From Player To Npc

Chapter 115: Harbin's daughter

Chapter 115: Harbin's daughter

It's been definitely a long night as Shingi went through his story after waking up.

He told the story of him being rescued and following the plan of his Blessed One Master. He trusted Harbin to keep a secret, but his family and especially his daughter probably weren't that good to keep secrets.

He used his MAJOR ILLUSION to show the different people he met, although he changed their faces and their equipment a bit to be safe.

He used the Illusion so that he wouldn't mention the name of the one he was referring to but instead have the Illusion of him or her.

Harbin's daughter's name was Himon, and his wife's name was Orsina.

Both Himon and Orsina seemed interested in the stories of Shingi, although the latter tried not to show it much on her face.

"So where is sis Annoue? Is she going to visit us too?"[Himon]

Shingi sadness appeared on his face for a split second before returning to his normal state.

"She is currently busy training. But in the future, we will come to visit altogether."[Shingi]

Himon seemed to think for a second before raising her hand in front of Shingi with a closed fist, and just her pinky finger extended.

"Pinky promise?"[Himon]

"Where did you learn that?"[Shingi]

It wasn't something that was programmed in the game for NPCs to suggest.

"A friend told me about it. She heard that some of the Heroes were doing it as a ritual to promise that they will do something, and the New Gods were watching over the deal."[Himon]

Shingi smiled over the crazy story and how rumors spread over something simple to work completely different from usual.

He raised his hand, extended his pinky finger, and completed the 'ritual' called Pinky Promise.



Description: You promised Himon to meet again and bring more people with you, including NPC Annoue.

Completion Requirements: NPC Annoue to be present

Reward: Increase Himon's reputation, ????


Shingi wasn't surprised that a Quest got created by it, but for the reward, including a mysterious one.

It meant that depending on how he completed that Quest, and he would get rewarded differently. Like what happened with the SYSTEM QUEST he had for organizing Annoue's Birthday Party.

Last time the reward was quite good, which reminded him that the people in front of him would enable the passive effect of his Angel's Boon, but he couldn't test it out as he had to be in combat for it to work.

He wasn't going to test it out, no matter how curious he was, though.

It would be helpful, though, to have Harbin with him to have the passive effect of the Blessing's active, but Shingi knew that Harbin couldn't leave the town, and Himon was too young.

It got pretty late, and even if Himon was asking for more stories, her mother told her to go to sleep.

Shingi was led to the guest room to get some rest himself.

"Tomorrow will be away to have to take care of some business but try to spend time and play with Himon. I am sure you both need it."[Harbin]

Shingi nodded as he would typically prefer to spend time training or looking for the merchant he came to town for, but he agreed with Harbin's suggestion.

He wanted to learn what his eyes were helping him with, so he opened his Status Window if there was a difference now that they weren't active.

And he noticed a difference right away.

There was no CHA stat.

It wasn't 0 as in the past when he seemed to have overused it, but it wasn't even written at his Status Window.

He focused on enabling his eyes again, and the CHA stat appeared once again in his Status Window.

So this meant that his Eyes Special power was behind his protection against magic that would mess his mind, the Mind Wipes and all the mention of his CHA Stat.

He still wasn't sure when his CHA was used, but now that he knew the source was his eyes, he could make some tests.

But that was something that he would do tomorrow.

He brought out the black feather left as a gift from his mother and tried to see if he missed anything.

It was suspicious that it was made of mana-embedded silver and not regular silver. It would be cheaper to use a normal one, especially since it was supposed to be a simple gift.

It would most likely help him when he arrived at the place that the map pointed to, but he had to be sure that there wasn't any other use of it.

He spent a couple of hours testing it with different approaches, but nothing indicated that it had any particular use.

But since it was crafted out of mana-embedded silver, it could help improve the mana used for Spells like Shingi was doing with the Mithril dagger in the past. But the difference between the two was significant, with Mirthil being the best of the two.

Shingi was able to do something similar work with his staves; that was why he didn't mind that he didn't have his dagger anymore.

But he could use this instead of summoning one of his staves if he didn't consider having a staff to be necessary or wanted to do it in secret without drawing attention while others could watch him.

The feather also had a small chain to use as a necklace that Shingi did, but he kept it under his clothes.

He could use its effect without having to touch it with his hand since it was touching his skin, but that was only possible because of his Master Rank MANA MANIPULATION.

He made tome tests, and the difference of the Spells was noticeable but not bringing them to a new level.

He opened his book of Arcane Words, started studying it more, and continued trying to find suitable ones for all his Spells.

Low-Grade ones were easy to complete since the book had them, even ROCK THROW, which wasn't a recorded one, but Shingi understood from the others what was suited for it.

