Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 179

Although the decision made thus far had leaned more toward conjecture than concrete evidence, Lennok and Grisha harbored a degree of confidence.

From a merchant’s standpoint, if one were to conceal a safe, it would be challenging to find a more advantageous location than this.

Their belief was rooted in the audacious assumption that the drug lord had hidden his safe on an island owned by the autonomous region, capitalizing on the widespread perception that the land held no value.

“Considering he treated the territory of the autonomous region as if it was his own, I wonder if what we’ve heard isn’t a lie after all.”

Grisha’s countenance naturally assumed a grave demeanor.

Lennok, too, furrowed his brow, contemplating in silence.

They had contemplated enlisting the assistance of the lighthouse keeper. Were it not for that, they might have squandered precious time aimlessly scouring an island designated as private property.

While the concept of the drug lord stashing his safe away lacked innovation or cleverness, it possessed audacity that prompted doubts about whether he’d actually execute such a daring plan.

This bold move likely stemmed from his unwavering confidence in his control over this archipelago of floating islands.

“Let’s move immediately,” urged Lapis.

Under different circumstances, there might not have been a need for organized intervention. However, the current situation demanded a distinct approach. They needed to explore every place that bore the drug lord’s imprint to trace the origins of his influence.

“I’ll contact you as soon as we find the location of the third landscape. We’ll evacuate the civilians from the remaining two potential locations in preparation for the worst-case scenario.”


The trio swiftly departed from the Celestial Commons and dispersed. Lapis descended to meet with other Watchers, while the remaining two ventured outside the tower where the wingboat had alighted.

Seated within the wingboat concealed in a bushy thicket, the two wizards promptly ascended into the sky.

A celestial ritual invoked a protective barrier, and upon exiting, they promptly adjusted their course.

Their destination: one of the three largest floating islands, home to a historical museum under the autonomous government’s direct jurisdiction.

“The only reason the Juice Master hasn’t shown up yet must be one thing.” noted Lennok, catching the rising wind currents from below.

Grisha concurred, “It’s hard to think he’s just showing off now. He’s definitely biding his time, waiting for something.”

“It would be great if there were clues related to the drug lord’s safe… but it’s hard to be sure.”

Lapis could only confirm the location of medicinal herbs of the collapsed island. While it was plausible that a ledger might be found in the warehouse, there was also the possibility that things would not go as planned.

Lapis had enlisted the two wizards to expedite the process, leaving room for other potential actions.

As the wingboat accelerated, the clouds overhead dissipated, revealing the distant fourth floating island.

Given that news of the overall situation in the autonomous region had already been disseminated, countless wingboats were taking off from the floating islands.

Amid the crowd of fleeing wingboats, they headed straight for their destination.

Numerous eyes were fixed on Lennok’s face, although it was merely a facade he had conjured.

Disregarding the stares, Lennok was about to continue when he abruptly recognized a familiar face and paused.

“Wait, you are…!!” gasped a pale-faced Casia, her expression filled with astonishment.

Or was it originally Akasha?

Considering they had arrived together from Vulcan, he had assumed she would still be in the autonomous region, making this encounter unexpected in the void. Nevertheless, there wasn’t much time for conversation.

In the midst of the chaotic situation, Lennok, with an unruffled demeanor, calmly relayed something to her.

“…The way out of the autonomous region is completely blocked. Do you know what’s going on?”

“Well, I’m not quite sure what’s happening either.”

“What did you say?”

In this crisis, no one would readily believe someone who went against the evacuation flow with such assertions. However, Lennok, without a hint of uncertainty, delivered different words to her.

“You’d probably be safer heading towards the 1st Floating Island. If you can, please help others make their way there.”

“What do you mean by…”

“It won’t take long for the blocked paths to be cleared. We’ll talk more in detail later.”

With this somewhat cryptic explanation, Lennok steered the wingboat’s wheel, leaving Grisha bewildered in his wake.

