From Player To Npc

Chapter 118: The big fight

Chapter 118: The big fight

Shingi exited their secret hideout the same way he entered.

As for the guards that he knocked out, he couldn't really do anything about them. 

Even if they reported that he got here, he doubted it would change much at this point. Also, both of them didn't have a good look at him since he was wearing his mask and had his special cloak to cover this clothing, and also he made them fall unconscious quickly.

He progressed carefully, not to enable any of the alarms, since the more time it would take them to discover that he was there, the better.

When he was out, he used all his speed to return to the barracks where he last saw Harbin.

It took him a couple of minutes to get there with his current speed since he was taking the shortest route this time.

There were some guards stationed outside but no signs of Harbin or Himon. 

He stored his mask and cloak before being at sight distance of the guards.

One of them was the one who helped him before, the one named Mogan.

"Oh, you are back. The captain said that I should bring you to him when you return. Follow me."[Mogan]

Shingi didn't like that Mogan thought that he could order him around but didn't say anything as there were more serious issues.

Getting in the barracks and went up some chairs and some walking on a corridor, they reached an office area.

"Captain. I brought the person you were waiting for."[Mogan]

Shingi saw Harbin and an older-looking gentleman who didn't seem to be a guard or any type of soldier. Himon was in the corner playing with a simple wooden doll.

The man from his attirement Shingi could tell that he was a high rank in the town.

"Oh, so this is the boy you talked about, Harbin? Interesting."[Noble Man]

"Yes, that's him. Mogan, you can be on your way and be sure that nobody interrupts us."[Harbin]

Mogan bowed to Harbin and the other man as he left the room, closing the door behind him.

Harbin pointed at a chair in front of his desk and next to the other man's chair. It was a sign for Shingi to take his seat, which he did.

"So did you catch that person you were hunting?"[Harbin]

Shingi told them what happened and what his 'Master' had told him about the Owl Talon Organization.

It was a famous one, but not many details were known to the public as they tried not to have any leaks. But Ameanum had his ways back then.

"So they plan to attack us? How soon do you think they will start their attack?"[Harbin]

"They would probably attack at night, but after finding the state of the guards within the hour, I say."[Shingi]

"How many men they have?"[Noble Man]

Shingi still didn't know who that person was, but he understood that it was one that Harbin trusted.

"My estimation is at least 100 people. Half of them in the room that I saw, but the size of their base and general state showed signs much more people to be there. Maybe some are out for missions, but they rarely move too far from base."[Shingi]

Harbin and the other man seemed to be in deep thinking as only Himon playing in the background could be heard.

"Captain Harbin, what do you think?"[Noble Man]

"With my men, I don't think we will be able to deal with that many if they are as well equipped as the ones we captured. We have sent our strongest men with the mayor at the expedition, and new men training is far from being complete. An attack like that from in the town is something we can't handle."[Harbin]

"Then what about you, young man? You don't look like one of the average boys. Do you have a plan?"[Noble Man]

Shingi nodded as he gave his response.

"There is a way. There are some risks for it, but it better than what we have."[Shingi]

"What is it that you need?"[Noble Man]

"First of all, only me and Harbin will be part of the execution of the plan. Not that we can't trust anyone else, but anyone else being there will harm himself. The guards will have to keep the people leaving or have business away from the cemetery, our battle zone. And lastly and most importantly, will need one of your finest wine and cheese."[Shingi]

The man seemed confused from what was asked of him as he turned towards Harbin, who nodded towards him.

"I see. I can provide the items, and I am certain Harbin can take care of the rest. But how low is the chance of us winning."[Noble Man]

"Sorry, there is a misunderstanding. The chance of us winning is 100%. The chance of survival for us two is that is low."[Shingi]

The two older adults looked confusingly to each other and back to Shingi, but he didn't seem to tell anything more.

"We should head at the cemetery as soon as possible, Harbin. As for the items they are needed for after the battle. Let me know when you have finished giving orders, and we can be on our way."[Shingi]

Both men stood up and left the room in a hurry to take care of what they needed to do.

"Cousin Shingi, what happened? Why papa was in such a hurry?"[Himon]

Shingi looked at her with a calm smile on his face.

"We need to take care of some details to deal with the bad people like the ones before. Nothing to worry about, though, will deal with them."[Shingi]

Himon went back to play with her doll while Shingi prepared himself for what was to come.

Soon Harbin returned with some guards, and after speaking with Himon, explaining that he had to leave for some time, he and Shingi left, leaving the guards to protect her.

They got to the cemetery entrance as some guards were trying to move the people nearby to get away and keep from anyone to get nearby.

