Genius Martial Arts Trainer

Chapter 46:

Chapter 46:

“An infirmary, you say? What do you mean by that?”

“The treatment method used by Novice Mu-jin is unlike anything found on the continent. Surely, there are patients across the continent, like Abbot Hyun-gwang, my mother, and myself, who cannot be cured by traditional methods used by the existing medical practitioners. I want to open an infirmary to treat such patients using Novice Mu-jin’s methods.”

This was an instinct as a merchant.

Right after receiving Mu-jin’s treatment and Hyun-gwang’s heat and electrotherapy, Ryu Ji-gwang was convinced. He was certain, “This is a profitable venture.”

Moreover, Ryu Ji-gwang had connections as the Sangdanju of the world’s five largest trading groups. Connections with high-ranking officials and local wealthy individuals.

Many of these high-ranking officials and wealthy individuals were elderly, and there were not a few who complained of symptoms similar to his mother’s.

If he introduced such individuals to Mu-jin and proceeded with treatments, he could generate tremendous profits.

Of course, it could be risky to launch such a business after just one treatment.

If the treatment effects were minimal, it would be easy to be accused of fraud by high-ranking officials or wealthy individuals.

Nonetheless, the reason Ryu Ji-gwang was determined to push this business forward was because of more than just his merchant’s intuition.

“Recently, the movements of local branches have been unsettling.”

It was for the safety of his family.

When he or his mother, or any of his family members, were in danger, Ryu Ji-gwang chose Shaolin as a refuge. More precisely, he chose Hyun-gwang.

The extraordinary skills Hyun-gwang displayed during the recent treatment had a significant impact on Ryu Ji-gwang’s decision.

Cheonryu Sangdan had become a huge trading group by transporting countless items across the continent.

As such, Cheonryu Sangdan was both a trading group and a courier service. Naturally, to handle numerous business trips, they employed numerous escorts and had a considerable number of martial artists.

Even as the Sangdanju of such a significant trading group, Ryu Ji-gwang had never seen anyone perform the kind of miracles Hyun-gwang demonstrated.

Initially, he thought about approaching Hyun-gwang directly.

“But he was the epitome of a monk who had cut ties with worldly affairs.”

Never having seen Hyun-gwang indulge in alcohol or meat, Ryu Ji-gwang concluded that approaching Hyun-gwang with wealth would be the worst method.

Thus, Ryu Ji-gwang decided to connect with Shaolin through Mu-jin, whom Hyun-gwang cherished, and to maintain a steady relationship with Shaolin through him. By conducting business together.

However, whether it was fortunate or unfortunate, Chubodangju Hyun-myeong only understood half of Ryu Ji-gwang’s intentions.

“The Sangdanju has suggested a considerable treatment fee for Mu-jin’s method. So, it seems like the infirmary you want to open in Deungbong-hyeon would only be for the wealthy. Amitabha.”

“He only had the intention of doing business with the wealthy.”

“I intend to donate half of the profits from the clinic to Shaolin.”

“I have repeatedly told you, our Shaolin does not engage in commerce through the abilities of our disciples.”

“I don’t understand why you consider it as commerce. Wouldn’t it be enough if half of the clinic’s profits were used by Shaolin to aid the poor?”

“If we treat only the rich to earn money, the world will criticize Shaolin.”


Ryu Ji-gwang did not show it outwardly, but he sighed inwardly with frustration.

If such a proposal had been made to any other sect or the Five Great Families, which were not limited like the Beggars’ Sect, they would have gladly accepted it.

No, it would have been fortunate if they only accepted it. Some sects and families, which only pretended to be righteous on the outside, would have instead fiercely extorted more money from him.

‘While I don’t have to worry about being extorted, it’s frustrating that we can’t communicate.’

As Ryu Ji-gwang was thinking this, Mu-jin cautiously spoke up.

“If I may be so bold, may I say a word?”


With Hyun-myeong’s permission, Mu-jin asked another question.

“As Master Chubo-dangju said, isn’t the main issue with opening a clinic the fact that our Shaolin would only treat the ‘rich’ to make money?”

