From Player To Npc

Chapter 116: Battle at the alley

Chapter 116: Battle at the alley

There were ten people, not including the one who gave them the signal, and they had surrounded Shingi and Himon.

Shingi didn't detect any guards nearby, and nobody else was either.

He noticed that all of his assailants wore the same outfits, designed to hide their characteristics.

There wasn't any symbol on them, but Shingi could tell that they were people from Owl Talon.

He encountered many Criminal Organizations in the past and knew the designs they used for their outfits which they rarely changed.

Shingi cast with the help of four of his Mana Seeds as many Golems as he could, which was eight at that point.

He made them all be Defenders and ordered them to guard Himon and didn't make them appear yet but have them part of the ground until needed. That was a trick he found out he could do during his training at the TRANCE ROOM.

"Stay still, Himon. I will take care of them."[Shingi]

He didn't summon either his sword or any of his staves, just charged to them with his fists.

He used one of his Mana Seed to cast HASTE quickly.

He had time to cast it without using one, but he didn't want them to know that he cast something.

They were pretty agile, but even without HASTE's effect, Shingi was faster than them.

He vanished for a second as he appeared in front person who was nearest to him and punched him towards another person.

Then he vanished once more and appeared in front of another one doing the same action and continue until everyone got either punched or had someone thrown at them.

"What are you doing? Are you that useless that a boy beat you up that easily?"[Man in the roof]

Shingi could tell that the man wasn't as calm as he tried to make it look and could see signs of worry in his voice, but they were well hidden there.

The men got up as the punch of Shingi didn't damage them that badly, mainly because his STR wasn't that high, and he didn't use his MARTIAL ART Skill at them.

Shingi had his right hand behind his arm and left entended towards them with an open arm facing the sky.

He gave them a signal to try to attack him.

The men once more charged him, trying this time to reach him at the same time.

Their teamwork seemed impressive, but their fighting skills not so much.

Shingi used his MARTIAL ART Skill and moved at such an incredible speed that it looked like he grew four extra pairs of arms and punching each of them in the face.

But he didn't stop there as they were thrown back by that attack Shingi attacked each of them multiple times at different places of their body. 

He moved at such speed that afterimages of his stayed behind him make it look like he was making clones of himself to attack.

He used the same technique he used in the past to Wild Tycoon with a combination of what he used to stun Price to strengthen the effects as their outfits were granting them some protection.

He returned to the place he was standing before and had both his arms behind his back.

He barely heard a sigh coming from the man still on the roof as he noticed his men not getting up.

The man jumped down the roof a few meters away from Shingi.

"You sure are problematic one, aren't you? I hate your kind, but I don't have time to deal with you. So KNEEL."[Leader of attackers]

Shingi kneeled down like something took control of his body, and he could do nothing about it.

His face was facing the ground, but he could hear the light steps of the person heading towards him.

He heard some disturbance in the air near where his hand was as with his MANA SENSE Shingi could tell that the person summoned a weapon from a Spatial Ring.

"It's been fun meeting you, but nobody messes with us and lives to..."[Leader of attackers]

The figure got interrupted as a Golem of Shingi appeared and punched him in the face.

The person didn't seem to pay attention to his surroundings, so he didn't notice it being formed behind him.

Fortunately, Shingi still could control them and give them orders through his bond with them.

But since it was a Defender one, its attack power wasn't as high as an Attacker one.

Shingi focused on his eyes to enable them once more, and when they got active, he could feel the energy that was keeping him in place weakening at a fast pace as he took control of his body once more.

But he didn't move from where he was.

He kept only one of his Golems attacking him, and now that the figure was aware of its existence was able to deal with it.

"I see you have tricks upon your sleeves, kid. But these weak tricks don't work on me."[Leader of attackers]

Shingi detected the person moving at an incredible speed behind his Golem, putting its blade at the Golem's head and destroying it.

This was one of the best ways to deal with the Golems, destroy where their 'brain' was residing, which in most cases was their head. 

Still, a golem's head wasn't that easy to be destroyed, especially of a Defender one meaning this person was of great offensive power or his weapon was of high Grade.

The man turned and moved towards Himon, and when he got closer, the rest of the Golems formed and charged him.

The person dealt with them with ease by slashing their head at an incredible speed.

Shingi noticed that before he started his attacks, some mana was getting out of the figure's boots and spread through the body. This seemed to give it a temporary boost at speed.

"Impressive of being able to cast that many in secret. You sure are an interesting one. You will make a nice slave. But business comes first; let me get the other brat first."[Leader of attackers]

Shingi then understood that the main target wasn't him but Himon.

It's been some days since his last encounter with the Owl Talon, but this didn't mean that they had informed everyone to look for him.

