From Player To Npc

Chapter 119: Demon

Chapter 119: Demon

The man coughed some blood which got vaporized by the lighting, not reaching Aella who was in front of him.

"You you think this is enough? You are just a"[Owl Talon's Leader]

Aella turned a little, her sword making him stop mid-sentence.

He said nothing else, just smiled as a black dot appeared on his forehead. From that dot like snakes in movement, runes started spreading all over his body at a great speed.

When Aella noticed those runes, she jumped back, leaving her sword as she didn't have time to pull it out of him. But she wasn't fast enough as the man slashed her with his hand as dark energy surrounded his hands, creating claws.

The same dark energy surrounded the rest of his body as it became solid, and he wasn't looking like a human anymore.

Shingi was afraid that this would happen as he could detect the true nature of that person.

He looked like a human, but his mana was 'tainted' almost like a demon. It wasn't like that of a Half Demon like Karemon, as it seemed to be more 'corrupted'.

This meant that this person had made a deal with a Demon for power, but the mana's corruption level Shingi could tell that it was a powerful one. Shingi was afraid that he would get to a demon form, and if his calculations were correct, he would be stronger than a Hell Spawn.

This was why Shingi needed Aella otherwise Harbin and the guards, even if they were less experienced, could win with his help.

"So you decided on using your dark gift? Then I guess the gloves are off."[Aella]

She raised her hand towards him, or more specifically towards her blade, which was still in him.

The dark lightning wasn't coming out of it anymore after she let it go, but then some white lighting appeared and formed a hand that gripped the sword by its handle and pulled it out of him.

The Demon man didn't flinch or let out a single scream as the sword was getting out of him, and when it was out the wound was getting close at a fast rate.

Aella had her lightning hand still holding the special sword as she drew again her two swords.

The hand turned to be composed of dark lightning, as dark lightning also covered all three blades.

She charged towards the Demon with great speed, but all three of her blade got stopped when she reached him.

The ones she was actually holding, he stopped them with his hands by grabbing her wrists while the third one he held in place with his teeth by bitting the tip of the blade. The lighting was hitting him, but the effect was so small, and it healed in no time.

Aella tried to struggle to get her hands free, but he seemed to overpower her.

She was a Demi Goddess so her power was greater than a human but not as big as a full God even if she has experiences of thousands of years.

**You going to be a splendid meal. Don't worry though, I will make sure you have some fun too.** [Demon Boss]

It seemed he didn't just borrow some power, but he did one of the riskiest but with the most benefits deals. He let a demon live in him.

This differed from summoning a Hell Spawn as the body of the one who summoned it would get destroyed after some time, while in this case, the demon could just go to 'sleep' so that it won't lose its body. With some training, one could increase the time that could have a demon control his body this way and the Demon had complete control at this point and had a similar personality with the human, probably why the deal happened in the first place.

He then sidestepped moving Aella with him as he avoided a Light Slash that came from Shingi.

He had summoned Sinhunter as he had little a choice, as his magic wouldn't work on that guy.

He ignored the rest people as he had damaged them enough for his boosted Golems with the help of Harbin, who he gave them the ability to order them, were having the situation under control.

'**I am sorry, kid, but this is a grown-up game. Go away.**' [Demon Boss]

His voice came right in the mind of Shingi but was still in the Demonic language.

He could feel some power in those words that wanted to affect his mind, but because he had his special eyes activated, it didn't affect him. But it didn't have the usual response from the System, probably because it was a Spell or something similar this time, but an innate ability.

The Demon seemed surprised seeing Shingi not moving. Even if he gave the order in a language that normal people wouldn't understand, they didn't need to follow its command.

Shingi had his Black Feather at the one hand and Sinhunter at the other as he was preparing his next attack by preparing mana into the feather before moving it to the sword.

The Demon threw aside Aella as it got pissed off from a mortal boy not following his command. His sense was a little different from the rest, but not like one of those Blessed Ones.

It charged at Shingi with its claws at the ready.

Shingi without a second thought enabled his Breaking Limit State and cast HASTE on him using one of his Mana Seeds, while he used his PERCEPTION and MARTIAL ART Skill to make some defensive maneuvers that he learned with Soryn's help.

He tried to avoid them all but the ones he couldn't he deflected them with his sword.

Sinhunter seemed not to like it when it got hit, but the creature even Shingi tried to move as much as the force away but he didn't have the DEFLECT Skill and because he didn't have a Warrior type Class, he couldn't earn it even if fulfilled the requirements.

Shingi kept preparing his mana into the Black Feather until he had enough for his needs.

He used not only Light Mana but also some Fire Mana to cover the blade of his sword, making it covered by a yellowish flame. He also used some Earth Mana to strengthen the sword a bit, but he didn't have to pass that from the Feather as its effect was enough as it was.

