Foreigner’s Mistake

Chapter 10: Departure ~ 4

Chapter 10: Departure ~ 4


The smell of the moist air of the morning mist tingled his nose, and Satoru woke up. His eyelids were still heavy.

The singing of the birds could be heard in the distance.

It was a little bit chilly-- no, his arms were a little cold.

(...... cold?)

Suddenly realising, he opened his eyes.

In his arms, there is a beautiful girl with characteristic pale skin and a small physique.

Realizing the reality after all this time, Satoru rubbed his eyes and looked at his watch.

It was just 5:00 AM on the 26th. It was a little earlier than he usually woke up, probably because he slept earlier than usual. Still, the sky was changing from white to blue. Dawn seems to have already arrived.

He slowly half-raised his body, and put on his pants and underwear at least for now.


On turning around, he saw the flying dragon Minerva, rubbing her head against him. Leia squirms "u~u~n" at the sound of Minerva's snarl but ignores it.

Ohhh, good morning to you too, Minerva.

When he stroked Minerva's neck, who rubbed her head against him while closing her eyes as if it felt good, she purred happily.

She did this for maybe about 15 seconds. Minerva moved her head away from Satoru's hand, rubbed her chin against the ground, then flapped her large wings.


After growling a breath, Minerva then flutters herself up into the sky. After she got a little higher, she hovered while flapping her wings and looked at Satoru.

Yeah, go ahead.

Satoru sensed that she was going to do something. That's why, with a light heart, he called out to her. After receiving Satoru's reply, Minerva barked once and flapped her wings even higher.

Now that the Lord of the forest, the flying dragon , the object of most fear by small animals and birds, is gone, he can see small birds coming to the riverbank. Leia had said last night that the effect of the "Five-layered Barrier" she had put up last night would last about two kokus (8 hours), so it must have worn off by now.

After seeing Minerva off, Satoru turned his gaze to Leia.

Leia seemed to have woken up at some point, half-raising her body, looking dazed and confused. She must have low blood pressureBut before that, he wonders if there is such a thing as blood pressure in the [Immortal King], who only has biological activity at a very low level.

For quite some time, she looked here and there, and at Satoru with an unsteady perspective, and then she suddenly realized.

I-I was sleeping!

You're just now realizing it?

Satoru chuckled. From the standpoint of the Immortal King, to whom not sleeping is the norm, she could not believe that she had fallen asleep.

It's a lie. ...... The Immortal King can sleep. Is this is also because of my Lord's magic power?

Leia keeps running her hands on her body. Rather than that, he wants her to put on some clothes. Satoru picks up Leia's clothes lying around there, which had been thrown away, and throws them at Leia.

Like hell I know. Normally, I hear it's not a good idea to sleep while fainting from sex.

Fainting ....... Ahh, right, right! I don't know how to say this, but my mind had gone blank due to some crazy stimulation ......, wait, what are you making me say!

I didn't make you say anything! You self-destructed!

Satoru's comeback was brilliant.

But there was no sign that it had any affect on Leia.

It is not possible for me , who is the Immortal King, to faint.......I've never even heard of it. I knew it, my Lord's extraordinary magical power must be affecting my body in some way.

...... Quite interesting.

While looking at Leia with a hopeless gaze, who was nodding her head in agreement by herself, Satoru adjusted his clothes. For now, there seems to be no problem with the clothes, but eventually, they would get dirty and will need to be replaced. First of all, he doesn't think the technology for nylon or rayon exists in this world, and surely the design and color will stand out. He has no intention of staying in this world for a long time, and he has decided to avoid being in contact with many people, so he will need clothes. For the time being, he'll just have to hide behind a long coat.

It is not possible to know the level of society and technology in this world by asking Leia, who has a gap of 200 years. The best thing would be to see it with your own eyes. He would take out his field book and think about what he would buy when he entered the town.

Just then.

A familiar heavy bass roar roared in the sky above. It was Minerva. She descended to here in a straight line, adjusted her speed with a flap of her wings, and softly swooped down.

Oh, welcome back ......hmm?

Minerva placed something she was carrying in her mouth at Satoru's feet as he tried to stroke her neck. A bird that looks like a thrush, and fruit, like akebi.

You ...... went to get food for me?


Minerva pressed her ear against Satoru's in a slightly high-pitched, indulgent purr. She was clearly acting spoiled. She's a big reptile, but her gestures are cute, like a cat or a dog.

I see. Thank you.

Minerva twirls her throat and rubs it against him. She seems to understand his words, and in all likelihood, she has a high level of intelligence. It's frustrating that he can't communicate with her with words, but even without that, he can communicate with her to some extent.

