Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 118: Attacking the Kingdom, Winning the War

Chapter 118: Attacking the Kingdom, Winning the War

"But you didn't consult me first," she discontentedly said.

"Rigo didn't move his fleet yet, did he?" James replied back.

"That's not an excuse," She was still upset about it, but eventually she calmed down once she sat in front of him, "next time please consult me first," she added, trying to give herself more reasons to forgive him.

"Sure, I can't do a thing without your beautiful little mind here," he moved from his throne to sit on a chair beside her, while pointing to her head.

"Oh, I only have a beautiful mind then," she teased him, returning to her old self.

"Hahaha, c'mon, you know you have a beauty that demises the universe," he laughed shortly as he replied.

"I didn't see that impression in your eyes before," she said.

"you never asked, so I never said," he teased her back, with a smile over his face.

"Ok, we will see about that later, Mr. hard to get," she chuckled, and he also did the same, "when are Rigo setting off?" she asked.

"After we withdraw enough soldiers from the ground, which reminds me of the auction, how did it go?"

"Perfect, we had five more large cruisers, another one hundred thousand soldiers, and many weapons and cannons being stored now in Rigo's possession," she said, stating what happened in detail. After she finished, he thought for a moment, before saying:

"I will make him leave now then."

"He already is preparing to leave now," she laughed, as the master and his butler thought alike.

"He is eager to set off to that kingdom."

"Bad for them," she said, "do you want me to go with him?" she added.

"No," he shook his head, "not now, when he completely conquers the kingdom, you might go there and arrange everything," he added.

"Oh, you are worried about me," she teased him again, returning to her old playful self. she didn't wait for him to say a word, as she moved, faked like she was making part of her long, tight black dress straight, revealing the sexy curves of her body, before turning to say:

"I will go and arrange some of my helpers to collect more data about this kingdom, after all it will be ours in no time."

She then moved to the door, swaying her body intentionally, which made James sigh helpless when she finally left.

"If she continued to play like that, I might not let her go off this easily," he smirked in an evil expression, while thinking about deep serious things.

Rigo came to see him before he sat off eventually late at night. James knew how eager Rigo was to annex this kingdom, which was something he didn't argue with. After all this kingdom would be a good addition to his asset.

Rigo led the fleet away from the eleven planets, crossing around six star systems, non-inhabited by anyone, until he reached the outer region of that kingdom.

He had already sent many scouts up ahead, to monitor the moves of the kingdom fleet. As Rigo reached that area, he met with the scouts he sent to here.

"Rigo, we had gathered updated intel regarding the enemy," one of the droids said, "their big cruiser had appeared shortly, heading in a routine patrol around this region," that droid added.

"Oh, the big fish already is here?" Rigo felt luck was on his side, as he now had three large cruisers aiding him in this campaign.

"Good, let's send our boys out, we will repeat the same old tactic we used to deal with the mercenary large cruisers," he instructed.

"To capture or to destroy?" one droid asked.

"To destroy, of course," Rigo replied, without any hesitation, as the large cruisers were now increasing in their fleet, making them not crave for taking the risk to annex one more.

"Start the operation now," Rigo gave the final order, with a hologramic presentation of the large cruiser of this kingdom moving nearby them.

Their appearance wasn't yet detected, and so his droids managed to infiltrate the cruiser successfully, and after a few hours, they returned with the good news.

Everything was settled, and what remained now was to start the attack. Rigo rechecked the data he had in hand, before finalizing his plans.

"Listen well, once we bombed this cruiser, the other kingdom cruiser would know something was wrong. our mission isn't to appear so clear in front of them, we need to hide and set traps, using any chance to destroy as many cruisers as possible. Then we will face them head on, and destroy anything else in our way.

Any surrendering forces are welcomed to join us, but they will remain here, guarded by part of our ships. After we finish this battle, we have to divide ourselves and head straight to the planets in the star systems controlled by this kingdom.

Our first priority is to capture all the royal family of them, and then we have to take control of everything there, crush any remaining resistance, deal with no mercy with those loyalists to the fallen kingdom," Rigo said the plan and the steps he had in mind, before pointing to the large cruiser as he muttered:

"set fire on this one."

Once he gave the order, a huge bombing shock wave occurred, silently at first, then the whole large cruiser shook, with its hard shell being indented in many parts, before huge pillars of fire started to emerge from many places there.

The attack was successful, and what followed was to hunt the other smaller cruisers accompanying that huge metallic beast. The battle was a one sided fight, and after the fall of the large cruiser, many started to surrender, with no much hope to resist the three large cruisers Rigo led.

Just as the battle finished, the fleet then moved to hide themselves, being away from any detection, waiting for their targets to come.

It didn't last long until the second large cruiser came here, with the company of a huge fleet beside it. Rigo knew they came prepared, but they were also angry, and anger always clouded their judgments.

"Give the order, let the attack start," he said, as the three large cruisers appeared, each from different places, pointing out their ready to launch big cannons towards the remaining large cruiser, attacking it mercilessly, causing many places to explode with damage.

However this wasn't enough to take this huge beast down, and Rigo knew it. What he did was just a diversion, as the real attack came from the space bomber squad, which moved silently, undetected amongst the chaos and the fervent attacks between the four large cruisers, and thousands of small cruisers, and tens of thousands of fighters.

Once the bombs fell on the large cruiser, it was the hit that really crushed its backbone, and the kingdom's last standing pillar, making the whole war a lost case for the kingdom fighters, a sure win for Rigo and the others.

"Start to chase them down," Rigo gave the final order, as by the elimination of the large cruiser, the pressure they had was removed, and now they joined the fight with smaller cruisers and fighters, attacking them like they were attacking flies.

Everything went smooth as Rigo planned, and after a few hours, the fight already ended, with the surrender of over two hundred small and medium sized cruisers, and tens of thousands of experienced soldiers, making Rigo's grin so wide that went from ear to ear.

"Launch the cruisers and fighters, let's take control of the whole three star system. Surround them from far, and don't let a single scrap of metal pass through," he gave the final invasion order, putting an end to this campaign, with victory already grasped in his hand.

He was talking right, as the battle was going to the end, and eventually the remaining forces either surrendered to them, absorbed into the fleet, which didn't lose much of its forces to begin with, or they ran away, outside the reach of the current kingdom.

What remained was for him to lead the expedition to the ground, controlling the twenty plus planets there, capturing the royal family, and seizing all the riches.

From the general view of things, Rigo felt a great pride in his victory, and looking at all those riches he had in the large cruiser made him even giggle. The idea of coming here was his own, and so any victory and gains from here would be counted under his own accomplishments.

"Rigo, there is someone from the captured royal family is making a ruckus down there," one of the droids came to tell him, and Rigo was in a very good mood right now, so he asked:

"What happened?"

"She wants to meet you."

"Fine, bring her here," Rigo said, as he wasn't caring about a single person in this ex-royal family.

In a span of a few minutes, a slim long girl, approximately in her early twenties, with curly golden hair, falling on her bare shoulders, stood in front of Rigo looking at him.

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