Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 180

Lennok, who encountered Grisha in the central corridor, swiftly exchanged vital information.

The total count of monsters killed by the two sorcerers was approximately three hundred, implying the grim toll of lives sacrificed to safeguard the secret.

“Perhaps they ‘used’ tourists who were unaware of the vault’s existence, or passersby who happened to get lost.” Lennok speculated.

“The problem is identifying who’s behind such acts. The drug lord probably didn’t do this directly, so there must have been a ringleader capturing and turning people into flesh…”

If the perpetrator managed to blend into the evacuation to the 4th floating island, tracking them down would be an arduous task.

What if the drug lord’s associates, hidden among the crowd, incited chaos upon their arrival?

From the perspective of the Eyes of Blue, even though Lennok remained indifferent, the situation was dire.

Surprisingly, Grisha remained composed.

“It became clear that from the moment he interfered with the relics, we couldn’t keep the entire floating island cluster safe. The best way to minimize damage would be to neutralize his tricks as quickly as possible.”

“Sounds logical.”

It was a typical wizard’s way of thinking.

“First and foremost, we need to find the Juice Master’s vault. Though it’s called a ‘vault’, we probably need to find the storage he used to keep his ingredients.”

Grisha grinned.

“The bigger the floating island, the more one can enjoy the unique environment of the autonomous region, so such a large island had a plant built on it. It’s impressive how he almost perfectly stored his own ingredients with the help of others…”

“It won’t be the corridors or hallways.”

Lennok contemplated.

“I couldn’t tell from the map, but having come here and looked around, it’s obvious. It’s too exposed to the surrounding gaze, and we couldn’t also escape from the clutches of the monsters that ambushed us earlier.”

“So you’re suggesting excluding the pathways where the monsters roam?”

“Eliminating all hallways connected to the 1st floor exhibition hall designed for ordinary tourists and the staircase, there aren’t many places left.”

“Probably the hard-to-access rooftop, basement control room, 2nd floor administrative office, and 3rd floor special exhibition hall would be the candidates.”

While studying the map on the wall of the central corridor, the two quickly exchanged viewpoints.

Without delving into the rationale behind their deductions, the conversation flowed effortlessly between them, bridging gaps.

It was a discussion where only conclusions were shared, with the process understood.

Oddly, Lennok found a sense of satisfaction in this situation for the first time.

Collaborating with another sorcerer whose mind operated at a similar pace felt effortless and straightforward.

Grisha, being a potent sorcerer capable of confidently safeguarding herself, didn’t hesitate in her speech or actions.

The fact that Lapis, the most powerful force available to Lennok at this point, had attached her to him, underscored the seriousness of the situation.

Above all, it was urgent to locate the drug lord’s medicine warehouse and trace his footsteps.

“We exclude the basement and 1st floor. Unless it’s a vertically elongated island like the 2nd floating island, it’s not easy to hide something underground. Considering the museum’s size and the drug lord’s peculiar taste, the administrative office also has a low probability.”

“The rooftop and special exhibition hall. The exhibition hall is likely the place.”

“Good. Let’s go up.”

As Grisha spoke, she retrieved a rough piece of wood from her pocket.

With swift dexterity, she fashioned the wood into a pipe and placed it in her mouth as she ascended the stairs.

“I’m really curious about the face of a murderer who played with so many humans like toys.”

Lennok and Grisha proceeded to eliminate all remaining monsters on the 2nd and 3rd floors.

It’s disconcerting to think that these monsters were once regular humans, but it wouldn’t be surprising if problems arose with so many of them trapped inside the building.

The firepower generated by the two sorcerers, both at level 6 or higher, was truly overwhelming, akin to a pulverizer.

Lennok purposefully utilized light magic to efficiently deal with the monsters while closely observing Grisha’s sorcery.

She swiftly dispatched the surrounding monsters without any noticeable trigger actions required for her sorcery. Simply by moving her fingers swiftly, she could dispatch them.

A green wind emanated from her fingertips, turning the monsters to dust in an instant, without the need for distinct incantations or summonings.

This demonstrated that she fully comprehended and mastered her own magical formula.

She was unquestionably one of the most powerful sorcerers Lennok had ever encountered, easily ranking within the top ten.

But would this be sufficient to secure a victory against the Pandemonium in a confrontation?

‘It’s not entirely impossible…’

Unlike the Eyes of Blue, which functioned as a cohesive organization, the Pandemonium’s organizational power was so weak it was almost embarrassing to compare.

Take Croken Asilus, a member of the Pandemonium whom Lennok first encountered. Isn’t it evident?

With the mind of a natural wizard and Lennok’s honed rationality, Croken possessed a cunning and resolute demeanor capable of shaking one’s spirit in an instant.

The immense pressure and overwhelmingly heavy movements that could entirely subdue a human confronting him.

The fact that such a monster, undoubtedly an executive within the Pandemonium, pursued his own agenda rather than adhering to the organization’s intentions spoke volumes about the lack of commitment within the organization.

If the Eyes of Blue and the Pandemonium were to engage in an all-out war, it was clear who would be annihilated.

However, as Grisha had already accomplished on the Western Resistance Front, if they gradually eroded the Pandemonium’s power?

Setting aside discussions of right or wrong, the situation was not entirely unfavorable for the Eyes of Blue.