I've heard that the flying dragon genus doesn't have much intelligence, but......I suppose that's not the case when it comes to the Lord of the forest.

Leia curiously looks at both of them frolicking together and anguishes. Since their species are too different, she can't even be jealous.

Leia is the [Immortal King], so she doesn't need to eat. The magic power she recovers every day is enough to sustain her biological activities, so she does not have the concept of consumption of food.

She's also surprised at the flying dragon that brings food for others at her own will.

It's not easy being human. ...... Even though I used to be the same way.

As he stroked Minerva, Satoru's gaze was somewhat cold as he looked at Leia. Leia suddenly realised the position she was in. Minerva had taken food for her Lord, but what about herself?

(...... Not good. My reputation is going down the drain.)

Somehow, she felt a cold sweat running down her face.

(......I must make up for this.)

She thought hard about how to make a comeback, clapped her hands, and remembered.

Now that I think about it , the belongings of the adventurers who had tried to conquer my labyrinth before, they are still in my labyrinth. There should have been some salt and spices among them.


A voice filled with joy rose from Satoru. He used the salt and pepper in his backpack last night, so there isn't any left. They'll be able to replenish it when they get into town later today, but he doesn't have any seasonings at this moment.

If it's at this distance, the "Transference" art is still within reach. I will quickly go and get it.

Oh, I'll leave it to you. I'll prep the bird and then gather some dead branches for the fire.

Okay. Well then... "Transference."

After seeing off Leia, who disappeared, Satoru began by plucking the bird's feathers. For now, he threw the plucked feathers into a small bag. Although he had only seen chicken meat that was generally sold in supermarkets, he thought it was common knowledge that it needed to be drained of blood. He vaguely remembered that a civil engineering worker he knew from work belonged to a hunting club, and they had told him about the procedure for processing pheasants.

You never know what might come in handy, right?

He couldn't help but chuckle to himself.

After plucking the feathers to some extent, though it can't be called cleanly , Satoru took out the knife Leia had given him yesterday. The sharpness of the knife, with its silver ornamentation and 20cm blade, was not bad despite being neglected for many years, and it sliced the birds neck easily. A spray of blood flew out, and Satoru made a bitter face.

Even though it was already dead, he felt a little hesitation at the not-so-pleasant action of taking the life of a living creature once again, but after a moment, he quickly switched back.

Satoru was aware, albeit slightly, that he might have to kill people in the future. There was no way he would be able to overcome the difficulties ahead if he felt hesitant about such a thing. He had even been careful not to kill the flying dragons he had beaten up, but if any of them had been seriously injured in the skirmish, it would not have been able to survive in the wild in the first place.

In order to go home, for the sake of living.

He tied its legs with ivy-like plants, hung it on a suitable tree, and began to drain the blood, boldly cut open its chest and removed its internal organs. He would like to make a pot dish out of it, but since he doesn't know how to prepare the organs, he thinks maybe he should just throw it awa----.

Minerva. Do you want to eat the entrails?


In response to Satoru's words, Minerva opened her big mouth into an "Ahhhh" towards him. There was blood on her canine teeth, so she must have finished her meal in addition to the one for Satoru. While thinking it's a little scary, Satoru threw the bird's entrails into Minerva's mouth.


*pon*There he heard the sound of air exploding. Leia was back - and she looked unhappy.

Welcome back ....... What's wrong? You look weird. Didn't you find what you were looking for?

No, it was there, but ...... hmm?

Leia twists her neck and holds out the bag to Satoru. She doesn't seem to want to help. He looked into the bag and found some cooking utensils, a few small portions of dried, incomprehensible spices, some rocks ...... and some salt crystals, probably rock salt. He doesn't know about the spices, so he'll just use salt this time.

While biting into a fruit that looked like an akebi, Satoru took out the salt crystals and squeezed them with all his might. Without any resistance, he felt the crystals crumble easily in his palm... Once again, he was half-amused by the wonder and convenience of his own body.

He put half of the salt back into the bag, and rubbed the other half into the bird's meat, which is still bleeding. He rubs the salt in his hands, which are still covered in blood from the entrails, and rubs the salt in from the inside.

Satoru has lived alone for a long time and can cook to some extent because he has found that it saves money to cook instead of buying prepared foods or lunch boxes. He had no interest in delicate flavors, except for sweet ones, so as long as it was edible, he was fine.

Leia picked up a piece of burning wood for him. She assembled the dry wood as she saw fit and blurted out a few words.


A pillar of fire erupted, and in a matter of seconds, the dry wood was on fire - Leia's face was filled with surprise.

