Foreigner’s Mistake

Chapter 9: Departure ~ 3

Chapter 9: Departure ~ 3

We'll make camp here.

After another break, we made up the distance in one go, swinging on Minerva's back.

The walk in the air was pleasant, but the sun was starting to set. Just before the sun went down, he found a nice spot by the river and urged Minerva to go.

Satoru's watch read six o'clock, and if it was summer, the time difference would not be that different from the rotation of the earth.

Minerva didn't seem to be too tired, even though she was taking a break, but the trip itself was expected to be quite long. She probably shouldn't push herself too hard at this point.

Leia, the other partner on the trip, is not good in the sunlight, so this is probably the time for her to show her true colors, but that's not the case for Satoru and Minerva.

The danger increases at night. It's necessary to rest while you can.


Minerva growls. Hmm? Satoru looks at Minerva. Minerva rubs her nose against Satoru, then spreads her wings and jumps.


She kicked a large rock that was visible on the surface of the river.

The earth suddenly rumbled, and Satoru's shoulders heaved. As he stared blankly, not understanding the meaning of Minerva's behavior, he saw fish floating in the water. And there were quite a few of them.

Minerva moved her head up and down in satisfaction and ate the fish.

Oh, I see.

Satoru was convinced. There is indeed a method of catching stunned fish by hitting rocks with a hammer. He's surprised that the flying dragon knew about it. And Minerva sent three of them to Satoru's feet without eating them.

...... You want to share them?

Minerva just growl and resumed eating. He doesn't know if that was Minerva's intention, but he honestly appreciated it.

...... I've never heard of a Nushi acting like this.

Leia blurted out curiously as she crawled out of the shadows. In general, the females of flying dragons are revered as the herd of "Nushi", and they only eat the prey that the males catch. The females rarely hunt. In fact, they rarely share their catch with others.

It would have made sense if she thought of Satoru as her child, but there was no sign of that.

But I'm still thankful for it. Maybe Nushi's thinking is different from that of a normal flying dragon?

It might be. I've never studied the ecology of Nushi before.

There is no precedent for examining the ecology of a nushi, let alone a normal herd. There is a business of stealing the young and eggs of flying dragons and training them until they can be ridden by people, but that is a deadly business.

Leia. Can you freeze this fish for once?

Hmm? Easy enough, but for what?

River fish are full of parasites. It can cause stomach upset. If you freeze them, they usually die.

Hohou. My Lord knows a lot, don't you? Let's start with this. "Freeze."

With a whiff of cold air, Leia's fingertips froze the three fish in a flash.

At first glance, the fish seemed to be similar to landlocked salmon, but since he was in a different world, there was no telling what might happen. He was very careful and cautious.

Sankyu.......oops, thanks for that. 

*nod*, After nodding back at Satoru, Leia titled her head. She felt a small sense of discomfort. It wasn't that Satoru had thanked her, but something inside her.

Ignoring Leia, Satoru hummed into the forest, gathering up dead branches that could be used as firewood. After dexterously combining the dead grass and firewood, he quickly takes out a lighter from his backpack and lights it.


To Leia's surprise, Satoru held up the 100 yen lighter and lit it. Leia's eyes are wide open.

That's a useful tool. There's a technique called "ignition," but that is a simple tool for that. Is that science, too?

Yes, it is. I can't explain it, so I won't.

He can explain gas, but he can't explain how to liquefy it.

Using a suitable rock as a cutting board, Satoru processed the fish with the knife on his hip. The internal organs are where most parasites are found, so he removes them, sticks them on a suitable branch, and sticks the branch around the fire.

You're very skillful.

Well, I've been on my own for a while now, so I've got a lot of experience.

Of course, he didn't know how to process fish when he first started living alone. He just learned from his co-workers who enjoy fishing and occasionally share their catch with him. He also learned about parasites in river fish. If he had to freeze the fish, he would have needed more time, but that was not an option.

He took out a small bag of salt and pepper from his backpack. It was given to him by a colleague who had gone on an overseas trip, and it was from the in-flight meal. He hadn't imagined that something given to him for fun would come in handy in such away.

