Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 122: You Fool!

Chapter 122: You Fool!

"Hahaha, I like these people," James just laughed, while looking finally away from the tempting face of Luna, "We need to arrange this place rapidly. Leave here part of the force, and start enforcing military recruitment over their youths. I want all the economy to be directed in making war ships, and weapons as well.

If they can't , then look for something they can make to sell high, and focus on that," he side glanced at the about to explode Islinda and told her these matters.

"Yes, Sir," she said, stressing on every single letter of her words. James knew he had pushed her so far already, and yet he adjusted his body, moving his arm to circle Luna's soft body, grabbing her softly near him. He did it while looking straight at Islinda, who just crossed her arms in front of her chest, without saying a word.

As for Rigo, he was really having a great time enjoying this cold war, wondering who would succumb to the other first, his leader, or his leader's girl.

For him, this was an already settled matter, as both would end up being together, but that prevented him from enjoying the two pickering moments.

"What about the other task I asked you for? The knowledge about other kingdoms?" he asked, and this time he was very interested in hearing her reply.

"I have some clues regarding two to three kingdoms, but I don't know the exact details regarding them," she said, as she had already gathered some intel from many merchants, but the knowledge wasn't enough.

"Do you want to know info regarding the surrounding kingdoms?" Luna suddenly interfered, "I know a lot of reliable data, as I originally was raised in a kingdom not far from here," she said, adding more fuel to the fire.

"Really?!!" it was Islinda who exclaimed in surprise, "do you really know this info?" she added, with more aggressiveness in her tone.

"Sure, as I said, I was raised here," Luna simply replied, acting innocent, as if she didn't know what was already going on.

Islinda glanced at her from top to toe, before giving James a scolding look before leaving. "Let her give you all the info you need," she simply said with a shaky tone before disappearing behind the doors of this deck.

"I think you went far, leader," Rigo said when Islinda vanished.

"Sigh," James just sighed, before saying, "I just want her to be honest with me, is that hard?"

"Well," Rigo paused, didn't know what to say, as he knew how stubborn these two might be.

If this continued, fun might end and they would turn from lovers to enemies. He didn't want to see that happening, so he just remained silent, while he tried to look for Islinda. In less than a minute he spotted her, sitting inside her room, looking at the view from the curvy window of her room.

"I have some curiosity regarding what just happened," Rigo suddenly said, with his tone being overheard, strangely, at Islinda's room, startling her. She was jolted awake from her own thoughts, while the sound of James came loud and clear:

"What is it?"

"Why trying to irritate her? Why not just confront her with what you have in mind?" Rigo's voice came.

"Sigh," James sighed again, with a long, heavy moment of silence that passes as a century over Islinda, "you know I like her. She is funny, smart, reliable, who else should I seek for as my girl? But she is stubborn, with her irritating strong personality, I know even if I told her that I want her to be with me, she wouldn't reply back.

She is burdened with many things, and her mind might tell her being with me is like betraying all these things, however the truth is being together is what makes us able to fulfill our duties.

I won't stand against her way, instead I will help her. The problem is her mind won't accept that, and whatever I said or did she would still be far away. So, I decided to crush that arrogance of her, and make her submit, and with this she won't regret that decision her entire life."

The voice of James came, before it magically vanished as it appeared. Islinda stayed silent, standing near the thick fortified glass, before she leaned her head, gently touching the glass, with eyes being red, welled with tears, flowing like a thin stream of water descending the top of an icy mountain top in the early days of the spring.

"You fool," she just muttered that, before she started crying to her heart's content.

James wasn't aware of this little trick his right handed man pulled from his back. Rigo didn't mean any harm, as he just didn't want things to go any further than planned by his leader.

"Now, tell me, how can we train? What's the process then?" James asked finally what mattered most to him. as a start to this energy, he didn't even know the simplest rules here.

"Well," suddenly Luna's face changed, "we need to do it in a private way," she said, with more redness over her cheeks, making her look more alluring.

"Really?!" James got her meaning, and he didn't expect this to be the way she could boost his strength.

"Sure, this is my own way, as my body has a special kind of strength that augments anyone with your kind of strength. So, basically, I'm so weak myself, but I can make my man the strongest person in the universe," she blurted out, with some shyness and nervousness that James understood.

"This might be problematic," he muttered, softly thinking about Islinda. What would she think of when she learned about this? That was what was going on inside his mind now, and Rigo on the side heaved a long and deep sigh of relief. It seemed his daring move had paid back its value sooner that he anticipated.

"Don't worry leader," Rigo suddenly said, "you can sort everything out first with Islinda, and then you can train with Luna," he added.

"You make it sound this easy," James helplessly sighed, as he inwardly cursed his good and bad luck. He had now the opportunity to have two stunning girls, but he was afraid of Islinda's behavior once she knew about this.

"Do you love her this much?" Luna suddenly asked, with sincerity that wasn't found except at kids.

"It's not that," James shook his head, struggling to define the relation between him and Islinda, "it's just, I dunno, just want to be with her all the time, it makes me feel satisfied, and happy," he added, like someone having no clue about what he was talking about.

His lost thoughts were, intentionally, transmitted to Islinda's room. Hearing him speak about her in front of others, without her presence, in this way made her giggle. She didn't know what was happening up there, but what Rigo wanted by doing this had already achieved its goal.

"So you love her," Luna nodded, firmly with such belief in her conclusion that made James shrunk back on his seat. "I dunno," he just said, "let's just start organizing things here, we have tons of work to do," he tried to evade the topic, as he felt unpleasant uneasiness when thinking about it.

Per his words, Rigo went to handle his own matters. Along the way to his cruiser, he met Islinda, who just glanced at him, silently at first, before saying:

"Thanks for what you just did now."

She was feeling great gratitude towards him, and he, on the other hand, felt great satisfaction, as his goal was already reached.

"Our leader might be young, but his future is limitless," Rigo said, without turning back to her, going on his way.

"I know that, or else why would I choose him to be my man?" she muttered, in a soft voice, but Rigo managed to pick it up.

He nodded, inwardly, agreeing on her words. His leader was someone who might be weak and small right now, but he trusted the old words of his previous supreme leader. He had undeniably extreme faith in James that he would be someone others would fear and look up to.

Islinda didn't go back to the main deck, as she took a small cruiser, and went down to settle and organize things on the ground.

Everything seemed messy for a couple of days, with more monsters appearing each day, attacking the civilians, and the anti monster forces belonged to the merchants and James kept killing them.

After three days, the citizens started to be familiar with the monster's attacks, and they even started to build up businesses based on their presence.

That helped in calming the situation further, making people see the golden opportunities presented to them. This wasn't a black market place, but a regular kingdom, with armies and mercenaries, merchants and wealthy families. 

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