Genius Martial Arts Trainer

Chapter 47:

Chapter 47:

The next day.

Ryu Ji-gwang and Yeon Ga-hee visited Shaolin Temple as usual, and Mu-jin led them to Hyun-gwang’s pavilion.

As the treatment for the three patients was nearing completion, Hye-min, the former disciple of the Chubodangju, visited Hyun-gwang’s pavilion.

“I greet Master Hyun-gwang.”

“Haha, it’s been a while, Hye-min.”

After briefly acknowledging Hye-min’s greeting, Hyun-gwang glanced at Mu-jin and Ryu Ji-gwang.

“It seems you’ve come to see Mu-jin and the Sangdanju patron.”

“Yes, Master.”

Hyun-gwang nodded at Hye-min’s words and then addressed Mu-jin and Ryu Ji-gwang.

“I will be here resting with Madam Yeon, so please feel free to go.”

“Hohoho. Sangdanju, Mu-jin, please go comfortably.”

Mu-jin and Ryu Ji-gwang gave a light bow to Yeon Ga-hee and Hyun-gwang, then followed Hye-min. At first, they seemed to be heading to Chubodang, but Hye-min led them to the head monk’s room.

Inside the head monk’s room, Head Monk Hyun-cheon and Chubodangju Hyun-myeong were waiting for them.

“Nice to meet you. I am Hyun-cheon, the head monk. Amitabha.”

“I am Ryu Ji-gwang, the Sangdanju of Cheonryu Sangdan. It is an honor to meet the esteemed head monk.”

When the head monk greeted them with a bow, Ryu Ji-gwang responded with a fist salute.

“I have heard from the Chubodangju about the proposal made by the Sangdanju patron. Our Shaolin Temple also views it positively. Today, we have gathered to discuss the project in more detail.”

After explaining this to Ryu Ji-gwang, Hyun-cheon glanced at Mu-jin before speaking again.

“This project heavily relies on Mu-jin’s treatment methods, and it seems that his suggestions have formed the foundation of the business, so we have called him here as well.”

“We were planning to invite Mu-jin to the meeting anyway, Head Monk.”

Ryu Ji-gwang responded with a look of agreement to Hyun-cheon’s words.

After the greetings, they all took their seats. Naturally, they all turned their attention to Mu-jin.

“I heard it was you, Mu-jin, who suggested separating the facilities for free treatment and specialized treatment for the wealthy.”

“Yes, Head Monk.”

“Then, do you perhaps have a more detailed plan in mind?”

“For the free facilities, since we need to accommodate multiple patrons at the same time, it can be easy for treatments and education to become chaotic. Therefore, I suggest having different exercise programs depending on the time of day or day of the week.”

“Different exercise programs for each day?”

“Yes. One day could focus on exercises that relax the feet or legs. Another day could be exercises focused on the pelvis. Another day could be for the back or shoulders. By placing a room or guide in front of the clinic to inform the patrons, the education can be conducted more smoothly. Patrons can come according to their individual discomforts.”

In response to Hyun-cheon’s question, Mu-jin explained methods slightly modified from the GX operations commonly used in large fitness centers.

“Additionally, this approach makes it convenient to use equipment in large quantities. You can take out the equipment needed for a specific time or date from storage and put the rest back into the storage.”

In the free facility, where multiple people had to exercise simultaneously, they would need several sets of the same equipment.

Some of the Pilates equipment were quite large, and if they stocked them all in large quantities at the facility, it would easily become a mess.

“And for the specialized treatment facilities, it would be best to use various tools to provide comprehensive treatment tailored to each patient’s condition after assessing their state through acupressure or palpation. Furthermore, finishing with heat therapy and electrotherapy would be ideal.”

After listening to Mu-jin’s explanation, Abbot Hyun-cheon had a somewhat regretful expression.

“Mu-jin, I understand that heat therapy and electrotherapy are particularly effective when a patient’s condition is severe. Shouldn’t we also provide heat therapy and electrotherapy in the free facility?”

“There are two issues, Abbot. One is that there aren’t many people capable of administering heat therapy or electrotherapy. The other is the differentiation from specialized treatment facilities.”

“Hmm. Regarding electrotherapy and heat therapy, given time, we can sufficiently secure the necessary personnel. Since we started treating Master Hyun-gwang, the Head of the Jurisdiction Department and Master Hye-dam have instructed their disciples to train.”

Currently, this was known only to Hyun-gong and Hye-dam’s former disciples.

However, given time, it was a matter that could be instructed to anyone who had learned techniques related to extreme Yang energy or Thunder Energy.

Nevertheless, the problem of differentiation between specialized and free facilities remained.

‘As a Buddhist, having to worry about differentiation…’

While Hyun-cheon pondered this issue, Ryu Ji-gwang spoke up.

“I have an idea regarding the differentiation, Abbot.”

“Oh, please feel free to share, Sangdanju.”

“Since we plan to open a clinic anyway, we could also station physicians there. For those using the specialized treatment facilities, adding herbal medicine or acupuncture suitable for the treatment process would sufficiently differentiate it.”