In this way, the knowledge of how to handle fish and the belongings in his backpack made him feel nostalgic and reminded him of how his former colleagues, as well as acquaintances, had followed him.

It has only been two days since he left modern Japan, so it is still too early to be nostalgic, but the thought of not seeing them makes him want to see them even more.

How far is it to the town?

Two to thirty miles. With Minerva is less than a koku away.

So we should be able to reach the city before noon tomorrow...... Once we get close enough, we'll make Minerva small enough to walk..

I suppose we could ride directly to it.

Idiot. I don't want to stand out. It's a small town, right? I don't think a being on a flying dragon is that common.

Satoru had always tried to avoid being conspicuous. Of course, there are limits to what he can do, but trying to avoid them is not a waste of time.

He grilled the fish slowly over a long flame and carefully sprinkled salt and pepper on it. He would have liked to put more salt and pepper on the fish, but it was simply too low in salt. He would have to buy those seasonings in the town where we would arrive tomorrow.

For now, we must rest here for today. Then I'll put up a ward.

"Warding" right. I remember you saying something like that.

Camping for the night in the woods is full of dangers. Without tents, insects and beasts can come and go as they please. Fortunately, Minerva is here, so the beasts won't be able to get close to them, and Leia doesn't need sleep, so even if she can keep watch at night, it's better if they can reduce the danger.

My warding skills are truly some of the best in the world. It will keep out monsters, insects, and of course people. The sound inside will not leak out, and it will keep people away without them even knowing it. It took a lot of work to complete it.

Satoru was honestly impressed by her boastfulness.

Hooh. An original technique?


Original?...... it means your own, developed by you.

Ohhh. That's right-that's right.

Leia nodded her head in satisfaction at the praise, then let the spell play in her mouth.

"Fifth Barrier."

For a moment, there was a squeaky, high-pitched sound. It was called a ward, but it was invisible. Leia breathed a sigh of relief.

I've put up a ward in a space of one measure (9 meters) square, and it will last for about two kokus (8 hours), so don't worry about it for the time being.

At Leia's confident voice, Satoru looked up at the smoke from the fire. It was rising normally. Noticing Satoru's gaze, Leia exclaimed, "Oh".

There's nothing wrong with going out from the inside. Just don't go out into the open unintentionally. Your perception of this space is impaired, and you won't be able to come back.

I see.

Satoru groaned, "How convenient magic is" Of course, many years of research must have led to this form of magic. It's just like science and technology in his original world.

Satoru grabbed a piece of grilled fish that was stuck near the fire and ate it from the back.

It didn't taste very good. ...... Well, I can't help it.

The amount of salt and pepper was too small, so any more would be a luxury. Satoru did not eat the head, which was not very well cooked, and ate only the well-cooked parts of the other two fish, filling his stomach for the time being. After filling his stomach, he turned to Leia, who was sitting beside him.

Leia. I have a favor to ask you. Could you read that book to me, the tragedy of what?

Ohhh. You're a very diligent man, aren't you, my Lord? That's good.

He put Leia on his lap and opened the book.

The regularity of the characters is almost the same as the Japanese kana script, as it happens. He memorized the five vowels first, then checked how to read these letters, compared them to the list of letters attached as a separate sheet, and got used to them as he read along. The style of writing is the same as Japanese, so it really doesn't take much effort. For Satoru, it was like having a picture book read to him.

The story of how the world came to begin with a myth, just as most of the world does.

But there is nothing complicated about it. The story ends with God, who was the only being, becoming the earth, and leaving the four elements behind, the races were born, and the five dragons borrowed them and came to live there.

After that, there were times of people, elves, dwarves, beast tribes, aquatic tribes, and demon tribes. After all, there was a story of the war between the demon race and the human race. In the end, the human race won, and the demon race was driven out of the earth.

Hes heard the story roughly, ignoring all the proper nouns, but it's a common story. It's not particularly new. However, as a boy, he was excited by the story of the battle.

