Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 85

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“Please place the belongings over there.”


“The kitchen is in that direction, so you’ll have to bring the fridge separately.”

After enduring an unpleasant incident, Lennok decided to move without delay.

Having accumulated a considerable sum of money from his dealings with Dyke, he saw no reason to confine himself to a single room while dealing with unnecessarily impolite neighbors.

He relocated to the 30s district, a modest apartment complex with just one additional room, which satisfied Lennok.

In the small park across the street, families would take leisurely strolls, and the distant sounds of children playing in a playground signaled that it was a safe place.

Even the laughter of the children beneath the setting evening sky brought him a sense of tranquility.

Although he knew that the peace and relaxation they experienced were not within his grasp,

Even though he was constantly teetering on the edge of danger,

Observing their lives still brought Lennok an odd sense of comfort.

“It’s all finished.”

“Thank you for your hard work.”

Though he could be stern when wearing the face of Van, there was no need to be so rigid when moving houses as Evan.

Lennok offered each of the movers a drink and expressed his gratitude before bidding them farewell.

“Well, then…”

The large pieces of furniture such as the fridge and desk had already been placed, but the rest of the items were Lennok’s responsibility.

With the transition to a larger residence, he had purchased new items like a sofa, TV, and chairs, which added to his workload.

Naturally, with his unsteady arm, he couldn’t do much.

After idling for a while with a cigarette in his mouth, he felt his strength returning, and he became more energized.

“Let’s begin.”

Ultimately, he had moved to a two-room apartment to separate his living space from his research area.

Lennok’s accumulated rewards from various requests, magical materials, various notes and memos he had written during his free time, and Eden’s research journal.

Rather than meticulously organizing everything, he focused on dividing the space and categorizing the items.

By the time he finished tidying up, darkness had already enveloped the outside world.


Even when he lived in a one-room apartment, he would often hear various noises when returning home late at night.

Barking dogs, shouts, and even occasional sounds of gunshots were not uncommon in that neighborhood.

But now, even without employing proper soundproofing magic, everything around him was astonishingly quiet.

Lennok felt that moving for this reason alone was a decision he wouldn’t regret.

“However, I mustn’t neglect my guard.”

Though weariness quickly overtook him from all the physical exertion, he couldn’t forget to erect barriers around him.

Soundproofing magic, security enchantments, various traps, and alarms to ward off intruders.

Repeating a task he had done before allowed him to complete it much faster.

Unlike in the past, Lennok possessed a deeper understanding of enchantment magic, rendering the barrier around his house nearly flawless even in his eyes.

Finally, Lennok took a deep breath, had a shower, and promptly went to sleep.

Once again, he found himself gazing at an unfamiliar ceiling.

From the moment he escaped the factory, through the dilapidated hotel, to this place—how much time had elapsed?

And how many events had unfolded?

His unwavering conviction, reaffirmed as he retched into the dilapidated sink, remained steadfast, but Lennok couldn’t help but acknowledge how much he had changed since then.

Change isn’t necessarily a negative thing.

Likewise, Lennok’s evolving demeanor shouldn’t be perceived as a negative either.

Embracing this belief, Lennok easily put himself to sleep by taking a familiar sleeping pill.

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

Rumors about the lightning wizard from District 49 spread like wildfire.

The downfall of a notorious gang called Cigar Bang was accompanied by such terrifying screams that the rumors were bound to spread.

It was only natural that Lennok’s image in the neighborhood underwent a transformation.

Until now, only a select few knew him as a promising freelancer, but it seemed that more people now recognized the face of Van. Or perhaps it was merely an illusion?

However, when he felt the burning gazes on his back, it seemed that it wasn’t an illusion.

“That’s him.”

“He doesn’t look particularly remarkable, though…”

“The brokers who have worked with him speak highly of him. His reputation is well-deserved.”

“He’s also been scouted several times by the mercenary office… Perhaps he has more unique tastes than we think.”

The residents of District 49, who had previously shown little interest, turned their heads to catch a glimpse of Lennok’s face.

As if etching it into their memory.

Some boldly observed him up close, while others stole fleeting glances from a distance.

Among them, there were those who possessed more than mere gossip and engaged in conversations.

“He’s not just an ordinary lightning wizard.”

“He’s known to wield other elements as well.”

“He might be a member of a prestigious school in the Magic Tower.”

“Can we gather more information?”

Rather than being startled or frightened by the emergence of a skilled newcomer, they coldly calculated the potential gains and losses, considering what they could do as his partners.

If Lennok were to collaborate with other freelancers in the future, he might encounter such individuals.

With these thoughts in mind, Lennok instinctively made his way to Jenny’s bar.

“You’re here. I’ll get you a whiskey, just give me a moment.”

Jenny, buried in her laptop without lifting her head, and Jordan beside her silently shaking his cocktail shaker, presented a familiar sight.

Lennok took a seat across the bar and asked Jenny.

“You seem really busy.”

“Who do you think it’s because of?”

Even through her curt reply, it was immediately evident what was transpiring.

Lennok smirked.

“If only you hadn’t rejected all those requests from the start, this wouldn’t be happening. The deep web inquiries are about to crash my laptop.”

Though she didn’t explicitly state it, Jenny seemed somewhat displeased with Lennok’s refusal to entertain requests during this surge of attention.

Lennok understood Jenny’s perspective.

If the gains from this operation hadn’t been so significant, he likely would have at least pretended to consider the requests.

But the knowledge and research notes he obtained from his encounter with Eden were an unexpected windfall for Lennok, and he had no intention of letting them slip away.

Having discovered the ability to extract the essence from a magical spell without acquiring its unique magic, his task was to resist the allure of immediate financial gains and reassess his own abilities.