“What if we take it a step further, since we’ll have physicians on site?”

Mu-jin added to Ryu Ji-gwang’s suggestion.

“If word spreads, many people will likely come to the free facility. If we provide heat therapy or electrotherapy to everyone, it will become too overwhelming. Instead, we could place physicians in the free facility to screen those with severely deteriorated musculoskeletal conditions and provide them with additional electrotherapy and heat therapy.”

“This should provide a good framework.”

“As expected, it was a great idea to include Mu-jin in the meeting, Abbot.”

“Haha, we are simply grateful that you think so highly of our Shaolin’s pillar, Sangdanju.”

After a few more words, the structure for the large fitness center—or rather, the musculoskeletal treatment clinic—co-managed by Shaolin Temple and Cheonryu Sangdan began to take shape.

For the free facilities for the poor, they adopted methods from modern GX.

The specialized treatment facilities would offer a comprehensive luxury treatment process, including acupressure, massage, Pilates, yoga, manual therapy, electrotherapy, and infrared therapy, as well as premium dragon well tea, refreshments, herbal medicine, and acupuncture.

“Purchasing and renovating a manor, and mass-producing the exercise equipment for treatment will take some time. During that period, our Shaolin Temple will also select and train disciples for the treatments. Mu-jin.”

“Yes, Abbot.”

“Besides electrotherapy and heat therapy, it seems necessary to educate those managing the free facilities on using the exercise equipment and close-range spear techniques. I will inform the External Affairs Head, so teach the second-class disciples in the External Affairs Department and Chubodang what you know.”

Having assigned a new task to Mu-jin, Abbot Hyun-cheon turned to Ryu Ji-gwang once more.

“How long do you think it will take to prepare all the treatment facilities and exercise equipment, Sangdanju?”

“I believe it will take about a month.”

“That timeframe should be sufficient for our preparations as well.”

Thus, the rough plan concluded with the clinic set to open after a month of preparation.

From then on, the details were to be discussed whenever Ryu Ji-gwang visited Shaolin Temple for treatment, as agreed by Hyun-cheon and Ryu Ji-gwang.

“Chubodangju, please escort the Sangdanju patron. Mu-jin, stay behind for a moment; I have something to discuss with you.”

After the meeting adjourned, Abbot Hyun-cheon stopped Mu-jin.

Naturally curious, Mu-jin remained in the head monk’s room while Ryu Ji-gwang left with Chubodangju Hyun-myeong.

For a while after they left, Hyun-cheon simply looked at Mu-jin in silence. Then, he reached into his robe and handed Mu-jin a small box.

“What is this?”

“It’s a Lesser Restoration Pill.”


Seeing Mu-jin’s confused expression, Hyun-cheon explained in a calm tone.

“This is a reward for your significant achievement this time. You must be very cautious while taking it to avoid any issues during its consumption.”

Hyun-cheon’s explanation caused Mu-jin’s expression to change dramatically.

He had never expected to receive the Lesser Restoration Pill in such a manner, but Mu-jin was not one to refuse such an offer.

“Thank you, Abbot!”

Mu-jin quickly performed a ceremonial bow and accepted the box from Hyun-cheon, who then made a curious expression.

‘Whether Mu-jin is becoming more like the senior brother or the senior brother is becoming more like Mu-jin, I cannot tell.’

“Amita Buddha.”

Unknowingly, a Buddhist exclamation slipped from Hyun-cheon’s mouth.

When Mu-jin returned to Hyun-gwang’s pavilion with the Lesser Restoration Pill, Ryu Ji-gwang and Yeon Ga-hee had already left.

“Haha, you must have received a good gift.”

Hyun-gwang subtly asked Mu-jin, who returned with a happy smile.

“Yes! The Abbot gave me a Lesser Restoration Pill as a reward for my efforts, Grandfather.”

“Hahahaha. Truly a… delightful gift.”

Mu-jin thought he heard something strange, but he decided it must have been a mishearing.

“Since I can assist you, how about taking it right now?”

“I will!”

Mu-jin was very curious about the effects of the elixir.

He sat down next to Hyun-gwang and assumed the lotus position.

“Listen carefully, Mu-jin. Absorbing the energy of an elixir differs from absorbing energy through your regular technique.”

“What is the difference, Grandfather?”

“When you absorb energy through your technique, you take in the qi through your nose and mouth. However, the energy from the elixir travels through your esophagus to your stomach. Do you understand?”

“Are you saying I should focus on the internal energy of the elixir within my body rather than the breathing itself?”

“Precisely. Additionally, the energy you absorb from the elixir will be expelled through your breath as you exhale. However, if you become greedy or hold your breath to retain the escaping energy, you will fall into inner demons. You must abandon greed.”

“I understand what you mean.”

“Never hastily operate your technique to retain the elixir’s energy that escapes through your breath.”

Unlike usual, Hyun-gwang gave an additional stern warning.

Mu-jin repeated Hyun-gwang’s words in his mind and took a deep breath.

