Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 117: Let's Invade this Kingdom

Chapter 117: Let's Invade this Kingdom

The auction went well, extremely well actually, even amidst the very loud sounds of fighting going on between the monsters and James' forces. This gave the merchants the impression things wouldn't end here, and thus no one left after the auction, waiting for the next one.

Even some of them started to group together to form their own hunting group, which was something welcomed by Islinda, in return to paying extra fees for that.

James didn't want to distract most of his fleet to here, as this would endanger other areas, and might be falling right into the enemy's scheme.

This auction had given him a lot of benefits, from three more large cruisers, and hundreds of other smaller sized cruisers, plus tens of thousands of ex-soldiers, and many highly advanced weaponry, which made his fleet grow larger in size, nearly doubled.

His fighters count started to exceed a hundred thousand, which started to be a great force making him more safe and secure.

However he didn't want to loosen his grasp over the area, as he didn't know when the Terases race might attack.

"Leader, we have another monster attack," Rigo came into the throne hall and told James this news.

"Oh, so they have a pattern after all," James muttered, as he had this theory from observing the previous two attacks, as they happened approximately at the same time.

Knowing this fact, he could now use this, as a propaganda for attraction, aso he looked towards Islinda as he said:

"I want you to spread the news, the monsters will keep attacking here once a day. Their numbers are in hundreds, and we welcome any force to share the profit with us."

Islinda smiled, as she knew James was making the right decision here. from one side, he would decrease the load on his fleet, and from another side, he would attract more merchants, and might add some new specialities to the place, making it more profitable to him.

"At once," she replied, as she moved and headed to the outside with her usual slow, and intentionally arousing walk, that always aroused strange deep desires for James.

"Women," he just muttered, shaking his head, helplessly, as he knew Islinda was making this to grab his attention, making him have more desire in her, which he didn't know the reason behind.

For Islinda, she had long acknowledged James' unique leadership and positive traits, which made him a very suitable match for her. As a princess rose up to be a queen, she didn't have any shyness or self pride when things came to her interest.

So, she decided to start arousing his attention, making him feel what type of a gem he had, hopefully he would make a move, eventually.

"Rigo, how are things looking at the outside systems?"

Rigo had suggested sending more ships to patrol the surrounding systems, for fear of any enemy intrusion near them without their notice.

"Things are calm, nothing to report, yet," he said, as he had this hunch of a bad thing to happen.

"Good, when more forces arrive here, retreat our troops, and dispatch a searching party, made of our finest espionage soldiers, and make them work under the sexy."

He had long chosen this nickname for Islinda, a name he never used in front of her, for not making her feel any satisfaction, as she might retreat a couple of steps backward, knowing her goal had been achieved.

He already had some desire in her, but he refrained from making a move, not yet, not until he figured out her real motive.

Someone like her would never do something without a reason, and a benefit, and someone like him would never do a thing without understanding the reason, and the price he had to pay.

"Sure," Rigo just smiled, as he knew his leader's opinion regarding Islinda. He once was against her, but when he dealt with her in the last weeks, he grew an interest and respect for her unique leading abilities.

Despite not wanting to admit it, she was the perfect match for his leader, a queen more fitting that Dora, who once thought to be the best match for James, but now he found someone much better.

"How are the new recruits doing?" James asked again, while sitting more comfortable on his throne.

"They are still clumsy, needing some time to adapt to our empire's way of fighting. Speaking of this, I have something to ask you about," Rigo hesitated, as James nodded to him to speak, so he added, "I want to suggest raising the old flag of our empire once more."

James just stayed silent, thinking about this. Of course using the name of an old empire had some benefits and disadvantages. For example, those who were allies and friends to that empire would rush to his aid and support. If their lands were breached by Terases race, or any other race, then they might even join his forces.

But the main disadvantage was to have the old enemies of the empire to focus their eyes on them. The empire didn't fall on its own, but through war, and that meant it had a strong enemy, stronger than it at least.

He did want to expand the list of his allies and friends, but not on expense of increasing the list of his enemies. He already had one enemy he couldn't deal with.

"Let's wait for a little while, after all we aren't going to stay here forever," James said his decision, not to agree not to refuse, he just postponed the decision for later due time.

"That's wise, my leader," Rigo just nodded, without saying anymore. His old dream of resuscitating his empire was now drawing closer, so it wouldn't matter waiting for more time, months or even years.

He also knew James didn't want to do that right now as their strength wasn't yet sufficient to take multiple enemies at once, so his resolve to make the fleet more stronger burnt more fervently.

"I will go now and oversee the training process. By the way, there is a small kingdom nearby, our scouts found it a week ago," Rigo said, talking about an old topic.

"Oh, that Fory kingdom?" James asked, as he and Rigo had spoken about it once before.

"Yes, it sure is. I suggest after retrieving more troops from here to invade it. it's a kingdom reigning over three star systems, with over twenty inhabitant planets, and only a fleet of two large cruisers, and a thousand small and medium sized cruisers," Rigo said, as he wanted to invade this kingdom, expanding the reign of James' growing territory, and train his soldiers in the process.

"Hmm" James muttered, thinking deeply about this matter. He refrained from doing this invasion, not for his good heart, or peace loving nature, but due to his lack to attack there and sustain heavy losses without endangering them.

However after the first auction, and with the second coming at the end of this day, he knew his fleet strength had welled up to be a force that could start foreign invasions.

"Ok, after tonight's auction, rearrange the fleet, and go on the head of the force invading this kingdom," James said, before adding, "just make sure to be swift, only attack the forces, and anyone wanting to surrender don't touch him. we need more blood to replenish what we might lose out there. don't forget, we aren't heading for a frontal attack, so use tactics and traps first, and try to reduce their forces as much as you can."

He thought for a moment to head this expedition, but he couldn't leave this place undefended, especially this was his base, the gold mine under his hand. He couldn't sacrifice it for any reason no matter what.

"I will make you satisfied with the results, leader," Rigo said before exiting the place. James just glanced at his distance back while muttering:

"It's a heaven and earth between watching you leave and watch that sexy leave, sigh."

James knew there was such a risk in attacking that kingdom, but he needed to expand the reach of his territory. Gaining more planets, with much more people living normally on them was a tempting idea he couldn't resist.

Islinda knew about this arrangement a few hours later, when the auction finished and they gained five more large cruisers thanks to it. three came in auction, and two were gifted to them in exchange for the rights to handle dozen monsters from some merchants, who allied themselves and already gathered a decent mercenary force.

"Are we going to invade other kingdoms now?" the moment she stepped in, she asked this question right away. James knew she was somehow angry as he didn't enroll her in taking this decision.

"It's a good opportunity, putting in regard the more forces coming here," he said, trying to make her see the bright side of the matter.

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