He also found ones for most of his Base Grade ones, except the FEAR one and the HASTE one, the two most potent Spells he had. His INVISIBILITY and DOME OF SILENCE were also at a relative level to the two mentioned above. Still, he was able to find mentions of Arcane Words for them, or in the case of DOME OF SILENCE, found a few spells that had part of the effect and combined them.

As for his Master Grade LIGHT FORM or Grandmaster Grade GOLEMANCY, a simple book like that wouldn't help him.

Those needed unique Arcane Words that were rare for one to find records of, and if they were anywhere, it would cost a fortune for one to get access to them. He was lucky that in the past a Player he was helping with a Quest came across an ancient ruin that had a book containing this kind of info and Shingi spend time helping him learn the Arcane Words for LIGHT FORM as the Player was mostly interested in that Spell.

That was the case for Master Grade Spells as Shingi never heard of anyone, NPC or Player, to have found any way to learn Arcane Words of Grandmaster Grade Spells.

Even Pan didn't know the ones for GOLEMANCY when Shingi had asked her, but this didn't make her Spell being weak.

He still had to master his LIGHT FORM completely, but he could move better while in it as he spent some training time with it while at his TRANCE ROOM.

He decided to take some sleep and continue everything later.

It was one of the rare times that he let his mind relax and tried not to think of anything.

In the morning, he got awaken by a few knocks at the door of his room.

"Brother Shin, are you awake? Papa said that we are going to take me for a walk and shopping. Are you up yet?"[Himon]

Shingi sighed as he got up from the bed.

He opened the door seeing an excited Himon behind it.

"Oh, you are awake. So are we going out?"[Himon]

"Let's eat something first."[Shingi]

Shingi headed towards the kitchen, which was near the living room, where they were discussing yesterday.

He noticed Orsina being there preparing some breakfast.

"I see that Himon woke you up. I hope you had some good sleep. Sit both of you and will bring breakfast."[Orsina]

"But, Mom, We were going to head out to ..."[Himon]

"No excuses, young lady. Sit to get something to eat first."[Orsina]

Himon turned and sat at one of the kitchen chairs placed around a simple table for a few people to eat. She was angry about having to sit but didn't say anything.

Shingi also sat at one of the chairs.

Orsina had boiled some eggs, removed their shell, and brought some slices of bread with some jam on them.

There were different jams of different fruits, but all seemed to be of excellent quality.

Himon quickly ended her meal and waited for Shingi to finish his. 

There were a few instances that Himon wanted to say something, most likely for him to hurry up, but each time before she said something, her mother's look stopped her from continuing.

Shingi enjoyed the meal as it's been a while since he had such a good breakfast and the first time he had one like that as an NPC.

"Thank you for the meal, Lady Orsina."[Shingi]

"You don't need to be that formal. We are family, so call me Orsina. Well, you should be on your way, but be careful out there. Also, don't be late for lunch, you two."[Orsina]

Shingi nodded and followed Himon outside.

She was ready to run forward, but Shingi quickly moved in front of her to stop her.

"You need to stay next to me. It is still early, and the shops are just getting open, so we have time to go around."[Shingi]

Himon nodded in agreement after she snapped out of he surprise seeing Shingi moving that fast.

She moved near him, and Shingi could easily keep track of her with his detection Skills.

His first stop would be the shop of the man he was looking for as he remembered that he was one of the rare ones to stay open all day.

"Where do we go? Toymaker is the other way."[Himon]

"Have to visit an old friend of my Master first. But we may even find something more interesting there from what we can get at Toymaker."[Shingi]

Himon's eyes were full of excitement until she seemed to remember something.

"Papa gave me some money, but they are enough for only one thing from the Toymaker. Do you really think we will find something that good?"[Himon]

"No worries about the cost of it. I am sure we will be able to find a solution for it. The owner of the shop isn't much interested in coins either way."[Shingi]

Excitement returned to Himon's eyes.

"So can't we get there faster? You moved that fast before, and I can move fast for someone of my age."[Himon]

"You need to be patient, Himon. Just because you can go somewhere fast doesn't mean you should as it could be unsafe to do so."[Shingi]

"But nobody would hurt us. Papa wouldn't..."[Himon]

Before she finished her sentence, she stopped as she saw Shingi disappearing and barely heard him appearing behind her.

Shingi had his left arm at the height of her head and had caught a small dart heading towards her.

He looked toward the direction that it came and saw at the roof of a hooded person with a blowgun at hand. 

The man raised his hand and made a signal as almost a dozen people jumped from the nearby room with weapons at hand, heading to attack Shingi.

Shingi felt his Angel's Boon passive effect being active, which he couldn't do so in the past.

The effect was an SP Regeneration aura.

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