Then, he took out the Lesser Restoration Pill from the box and swallowed it.

Indeed, as the pill crumbled against his teeth and mixed with his saliva, energy began to emanate from it.

‘There is no need to rush, but there is no need to waste it either.’

Believing there was no need to chew the pill thoroughly, Mu-jin quickly swallowed it to prevent the energy from escaping his mouth.

The crushed and chewed pill traveled down Mu-jin’s esophagus toward his stomach, and thanks to the energy emanating from the pill, he could clearly sense its location within his body.


Mu-jin focused on the energy emanating from the Lesser Restoration Pill and operated his mind technique.

Great Vehicle Mind Technique (대승심법, Daeseung Simbeop)

This was the third mind technique Mu-jin had started learning after the Buddha Mind Technique (불심공, Bulshim Gong) and the Prajna Heart Technique (반야심법, Banyasimbeop), which he began practicing after becoming a third-class disciple.

It had already been three months since he started learning it, so Mu-jin had no issues operating the Great Vehicle Mind Technique. While he wasn’t yet at the level where he could perform active cultivation with it, like the Prajna Heart Technique or the Buddha Mind Technique, he could still utilize it effectively.

As Mu-jin concentrated on the energy of the Lesser Restoration Pill and operated the Great Vehicle Mind Technique, the energy released from the pill began to flow through his meridians, guided by his will.

According to the principles of the Great Vehicle Mind Technique, the energy traveled around his meridians, eventually settling in his danjeon (energy center) with the same hue as Mu-jin’s internal energy.

However, there was a problem.

‘Damn. I underestimated this Lesser Restoration Pill. There’s more energy than I thought.’

Even though it was smaller compared to the Great Restoration Pill, Mu-jin had only been practicing martial arts for a little over two years.

Despite using the highly efficient Prajna Heart Technique for breath control and having learned the Great Vehicle Mind Technique, Mu-jin’s internal energy amounted to only about seven years’ worth of cultivation.

Yet, even after absorbing the energy of the Lesser Restoration Pill twice using the Great Vehicle Mind Technique, the energy released from the pill was still greater in quantity than his internal energy stored in the danjeon.

‘So this is why he told me not to be greedy.’

To absorb all this energy without waste, he would need to hold his breath for at least half a shichen. Alternatively, he would need to operate his internal energy technique at ten times the current speed.

Both options were effectively suicidal.


With a deep exhale, Mu-jin allowed the energy of the Lesser Restoration Pill to escape, but he cleared his mind.

‘I’ll only absorb what I can.’

With a clear mind, Mu-jin focused solely on the energy of the Lesser Restoration Pill in his stomach and continued operating the Great Vehicle Mind Technique.

After some time had passed, the energy from the Lesser Restoration Pill in his stomach finally dissipated.

‘Did I absorb about thirty to forty percent of it?’

Even with that amount, the internal energy coiled in his danjeon felt like it had doubled.

Naturally, despite clearing his mind, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of regret for the lost energy.

Just as Mu-jin was about to consolidate the energy he had gathered with the Great Vehicle Mind Technique amidst this regret, Hyun-gwang’s sudden words reached his ears.

“Mu-jin, now you will absorb the energy of the Lesser Restoration Pill dispersed in the air. Focus. Do not lose concentration.”

Although Mu-jin didn’t fully understand what Hyun-gwang meant, he knew there must be a reason behind his words.

Shifting his focus from absorbing the internal energy of the Lesser Restoration Pill, Mu-jin began absorbing the ambient qi as he usually did.


I almost let out a gasp of astonishment. If Hyun-gwang hadn’t warned me in advance, an accident would have occurred.

Surprisingly, when Mu-jin began to absorb the external energy, the energy of the Lesser Restoration Pill that had clearly flowed out with Mu-jin’s breath was being drawn back into his nose and mouth.

This was a miracle performed by Hyun-gwang.

Hyun-gwang had enveloped the energy of the Lesser Restoration Pill that had escaped through Mu-jin’s breath with natural energy, preventing it from dispersing.

In fact, when masters consume elixirs, they often perform similar techniques.

To absorb even the energy of the elixir that escapes with their breath, they use a technique to bind the escaping energy with their own internal energy while absorbing the elixir’s energy.

However, it was impossible for Mu-jin, who had not yet reached that level, to perform such a technique while simultaneously absorbing the energy of the Lesser Restoration Pill.

Therefore, Hyun-gwang had taken on that role, continuously binding all the energy Mu-jin exhaled with his breath.

And Hyun-gwang, distributing the energy in amounts that Mu-jin could absorb with each circulation of the Small Heavenly Cycle, gradually blew the energy of the Lesser Restoration Pill towards Mu-jin’s nose and mouth.

This was an extremely arduous task.

Mu-jin’s danjeon was not yet large enough to absorb a large amount of energy at once.

So, little by little, how long had it been since Mu-jin started absorbing the energy of the Lesser Restoration Pill that Hyun-gwang was infusing?


Mu-jin, having absorbed all the energy, opened his eyes with an intense glint.

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