“Hmm. That is correct.”

“In that case, wouldn’t it be enough to treat everyone, regardless of whether they are rich or poor? How could providing medical treatment to all beings as a Buddhist be something to be criticized?”

Mu-jin’s words, as if wondering why such an obvious thing was being pondered, made Ryu Ji-gwang even more frustrated.

In order not to distinguish between the rich and the poor, the treatment fees would have to be drastically reduced. Even if high-ranking officials and wealthy people were brought in, there would be almost no profit.

But then, surprisingly, Mu-jin continued with an unexpected idea.

“Of course, in that case, if the treatment fees are set high, the poor will not be able to receive treatment, and if set low, there will be no profit, resulting in a loss for Cheonryu Sangdan. And no matter how low the fees are, the poor, who struggle to live day by day, will eventually be unable to receive treatment. So how about this? We divide the treatment facilities into two.”

“Divide into two?”

Instinctively feeling that a brilliant solution was about to emerge, Ryu Ji-gwang asked again, and Mu-jin met his expectations.

“Yes. One facility would be completely free. And the other would be used for the treatment of the wealthy, as Cheonryu Sangdan originally intended.”

“The wealthy are not fools, Mu-jin Novice Monk. Why would the rich use an expensive treatment facility when there is a free one available?”

“You can create a difference between the two facilities. Equip both with the same equipment, but in the free facility, conduct treatments in groups, while in the expensive facility, offer personalized, one-on-one treatments by appointment,” Mu-jin suggested.

Mu-jin’s idea was inspired by the operational methods of large fitness centers. They allowed free use of the gym for a low price, but required a high fee for personal training sessions with a professional trainer.

Mu-jin had two main reasons for involving himself in this discussion with such a method in mind. First, he was frustrated with Chubo-dangju for refusing an offer to give money to Shaolin. Second, he suspected that Cheonryu Sangdan was either currently involved with the dark forces or would be in the future.

Determined to delve deeper into the inner workings of Cheonryu Sangdan through this business endeavor, Mu-jin decided to add a rather blunt remark that might cause Hyun-myeong to frown.

“As you may know, Sangdanju-nim, the wealthy love luxury goods. They drink expensive tea like Longjing tea, which costs silver or gold coins, instead of buying cheaper tea. Of course, the aroma is superior to that of cheaper tea, but there is also a clear element of vanity involved.”

“Hahaha. I understand what you mean, Mu-jin Novice Monk. The difference between the free facility for group treatments and the reserved facility for individual use will make the wealthy even more inclined to use the facility!” Ryu Ji-gwang laughed, pleased with Mu-jin’s logic, as he had already encountered this reasoning many times.

Of course, Hyun-myeong found this conversation quite distasteful.

“Mu-jin, you insolent fool! How dare a Shaolin disciple speak of worldly vanity and try to exploit it to make money!”

However, Mu-jin looked at Hyun-myeong as if wondering what was wrong with his proposal.

“Master Chubo-dangju, what exactly are you so afraid of?”

“What did you say!?”

“When I suggested earning money by treating the wealthy and distributing it to the poor, you feared Shaolin would be criticized for being obsessed with money. Now, when I propose treating the poor alongside the wealthy, you say we are trying to exploit the wealthy. Are you so afraid of Shaolin being criticized?”

“Are you trying to insult Shaolin!?” Hyun-myeong yelled, unable to contain his anger even in front of their guest, Ryu Ji-gwang, but he could not silence Mu-jin.

“Do you truly believe that is the will of the founder, Dharma Master, and Shakyamuni Buddha? The sutras clearly speak of compassion for all beings, yet why does our Shaolin hide in the mountains, afraid of criticism? Pardon my boldness, but I am more afraid of turning away from beings in need than of being criticized.”

Mu-jin’s words left Hyun-myeong looking as though he had been struck hard. Mu-jin didn’t particularly have a great ambition for Buddhism or compassion for all beings. It was just his frustration with Hyun-myeong’s constant rejection of every proposal.