Thanks for the fire ...... What's wrong?

While thanking her for lighting the fire, he was curious about Leia's disturbed face, so he asked her.

Leia looked at Satoru's face, looked at the fire in front of her, confirmed the event, thought about it for a while, and then slowly came to a conclusion.

My magic power is getting stronger.


In response to Satoru's question, Leia folded her arms.

"Ignite" is the most basic of rudimentary fire magic, right? It's the art of setting fire to dry wood, like just now, but you have to control the flames to a certain extent. It is a technique that is the beginning of learning fire magic after learning control. It's not good if the fire is too strong, but ...... I poured the same amount of magic power that I needed to "ignite" the fire, but the "ignite" from just now is clearly stronger.

Indeed, the pillar of fire immediately after performing the technique was at least 50cm high. That's excessive if you're just trying to set dry wood on fire. The dry wood quickly caught fire and was crackling with embers.

Even with the two transitions of going back and forth I've done, but I felt like my magic wasn't depleted as much as usual.......this is, as i thought, this is because of........that

What's "that"?

After a pause, Leia answered with a very serious face.

Intercourse with my Lord.......Sex, wasn't it? I can only assume that was the cause.

Time stopped in Satoru's mind.

( ......Huuh? What? Did your magic power increase because you had sex? What's that? It's not like it's some cheap story, but if you have sex, your ability will increase? What kind of ero game is that?)

His thoughts stopped and he started to ramble.

I don't know whether it's a good or bad thing to have such a convenient ......

Satoru's voice was also laced with exasperation. It's hard to argue saying "It's a lie!", considering Leia's extremely serious tone, but it's hard to just reply, "Ahh, is that so".

Leia seemed to be thinking about it without losing her serious expression, but then she looked up.

My Lord. When you enter a city, I don't know if they sell them or not, but I want you to buy some measuring beads. Even if you can't find them in the nearest town, surely you can find them in the somewhat larger towns.

Leia is the Immortal King, and because of her distinctive skin color, she is hated and feared by the people. So she can't enter the town - though it would be easy to break in. But Satoru doesn't want that, so the only way is to buy it while lurking in Satoru's shadow.

Well, you're the one with the money, so I don't mind if buying it for you.

Satoru replied in a perplexed tone. The fact of the matter is that Satoru is broke. Leia doesn't mind spending money on Satoru, and in fact, she probably doesn't mind because she has a lot of money, but as Satoru has been living on the edge until he was called into this world, he doesn't feel comfortable wasting it.

However, Leia shook her head left and right with a serious expression on her face as if this was not even an issue.

If actually having sex had increased my magic power, that would be a big deal, you know? If this were to be known, everything in the world might seek to have intercourse with my Lord.

Thinking about that reality, Satoru was in a panic.

The size of one's soul can be increased a little bit through hard training and discipline. There is also a special way to increase the size of the soul through the art of "slavery", but since "slavery" itself is a very special art, increasing the size of the soul through that method is not very realistic. There are more cases of people like Leia who have become immortal kings herself, but those are even more special... He remembers now that they were talking about this yesterday.

In other words, in a world where one's aptitude is almost entirely determined by the qualities one is born with, if one can increase one's bulk with just a little bit of sex.

There will be a flood of them - probably to the point that the balance of this world will collapse.

And, I might add, ...... regardless of age, sex, or gender.

Satoru was clearly bummed out when he imagined a bearded old man posing with a body covered in fat and muscle, followed by an old woman with dry, cracked skin and sagging breasts.

You've got to be kidding me. ......

Satoru's heart was only depressed by the heavy fact that everything he had thought lightly about was blown away.

There is also the problem of embracing a prostitute. ...... It needs to be confirmed. You need to check it out as soon as possible.

In a somewhat depressed mood, Satoru roasted the processed bird over an open fire.

The oil dripped from the skin, and it smelled delicious. It was seasoned only with salt, so it was a bit unrefined, but that might have been a good thing. However, if he was to continue this kind of journey, he would like to have a frying pan.

Leia opened her mouth as she watched Satoru cook with a skilled hand.

I have one piece of advice for you, my Lord.

What is it?

My Lord said that you would not discuss the technology of your former world. That's all well and good, but there's a gap between my Lord's common sense and me. There's a difference, isn't there?


Satoru nodded. He also turned the bird over.

That's the point. The things that My Lord thinks are impossible are possible here.

Ah, right.

He is very much aware of the usefulness of magic. In some areas, even modern technology is no match for it.

One of the things he felt especially so was healing. A large carnivore with a complex fracture can be healed in seconds. This is something that no modern technology can imitate.

