From Player To Npc

Chapter 120: Recovery

Chapter 120: Recovery

Shingi woke up after a couple of hours, and he was at the guest room of Harbin's house.

Bandages were covering his entire chest, and he could still feel the pain from the wounds.

Because the one who attacked him was an almost full-fledged Demon and had used his claws made his wound unable to be used by normal healing magic. But it could still get healed normally, but it would take more time than normal, and he had to use some elixirs or potions now and then.

It would take him weeks or even a couple of months to completely heal a wound of that size, but it hadn't made him incapable of moving. But still, his moves got limited, as he might bring pain to his entire body and damage himself by opening the wounds.

He didn't test what the limits of his body were, as he knew it would be better to let himself healed uninterrupted at the beginning.

The room's door opened as Himon entered with a basin at hand, which was full of water.

"Cousin, you are awake. It would be best if you stayed lay down on the bed and rest. I came to help change your bandages and clean you up."[Himon]

Shingi cast one MANA HAND of his and made it pick up a towel that Himon had on her shoulder, and after putting it in the water, he made it brought the towel to him.

"I got this, and a small girl like you shouldn't take care of the wounds of a boy even if we are blood-related."[Shingi]

Himon went speechless for a second as her face turned red, and she ran away, dropping the basin, but Shingi caught it with two of his MANA HANDS.

He took out the bandages of his and noticed that there were some remains of an ointment.

He cleared himself up, mostly with the help of his MANA HAND, as he had to clear his back.

He heard some familiar steps heading towards his way as Harbin entered the room.

"You are awake, I see. I was expecting you to be out for a few days, to tell the truth. Those wounds you have are troublesome to deal with, so how are you? And don't lie on me this time."[Harbin]

After seeing Harbin fighting and giving orders to the Golems in such an excellent way without seeing them in action before, he understood the power of his eyes that were active then and now.

His PERCEPTION and INSIGHT to decide what the next move should be or the best possible way to deal with what he had was at a level greater than Ameanum's Eagle Eyes.

Of course, Harbin had more experience on those Eyes than Ameanum as he was born with them.

"It could be better, and it could be worse. At least we won't have to deal with that Demon again. Once one had a body through a deal, they forbid him to have another one even if he lost connection with his first. But get ready because him being here may be something more than just being the local leader of the Owl Talons."[Shingi]

"The do you have any bright ideas? My men won't be back for a few weeks. Do you think we will be fine till then?"[Harbin]

Shingi gave it some thought as he tried to remember everything he knew about demons.

"It may be too late until they return, or they will be back just in time. You can't tell how demons would act, and we don't know why the person made a deal or why he was here. Also, I couldn't tell which one this Demon was following, but he was a powerful one. But I have a plan."[Shingi]

Shingi told him about Karemon and the protection Enchantments of his.

They probably wouldn't be strong enough to hold a Demon like the one he fought for long, but with the town's help, Shingi was certain that Karemon could make some stronger versions.

He didn't mention that he was a Half-Demon, and Harbin didn't seem to know him as Angel met Karemon after becoming a captain.

"You really seem to know some useful people. Also, Lady Aella told us to let you know you owe her a sword. I would try to take care of this task as I wouldn't like to see her angry if I was in your shoes."[Harbin]

Shingi knew how bad Aella could be as he had died in the past by her hand after making some wrong decisions. Fortunately, he could respawn back then.

"I will see what I can do when I get back home. But I need your help for a task of mine that may even help on this task of Aella."[Shingi]

He told him about the shop and the man he was looking for as he couldn't go there at his state, or more specifically, they wouldn't let him go.

"I am aware of who you are speaking of, but I need to inform you he is a nut job."[Harbin]

Shingi expected people to say something like that when he mentioned who he was looking for, and it wasn't far from the truth.

The man was crazy, but mostly cause he had spent a minute at one circle of Hell.

It doesn't sound much, but it was a minute in the Mortal Realm, but hundreds of years passed for him.

But it was only his soul that got stuck in Hell back then; otherwise, his body would have turned to dust long ago.

His name, or at least one he was currently using, was Vardan.

He was human and was a researcher, and he wanted since he was young to be a strong Arcane User, but he could not make a Mana Pool. There were a few people who couldn't do it no matter how hard they tried, and some were considering them to be cursed by the Goddess of Magic or something.

Vardan had researched ways to overcome this obstacle, and one of his searches brought him to a Library into one Circle of Hell.

But a miscalculation of his made his protection charm not last as long as he needed, and he got captured by a few demons.

Fortunately, Ameanum was the one who had helped him to make the ritual to bring his soul to hell, and when he noticed something was wrong, he brought him back by ending the ritual.

The Demons didn't put him in a sealed cage as they thought he was one soul trapped in Hell.