People became the main players with their vigorous fertility, and nations called magical kingdoms were born one after another, and the history of battles was carved here again. One day, the era of the magical kingdoms that lasted for 900 years came to an abrupt end, when a mysterious event called the Seven-Day Disaster destroyed them, leaving only one thing behind.

The Seven-Day Disaster. ......

No one knows the details of what happened. ...... no? Feather Dragon might know.

After that, the few people who survived formed human society again, and a little over 500 years have passed to the present day. The technology of the ancient magical kingdoms was almost completely destroyed as a result of the seven days of disaster, but now magic is once again in common use...

Well, I was wondering...

Satoru asks Leia while collecting notes in his notebook.

So the ancient magic kingdom is magic 'law' and what you're using now is magic 'art'. Is there a difference?

He was simply wondering if it was a matter of language or if there was a subtle meaning to it. Leia groaned and said, "Hmm".

I don't know the history in detail, but the use of magic is a little different in ancient times than it is today. Let's see, as I recall, magic was a benefit of each country's control of magic power in their own magic towers, and any citizen of the country could use it, regardless of their soul or background.

In modern magic, there are differences in the techniques that can be used depending on one's predisposition.

When the ancient magical kingdoms were destroyed, the only survivors were the slave class, such as the peasants, who were not part of the nation's population, and they reconstructed the magic that was originally useless as magic. In addition to magic, which was almost inexhaustible and could be used without talent, the content of magic depended on the soul and talent. It also required chanting and spinning spells. It is a different kind of magic from the law, hence it is called sorcery.

Something outrageous happened, and once a civilization was about to be destroyed. It's a good thing that I was summoned in this day and age, Satoru thought to himself. In any case, the seemingly inexhaustible supply of souls was a big advantage for Satoru. If it had been in ancient times, that advantage would have been small.

Before long, most of the campfire had turned to kindling.

The sun had gone down and it was completely dark. Two moons were visible in the distance, reminding him that this was not his home sky.

The stars were blinking in large numbers. Unfamiliar constellations. It was a beautiful view, but it made him feel that he was in another world, and he felt a little sad.

Well, I'm going to bed now.


It was around eight o'clock in the evening. It was definitely earlier than when he was in Japan, but in some ways, it was unavoidable because the sun was going down and there was less to do.

He took the leather out of Leia's backpack and laid one side down and hung the other. It was the same procedure as yesterday. Minerva, by the way, was already in a resting position, curled up, and he could hear her breathing in her sleep.

Good night. You can keep watch as you please.

He lay back down and closed his eyes.

Today he just went down the mountain. At this pace, he wondered when he would be able to get to Yarth. Fortunately, he had Minerva as a companion, which made travel easier and faster, but he couldn't help but feel uneasy.


Leia crept into Satoru's bosom. he reflexively hugged her - I immediately noticed a strange feeling.

Leia is completely naked.

Leia crawled her hand gently over his penis, which responded to the unexpected situation. Satoru was surprised by Leia's aggressiveness, but he was also dismayed.

Listen here ......

..........If I didn't do this, my Lord wouldn't be able to hold me in your arms.

Without pausing, Leia looked up into Satoru's face and turned her wet red eyes. Her hand was still stroking Satoru's penis through his pants.


Satoru couldn't help but be silenced by the fact that she had been right.

When he learned that my virginity membrane would be regenerated, he was sure that he was going to refrain from doing so. When Leia reminded him not to be shy, he tried to cover it up, but the perceptive girl must have sensed it. She knew exactly what Satoru was thinking, as she had planned to go to bed without even noticing.

That's the hardest thing for me. How painful it is to make my Lord hold back.

It's more painful to make her Lord hold back than the pain of rupture. Satoru was amazed at Leia's strength in saying this.

He was also impressed by Leia's loyalty and sense of responsibility, as when she jumped into the flying dragon's nest by mistake, she immediately jumped out of the shadows and stood in front of the dragon to protect Satoru.

Anyway, Leia is serious.

If my Lord won't do it, then I'll have to do it myself.

Satoru physically blocked Leia's mouth as she tried to continue speaking.

