Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 84

"Has he left?"

"Yes. As always, he didn't even glance back."

"I expected as much."


Panua, unable to bear it any longer, turned her head away from the window.

Dustin lounged on the sofa, leisurely swirling the coffee cup in his hand.

"No matter what happens, you must hold on to Van."

"I know. And he knows it too."

"How can he not know when I'm pursuing him so openly?"

Dustin's murmured words, tinged with self-mockery, were not unfounded.

It was a decision from higher-ups to keep Panua, who had been lavishing Lennok with extravagant gifts one after another.

"I attended a small gathering recently. My friends began asking about the wizard."

"Everyone recognizes the value of a skilled wizard, even if they don't belong to an organization."

Dustin's eyes gleamed sharply.

"You understand what I'm saying, don't you?"

"Of course."

Rumors were spreading among companies about the immense profits Dyke Corporation would gain from this matter, as well as the power of a certain wizard at the center of it.

To profit-sensitive companies, the market opened up by Dyke appeared like a perfect new world.

"At least until the city government completes its direct investigation, I've been assured that no other companies can intrude here. During that time, we need to concentrate on establishing and maintaining the distribution network for the weapons we've produced."

And the name of the powerful wizard who had orchestrated it all would be instrumental to their plans.

The outcome of an extensive lobbying campaign that extended through the entire political circuit.

Though it was a temporary advantage, there was no doubt that it was an opportunity that could be seized by sacrificing everything, especially for large corporations like theirs.

"He must be aware that there's one more favor to fulfill."

A collaboration promised and formed with five times of cooperation.

They've done three operations together, one of which Dustin personally used, so there's only one left.

This promise was not just a means to bind him but to foster a better relationship.

"Let's take our time and build rapport. As long as I have his broker's contact information… someday, an opportunity will arise."

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

"Stagnant world?"

Aris responded.

It was their fifth meeting. Always in the same library, at the same spot.

Even the sunlight that touched the edge of the glass table had become a familiar sight, gradually dampening it.

Certainly, their relationship had undergone significant changes in the meantime.

"When I study alone, it's occasionally mentioned. I wondered if you knew anything about it."

Lennok no longer hesitated to inquire about the magical theories that piqued his curiosity. When faced with theories that didn't align with his personal experiences, he became even more proactive.

Aris still refrained from offering concrete teachings, but she held her position, listened to Lennok's words, and confirmed their accuracy.

With just that, Lennok's magical abilities were rapidly flourishing.

Of course, her assistance was not insignificant in making the enchantment magic on the artifact truly his own.

Ideally, he would have liked to meet her after thoroughly perusing Eden's research diary… but he had no choice, as there was something he needed to ask her before that.

However, Aris's expression turned sharper than usual upon hearing Lennok's words.

"I'm not sure who told you that story, but it would be best not to pay too much attention to it."


This was the first time Aris had reacted with such gravity to Lennok's words.

Naturally, Lennok couldn't help but pause, his curiosity piqued.

Realizing that a simple warning wouldn't suffice, Aris hesitated before speaking earnestly.

"It's one of the ancient hypotheses that is occasionally mentioned among high-level wizards."

With the advancement of magic, all conceivable changes in this world had seemingly reached their limits.

This radical and audacious idea, proposed by someone long ago, quickly spread among the wizards and was briefly embraced as an absolute truth.

"It delves into the intricate balance between order and chaos, the discernment of good and evil, and the skepticism that the end of the world has already been predetermined. These were groundbreaking theories in that era."

Lennok was no exception.

Ever since he had heard those words from the Great Seer, he had been searching for clues, unable to shake off the weight of those words.

But Aris swiftly ended the discussion, as if there was no need for further contemplation.

"And it became the perfect breeding ground for extremists."

What could truly validate if changes had indeed reached their end?

Those consumed by this obsession often arrived at the same conclusion.

"It was only after an entire nation was completely annihilated that the hypothesis was proven to be just that—a hypothesis. It has since become a taboo rumor, one that people are hesitant to mention."

With those words, Aris concluded, observing Lennok's expression as if seeking confirmation.

As if confirming his thoughts.

Hypothesis. Merely a hypothesis…

However, Lennok hadn't heard that story from an anonymous source.

If it was a testament left behind by the late Great Seer Madrea Farsia, the likelihood of it being baseless was low.

How did the world appear through the eyes of the Ascendant, rumored to possess the greatest foresight?

Perhaps Aris had intended to caution Lennok against chasing illusions, but instead, his conviction seemed to solidify upon hearing those words.

‘I need to dig into the past of the dark wizards.'

He still couldn't forget the words spoken by the dark wizard he had encountered at the power plant.

If he was a wizard of that skill level, he would be quite influential in the world of dark magic.

Then, there would likely be someone who knew about that peculiar desire for a stagnant world.

‘Plus, the factory where I first opened my eyes…? Wasn't it a place where they were trading goods used by dark wizards?'

Lennok's gaze naturally darkened at the thought that the secret might be hidden there.

"Are you going to keep brooding like that?"

Aris's incredulous voice resounded hollowly in the deserted library on the eighth floor, where they were alone.

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

After his meeting with Aris, Lennok made his way back home.

Lost in contemplation, he arrived at his small one-room apartment and abruptly halted as his hand reached for the doorknob.

There were signs of someone attempting to breach the security spell and gain entry.

His casual alertness immediately sharpened.

Slowly releasing the doorknob, he swiftly surveyed his surroundings.

Upon closer inspection, faint traces of blood were visible on the doorknob. It appeared that whoever had tried to pick the lock had encountered the forceful resistance of the bolt spell he had placed.

Evidently, his modest defenses had been sufficient to deter the intruder who had attempted to ransack his home.