Even if Akasha didn’t possess extensive knowledge of Lennok’s true identity, she had some inkling of his capabilities.

At the very least, she wouldn’t dismiss his words lightly. That assurance was sufficient for Lennok.

Grisha, still perplexed, asked, “Isn’t the 1st Floating Island where the autonomous region’s government building is? It’s highly probable that the drug lord has already taken control there.”

“No, it’s the opposite. If the 1st Floating Island had already fallen into his hands, he wouldn’t have needed to activate a barrier through such a cumbersome process… At this point, the government building is relatively the safest place.”

Grisha blinked, taken aback by Lennok’s confident response.

“…You do have a way with words. I’m still in the dark.”

While Grisha grumbled, she quickly jotted down something on a piece of paper she had with her and sent it soaring into the sky.

Presumably, she was attempting to communicate the whereabouts of the inhabitants of the 4th Floating Island to the lighthouse.

Meanwhile, the wingboat streaked across the 4th Floating Island, heading toward a neglected area shrouded by a forest.

The long-forgotten museum of the autonomous region, which should have crumbled into disrepair.

Although it was meant to be overseen by the autonomous government’s artifact department, the structure was so thoroughly hidden by dense foliage that it was nearly invisible.

It appeared as though someone had intentionally obscured its presence.

Upon observing the grimy exterior of the museum, resembling an abandoned school, Lennok landed the wingboat with a wry smile.

“They’ve gone to great lengths to remain inconspicuous. If you didn’t know about the museum, you’d never even think of it.”

“It’s a perfect spot to evade the gaze of wingboats in the sky. It’s an ideal place for the drug lord to hide his stash of medicinal herbs.”

Grisha dropped the tobacco pipe from her mouth, crushing it underfoot.


Simultaneously, a magical essence emanated from her, forming airborne droplets that congealed into a singular, sizable eye.

Upon witnessing this eerie creation, Lennok raised an eyebrow. “Your aesthetic sense is truly… unique.”

“Damn it, I had no choice. I’ve never really worked on detection rituals… but this is better than nothing, right?”

Grisha shrugged awkwardly, and Lennok reluctantly agreed.

“…Considering there might be things hard to detect just by magical sensing.”

Regardless of his trust in his own sensing abilities, being prepared was always wise.

There was no room for ego when practicality was at stake.

The two wizards naturally maintained their distance from each other as they approached the museum.

Given their propensity for unleashing powerful magic, sticking together would prove counterproductive.

While they needed to collaborate effectively at the government building, this situation demanded a different approach.

Their objective was to uncover the drug lord’s concealed cache and unveil his enigmatic secret.

Grisha would enter through the museum’s main entrance, while Lennok would take the rear.

The moment they stepped into the cavernous hall, a potent scent of blood assaulted their senses.

The stench of death.

Lennok let out a subdued sigh.

“The chances of finding anyone alive seem… quite slim.”

[Considering the way he deals with corpses, it’s most likely. He seems to prefer the flesh and muscles of the dead over the living.]

Grisha’s voice emanated from the parchment charm she had skillfully prepared.

In the brief moments they had disembarked from the wingboat, she had crafted this communication talisman.

While she might not have been well-versed in detection rituals, she adeptly fashioned this makeshift charm.

Crafting such a communication talisman on the spot would prove to be a formidable task for Lennok, no matter how hard he attempted it.

In the realm of magic, unless one delved deeply into the realms of enchantment or creation, producing such results was a formidable challenge.

Clearly, rituals came with their unique set of advantages and disadvantages, separate from standard magic. It was a method not to be underestimated.

Lennok’s footsteps reverberated through the aged marble flooring.

Despite the sun still shining high in the sky, the old edifice, concealed by overgrown thickets, was veiled in darkness.

Once, it might have proudly showcased an array of artifacts and relics, with countless display cabinets and glass cases, but now they languished beneath layers of dust and shattered glass.

