Ghost in the City

Chapter 188

Chapter 188

*750 XP Gained.*

I swiped out cleaning my borrowed blade of blood as I took Musashi’s Katana in my other hand.

“Sorry, I’m so tired of hearing people tell me how important they are. You were saying something?” I asked the man that oozed danger. Even with the Menpo he wore I could tell his jaw was open a bit as he realized what I had done.

This had already gone way too far for me to care about future trouble.

Tyger Claws had come to kidnap and harm me. To hold me against Jun. As far as I was concerned. Everyone needed to die.

“Well, I’ll be damned. This might actually be interesting.” He offered as he stepped forward idly pulling off his Menpo and tossing it behind him where one of his men snagged it. “Komorebi Izuku. I have some stupid nickname that I don’t care for.” He greeted me slowly drawing a pretty nice Katana from his hip.

“Motoko Kusanagi. I like to go by Ghost in the Shell, but some of the Tyger Claws that know me call me the Onryo, or Yurei I suppose.”

“Heh. Fitting.” He agreed, glancing at the dead bodies around me. “You certainly are. I’ll try not to kill you, but I can’t allow you to resist. Those are my orders.”

“When I take your life, I’ll ensure your family know, you died with a blade in your hand.” I responded back just as smoothly, and the man actually looked pleased by my words.

Fucking sword maniacs.

Then again I was about to have a Katana battle myself so how much room did I have to talk?

I breathed in and out, and settled my stance. I would be on the defensive at first. I had no idea how good this guy was. Luckily I had two blades, and no one really expected the Dual Wielding to be effective.

There was a flash of a headlights, a car traveling the street behind us, that set us off. He moved. Sandevistan. I recognized it and activated my own.

He was still fast. Definitely a higher end Sandy, he blurred, but the reaction time I gained was enough. His blade flashed, glowing under the streetlights and I deflected it off with a twisting parry, and pushing him back with a swipe in turn.

He stepped back, both of us turning off our Sandy as it would be needed for the future. The men behind him gasped in surprise.

“She blocked it!”

I blinked, was that… Was that supposed to be some super move or something? Like ‘Light Speed Flash’ Or something?

Oh fuck. Right. These were Tyger Claws. I was dealing with a bunch of weebs.

But the two of us didn’t say anything, he simply went in again. This time he attacked with skill and not just speed, a surprisingly dangerous series of moves, twice I had to actually step back despite having two blades to keep myself from being cut.

This seemed to push him on, but as he continued he quickly realized the truth.

He couldn’t touch me. My defense was simply better, no matter how hard he tried to batter through, or slip a blade into openings there simply wasn’t enough for him to make the strike.

Which is why I was watching calmly and prepared for when he would activate the Sandevistan again. Because that would be what determined the winner here. Who activated their chrome at the right time to slip a wound through before the other could activate their Sandy and defend.

We continued our battle, him hammering away, his endurance far greater than Musashi. Either good Syn-Lungs, or just trained endurance.

But the difference between Musashi and this guy was night and day. Musashi was a skilled arrogant kid to Komorebi’s actual worked in talent.

Plus he had good chrome.

This was much more fun.

I felt myself growing a smile as we battled, a web of steel around us as I deflected and swiped making sure he couldn’t go entirely on the offense. The sing of steel scraping against steel filled the street, the sound of cars and people still all around us.

For a moment I wasn’t Motoko the Merc, I was Motoko the Street Samurai.

Then it ended, not because one of us activated a Sandy, or because a blade found flesh, but because suddenly Komorebi’s eyes went yellow as he stepped back, getting distance before meeting my eyes.

“Do you mind?”

“Oh no please go ahead.” I offered back just as cooly, neither of us out of breath or even seemingly tired from our match.

He nodded and took the call that came in, while I focused on what I had earned.

Dozens of alerts flickered through my attention, but the ones that most interested me were Ninjutsu of all things. I had felt it while hunting all the boys down, acting as a shadow killing them one by one.

*Ninjutsu skill level up!*

*1 Perk Point Gained.*

Ninjutsu 10.

I had felt it, and used it in the last little fight. There had been no doubt in my mind while ripping these idiots apart that they could find me unless I wanted them too.

Now I had an extra perk. To grow even further beyond the skill. I looked through the list while Kemorebi continued to have a seemingly serious conversation.

I searched, using the time to try and find the perfect option considering that there wasn’t much else to do. There were a few things that caught my eye, but one of them finally made me lock it in.

Ninja Running: Not being seen is stealth as well. Move quietly, and quickly.