Hmmm ......

Leia not only accepted without hesitation but also inserted her own tongue. Satoru intercepted the girl's tongue as it invaded his mouth with his tongue. Their tongues intertwined with each other in a sticky way.

Satoru raised the white flag when Leia showed no signs of backing down.

He parted his lips, stroked the back of her head, and gave her a wry smile.

All right, all right, ...... it was my bad. Goddamn you, you're a stubborn bastard.

I'm not saying there isn't a component of that, but if you're going to take the same amount of care, it would be better for me if you could stroke me all day long.

I can't hold out that long, you idiot!

He poked her very lightly on her forehead, and then kissed the spot where he had poked her.

I'm not going to hold back from now on. But if you really don't want to, just say so.

Leia nodded her head

I think it's best if my Lord does what you want.

I'm glad you feel that way. If you kill yourself too much and do too much for me, I'll become a burden.

Uhh, Leia groaned softly. Satoru laughs.

But I understand how you feel. I'm going to have my way with you. Be prepared for that, okay?

Leia nodded repeatedly with a look of expectation on her face as she whispered to Satoru with a villainous expression. After all, he seems to have the makings of a dominant male.

So, first of all, stand up and show me your naked body.


Leia stood up. Satoru also sat down and looked straight at his slave's body.

Her pale naked body floated under the white light of the moon. Her hands are clasped behind her back and she is trying not to move them because if she is not careful, her hands might cover her breasts and other important parts.

The color of her nipples floating in the pale white water was a glossy pink. The size of her breasts is still small, but the bulge asserts her womanhood. Her flesh is thin, and her ribs appear to be floating, though only slightly. Her body is so small that it looks as if it would snap if you hugged it. Her waist is small and narrow.

And underneath, there was no hair. Just a few strands of hair, close to pubic hair. Her labia were slightly unraveled, and a lewd scent emanated from her vagina.

She was sixteen years old when she manifested, but maybe she was counting. And she must have grown up a little late. She stopped growing not long after she started climbing the stairs from a girl to an adult woman.

Satoru sighs unknowingly at the unique atmosphere that balances the divine and the glamorous just right.

........You've got a really beautiful body. So this body is mine?

........It's not just my body, it's also my soul and my mind, all of which belong to my Lord.......Ahh

Satoru, who had only been watching her the whole time, stroked her thighs and Leia made a small sound of sensuality. She felt the unreserved stares all over her body, and the back of her body was tingling from earlier.

Open your legs a little.

She opened her legs in response. She thrust her hips out a little, feeling Satoru's eyes on her, and moved naturally.

Th-This is ...... quite embarrassing. ......

Leia could feel her pussy unraveling, even though he hadn't touched it directly. She was clearly aware of her obscenity and embarrassment, and she winced in inexplicable embarrassment. Fuh, He blew on it..


Her cheeks flushed bright red at the unintentional sound of her voice.

Satoru, who had been taking his time to enjoy Leia's reaction, couldn't help the smirk on his face.

Then I'll give you an even more devilish order.

He took his hand away from stroking her thigh, looked into Leia's eyes, and told her.

I want you to spread your pussy open and give me a good look at it.

Ugh ......

Leia winced as she realized the meaning of Satoru's devilish sentence. But, of course, she had no intention of refusing. I'm not going to say no, because that's what my Lord wants me to do. Leia thrust her hips out a little more than before and spread her labia with the fingers of both of her hands.

Nnhh.....uhhh, l-like thiss.....

Leia's hips quivered in shame as she felt the air touch her normally hidden parts.

More. Spread it out more

At Satoru's relentless command, Leia, still immersed in humiliation, exposed all of her folds using each of her middle and index fingers. There's nothing left to hide.

Fuwahhh, ...... aah, nnhh......

Leia was unconsciously intoxicated by the excitement that leaked from the depths of her body. She felt miserable for exposing herself to Satoru, who had become her master, to the depths of her being. That feeling also gave her a subtle thrill.