But the daughter of the 'Second Mayor' of the town being out without any protection, but a young boy was a target they couldn't let it pass and probably was looking for a chance to kidnap her for some time.

Himon was frozen in place as she didn't know what to do.

She couldn't even speak like something was stopping her from doing so.

"You two going to make me a rich one."[Leader of attackers]

The figure was ready to grab Himon as a hand appeared out of nowhere, stopping her arm from moving.

The figure turned to see the owner of the hand and was nobody else than Shingi himself.

"How did you..."[Leader of attackers]


At that moment, Shingi released his FEAR Spell, which he was preparing for some time and was strengthening it with using the Black Feather of his.

The person in front of him seemed to want to smile, but the terror appeared in the figure's eyes.

Shingi wasn't aware of what the figure saw as he could leave the Spell itself to decide what to show.

The figure fell at its feet, grasping its chest like it had trouble breathing and made sounds of showing to be the case. There were barely some screams on those sounds, but only Shingi's senses could detect them.

Shingi used the same technique used to the other to make this figure be unconscious and ending its suffering.

He then removed the mask to see the face of the figure.

To his surprise, it was a female one, even if the voice sounded to be male. This was because of an Enchantment at the mask to help to keep their identity secret.

He kept the mask stored at his Spatial Ring as the Enchantment seemed interesting and a little better than the one he had on his.

"Are... are they dead?"[Himon]

Shingi turned to her and had a smile on his face to show her that everything was ok.

"They are unconscious. Killing them would bring us down to be at their level. We are better than them."[Shingi]

Himon's eye was once more showing how amazed she was of her cousin.

Shingi recast his eight Golems, a Light MANA DOUBLE, and an Earth MANA DOUBLE.

They picked the ten figures that first attacked him while he picked up their Leader. Fortunately, she wasn't that heavy.

"We should first bring them before your father or one of his guards. Are you aware of any nearby barrack of the guards?"[Shingi]

"I...i don't know. I am sorry."[Himon]

Shingi used a MANA HAND to pat her on the head as he used to do with Annoue, which helped her calm down a bit.

"No worries. It shouldn't be hard to find one."

They started moving, and they soon drew the attention of people, among them some guards.

It wasn't every day that Earth Golems were moving in the streets holding bodies of unconscious people dressed like assassins.

"Who are you, and what do you think you are doing?"[Guard]

"Bringing the attackers of Harbin's daughter to her father to deal with them as a guard captain. Would you like me to deal with this in some other way?"[Shingi]

The guard noticed the young girl then, and everyone knew what the daughter of Captain Harpin looked like.

The guard signaled to some others to help Shingi move the unconscious bodies as it was clear that it wasn't so easy for him.

"Follow us we will lead the way to Captain Harbin. Name is Mogan."[Mogan]

The rest of the guards also introduced themselves even if nobody asked them to do so.

Shingi knew that they did so since they knew that he would report at Harbin to mention their names as people who helped him. Since this had to do with his daughter, it may earn them some points with their strict Captain.

Shingi followed the guards and soon reached a building with a few guards stationed outside.

"I will go call the Captain. You stay here; the rest take them to the cells."[Mogan]

Some of the guards just starred at Mogan with a clear look that said 'who put you in charge,' but in the end, nobody said anything, and a few just sighed before following the order given to them.

"You should remove their boots and check them for any Enchanted items. The unmasked one has a few on her."[Shingi]

He couldn't find her weapon as she probably stored it back at her Spatial Ring after taking care of his Golems.

He saw her Spatial Ring, but he decided not to take it as it was better to leave it for the town as it could contain essential items or leads for the Owl Talon.

Soon some noise was heard from someone running to get outside, as Harbin came out in a hurry.

When he noticed Shingi and Himon and that no damage was done to them, he seemed to calm a bit.

Himon seeing her father ran towards him with arms open and some tears leaving her eyes.

As she reached her father and hugged him, she left her sadness to get out.

Shingi and Harbin waited for her to calm down before Harbin asking Shingi to explain what happened.

"They seem to be after her as they thought she was pretty much unguarded. Most likely, one of your enemies has put a bounty on her as they can't touch you."[Shingi]

Harbin's eyes were filled with pure anger at that moment.

"Interrogate them and learn for who they work for. I want this report YESTERDAY."[Harbin]

The guards who were around were scared as they had never seen their Captain be that angry.

"It will be a waste of time. They are professionals. They won't speak, and even if they wanted, they wouldn't know who the client is."[Shingi]

"You speak as you know them well. Then what do you suggest that we should we do?"[Harbin]

Shingi smiled at him as he looked towards a nearby alley.

"We become the hunters."[Shingi]

Then he started running towards that alley, as there was a figure dressed in a similar outfit to the people he just encountered wore.

The figure started running away when it understood that it got noticed.

It's been a while since Shingi was out for a chase.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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