, she laughed strangely and murmured to her self:" I forgot ".

Della hugged Everlys' arm, pulling her closer:" we are going to fetch some candies and snacks, but we gotta hurry before the other kids snatch it all".

Lennox thought while stealing a glance on Hugo 'yeah, ok, fine. But what is wrong with that dude, he has been staring at me since I came here. Why is he looking at me like I stole his wife or something '

Clarence also cheerfully said: "yup right, we gotta hurry ..... what's your name mister?".

Lennox answered quickly before Everly says anything stupid like telling his real name: "Shianl, my name is Shianl".

However, Everly seemed unsurprised, as if she expected it or she was just saying (I have nothing to do with your fucking business ). At least this is what Lennox thought.

The group walked to the end of the road, along the way, they came by a few of the kids's acquaintances. The kids started showing off their new friends, the super gorgeous-looking new friends. Most of them headed to Everly but couldn't get close 'cause Lennox stood right behind her, he wasn't flowing any aura but his temper is enough to keep people away from him. Lennox swallowed his complaints and went along with them for the sake of the candies.

They stood at the entrance of a simple house, Clarence knocked the door twice then returned to stand with them.

The moment someone opened the door, the kids shouted together:" human-human do not ignore, ghosts had knocked your door, treat them or you shall take the curse".

Lennox was greatly shocked.


The one who opened the door was an old woman in her eighties, her back was slightly bowed, her smile made her Wrinkled face worse, she held in her hand a basket covered in red clothes.

The old woman said warmly:" ooh~ you look amazing".

' HEY, don't praise them, ancient bones!!! They are cursing you if you don't give them treats!!!'

The old woman uncovered the basket, that apparently contained bunches of homemade chocolate bars. She handed one for each of them, when the old woman reached to Everly, she pinched her cheek and kissed her forehead.

"Oh dear, look at you. Such a cute ghost knight ".

However, when she saw Lennox she was taken aback a little. The woman said in a worried voice:" Oh my, why are so pale young man".

Della answered instead:" don't worry granny, this is just makeup".

"Is that so, hahaha".The old woman gave him the biggest piece then patted his head.

Lennox was startled, he stared at the chocolate in his hand bewildered.

'Is this the power of being a child?!!'

Seeing that Lennox is not moving, Everly held his hand and walked with him. Behind them, Hugo, still staring at Lennox.

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