For The Glory Of Sitia Empire

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

At the imperial palace, Jennings's study

With hurried steps, Carson entered the study, he bowed mannerly and said: "your majesty, sir Henry Raj has come to report yesterday's investigation results ".

Jennings waved his hand saying: "let him in".

Henry Raj followed Carson to the study with a thick pile of documents, he bowed and greeted Jennings formally, then immediately got to the point and gave a brief account on what happened.

After hearing that, Jenningss' face twisted. After all, a valuable man that served him for such a long time died because of second-rate poor job performance, with a frown Jennings said:" I would like to know the detailed process of the investigation ".

Henry Raj smiled awkwardly, he said: "I deeply apologize, your majesty. Actually, due to his highness the crown prince instantly solving the case, we could not manage to hold any clues on how his highness concluded things that way. And to be Frank, I dared not ask him for an explanation".

Jennings sighed desperately, he covered his forehead, thinking deeply before saying:" it's fine, I will talk to him personally later. Carson, send attending request for the Welfmore Marquess, I want to see him first thing in the morning."

Carson nodded: "as you wish, your majesty ".

Jennings directed his speech again to Henry Raj:" if there is nothing else you may leave for now".

Henry Raj:" ah, In fact, there is" he approached the table and placed the thick pile of documents in front of Jennings, saying:" these are the complaints about the 'incidents' that his highness and lady Everly caused yesterday ".


After seeing his reaction Henry Raj quickly exclaimed: "ah, your majesty, for your convenience I have summarized it to be more .....unstressful?".

In other words, he just sorted them and joined the numbers without any details in hope that he won't get a heart attack after going through them.

Henry Raj pulled the sheet at the top of that pile, cleared his throat then said:" they burned six houses, ten stalls and eleven carriages. Destroyed seven stores, plunged off the clock hands of the town's clock tower, snapped the church's bell to half, made dozens of holes in a size of a gate on the walls that surrounds the town. And at the end of this, a hundred and twenty-one person was injured, fifteen of them are in critical condition, luckily no one died. Well, everything happened in an hour and a half, so we couldn't do much to stop them".



Carson murmured loudly:" .....just what the hell happened there.....?".

Henry Raj:" according to his highness's personal butler, it seems that they drank something called 'the last drink '. It appears to be a mixture of strong alcohol and drugs, consuming it causes hallucinations and an extra burst of energy that lasts for a few hours. However, since they are young, the effect continued for less than two hours before they pass out".

Jennings rubbed his forehead hardly until it turned red, he stayed speechless for a while, then suddenly blurted:" so you are saying that they escaped from you, got high then destroyed half the town in less than two hours.....?".

Henry Raj answered naively: "yes".

Jennings felt dizzy, he subconsciously said:" I can't.... Carson, you take care of this. I need some rest".

Even though Carson obediently nodded and took the documents, deep inside him he never intended to do this kind of tasks, probably he will throw it to someone else later. Cleaning behind Lennox by apologizing and showering people with money to silence them is really a troublesome work to do.


At noon, Everly finally regained her conscious. Her body was heavy and stiff, she hardly managed to turn her head and when she did, a familiar voice exclaimed next to her.

" Ah, you are finally up!!".

It was Rachel, seems she was the one taking care of Everly. Rachel supported Everly to sit, leaning on a pillow.

" How are you feeling?", Rachel asked.

Everly:" my head hurts ".

Rachel poured a glass of water and took a folded piece of paper from the table. She placed the folded paper in Everlys' hand, saying:" here, take this and the pain will go".

Everly unfolded it, inside that paper was a light green powder. Seeing it, Everlys' face Immediately twisted, she pushed the powder away, saying:" I don't like medicine ".

However, Rachel pushed it back to her, she softly said:" come on, be a good girl and take it, won't you?".

After arguing a bit, Everly gave up and swallowed that green thing in one go.

They chatted for a while, and it didn't take a long time before the medicine took its effect. Seeing that Everly regained her strength, Rachel bathed and dressed her, this time instead of the imperial gourds attire Everly wore a cute short dress with embroidery flowers.

" where is my uniform?" Everly asked.

Rachel: "Uniform? Oh yeah....I took it for wash, haha".

It was obviously a lie, but Everly of course wouldn't be able to see it. She asked: "then, where is his majesty?".

Rachel: "it's almost lunchtime, so I believe he is in the dining hall ".

Everly bid her farewell, then headed to the dining hall. Unlike the day before, the hall was bright and dazzling, she took two steps inside before realizing that there was someone else besides Jennings.

A blonde young woman sat next sat next to him, her golden wavy hair laid gracefully on her slender shoulders, her sky-blue blue eyes shifted to who hid behind the door Everly.

Jennings also noticed Everly, he called for her:" Evey? Honey, what are you doing? Come here, don't be shy".

Everly hesitated for a moment, but in the end, she rushed to Jennings and hid behind him. However, Jennings snatched her from there and placed her on his lap.

Jennings said gently:" you weren't acting like this when you met Carson, come now say hi ".

Everly said bashfully:" he....hello" then buried her face in Jennings's chest.

The woman sitting next to them was bewildered:" this is...?"

Jennings beamed, he said while stroking Everlys' hair:" this is Everly" then pointed at the woman:" and this my daughter, Annasophy ".

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