The Demon noticed the flames and showed signs of caution for the first time.

Shingi then fed his sword with almost all his mana, which was a way to help it get stronger for a short time; one thing he learned from Beliss.

This made the flames also brighter as they were one with the sword, so if one became stronger, then both grew in power.

Shingi changed to the offense as he had almost 20 seconds left from his Breaking Limit state left.

The Demon was close to speed with him and avoided most of his attacks, but these did some permanent damage as the burns of the flames weren't getting healed.

Light Enemy was the bane of the Demons, but Light Mana by itself is harmless. But if combined with other elements, like the Fire Element, it could be pretty severe. But combining and keeping combined two Elements wasn't easy even for ones with Dual or more Element Mana Pools unless they were using it in a special merged form.

But Shingi had tested that during his crafting sessions to purify and shape materials, even if back then he wasn't using his Fire Element mana since he didn't have it, so it was much easier now.

As he seemed to have weakened enough, the Demon and was ready to get a good slash on him, it vanished from sight.

Shingi's detection skills have completely lost him until it was too late.

The Demon appeared behind him and used his claws on Shingi's back.

Shingi's HP went to a critical level, and anyone else would just die at the spot from an attack like that.

He fell on his knees as he felt a strange energy in his body the took all his SP and brought him to an incapacitated state.

The Demon stood over him and just his face changed to his human self, while its body stayed in demon form.

"Thanks for helping me, but I don't like when people stop me or my partner from having fun. This time stay still and let the grown-ups do their work." [Owl Talon's Boss]

He turned towards Aella, who seemed to be just looking down to the ground.

There was her lightning sword broken as the Demon seemed to damage it enough by just using its teeth.

"So babe, what you say we have a private party before destroying the city."[Owl Talon's Boss]

Aella didn't even move or say anything as she seemed to be lost by seeing the state of her blade.

The man raised his hand, ready to grab her by the head.

"I SAID HOW ABOUT"[Owl Talon's Boss]

Once again he didn't get to finish his sentence as he felt a bit of cold air hitting his neck for a split second.

Then he noticed in front of him and Aella a figure that wasn't supposed to be there; that of Shingi standing with his sword drawn and Shingi's back facing him.

Then a line started appearing on his neck, which opened to a wound, and finally, his entire head fell to the ground as it got completely separated by the body.

Shingi had one of his Golem's giving him an SP Regeneration potion and then he did something he didn't have the chance to do in the past.

He used his Angel's Boon active effect, making his MP to be full once more and bringing all of it to his sword, which was still somewhat boosted from before.

He barely had some time left on his Breaking Limit State as he pulled his last attack at the greatest speed he could muster and more.

The man wasn't observing him as he considered him to cannot move, giving him the perfect chance to strike, and since the head was back to its human form, its defense was weaker.

As the body of the man fell down, black hands started appearing from the ground as they were pushing it into the ground, which turned black. The body was getting in like being in a quicksand and not actual ground until it got completely disappeared and everything turned to normal.

Aella snapped out of her daze as she noticed the state of Shingi.

Other than the wound at his back, he seemed to have cracks all over his body, like his body was composed of glass.

"Help the others."[Shingi]

And with that Shingi let himself pass out, as the biggest threat got taken care of.

"Always being the hero. I hate that I love this."[Aella]

She picked up the pieces of her broken sword as she joined Harbin, who was alone as the Golems vanished after Shingi passed out.

But the rest surrendered after seeing that their boss was dead and they were afraid of Aella after seeing how she entered and how she killed a lot of them with ease.

Soon guards appeared as they were to keep looking from a distance at what was happening with the use of binoculars and such.

The older man that Shingi had talked to before also came and went towards Harbin and Aella right away.

"Captain Harbin, my lady. Congratulations on your victory. The city owes you, but may we know who are you, miss? " [Older Noble]

"Name is Aella. A friend of Shingi."[Aella]

Both Harbin's and the Older Noble's eyes got wide of surprise as they were familiar with the Goddess Aella, but even if there were stories of how she looked it wasn't public knowledge; at least not among the NPCs.

"So then this wine and cheese must be for you. I know it won't fit your royalness, but I will be sure that we will prepare a feast within the hour in your name."[Older Noble]

"No need. This will do. I have things to take care of, but better go to take care of our young friend. Tell him I had fun, but he owes me a sword."[Aella]

She then jumped so high that she vanished from their sight.

The two men looked at each other and then at the unconscious Shingi, who was a few meters away from them. A few of Harbin's men were already checking him and providing some first aid on his wounds at the back.

"That nephew of yours seems to be more interesting than what you told me."[Older Noble]

Harbin didn't answer as he didn't want to reveal anything, so he ordered his men to get Shingi back to his home for him to rest and bring a doctor to him.

  1. Have put ' cause it is a telepathic message

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