I blinked and a whole world of information slipped into my mind. I knew exactly how long it would take to move out of someone's line of sight, and how to move fast enough to escape it. I felt myself smiling despite the situation when I realized that I could go full Batman on people and disappear as they looked away.

How fun.

I also had a half dozen Blades XP. Which was a lot for just one fight.

*100 Blades XP Gained.*

Komorebi spent a little longer on the phone call before finally his eyes blinked and the light disappeared.

“It seems this situation has reached the higher ups.” He offered with a sigh. Looking almost disappointed. “Our little match is over.”

“Oh?” I asked, not bothering to hide the sinister edge to my words. I had promised to murder anyone that stupid mob boss sent after me.

“Apologies, but I am being recalled. A meeting has been called about this situation. I no longer need to bring you in.”

I felt like twitching even if I didn’t move.

Of course I would find an actual sword battle to the death and it would end early. I wanted it to continue. To cut down this fucking gangster and his men, and then go and assassinate the man that was responsible for all of this.

But a moment later I got a call, my eyes turned yellow. I closed my eyes for a moment and when I opened them I offered an apologetic look to the man. “Give me a moment?”

“Take your time.” He replied back and I nodded.

The person on the line was Jun of course.

*Motoko! Thank God you picked up, you need to run now! Something big happened, and some of the Tyger Claws will be after you!*

*I know. I’m fine Jun, I’m standing across from a Komorebi, but he jus-*

*Run! Motoko run right now! Komorebi is-*

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*Already leaving!* I called out speaking over Jun’s freakout. *He just got a call to head to a meeting and he isn’t going to force it with me anymore. What’s going on Jun. I was jumped by a bunch of shitlings, and-*

*They dared!?* He roared into the phone then he went really quiet. *I’m sorry. This is my fault Motoko… I’m…*

*Jun, apologize if you need to later, explain now. Please?*

*It’s Yuto, he made another attempt on Kisaru. Kisaru was injured and Moritaka-Sama is friends with… It doesn’t matter. Some of the people involved decided to bring me in front of them as punishment, but Akari… She backed me up. Told me what was up, and we got to Fujimura-sama. He demanded a full meeting, and so things should be calmer, but…*

*She okay?* I asked, realizing that Akari could be in a lot of shit for going against orders.

*That’s up to Fujimura-Sama… I hope so. But this is getting big. They are holding a meeting. Like I said, a lot of the Oyabuns will be there… It’s about Yuto, and what punishment I will be given for allowing this to happen… Motoko I got… I got a message from Fujimura-Sama, he is saying you need to come to the meeting too? Why do you need to come?* I could tell Jun was talking outside of the call, sounding distracted.

*Tell him to fuck off.* I grumbled still staring at Komorebi who was patiently waiting for my call to finish, his hand near his blade in case he needed to draw again.

*Motoko! Be polite!* Then he went silent again and I just rolled my eyes. *Motoko… Did you kill some gangers?*

*Yeah? There were like a dozen that went after me.* I replied back instantly. Best if Jun understands.


*Language.* I instantly teased back, but Jun didn’t respond.

*Motoko. I’m going to this meeting, and you need to come too. We need to offer an apology for you to the higher ups so they don’t put out a kill order for you.* Jun said, sounding serious, but I just scoffed.

*I’m getting real tired of Tyger Claw assholes telling me what to do today Jun.* I snapped back, making sure my anger and frustration was apparent.

*Please, Fujimura-Sama says we can get this handled tonight, but you need to come.*

I tsked, as I considered it but eventually my desire to not have to fight for my life constantly won out. *Fine.* I looked around and walked over to Musashi’s corpse pulling the fine scabbard for the Katana I had been using out of his belt. A moment later it was sheathed, and I had to look towards the corpses of the assholes around my car to try and remember which one of them I took the second Katana from…

I slumped and just tossed it aside. It wasn’t high quality like Musashi’s anyways.

“Looks like I’ll be seeing you again soon.” I called out to Komorebi as I ended the call with Jun and sent a last glance towards him and his chooms all standing near their bikes.

“Perhaps we will get to finish this match another time then.” He offered with the sound of someone looking forward to it.

“Yeah, I’ll kill you later.” I mumbled back, but instead of offending the man he only grinned at me before turning and climbing atop his bike.

This whole situation was a fucking disaster. I looked down at the blade in my hand. Well at least I got some loot out of all this.


“Motoko!” Jun rushed me as I parked and practically dragged me out of my car as he pulled me into a hug.

“Juuun!” I whined, but let him check me over. Finally seemingly satisfied he looked almost constipated as he tried to find the words.