It seemed that the neighborhood was indeed as lacking in security as he had suspected.


With a steady flow of mana, he released a powerful burst in all directions from the center of his apartment.

Expanding his search radius to 2 kilometers, he intended to use any traces of blood left behind to swiftly identify the culprit if the thief was still nearby.

[Bloody Chase]

Tapping into his surroundings, he invoked a familiar spell used for tracing fugitives. The bloodstains on the doorknob transformed into delicate threads that stood upright, as if alerting him to their discovery.

Without hesitation, they pointed him in a specific direction.

Lennok slowly turned his head, following the guidance of the crimson thread.

Third floor.

The thread gradually led him to his neighbor's apartment, right next door.

It snaked its way through the gap under the door and disappeared inside.

Amidst the vacant corridor, laughter echoed, emanating from behind the sturdy iron door.

Having seen enough, Lennok knew how to respond to noise between floors—by creating an even louder one.



Utilizing a simple shock spell, he knocked on the door with a polite but impactful force. The response was immediate.

The door swung open, revealing a thick cloud of cigarette smoke billowing out from within.

While Lennok didn't mind his own secondhand smoke, the scent of others always wrinkled his face.

Unfazed by the irony of a smoker, Lennok conjured a gust of wind with his magic, forcefully pushing the smoke back into the room.

Amidst the clamor, someone emerged from inside.

The figure towered over Lennok by at least two heads, his face covered in harsh scars and a full beard, radiating aggression from his eyes.

"You rascal… Who taught you to bang on someone's door like this in the middle of the night?"

Ignoring the man's ramblings, Lennok focused his attention on the man's hand.

Just as he suspected, there were bandages wrapped around the man's thumb and forefinger, indicating a non-trivial injury.

Although the man seemed resilient among the riff-raff, enduring a bolt spell with only a minor hand injury, it didn't make much of a difference to Lennok.

Likewise, the man quickly realized that Lennok was his neighbor and scrutinized him from head to toe.

With his slender frame, white shirt, a bag slung over his shoulder, and a single revolver hanging from his waist, Lennok's presence elicited a smirk from the man.

"Heh… There's always one in every crowd. The idiots who underestimate their opponent and get beaten up until they're nearly dead."

Lennok remained calm and replied, "Isn't that a fitting phrase for a fool who got hurt trying to pick the lock on someone else's house?"


"It seems you don't understand."


Lennok chuckled as blue electricity crackled between his fingertips.

"I'm not interested in hearing that from a thief."

Witnessing the undeniable display of magic before his eyes, the man's face turned pale.


An eerie shriek filled the hallway, lined with one-room apartments, as the thief's tongue became paralyzed.


"What the hell is going on?!"

"Who's causing this disturbance?!"

Men resembling thugs rushed out of their rooms, prompting Lennok to let out a sigh.

It appeared that he had a job to do tonight in order to ensure his neighbors could enjoy a peaceful sleep.

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

Sometimes, actions speak louder than words.

In less than three minutes, Lennok swiftly dealt with the friends of the man who had rushed out onto the stairs and administered justice to the thief who had knocked on his door.

Thanks to a precast sound suppression spell, there was no need to worry about noise escaping to other areas.

Flipping the switch on the cutter in his hand, Lennok inquired,

"What did I just say?"

"You said you would cut off my wrist if I ever steal again!"

The man's frantic shouts, as he pressed his limbs tightly against the ground, made quite an impression.

His once aggressive demeanor toward Lennok had completely dissipated, and large beads of sweat rolled down his wrinkled forehead.

The fear in his eyes was palpable, befitting a scoundrel accustomed to back-alley dealings.

Ever since Lennok had emitted electricity from his fingers, the ruffian had surrendered everything, merely waiting for this moment to pass.

Lennok, with his fist held close to the man's head, slowly extended his two fingers and spoke,

"Yes, after I cut off your wrist, I'll take care of stopping the bleeding myself, so don't worry. Understand?"


As he directed the electricity crackling between his two fingers towards the man's chin, fear instantly filled the man's eyes.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to thoroughly inflict pain here, but… Lennok withdrew his mana and stood up.

He had already spent too much time on this.

Considering he had been out and about with his ailing body, he needed to rest, even if just for a moment.

Giving the man one final warning, Lennok glanced at his cold and scattered companions, then retreated into his one-room apartment.

By extending his mana, he could sense the man, still trembling, ushering his friends into the room.

Faint murmurs reached his ears from the other side of the door.

"Shit… a Psychic… we messed with the wrong guy, we're screwed…"

It seemed the man had completely misunderstood based solely on witnessing the display of lightning, but it wasn't a bad outcome for Lennok to have him think that way.

Only then did Lennok allow himself to relax a little and headed towards the bathroom.

"Should I have been more thorough?"

Had he been too lenient with the thief who attempted to rob his home?

While showering, Lennok pondered for a moment but quickly shook his head.

In a life-or-death confrontation, the situation would be different, but he didn't want bloodshed on his way home.

Responding firmly to a provocation and being needlessly cruel was not the same thing.

Lennok sought to maintain a clear distinction between the two, but occasionally, the rationality of a wizard and his own emotions clashed—an inevitable occurrence.

The wizard's talent for efficiently and effectively handling all matters sometimes overshadowed Lennok's innate sense of morality.

After going through a series of intense battles recently, he had come to realize that his hands had grown callous without his conscious awareness.


…He should move out soon. He had been contemplating setting up a separate laboratory and considering a move, and now his resolution had solidified.

Taking into account the funds he had received from Panua and the additional savings, he should have a decent amount of money at his disposal.

Finding a suitable residence became an urgent task that needed to be accomplished swiftly.


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