While Lennok was deep in thought, the conclusion was simple.

For now, he had to be content with observing the evolving situation.

Of course, all these unforeseen events would need to be resolved, and he would have to depart the autonomous region before he could contemplate further.

In a short span, the two ascended to the 3rd floor of the building, battling through the monsters.

Even though they had only climbed one floor, they could distinctly sense the change in the atmosphere.

An unidentifiable flow of mana coursed along the walls and floors of the 3rd floor.

Both Lennok and Grisha simultaneously touched the wall and nodded in comprehension.

“It’s a security spell that blocks external interference and detection.”

“It’s designed to obstruct magical interference and increase wall durability, conditional upon entering and exiting through the door…”

Perhaps it’s a mechanism to prevent drilling into the wall to access the vault?

Does this indicate significant security measures for the vault or also imply the thoroughness of the door’s security?

The hall, which would have displayed various relics for tourists on significant events or anniversaries, was securely sealed by a thick iron door.

In the center of that door was a person slumped down, causing Lennok to halt his steps.


In contrast to what they had seen so far, this person maintained a human form. However, this human-like appearance felt even more alien.

If someone remained intact in this building where humans were transformed into monsters, it’s likely that they are the culprit behind this tragedy.

A man with disheveled black hair, sitting hunched over and naked.

At first glance, he seemed ordinary, but his expression was eerily vacant.

Lennok and Grisha exchanged swift glances and simultaneously fell silent.

Though the man was visibly breathing with his eyes wide open, he remained oblivious to their presence on the 3rd floor, suggesting a lack of sharp senses.

In fact, compared to the average mana user, his senses seemed remarkably dull.

‘And despite being without clothes, there are no scars on his body, not even body hair. That is…’

It appeared certain that some method was in place to protect his body.

“Let’s blast his head in one shot and move forward.”

Grisha muttered, immediately channeling her mana.

The wind swirling through her palm spun rapidly and condensed.


As she exhaled into a strand of wind, which transformed into a spear about the length of her forearm resting on her palm,

The man’s head exploded.


Observing the headless body gradually slump and emit various unidentifiable fluids, she stood up.

Lennok forcefully pressed her shoulder down.


The fallen man’s arm extended abnormally and thrust through the spot where Grisha had been standing.

Grisha grumbled in frustration.

“I could have avoided it even if I stayed put.”

“It would have been good to see firsthand how he moves, right?”

“…How did you know?”

“It’s unlikely that a warehouse guardian left behind by the Drug Lord would be an easy opponent. Regardless of cruelty or loyalty, to protect all the ingredients stored here by him would require a unique attribute.”

Lennok mumbled as he got to his feet.

“It’s either incredibly powerful or possesses an annoying ability capable of neutralizing threats.”


Grisha was about to say something but stopped upon witnessing the slowly rising body of the man.

Foam bubbled up from the neck of the man whose head had burst open, and his head began to regenerate.

It happened so swiftly that in the short time it took the two sorcerers to exhale twice, the newly formed eyeball was rolling back into place.

Grisha let out a curse.

“Insane drug criminal bastard… Such taste.”


Clearly, she was cursing Dominic Cabaro, but Lennok couldn’t help but feel as though he was being cursed as well.

After all, in a way, Lennok was pilfering through the Drug Lord’s vault to obtain drug.

He had come to steal the Drug Lord’s treasures in exchange for the aid of a medicinal elixir.

He was growing weary of the obstacles impeding his progress.

Meanwhile, the man who had instantly regenerated his head slowly opened his mouth.

“Un, unfamiliar faces…”

With a muffled tone and an unusual pitch, it became evident from just one sentence that the individual lacked normal intellect.

He pointed at Lennok and Grisha with one hand while clutching his chest with the other.

“If you’re not someone I know… you must… eat this…”

Using his five fingers, he deeply scratched his chest, causing flesh to peel away.

Even for an ordinary human, this displayed unbelievable strength.

However, the way the peeled flesh transformed into a dark mucus and splattered onto the floor was even more bizarre, overshadowing his extraordinary strength.

Grisha muttered, her face devoid of any amusement.

“Evan, that’s…”

“It’s probably as we thought.”

From his pocket, Lennok retrieved a fresh cigarette, lit it, and took a deep drag.

Until now, he had been restraining himself for unforeseen situations, but from this point forward, there would likely be no respite.

“He’s been turning the people who found this place into monsters by feeding them his own flesh.”

The notion that flesh, casually scraped off, could metamorphose into such grotesque mucus was astounding.

Undoubtedly, this was one of the techniques employed by the Drug Lord.

Only after seeing the mucus did Lennok finally comprehend the source of his unease.

“We need to capture him alive.”

“What? Not kill him?”

“In my opinion, capturing him might be tough… but killing him will be even tougher.”

Lennok explained, observing the man slowly swelling and advancing.

“There’s no reason to hold back here. If done right, we might find out how Juice Master orchestrates all of this from such a distance.”

“…You’re just spouting gibberish.”

Grisha grumbled and moved forward, saying,

“We might not have time for that freak, but you know our time is limited, right? So, I’ll handle him, and you break into the vault.”

“No, that might not work either. That guy is surely-“


“-not a single entity.”

The man’s body stretched like rubber and then split into two.

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