Game Market 1983

Chapter 221: Complete Joy

Chapter 221: Complete Joy

"Mr. Nakamura, you did great this month."

"Thank you~!!"

"The pay this month was quite hefty, wasn't it? How many hours did you work exactly?"

"I worked tirelessly day and night without much break. I even covered for other employees."

"Was there something urgent that needed money?"

Confirming the bills inside the brown envelope, I nodded in response to the boss's question.

"We have some significant expenses coming up next week..."

"I see. You said you're off tomorrow, right? Take a good rest after all your hard work."

"Yes, boss. Then, I'll take my leave~"

After tucking away my salary envelope deep into my bag, I bid farewell to the boss and left the part-time job at the family restaurant, 'Cicceria'.

"Phew, that's a relief."

Evening was setting in, with a few street lamps illuminating the surroundings. But the air, heated during the day, still held a humid touch. Although the sticky atmosphere wasn't exactly pleasant, thoughts of the salary envelope in my bag involuntarily brought a slight smile to my face.

Working hard at this part-time gig for a monthly 120,000... I might understand why freelancing has become more popular lately...

The severe economic downturn they said would soon improve has been persisting for five years. Job opportunities have become scarcer, making 'freeters' a term for people who sustain themselves by hopping between various part-time jobs without landing a regular position. It's said that working two part-time jobs can earn you as much as an entry-level job, leading more people to forgo permanent employment for part-time gigs.


Thinking about the future gets suffocating. Just five years ago, I never imagined job hunting would be this challenging. Even though I'm just a freshman in university, contemplating graduation feels daunting.

Recently, apart from being a freeter, there's this thing called 'dispatch work'. You register yourself with a staffing agency, and they place you in short-term contract jobs suitable for certain projects at companies. But since it's not permanent, once the project ends, companies terminate the contract without hesitation, sending dispatched workers off to other firms.

Most companies prefer cheap labor through dispatch, except for Pentagon Soft, the only game company known not to use dispatched workers.

If possible, I'd love to work at Pentagon.

Not just me, anyone remotely interested in games harbors the same wish. However, I'm no prodigy like Kanna, nor am I a good student like Mayumi. I'm just an average college student who loves Pentagon games. I know getting into Pentagon after graduation would be as difficult as plucking stars from the sky.

Sometimes, walking around Shibuya with Mayumi, I notice fashion magazine reps handing out business cards. But that world essentially thrives on appearances. It often leads to becoming a host. It never really appealed to me.

Come to think of it, I've been mediocre at most things since I was young...

Not great at studying, not great at sports, and even in games, despite having a bunch, I've barely finished a few titles before moving on to newly released ones.

"Come to think of it, I've been quite mediocre..."

Admitting this about myself, my previously uplifted mood plummeted.

Buzz, buzz, buzz~

The sound of cicadas echoed beneath the pathway leading home. I miss those high school days after classes, playing Street Fire 2 with friends...

Mom greeted me as I entered, busy preparing dinner.

"You're back. Hungry?"

"Not really in the mood for anything."

I climbed onto my bed, playing Tsubaki's 'Please Hold Me' on the CD player.

Feeling a bit gloomy, maybe? Her voice reverberating within the confined space seemed sadder today. Covering my face with my arm, lying still on the bed, I heard my mother's voice from downstairs.

"Kensuke, a call for Mayumi."

Mayumi? Oh right, we agreed she'd call after work. I totally forgot...

"I'll go down now."

Descending the stairs and picking up the phone placed near the couch, I answered, "Hello?"

"Kensuke-kun, you're home? I've been trying to reach you; I thought your shift hadn't ended yet."

"Oh, I just got back."

Sitting on the couch and letting out a long sigh, Mayumi, sounding concerned, spoke to me.

"Feeling unwell?"

"No, just feeling a bit down..."

"Down? You, Kensuke-kun...? What's the matter? Is the sun going to rise from the west tomorrow?"

"Don't tease me. I'm serious about this."

"What's bothering our serious Kensuke-kun~?"