Satoru took out a key ring from his backpack. Attached to the key chain was an LED light. When he knocked on the bottom, a dazzling light leaked out, illuminating the depths of Leia's vagina.

It was already wet.

I can see your hymen

Nnaahhh ......, d-don't say such embarrassing thing......

Leia still writhed at the sound of Satoru's voice.

He knocks on the bottom of the LED light to turn off the light and starts to gently knead her labia with his right index finger.

Yahh, your finger ......

She teased with his fingers around the entrance, letting her love juices cling to his fingers and deliberately making a lewd slurping sound. She got down on one knee while he teased it with his right index finger and suddenly he sucked on the assertive nipple.

Auhh, uhh, ahh, aahh!

Her sweet voice was filled with heat. With just a little stimulation, her nipple reacted and hardened.

Your breasts are also very sensitive.

Mmmmmm, nipples...... yaaaah, th-this is so lewd......

His tongue rolled over her nipples while his right hand continued to tease the entrance to her labia. Leia maintained the position that exposed the most obscene part of her body. She squirmed a little at the thought of her own pose. But Satoru's fingers and tongue would not let her go easily.

Don't move. ...... Look, your nipples are starting to stand up.

Satoru then moved his mouth to the left breast. In the meantime, his right hand continued to tease the entrance with the first joint in a circular motion, while his left hand moved to her right breast and squeezed her small breast, groping and kneading the puffy nipple with his middle and index fingers.

Grinding......Aahhhhh, aahnn, uhh

Leia's knees trembled as she was probed in three places simultaneously. The finger in her vagina rubbed up and down the vaginal walls at just the right length to keep it from reaching her hymen. A spark went off in Leia's brain the moment she was nudged up the back of the front wall.

Hyaa, aahhh, nnnghhhuu, yaah, right there, Nnghhh, nnaahh, Aaahhhhhhh!!

Leia's body twitched and convulsed. Her knees were already buckling, and she seemed to have come lightly.

He took his mouth off the nipple, slowed his entrance movement, and looked at Leia's face. Her breathing was ragged, her eyes were intoxicated with pleasure, and her cheeks were red and flushed.

The situation of a beautiful girl being tortured at will, at her mercy, is clearly exciting. He raised himself a little and took her lips.


The inside of Leia's mouth was also completely hot and relaxed. Her pussy was also very wet, and a little flaccid from coming so lightly.

Satoru took off his pants, and then his top as well, sitting on the floor and holding Leia close.

Put it in yourself.


Leia gasped in response to her Lord's words as he squeezed her ass. She placed her own hands on her Lord's shoulders and slowly lowered her hips. She was guided by the hips that were gripped, and her Lord's towering erection lapped at her entrance.

Deep breaths ......

Satoru whispered in her ear, and she obeyed obediently.

*tsuu*, *haa*, *tsuu*, *haa*......

And then Satoru tickled Leia's waist. She almost laughed and looked a little angry at her Lord for breaking the mood.

Relax, okay?

It's a clumsy way of thinking, Leia chuckles - Fuuh, and then she suddenly relaxes.


She got into a mid-back position and lowered her hips a bit. The glans are swallowed by her vagina. It hit her with a quick thud, and she stopped moving there.


Just a little pain. Catch her breath. Seeing Leia's condition, Satoru whispers in her ear again.

Don't strain yourself, okay?

The next moment, Leia dropped her hips vigorously.



Leia winced as she felt her body being torn apart.

Her body shivers without conscious thought. Satoru's penis is not all the way in at the base. The head of the glans plunges to the very back, leaving about two fingers.

........D-don't be hesitate, I said so, didn't I ......?

Satoru was dumbfounded but impressed by Leia's strong voice, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes from the pain.

You stubborn woman.

A poke to her forehead. One twist of the hip.


Leia's vagina was being shaped into the shape of Satoru's penis. The sensation of her hymen stirring inside her body to regenerate is no different from the first time. Leia clung to Satoru involuntarily.