Once all his work was complete, he wouldn’t need to fight against the tide.

It seemed it wouldn’t be long before he could forge his own current.

“What about the documents I mentioned earlier?”

“Here they are.”

Instead of Jenny, Jordan extended a thick file towards Lennok.

“Thank you.”

“I don’t know why you suddenly became interested in dark wizards, but it’s best to exercise caution,” Jordan replied in a hushed tone.

“They have assimilated into society through compromises, but at their core, they view tampering with the essence of life as a means of progress.”


“I’ve experienced their antagonistic nature a few times while working together. If you can’t comprehend that mindset, you’ll be fine, but otherwise, you’ll be surprised at how easily you can be influenced.”

“Don’t worry too much.”

Lennok gave a wry smile.

“I don’t plan on giving up my current life anytime soon.”

“Alright. I won’t say anything more.”

Jordan simply closed his mouth.

He must have known that lengthy conversations often led to pointless banter.

Once again, Lennok realized that Jordan was a man worthy of running a business alongside the impatient Jenny.

‘After all, with this body, where else can I go?’

Dealing with warriors skilled in physical combat rather than wizards, Lennok hadn’t felt it as intensely, but he was reminded once again during the battle with Eden.

Lennok’s talent was dangerous.

Like a ticking time bomb, his overflowing intuition and inspiration surged uncontrollably when faced with powerful stimuli.

How many of Eden’s spells had Lennok encountered?

Were there any wizards in this world who could witness an opponent’s unique spell and immediately reconstruct it?

If other wizards discovered his talent, would they genuinely praise his abilities and achievements?

Or would they go to any lengths to uncover his secret?

While Lennok still couldn’t claim to understand this world fully, the answer to that question was evident.

Unless it was someone truly trustworthy, it was better to keep it a secret for as long as possible.

At least until Lennok acquired power befitting his talent.

Wasn’t he working diligently to grow stronger, step by step, in order to overcome that fear?

As he pondered this, he placed the information Jordan had provided into his bag when suddenly, a loud noise erupted outside.

As usual, if it had been a terminal exploding or a gunshot, no one would have paid much attention.

But the faint sound of military boots near the bar’s entrance was enough to set people’s nerves on edge.

Moreover, it stirred a memory within Lennok, one that had never wavered in the face of the military in this place.

“What’s that sound?”

It didn’t seem like they were attempting to enter the bar; rather, a group was passing by, which was a rare occurrence in itself.

Everyone on this street knew the danger of congregating recklessly.

If anyone dared to behave in such a manner despite this knowledge, they were either incredibly arrogant or possessed the qualifications to do so.

Before answering Jordan’s question, Lennok surged his mana and extended it swiftly beyond the bar.

His mana abilities, significantly enhanced after the battle with Eden, grasped a space that spanned several kilometers, surpassing his usual detection range. It relayed every bit of information within that area to his senses.

As if he were directly facing it, clear visual data flowed into the recesses of his mind, revealing the appearance of dozens of people passing in front of the bar.

Their bodies encased in bulletproof gear, faces concealed by helmets, and rifles slung over their shoulders.

Yet, their gait was noticeably unsteady given the level of armament they carried, and their breathing was irregular.

After confirming the emblem of the Vulcan City Administration emblazoned on their chests, Lennok nodded.

“City administration officials.”


What could possibly bring officials all the way here?

Fortunately, he had a hunch. Hadn’t Evelyn, whom he encountered in the market, provided him with some information?

“I’ve heard rumors that the city administration is conducting inspections in the outer districts. I suppose this is part of that.”


Unusually, Jordan appeared grave.

“They’re targeting unauthorized establishments. It’s unlikely to have a significant impact on this establishment.”

While Jordan didn’t question Lennok’s overly detailed explanation, his expression remained clouded.

After contemplating for a moment, a weighty voice escaped his lips.

“It seems the city administration has devised some plans this time. I have a lot to consider now.”

“Is it something serious?”

Lennok, who was unaware of the intensity of the inspections, shrugged it off. However, the fact that officials were venturing into the outer districts in groups was a new development for Jordan.

“Nothing like this has happened in the decades I’ve been working here. It must be a result of the city council’s strong determination. I’m not sure what their objective is, but they certainly want something from this area.”

Indeed, as he spoke, the officials displayed signs of retreating under the piercing gazes of the local residents, but instead of backing off, they quickened their pace.

If Lennok were to hazard a guess as to their destination, it would undoubtedly be District 44.

Unbeknownst to him, he had started working in District 49 nearly a year ago.

The environment surrounding him was changing slowly yet steadily.

He had believed he was gradually finding stability in his life, but things never go as planned.

As always, the only option was to adapt to the changes.

If he couldn’t halt the changes, he at least desired to ascend to a position where he could drive the changes himself. That was Lennok’s sincere sentiment.

Lennok shifted his gaze, taking in Jordan’s complex expression and Jenny, who had ceased her work and was gazing outside.

By the way, had the blood mage boy he encountered in District 44 managed to escape?

If he hadn’t disregarded Lennok’s words, he would have been able to pack up and flee at the right moment.

What happened afterward was not Lennok’s concern.

He tried to erase the boy’s existence cleanly from his mind while thinking in that manner.

Until he confirmed the boy’s figure within his expanded mana perception range, which he had just extended.

The same rugged expression as when they first met, a hefty bag slung over his shoulder.

Lennok realized with a snort that the boy’s footsteps, weaving through the crowd, were heading directly toward this bar.


“No, it’s nothing.”

Lennok replied, diverting his gaze to Jenny.



“You should prepare to serve a customer.”


The sound of someone descending the stairs reached their ears.

Lennok smirked.

“Right. Probably… a glass of milk will suffice.”

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