For The Glory Of Sitia Empire

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

After stopping by every house at that neighbourhood, Lennox managed to pile up a decent amount of candies and snacks. within this pile of lots, there were types that he not once saw before, others that he only heard of them but never had the chance to taste them, even those that he had long since forgotten about. In other words, Lennox was extremely satisfied.

Time passed quickly, and after hours of wandering and playing, the group of kids had to return to their families. They bid the two farewells then headed to their ways.

Lennox and Everly returned to the main street, all the way there Lennox seemed to be deep in thoughts.

'No matter how I think about it, that dude staring at me was somehow familiar, I feel like I saw him before. But if I really did, I would have recognized him. I even remember the faces of every ant I saw in my life, does that mean he is more worthless than ants? Yeah, whatever, he seemed to be into zombie girl, but he kept staring at me. Could he actually be squint? If it's true then things would make sense'

He dived more and more into his thoughts, and only when Everly called for him did he snap out of.

"What is it," Lennox said.

Everly:" I said, we should go home too".

The night deepened and the children are mostly gone to their homes, now only adults are outside having their own fun, thus Lennox and Everly are standing out too obvious.

Lennox:" huh? No, no. Not yet ". He pondered for a while then asked:" by the way zo Everly, do you still have some money?".

Everly hummed:" ah, yes. About a hundred silver and few golds".

Lennox murmured:" that should be enough I guess ".

"Enough for what?" Everly asked.

Lennox warped his arm around her neck, with a smirk he said:" to try everything eatable in this street ".

Everly:" won't that be too much?".

Lennox:" it's fine, it's fine. We gotta fatten you anyways ".

Everly was startled, she looked at the long street ahead of them, there were countless stalls that sell food and they are supposed to try them all. Everly shook her head quickly couples of times to express her unwillingness.

However, Lennox ignored her completely, instead, he headed to the nearest food stall, and surely Everly followed him. Even though Everly opposed Lennoxs' idea, she still obediently munched everything he gave her.

From a stall to another, from spicey to salty to sweet to sour, they shoved many different things in their throats while moving slowly to the end of the street.

Unexpectedly, a familiar voice called out for them.

" your highness?!!!".

It was the umbrella butler. They managed to catch up with them

Lennox turned to him, he scanned the whole man while biting a mouthful of roasted chicken leg, he said with irritated expression:" wah bingz yu he? (what brings you here)".

The umbrella butler answered rather awkwardly:" I got worried about your highness so I came searching for you ".

Lennox still munching on that roasted chicken, and still looks irritated:" wowid ba me? Dh yu fogt ho I m ( worried about me? Did you forget who I am)".

Everly had just noticed the umbrellabutler, seeing a butler has come to them also with a roasted chicken in her mouth, she asked:" aw e oin om? (Are we going home)".

Lennox finally swallowed what was in his mouth, he said while walking to other stalls:" I need something to drink ".

On the opposite side, at a simple stall was a buffed man pouring a drink in small cups. Lennox had been eating without a break for a while, and his throat became dry like deserts, so the scene of any liquid would lure him.

Lennox headed towards that stall, naturally, Everly walked behind him as if she was his tail. The umbrella butler also followed, but he kept a considerable distance between them, just to make sure that Lennox won't be bothered.

When the buffed man saw Lennox approaching, he called for him:" Hey kid, don't come here, this is not for children ".

Too late, at that time, Lennox had already snatched two cups of the table, he tossed one to Everly, and both drank it in one go.


An hour before,

"Yaaaah, it was a big day," Della said while stretching her arms.

Clarence responded:" yeah, I hope Everly and Shianl reach home safely, which reminds me", he turned to Hugo who was walking behind them spacing out. He called:" hey Hugo, what is wrong with you today?".

Della said bewildered:" what do you mean?".

Clarence supported his chin saying:" when we first met Everly he was soo~ crazy about her, but this time he kept staring at shianl all the time rarely looking at us".

Della:" now that you said it, he really was quite. I thought he might cause some embarrassing troubles but he didn't. Oh, don't tell me you were jealous of shianl".

Clarence commented laughingly:" or maybe you fell for him instead, hahaha".

Hugos' face turned all red, whether it was embarrassment or rage. He shouted:" NOT LIKE THAT YOU DAMN CLARENCE, IT'S just..... it's just I think...".

Both Della and Clarence said:" you think.... what?".

Hugo said hesitantly:" I think Shianl is the crown prince ".


Hugo explained:" you two said it didn't you, their clothes were obviously fancy, not any noble can afford them. Also, Everly was wearing the imperial gourds uniform, this is a special uniform for the emperors' private gourds, not anyone can reach his hands to it. Overall, I once saw the crown prince at the Montfort familys' massacre, he looked so much like Shianl. Not to mention that he came to the Alphonsus mansion today".


The heavy layers of silence were smashed by the explosive laughter from Clarence and Della.

"HAHA HAHAHA, crown prince? Really!! HAHAHA, oh god ".

" HAHAHAAAH, do you think that the imperial gourds would hire a child?".

" also the crown prince is a devil, everyone knows that. HAHA HAHAHA, why would such a person come to play with us HAHA HAHAHA".

Hogo:" I am serious guys".

" Yeah, yeah. You have a wild imagination, Hugo. Or did Everly dumped you roughly HAHAHAHA".

" come on, let's go home".

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