Haah-haaah-haah........I-I knew it, It still huuurts~

It seems that she is somewhat used to being hurt on the outside of her body, but being hurt from the inside is a different matter. The wriggling of the hymen is like the wound moving on its own, so to speak. This was only her second time being penetrated. It's not something she can get used to.

...... You know


Satoru was enjoying the feeling of Leia's folds of flesh embedded in his womb without moving. The stubborn, stubborn man was still breathing repeatedly in small increments as if the pain was stronger than the pleasure.

What do you think will happen if I pull it out and put it back in again and again?

Leia imagined what would happen if he repeatedly pulled it out and put it back in. And then she was terrified.

Ah, aaahhhhh ...... D ...... don't wanna, I don't want that......

The shock of repeated gourd breaking. It's too scary.

As Satoru said, if he pulls it out shallow enough, her hymen will regenerate instantly. The degree of the wound itself is negligible. If he were to be thrust back in, the pain of rupture would strike again.

The pain of being injured on the surface of the body has been greatly reduced since the manifestation of the [Immortal King] and the ability to use magic, which was her weakness, but it seems that the pain from inside her body is not so good.

Leia shuddered heartily.

....... Don't worry, I wouldn't have gone that far either.


She was momentarily relieved to hear Satoru's low voice whispered in her ear with a hint of a smile.

Then he said, "But..." The tone of his voice dropped a notch, and Satoru's right hand grabbed Leia's chin.

If you don't listen to me, I'm really going to do it you know. ......?


An inexplicable fear clutched Leia's heart.

If he did that, even Leia, the [Immortal King], would probably go crazy with pain.

I'm scared. I was so scared that I couldn't help but be afraid.

However, from a dark corner of her mind, she hears a voice crying out for him to do so. Realizing this, Leia was terrified again.

She's changing. It was only for a short time, but what a surprise.

That, too, was fear.

I am, nnghh, so, rry

Yeah, that's good.

She can't tell him how thrilled she is to have her jaw caught and forced to obey.

Her hips tremble at the sound of his sweet voice. Satoru's glans press against the deep of her vagina.

Nnhaaah, it's deep inside!.......don't grind it!

Satoru has no intention of stopping even when she says "Noo". Leia's voice had a luster to it, which meant she didn't really mind.

And it's hard to do a full-fledged extraction when you're sitting face-to-face. Satoru made small movements with his hips.

Aah, haahh, ooh, deep inside, yaahnnn!

Leia's voice rang out intermittently in rhythm. He is thrusting deep into her vagina with only about the length of a glans. It's easy to get caught up in the tentacle-like writhing of her hymen as they try to regenerate, but Leia's vaginal folds are also entwined with the folds of her flesh, and it feels good.

Satoru pushed Leia away a little bit, and kneaded her nipples with his right thumb to make her bend over, and then inserted his thumb into the joint.

Nooo, that place is not gooood!

Leia writhed and shook her head violently at the new stimulus. His thumb popped her clitoris from below.

Noo, don't, I-I feel, too, muuuuuuuch!

The stimulation of the flesh buds was new to Leia.

Something glowed in the back of her head, turning her brain completely white - and then, suddenly, it popped.

Fuuaaa, ahh, aaahhh, good......AAahhhhhhhh!!

The first sensation.

Satoru's penis tightened, and her hymen, writhing like a tentacle, stroked creepily up to the goose neck.

Leia was twitching and her eyes were a little vacant. Satoru stopped the extraction and clitoral stimulation and smirked.

...... You came, huh

Fu-fueee. ......? I-I came. ......?

You know what a climax is, right?

She nodded her head breathlessly.

Her eyes were completely teary, and drool was dripping from her mouth.

Haah, Th- ...... this is ...... climaxing .....hyaah.....My head's, all white.

Satoru unconsciously put his hand around Leia's neck and stroked the back of Leia's head as she clung to him.

...... You feel too much, well I'm happy, though

Anyway, the sense of conquest was not half bad either.

However, Satoru was surprised that she came in the second time of sex, even though it was on her clitoris, which was a mass of sexually sensitive areas.

Leia separated her body a little and looked at her Lord's face with a small pout on her lips.