That's why. So, don't be bound by the common sense of my Lord's world, and ask me if I can do something like this. Of course, there are some things that are impossible to do with existing magic, but there are also some things that can be done by adjusting the magic.

You mean create new magic?

Leia nodded.

Of course, magic is based on the basics, but there are infinite possibilities with various combinations.

On the other hand, I may ask some questions. If you can answer them, I would like you to answer them as well.

Got it. No problem.

Satoru was convinced. That was why she had used the technology licensing as pillow talk.

Some things involve modern technology and science, and common sense comes into play. He didn't want to hide everything, but he also didn't want to reveal too much.

It's all up to Satoru's discretion.

Even if you think it's not a big deal, it could turn out to be an amazing technology, but Satoru thought that he shouldn't think about it in detail. But he didn't want to think about it too much, because he was the type of person who would start working before he could think.

He looked at the bird. It seemed to have been cooked well enough. He plucked a chicken wing and took a bite. The skin is crispy, the meat is juicy, and it smells a little bloody, but it's wonderfully delicious.

Since my Lord has a point of view that I don't have. In other words, mutual complementation

I see. ....... Then, right away I have a question for you.

Leia nodded and encouraged him to go on.

Satoru plucked the crotch meat and bit into it before he could ask any questions. It was a wild dish, just grilled over an open fire with only salt, but it was too good to be true. The meat must be incredibly good. Thanks to Minerva.

Every time I have sex with you, you have the pain of rupture every time. Can't you do something about that?

He asks a vulgar question while chewing.

To put it bluntly, it's Satoru's second-biggest concern right now, number one, of course, being able to return to his world, and number three, being able to successfully subdue the fried bird.

Leia frowned at the vulgarity of the situation and made a thoughtful face.

Even if you say so ...... Oh! It's "Tranquility"! I thought the art of "Tranquility" was supposed to ease the pain!

Hold on a minute. What kind of art is that?

Leia replies to Satoru's question with a smile.

"Tranquility" is an art that belongs to the mind and is effective in suppressing mental abnormalities. It is also an art to reduce sensation by half. There is also a physical art called "Sedation", but this one blocks all senses. My Lord, you didn't feel much pain when you ran into the rock wall, right? This is probably the effect of that art.

Suppressing the senses?

Satoru thought about it for a moment and decided against it.

...... Just to let you know. Don't use that art when you're having sex.

...... Why not?

Leia grumbled, her mouth agape as her good idea was summarily rejected.

It will cause the pain to be half, but it'll  also mean half the excitement and pleasure,right?. I wouldn't want to hold such a Dutchwife ...... a sex doll.

Leia thought about it and understood Satoru's feelings, but she couldn't agree with him.

...... Why not?

If you just can't take it, say so.

Even if the pain is reduced, it is meaningless if the pleasure is reduced as well. Sex is only possible when both parties are excited, and Satoru doesn't have the taste to hold a tuna. [TLN: Tuna / Maguro = dead lay (someone who is inactive during sexual intercourse)]

You, do you mind if the guy who's shoving himself into you is shaking his hips with a cool face?

Ugh, Leia groaned. She must have imagined it. It was the most humiliating thing a woman could do, as the person she was putting inside of her did not seem to be excited or happy, but simply shook his hips.

...... not good.

Right? You know what I mean, right?

...... Fine.

Grudgingly, Leia nodded. It is not wrong to say that the greatest pleasure is to be liked, but it seems that the pain of being deflowered is painful no matter what.

I'll be as gentle as I can.

Satoru smiled gently and patted her head.

Even with his modest knowledge of modern medicine, Satoru concluded that it was impossible to eliminate both the pain and the pleasure of a broken hymen.

It would be typical for the other side to stand up and the other side to stand down.(meaning:You can't please everyone)

Satoru grinned devilishly as he thought of it.

Maybe you should get used to your asshole as well as your mouth.


Leia presses her mouth and ass in an inaudible voice. Her reddish cheeks turn even redder.

Seeing this, it was no wonder that Satoru couldn't help but smile in an obscene, villainous manner.

You don't want to?

It's not that I don't want to,......Uuhhh~~....... I'm not stingy if it's for my Lord's sake. ...... But honestly, I'm scared. ......

It's probably her true sentiment.

I'll let you get used to it.

Leia was taken aback by Satoru's too lowly smile.

My Lord, your face is obscene.

I know.

Satoru retorted easily.

But isn't it better than having the pain of being deflowered every time?

That ...... No, no, no, no, no!

Leia shakes her head violently from side to side.

Now, which fear would prevail? One day, when he got the chance, he would put it in practice, Satoru took an useless resolution.

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