Despite her teasing tone, which has been poking at my nerves since earlier, a part of me felt grateful for her attempt to cheer me up.

After all, I've been rolling into my own pitfall today.

At times like this, confiding in someone your own age might be the best option.

"Just feeling lost about the future... Graduating from college and wondering if I can land a proper job..."

"You talked about wanting to join Pentagon Soft after graduation, didn't you?"

"That was just wishful thinking. How could someone like me, with no special skills, get into a company as big as Pentagon?"

"You have your talents. You just need to work hard from now on. I don't know what Kensuke was thinking, but we're just first-year college students. It's not graduation yet, so if you have something you want to do, you should make the effort during the remaining time. Don't you think?"

"That's probably true, but... Ah, I don't know."

"Still, it's admirable. Kensuke didn't even dream that you'd worry about such things. He thought you were just living carefree, always playing games."

"...How do you see me?"

"As a game-loving otaku boyfriend."

Bingo. It was an answer I couldn't refute.

Mayumi laughed on the other end of the line, even after sharing her story. Her laughter echoed through the phone, and I couldn't help but chuckle in response.

"Ah, I laughed just now. Right?"

"Yeah, you did. What can you do?"

"I guess I'm still a kid, always making silly sounds."

"Tsk! Anyway, enough of that. Why did you ask me to call you today?"

"Oh, I almost forgot. I wanted to ask you to come with me next week when I go to buy 'Complete Laon.' I want you to come along."

"What's gotten into you? Going to buy a game console together?"

"My younger brother has been pestering my parents for days because of it. I couldn't stand it anymore."

"So, are you planning to buy one for your brother?"

"Well, I did have some money left from the part-time job I did last month, and..."

"Oh, Mayumi, you're amazing. Your brother must be thrilled."

"Ah, well, anyway, come with me next week when 'Complete Laon' is released. Got it? I'm hanging up now."

Embarrassed, she abruptly ended the call, leaving me looking at the phone and suppressing a smirk.

"Kensuke, it's already dinner time. What do you want to eat?"

"Yes, whatever you want."


A week later.

I woke up early in the morning and headed to the Pentagon shop in Akihabara with Mayumi. Despite it being the weekend, the subway was filled with people of similar age to us from early in the morning.

"Today is Saturday, right?"

In the crowded subway car, Mayumi struggled to talk to me.

"Yeah. That's right."

And a little while later, as the train we were on reached Akihabara Station, people rushed out of the train.

"Could it be... all these people?"

With a perplexed expression, Mayumi grabbed my hand, and as we exited Akihabara Station, everyone around us was walking in the same direction.

Wow, even four years ago when the portable Laon was first released, it wasn't this crowded... Surprised, I hurriedly grabbed Mayumi's hand and headed to the Pentagon shop.


The sale of Complete Laon starts at 9 a.m.

Although there were still about three hours left, considering that the Pentagon shop opened at 10:30 a.m., we couldn't really complain about today, which started an hour and a half earlier than usual business hours.

Standing in line with Mayumi to purchase, it didn't take even 10 minutes before a long line formed behind us.

"Could the people in front of us have been waiting since yesterday?"

"Not just yesterday, but there are even people who have been waiting since a week ago."

"A week ago?"

With a puzzled expression, Mayumi stuck her head out to see the front of the line, but it was quite difficult to see the head of the snake-like waiting line.

We took turns going to a convenience store for breakfast and passed the time with some casual conversation. Before we knew it, it was 9 a.m., and we could see a familiar face.

Thanks to the mini album 'Cheer Song' for you by Kanna, I learned that Director Kang Junhyuk was a highly skilled director within Pentagon.

He greeted us warmly when he saw us. However, we couldn't exchange more than a few words before he had to leave to unveil the fourth character of the virtual idol Sawano Tsubaki.

At that moment, Mayumi, who was next to me, spoke.

"To be honest, wanting to buy Complete Laon for my brother is just an excuse."

"Huh? What do you mean by excuse?"

"I also had a bit of a desire to play."

With a bright smile, Mayumi held my hand, and along with her smile, the alarm announcing the start of the event rang.


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