Because .......I-I can't feel too much?

I told you I was happy.

A kiss on the tip of the nose, followed by a kiss on the lips. She knew what she was doing, and Leia was quick to intertwine her tongue with him.

The pain from the penetration of her hymen may still be there, but it doesn't seem to be unbearable.

In addition, her vagina has become much more relaxed after two climaxes.

......Try to move a little on your own.

Leia gave a small nod in response to his whisper as he gently stroked her cheek.

Frowning, she began to rock her hips in small increments. It was more of a probing movement than a pleasurable one. Gradually, however, her movements became more and more heated.

From now on, when you cum, say it as much as you can.

Hyaaa, aah, mmfuu, nnahhh, fuhh.

As Leia writhed in time with the movement of her hips, Satoru's whispers fell on deaf ears, and he twisted her nipples tightly.


What's your reply?

Nnaaahhhh! I-I-I got, it! Aaahhhhh!

Her response was more than he expected. It seems that M's presence on her is strong after all.

The grind of her hips gradually became louder and louder, and at the same time, the lewd sounds of her moans and chuckles mixed with Leia's moans, and Satoru was greatly satisfied with his small sense of conquest.

He thrusts himself upward in time with Leia's hip movements.

Ahh, againn, deep insideee!

Leia's small body jumped at the sensation of being thrust into the deepest part of her body. He shifted his hips and rubbed up against the front wall, and Leia reacted loudly.

Hyaa,'s rubbing, a-again~......

Leia's voice has become completely heated and sensual. She may even be experiencing the pain of rupture as pleasure.

Yaah, I-I don't, want, you to stop ......hauhhm, l-listen to me

Leia says, filled with pain and pleasure.

M-maybe.....hyaaa, ahh, my Lord's, ohhh, vast amount of, m-magical power, haahh, affects m-my .......b-body, hyaaaahhhh!.

He didn't stop moving, so her voice was cut off. The gradual ascent of one's own inner desires turns the movement into a bold one, which in turn brings great pleasure, creating a spiral of pleasure.

Nnahh, aaah, aaah, ooh, It-it's so biiiiig, ...... it's gonna breaaaaakkk meee!

Leia's hips never stopped moving as she clung to Satoru.

Satoru feared that if he pulled too far, he might end up pulling to the point where her hymen would regenerate, but his fears were easily overcome by the desire to ejaculate that came over him.

Hyaah! Ah, again! Yaah, ahh, it's gonna break me, no, it's different from before ......

*thud-thud-thud*, the movement of their hips. They synchronize. Leia's brain turns white as she feels Satoru's penis swell inside her, and his steady thrusts against her cervix.

Here ......I go!

U-uaahhh, ahh, ahhhh, ahhh, ahh, nooo, nooo, aaaahhhhhhhh, AAaaahhhhhhhhhh!!

The moment a hot object was spat out and struck deep inside her body, halos danced in Leia's brain.

In the next moment, she was dyed white and her consciousness was fading away.

Ah. I, I might die. I'm an immortal king, but I die, huh?


Then Leia's consciousness was cut off.

After ejaculating the last drop of his cum deep inside Leia, Satoru hugs her, and breathes hard. He pats her head, but she doesn't respond. Finally there, he noticed that the [Immortal King], who had been his partner until now, was limping.

Oh my god, ...... she's just fainted.

With a wry smile, he pulls his penis out of her vagina.

uhh, ahh.

Leia reacted unconsciously.

He was going to make her give him a cleaning blowjob, but that would be impossible in this state of mind. Giving up, Satoru took out a pocket tissue from his backpack and carefully wiped his penis. It was a little sad. The tissue was quickly stained with the color of his own semen, Leia's love juices, and the blood of her hymen.

He looks at Leia.

She bounces a little from time to time, but she seems to be completely unconscious. The white liquid spilled from the small crack due to unconscious contractions. Satoru smiled bitterly and threw on the cloak he was wearing on her.

After doing so, Satoru thought about it.

He's not going to flatter himself that he's so good at sex that he can lead her to vaginal orgasm after the second time they had sex.