Still, the side effects of being tortured for that long wasn't something that a normal mind could handle, but Vardan never had a normal mind, or he would not have thought to go into one of the Hells for some book.

But his social skills became worse, and very few people could understand what he was talking about as he was talking in riddles or using some words in different languages in the same sentence.

Shingi, though had spent enough time with him to communicate with him to a degree.

"So what do you want him to do for you? I hope you don't want him to come here cause I don't want him anywhere near Himon. There were reports of missing kids near his place, but we have no proof of him being behind it. We were ready to investigate his place as the missing kids appeared with no memory of what happened or where they were all that time."[Harbin]

"I understand, and I respect your decision. I want you just to deliver him a letter. Also, you will need to have a Golem of mine with you."[Shingi]

Harbin was ready to say something as Shingi stopped him.

"Casting one wouldn't get a lot out of me. I know how to be careful, but this is a needed act, or you will be possible in danger. Since I can't go, I will act through the Golem. I promise I won't do anything to be myself in strain."[Shingi]

Harbin sighed as he understood he couldn't change Shingi's mind, and it really was the best way to do things.

"Ok then. Let me know when you have the letter, and I will deliver it myself tomorrow morning. In the meantime, REST."[Harbin]

He helped Shingi putting a new set of bandages before leaving the room.

Shingi followed his advice and went to sleep, but he didn't just relax as he entered his TRANCE ROOM.

The last battle showed how weak he still was against the truly powerful people, so he tried to improve what he had.

Since he was full Mage Class, he has to focus on his Spells, and since he had found the words needed for the ones he could with what he had, he tried to reach their true limit.

He also kept trying to improve his Golems with the tips given to him by Pan and a few ideas he got after noticing how Harbin had ordered them around.

All the Spells that he had found the suitable Arcane Words for had improved tremendously, and he came to a better understanding of each spell and of spell casting through that.

Eight hours passed quickly, but he had improved slightly, but he was far from having the power to deal with the Demon man by himself.

He then moved to feed mana to his Mana Seeds and Mana Tree to replenish the ones he had used.

The Mana Seeds had saved him multiple times as if he didn't have them, he wouldn't be able almost instantaneously to cast some of his Spell when in dire need. He had used none of his Mana Fruits as they were too hard to grow and too precious.

His Mana Tree had grown and could have 20 Mana Seeds and 3 Mana Fruits, but it was currently missing a few Mana Seeds.

Still, restoring Mana Seeds was easy enough. It just took some time, and with the mana from his Dragon Scale, he could restore them.

As for the Mana Fruits, the scale's mana wasn't useful.

At some point, Orsina came and brought him some food for dinner as it got pretty late.

She wanted to feed him, but after showing her he could command his MANA HAND without straining himself or even moving, she let him go.

Shingi enjoyed his dinner, and because it was soup, it reminded him of the one Karemon was making for him and Annoue.

He got sad at remembering Annoue, but he tried to focus on other tasks to free his mind from these kinds of thoughts.

He then noticed some movement from outside as a figure was climbing towards the window of his room. He was on the first floor of the house, so one had to climb its way up.

A hand appeared as it pushed the shutter to open, which wasn't locked, so it opened with no resistance.

In came the figure, one Shingi didn't expect to see this soon again; Meyana, the elf dancer.

"What do you think you are doing here?" [Shingi]

She said nothing as she moved at her incredible speed that Shingi in his current state couldn't do anything.

So she brought her lips onto his as she hugged him to keep him in place.

Shingi didn't know what to do as he was too weak to escape, and he activated his eyes to make sure she did nothing to control his mind.

But no notification like that appeared. But Shingi noticed the pain on his back getting less and less, and he could feel his wound closing at a noticeable rate.

He felt strange energy entering his body through her lips, which was the source of his unnaturally fast healing rate.

After close to five minutes, she let go of Shingi, whose wounds weren't completely closed but were much better than before.

Meyana's skin was full of wrinkles as she seemed to have gotten quite old, but she was slowly getting back to normal.

One of the side effects of fighting against the dark energy of the Demon, who was still in Shingi's wounds and making them harder to heal.

Shingi didn't know what to say and froze in place, which was a rare sight.

But he soon woke up with the slap Meyana gave him.

"This was a token of appreciation for what you told me. You better not say what happened to anyone, or I will make you wish to fight that Demon again instead of me. Do you understand? "[Meyana]

He nodded as he was certain that she could make this promise a reality if she wanted.

"GOOD. I can't help you anymore, but this should have saved you some recovery time. Now I have to say my goodbyes, but I hope we see each other again. Next time I won't be so close to you, though."[Meyana]

And so she left through the window like a burglar, and Shingi was left alone once more.

'Maybe I really was born under a lucky star.'[Shingi]

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