Now it served as a playground for a criminal, employed at his discretion as a storage facility.

It was evident that the employees dispatched to oversee the museum over the years had met an unpleasant fate.


A sound, akin to a rat’s squeal, echoed through the corridor.

However, the accompanying putrid stench indicated that it was no ordinary creature.

Shadows lurked in the darkness, exuding viscous slime and creeping closer.

Perhaps Grisha had encountered something similar near the main entrance?

A soft sigh resonated through the communication charm.

[It’s already too late.]

“Yes.” Lennok calmly responded, “They’re all dead.”


Emerging from the shadows and hurtling toward Lennok was a creature that had long forsaken its human form.

Its visage was grotesquely distended, erasing any semblance of humanity, with bulging veins on the verge of rupture. The sparse remnants of hair clung to its skin, once part of its scalp.

As it dribbled a concoction of blood and saliva, this mass of flesh lunged at Lennok.

In the eyes of the wailing creature, no trace of intelligence remained.

Ironically, Lennok was slightly taken aback by the spectacle.

The sheer extent to which a person could be utterly consumed by drugs alone was unfathomable.

The Drug Lord, Dominic Cabaro.

Indeed, no one was more deserving of the title of Drug Lord.




With a release of blue electrical energy from Lennok’s fingertips, the charging mass of flesh erupted.

Though it may have appeared alive, it was no longer human.

What remained was a mere cadaver, animated by residual energy from the drugs.

Following this, from the opposite end of the corridor, scores of these fleshy entities began charging toward Lennok.

Their futile aggression mattered little, for they were oblivious to their own futility.

Blindly, they reached out with an insatiable hunger for any trace of life before them.

If this wall of flesh was the Drug Lord’s preference, there was no other word to describe it but grotesque.

Certainly, the authentic drug storage would likely be defended by even more peculiar and formidable creatures.

Could Lennok maintain his poise when that time arrived?

He couldn’t be certain.

If he couldn’t grow stronger, he wouldn’t even possess the privilege of selecting where he met his end.

He had to exert himself even more diligently than he currently was.

No matter how thoroughly one prepared and advanced cautiously, unforeseen incidents like this could always transpire.

He must be prepared to confront the specter of death at any given instant.

This marked merely the outset.

[Chain Lightning]


Electricity surged from his five digits, branching into numerous arcs that rippled outward like waves.


Whaack!! Haaaack!!

They didn’t relent after a single discharge but immolated the fleshy entities until they dissolved.

The electric chain swirling around Lennok, appearing almost sentient as it ceaselessly revolved, had transcended the boundaries of typical magic.

The elemental magic that Lennok had initially explored.

Although its potency might pale in comparison to proprietary magic, it had been honed over time to prove effective in actual combat.


The onslaught persisted.

Shattered glass, shattered displays, and creatures clinging to the ceiling all surged forth, converging on Lennok simultaneously.

A tide of fleshy entities surged through the capacious corridor of the decrepit structure in an instant.


A spark from the tip of Lennok’s staff burgeoned into an expansive wall of flames.


Whaaaack!! Haaack!!

How many individuals had been drawn into this forsaken ruin to serve as test subjects?

It appeared that the museum had been acquired for purposes beyond mere storage.

Observing the creatures, irresistibly drawn to the fiery barrier, Lennok squinted.

‘Surely, I’ve seen something similar before…’

The aroma of the magical energy exuding from the expiring entities.

It was a clear indication of the combined effects of drugs and some form of ritual.

Although he was certain of this, he frustratingly couldn’t recollect the specifics of that ritual.

This perplexing sensation further intensified Lennok’s introspection.

[I’ve cleared the monsters near the main entrance. Heading to the central corridor. How’s your side?]

“…Almost done here. Wrapping it up quickly.”

While they hadn’t yet discovered the vault, identifying the museum’s location implied that their goal was now within reach.

Utilizing a magical shockwave, Lennok dispelled the remaining entities and hastened his movement.

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