Even if Leia originally had a predisposition to be obscene.

...... You're feeling too much.

Satoru's immense magical power is having an effect. That's what Leia had said to him in the middle of the conversation.

Although he is still a little skeptical about the fact that he has uncommon magic power inside him, he does not doubt that this magic power is strengthening his body in many ways.

The fact that he ran about 50 meters in three steps, and at a ridiculous speed.

The fact that he overpowered Minerva, who in all likelihood weighed several hundred kilograms.

The fact that he ran through the territory of the flying dragons at a ridiculous speed while holding down the rampaging Minerva.

And even though he ran so fast, he didn't seem tired at all.

If he may add one more thing, even though he just had sex with Leia, he doesn't feel even the slightest bit tired Surely it's partly due to his youth, but it's still unusual.

All of this really shows that he had become a superhuman, and there is no room for doubt.

Magic power, huh?

He stared at his palm, still lacking a sense of reality.

Leia is the "Immortal King" who lives by magic power. She was likely hit by Satoru's overflowing magical power.

Satoru looked at his penis, which had settled down to a semi-erection.

It's big. That's what Leia had said.

To be honest, he doesn't think so. He knew that the only thing he could be proud of about his penis was its hardness. There were times when he wondered "Isn't it my penis a little thin?".

It was only because she was a virgin and had no experience, and also because it was so big for Leia's body. He thought about that, but then he remembered.

Satoru's height is 177cm, which is slightly taller than the average height of modern Japanese, but he remembers hearing during his break as a security guard that the average height of Japanese people in the Edo period, when nutrition was poor, was about 20cm shorter than now. So it means, the length of his penis must have been reasonably small?

When he thinks about it, he feels comfortable being told that he had a large penis. There are no men who don't enjoy being called big, so he'll just assume it's probably true.

Mmm ......

Leia suddenly moves slightly.

To be honest, sex with this beautiful girl is the best. The depth of her vagina is not very deep, so it's frustrating that his penis can't penetrate to the base, but at the same time, it gives him a sense of conquest.

The buried part of her vagina is tightly wrapped without any gaps, and her vagina is slightly heated and has plenty of love juice. And most importantly, her hymen that has been ruptured is stirring to regenerate, stimulating the penis and giving him a different dimension of pleasure.

But at the same time, there is a little problem.

If he pulled out too shallow, the hymen would regenerate with her super-regenerative ability, and he would not be able to enjoy long strokes. He threatened her a little during the sex, but he's not so devilish as to want to repeat the shock of the rupture.

He didn't think much about it when he first started, but after he learned about the fact that her hymen regenerates, he can't fully immerse himself in the pleasure of sex now. He had been having sex with her while keeping that reason in the corner of his mind.

In the first place, he feel a little bad about rupturing her hymen every time they had sex. If he was to go out with a woman in his original world who regenerated her hymen in the same way, he doesn't think he would want to fuck her every day.


That's when Satoru felt uncomfortable with himself.

He had always been a quarrelsome person. His sense of justice had gotten him into fistfights on more than one occasion. He thinks he had a strong sexual appetite, but he never pushed a woman he had just met down because of his sexual desire. Surely he had a certain amount of self-control.

He was aware that his self-control was not working properly.

When he chastised Leia's ass.

When the punishment led to sex.

The same goes for when she was surrounded by a pack of flying dragons.

He was quite direct when he thinks back on the many conversations he had with Leia.

As soon as his magic power was recognized, his personality was probably rewritten in an aggressive direction - or so he thought.

But he has a vague feeling that even if he asked Leia, she wouldn't be able to give him an answer. Leia has the carelessness to manufacture a poison without preparing a medicine, the same as she doesn't prepare a spell for me to return to the original world.

If he can keep it in mind and control it a little - well, but I guess I don't have to think about it too much.

To be honest, He's not very good at thinking.

What will happen will happen.

I lay down next to Leia. The sky is filled with unfamiliar stars and two moons that seem farther away than those on Earth.

Fortunately, sleepiness came quickly.

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