Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 123: Planning to Attack Five More Kingdoms

Chapter 123: Planning to Attack Five More Kingdoms

All those started to move fast, organizing themselves together, and talked with Islinda about getting shared from this treasure trove on their lands.

Islinda didn't refuse them, instead she warmly welcomed them, while pointing out to them about the fact these monsters weren't just related to here, but to everywhere James owned.

This helped a lot in many things, gathering intel included. Despite she was mad at him at the beginning, she kept sending any info related to the outside kingdoms to James, making him feel delighted from her actions.

In fact he didn't know all this was due to the simple act Rigo did back then, and that simple act had really, and luckily, sat things between the two on the right track.

James knew his true feelings towards her, and she knew how touched and attached he was to her. That untold affection she felt through his words made her more secured, and calm, even knowing there was such a bitch sitting in his lap right now.

In the new info coming from Islinda, and matching what Luna had already told him, there were five total kingdoms in this part of space, each had the same number of planets here, all having around twenty planets.

These kingdoms weren't that strong, as each one had a similar fleet to the ones he previously conquered. He was still waiting for more info to come, but he was pretty confident in his guess and estimation.

"Even if they are stronger, I can easily amass more troops and ships now; I'm not the pushover weakling I used to be," he muttered to himself while laughing at his past self when he was worrying about a single large cruiser.

Now he was owning an entire fleet filled with these cruisers, and even now planning to invade five kingdoms with many cruisers that he combined!

"Divide and conquer, that must be my approach here," he thought to himself when he noticed this point; if they gathered, then he wouldn't be able to stand against their collaborated forces.

So he had to be sly and smart, and his invading plan should revolve entirely on this.

Despite the risk, he knew the gains would outweigh any damage whatsoever. After what he saw from the prosperity in this kingdom, the sudden wealth and bribes Islinda and Rigo had from rich families and merchants to gain access to monsters, the large number of troops joining his forces, even doubling it in less than three days, made him more eager to conquer more kingdoms.

So, he sat his gaze upon the nearest kingdom, and sent Rigo the details to make his own preparations.

In fact, the info he had in hand up till now was enough to set course and fight these kingdoms, but James knew about one hurdle. Once his pattern had been noticed, his intentions would be revealed, and they might set aside their own grievances, and start working together to resist him.

He needed to disguise that, not alarming the kingdoms of the tiger eyeing them in their backyard. He sighed, as he knew Rigo, and his direct tactics. If he let Rigo loose on them, he would prefer to directly sweep them, risking the worst possible scenario to occur.

He didn't want that to happen, so he sent to Rigo one simple note: Take them all by surprise, destroy them all at one full sweep, or divide and conquer if you can't attack these kingdoms in the shortest time.

Time was of the greatest importance here. He had to stress over this point again in the message he sent when he received the notification from Islinda about Rigos's request.

To do that, Rigo had to ask for more ships from the black market. The business there was now thriving better than ever, so he didn't find it hard to buy ten large cruisers, thousands of smaller ones, and recruiting half million soldiers from the kingdom captured and the black market trade channels.

James didn't find any reason to deny his request, sending his confirmation to Islinda, and warning to Rigo.

These large moves had the attention of the keen eyes of the merchants everywhere, and just as Rigo was dealing with the newcomers, Islinda found herself buried under a huge number of requests to cooperate, and even some proposed to buy future monsters' places from now on at higher prices than usual.

She had the business woman mind, so she didn't turn down any request, met everyone separately, and struck many deals with a lot of merchants, securing from the bonuses alone twenty more large cruisers, and thousands of smaller ones.

This wasn't hard to achieve, or risky to do, as the number of planets conquered at the end of this expedition would reach an astonishing number of one hundred planets, making James one of the moderate sized kingdoms in the universe.

Large kingdoms had more than five hundred planets, and empires had thousands of them. The road was long, but she knew if anyone figured out the short history of James here, only one month, he or she would be shocked, and feel fear.

It was their luck, James' luck, to start his kingdom here, in a place away from the normal sights of the big fishes, or else they might decide to wipe him out, while he was still cuddling.

Islinda kept herself busy, handling all the dealings with the merchants coming from everywhere. As one week passed by, the new fleet of James was ready to set its expedition, and Rigo was now heading to him, to tell him about the strategy he would follow.

As for James, he was spending his time inside his large cruiser, enjoying some moments of rest. Luna was by his side, all the time caressing his face or touching his body, in a natural way, like she was used to doing it all the time.

At first he wasn't welcoming this, but gradually he started to be pleased, enjoying these private touches from time to time. with Islinda being away, he was able to escape from her gaze and enjoy these touches with no worries at all.

More than once she offered him to stay at night inside his room, but he refused that. He didn't want to touch her, not the first woman being touched by him at least. He reserved this honor for another person.

"Rigo, what brought you here today? Is everything ready?" James welcomed Rigo, who entered to find Luan exactly sitting on top of his lower body, moving her very slowly and intimately over James' legs and waist.

"Ah, I came here to tell you about the last war preparations," Rigo said, with an embarrassed look over his face. He reminded himself that he needed to knock before entering on his leader's chamber.

"That's great, come here and tell me," James said, as he adjusted his body, sitting straight on the relaxing seat, while holding Luna's body with one arm of his.

The position was awkward, and wild imagination started to be born inside Rigo's mind. "Come, why are you standing over there?" James asked, as he got used to Luna being this close, in such awkward situations, all the day.

"Ok," Rigo just nodded, nervously, trying to push away these thoughts, as he went and sat on a seat nearby his leader.

"What's the plan? Tell me," James demanded, as this was the main issue still not resolved between the two. at the last meeting a couple of days ago, Rigo proposed a plan that James denied.

James had a strict, hard to satisfy, condition, which was to seize all these kingdoms in one full sweep.

If Rigo had a fleet five times the size of what he already had, he could do it simply by dividing the fleet into smaller ones, each for a kingdom.

However this couldn't be used now, and so he had to improvise, one time after another, thinking hardly about how to meet his leader's condition, and finally he drew a plan he was sure James would like.

"Here, I put all the details on this screen," Rigo handed him his own screen, where there were many details, written and drawn on it.

"Be steady please," James remarked to Luna, who was moving her body all the time, making him unable to read well. The issue wasn't in her, but in the position he chose to put the screen at, just in the middle of her two bulging apexes in her chest.

"Alright," she just replied, obediently, as her body movement decreased a lot, but didn't cease to exist, trying her best to arouse every single desire in him, totally neglecting the presence and the annoyance on Rigo's face.

James' mind wasn't focusing on her anymore, as he was now immersed in the details of the plan Rigo handed to him. Rigo, on the other hand, had nothing else to do, except to stare at this awkward position, and the obvious increasing intimacy between the two in this short span of time.

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