He continued speaking in that vein.

“Far to the west, beyond Tianzhu, there is a country of Sogdians. A certain magistrate there accumulated wealth by exploiting the people with harsh taxes. His concubine tried to persuade him to stop.”

The listeners in Chubo-dangju Hall, who had never heard this Western anecdote before, focused intently on Mu-jin’s story.

“The magistrate mocked her and said, ‘If you ride around the city naked on horseback, then I will reduce the taxes.’ What do you think the woman did?”

“Surely, you don’t mean to say she rode around naked on horseback?”

“Yes. She rode around the city naked on horseback as he demanded, and the magistrate kept his promise and reduced the taxes. Would you condemn her for her actions?”

“Humph. How can you suggest that I would do such a thing? However, even if I did not, surely some would curse her.”

Mu-jin shook his head at Hyun-myeong’s response.

“Living in the mundane world does not make people fools, Master Chubo-dangju. The people of that city understood her profound intention and compassion. During her ride, everyone stayed inside their homes, not daring to look at her.”

There had been one person who spied on her, someone who would later become infamous in modern times for voyeurism. But Mu-jin felt no need to mention that part of the story.

“Just as that woman’s act might be criticized by some, the people will understand Shaolin’s compassion. And even if they do not, what matters is that we are making an effort to save beings.”

Hyun-myeong and Hye-min closed their eyes and chanted Buddha’s name for a moment.

When they reopened their eyes, the torment seemed to have lifted, leaving them with a clearer gaze.

“Sigh. Sangdanju benefactor. We will agree to open the clinic under the condition that half of the profits are used by Shaolin to aid the needy and that there will be a free treatment facility in the clinic. However, this matter requires the abbot’s approval. We will inform the abbot and decide on the specifics based on his decision.”

“Thank you for your decision, Chubodangju. My mother and I will continue to visit Shaolin for treatment, so please contact us when any decisions are made.”

Ryu Ji-gwang expressed his gratitude with a respectful bow, to which Hyun-myeong responded with a half-bow.

That evening.

While Mu-jin was sparring in Hye-gwan’s pavilion, Abbot Hyun Cheon visited Hyun-gwang. Hyun Cheon had already heard everything that had happened at Chubodangju from Hyun-myeong, and his visit to Hyun-gwang was to relay those events.

“As expected, Mu-jin is the one who will guide our Shaolin in the right direction, senior brother.”

Hyun Cheon had felt as if he’d been struck when he heard the story from Hyun-myeong.

The only curious point was how Mu-jin knew such an ancient Sogdian tale.

“Hahaha, so Mu-jin has earned a hundred gold coins for Shaolin and is set to earn even more in the future. Abbot.”

“Yes, senior brother. Shaolin will lead the way in helping others through the money Mu-jin brings in.”


Hyun-gwang let out a hearty laugh, staring directly at Hyun Cheon.

“Then, shouldn’t we reward Mu-jin? He has brought in a significant amount of money for the benefit of all.”

“A reward? What kind of…”

When Hyun Cheon asked, Hyun-gwang raised the bottle he was holding, took a sip, and then spoke.

“How about giving him a Great Restoration Pill, Abbot?”

“W-what are you saying, senior brother?”

“Mu-jin has brought in a large sum of money for Shaolin. Isn’t it fitting to reward him with at least one Great Restoration Pill?”

Hyun-gwang’s words, spoken as if it was the most natural thing in the world, made Hyun Cheon feel dizzy.

‘The rumors about senior brother losing his mind after failing to reach Nirvana, they must be true!’

He then noticed a peculiar fragrance wafting around him.

“Senior brother!? That bottle… could it be…?”

Hyun Cheon asked in shock, to which Hyun-gwang replied with a mysterious smile.

“What does it matter what’s in this bottle? Hahaha. If a Great Restoration Pill is too much, then at least a Lesser Restoration Pill should be given.”


Hyun Cheon pondered.

He wondered if the person before him was not Hyun-gwang but an impostor from the Green Forest Thieves.

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