"Care to elaborate on your plan, or you want me to just die from the curiosity?"[Harbin]

"Well, it is one of the things that are better explained by seeing them in action. Also, we don't have time for explanations."[Shingi]

Shingi summoned his staff, the one with the separate stones, as at the same time, he cast multiple EARTH SPIKES to cover as much space in front of him as possible.

People started appearing out of thin air as they got damaged by the spikes, but none was killed.

Among them, there was the one Shingi was confident that he was the boss of the base.

"Who are you? WAIT... is that you, Harbin? Oh, you saved me some time to come to you and find you. Come on, bring your fingers; you had them for a long time on your hands."[Owl Talon's Boss]

Harbin was ready to charge at him, but Shingi stopped him and then pointed at the air.

There was a dot in the sky getting bigger and bigger until it was clear that it was a person covered with fire.

The Owl Talon's Boss noticed Shingi pointing up, and after seeing what he was pointing up, he ordered his people to retreat.

The figure reached them and landed on top of some of those men. Some were also hit by the explosion as the flames covering that figure left her outwards.

Shingi and Harbin were just out of the reach of the explosion.

Two dozens of the enemies were dealt just by that.

The smoke and the flames disappeared soon enough as the figure was clear to be seen, holding her special blades, one at its hand; Aella, the Goddess of Storm.

Her eyes were releasing sparks of electricity as well as her blades too.

She pointed one of her blades towards the boss person.

"KNEEL, mortal."[Aella]

Every man was scared of her, except the man that her blade was pointing at. He was calm as everything was under control.

A few seconds of silence passed as only the sparks coming from Aella could be heard.

A laugh stopped the silence, and the source was the boss person.

"You think just because you brought her, you can stop me? Did you think I would just run away like a scared little girl? I AM NOT AFRAID OF A B..."[Owl Talon's Boss]

Before he finished his sentence, he sidestepped to avoid a lighting slash of Aella.

Not even Shingi noticed when she started the attack, so he was impressed that the man not only saw it but successfully avoided it.

"If you want to play, I will play then."[Owl Talon's Boss]

He quickly brought out a pair of daggers of his as he went into a fighting stance.

Aella made more slashes of her aimed at him, but he avoided them all. That wasn't the same for the rest of the people around him, but he didn't seem to care.

Shingi could tell that the man was wearing multiple artifacts bringing his power to an inhuman level.

The men tried to move away from their boss so that they won't be victims of the attacks he was avoiding, but they couldn't tell where he would move next, so most decided to go back to the hideout.

But Shingi didn't let them as he had summoned his Golems and made them guard the entry.

The Golems would not last for long, especially since some seemed to be even better equipped than the one he fought this morning, but he wanted them just for a bit of time.

He used his LIGHT FORM to pass through everyone quickly and with no danger and stopped the spell when he was at the entrance of the hideout of theirs.

He then brought out his spare blade while he stored his staff once more.

As he was now in combat, he could feel the passive effect of his Ange;'s boon blessing since Harbin was in range.

It was an MP Regeneration aura, which he could really use it.

When combined with his Passive Minor Regeneration Skill, he was close to having unlimited MP as it was close to impossible to use more MP than it got restored.

He could now keep feeding MP to his Golem, which would heal them if they got any damage and strengthen them more.

He had six of them being attackers and two of them being Defenders to make sure nobody passed him.

He kept using all his Spells to damage them and keep them away and tried not to go for the kill if he could. They were criminals, but they could be more valuable alive than dead.

As for Aella, she and the boss moved deeper into the cemetery some distance from them.

Aella seemed to have fun battling someone lasting that long against her, but her feelings soon changed to anger.

Dark clouds started to quickly gather over the cemetery as the sparks of lighting of Aella were changing from their natural color not be more dark black.

Lighting came out and hit the ground in front of the boss near miss him, as at that spot there was a blade piercing the earth.

The blade was in the shape of a lightning bolt, and its color was utterly dark, and if one was starring at it, he or she would swear to see some stars showing up like staring at the night sky.

The man was curious about that weapon, but he quickly moved away to avoid another of Aella's attacks.

Her last attack was to make him move away from the blade as she reached that spot, and after putting both her sword to hang and unique handles at her belt, she pulled the blade out of the ground.

"You should feel proud of yourself. It's been a very long time since I had to get serious, mortal. What is your name?"[Aella]

"I will tell you. After I bring you to your knees and finish some tasks, I have in mind for you."[Owl Talon's Boss]

Aella smiled at this comment.

"I guess your men will tell me what name I need to erase from history."[Aella]

Before the man got the chance to throw another of his comments, he got frozen in place.

Aella was in front of him with her new blade already piercing his heart.

It took him a few seconds for the pain to reach him while the black lighting started to eat his body.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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