So I ignored him tilting my neck to look at Fujimura standing behind Jun.

“I told Moritaka… Moritaki? I forget, I told him I was going to kill him for trying to kidnap me. I mean it.”

Fujimura didn’t frown or shift at all at my words. Instead he did something much more powerful. He ignored me.

That kinda hurt Fujimura.

“Motoko! You can’t kill Moritaka-Sama! Don’t say that again, you’ll just cause issues.”

“Do I give off the vibe that I hand out death threats and not mean them or something? It’s annoying! When I threaten to kill someone everyone should be shitting themselves!”

“I take your threat seriously. But you will not unless you wish your brother’s life to be forfeit. If you wish to protect him, then come. And do little, and say less.” Fujimura finally spoke and I scowled at his words.

But he hit my weakpoint which pissed me off.

“It’s okay Motoko. Fujimura-Sama is angry as well. I’m his underling and for another Boss to try and go after you and me… It’s bad. There might be killing tonight.” Jun whispered the last part and I nodded.

Great. Yakuza politics. Just what I didn’t want to deal with.

“Slayed a whole bunch of Tygers tonight did you little killer?” Akari said as she sidled up to me, now that Fujimura was walking off.

“A bunch of kids led by a moron, yeah. Musashi.”

Akari stilled and hissed a bit through her teeth. “You don’t think it was?” She asked Jun and Jun didn’t react instead just nodded.

“Oh that’s bad.”

“Yeah Komorebi said he was important or something. I wasn’t listening. The moron threatened me with shit he shouldn’t have.” I defended myself, and Jun just wrapped an arm over my shoulder and Akari just ignored me.


“Come.” Fujimura called and I scowled at being called like a dog, but Jun was moving and dragging me along. I was pulled in behind Jun on his stupid Mizuchi while Akari got on her own, and we all followed behind Fujimura’s car.

While we drove I sent a message to my chooms that stuff was going on with the TC. Just as a heads up stuff might get crazy.

The return messages were soothing as I read their outrage and support.

Finally we pulled up to a large skyscraper. Each of us stepped out and into the entrance way and then into an elevator that went all the way to the top.

Jun and Akari both bracketed Fujimura like they were guarding him which was funny to watch while I stayed aside, giving them all space.

I wasn’t looking forward to this. Not at all.


“Just… Don’t talk unless you are asked a question, okay?” Jun whispered to me as the elevator opened to a pretty high end penthouse. As we stepped out, we walked down a short hall that had plenty of Japanese aesthetic choices, up to a door that was already bracketed by guards. To my surprise they weren’t wearing Tyger Claw colors, besides a few tiny things I noticed. These were the black suited Yakuza types instead.

They both stepped aside as Fujimura stopped forward. Jun and Akari on each end, and me taking up the rear, which didn’t give me great sight of things considering Fujimura and Jun were both big guys.

Stepping in, I noticed to my right there was an outdoor area of the penthouse with an actual sand garden, but my eyes were more caught on the security suite that met us.

Jun and Akari began handing over weapons, although Fujimura I noticed didn’t have to.

“You too Motoko.” Jun offered and I scowled at the demand, I wasn’t about to disarm right now! But Fujimura looked to me, and offered me words that surprised me.

“Trust me girl. You and your brother will be safe. Keep the Katana, put the rest away.” He offered and I was surprised at the authenticity in his words.

I sighed and walked forward pulling free my Burya and placing it into the small cubby they had opened up to store weapons. Lexington went next, along with my knife after they looked at it, and the second knife I kept strapped to the back of my belt. And the third knife that was hidden in my thigh ammo pouch.

I had found a lot of knives from Raffen over the time, it was funny how I hadn’t really needed them until now.

I was going to end there, but Jun nudged me and I glared at him, before huffing and opening some of my pouches.

Frag Grenade one. Frag Grenade two. I looked to Jun and asked him with just an eyebrow if he was satisfied.

Then armed with just the katana just like Jun and even Akari we headed further down the small hall entrance and into the main room. It was set in a very traditional Japanese style, but I could see the modern peak through. But more interesting was the large Tyger Claw symbol set into the wall. Done up to look more like a traditional emblem than normal, and under it sat a very good looking older man.

He might have grey at the temples, but he wore his age like aged whisky, a calm air around him and a very expensive looking Kimono… Yukata? I always forget which was which.

It looked Japanese and expensive.

As we entered Fujimura walked very slowly and calmly as if following a path before stopping before the man and offering him a full bow. Jun and Akari joined him, although I pointedly didn’t.

I didn’t even know who this was, and I don’t bow to some random gonk.

The three rose and moved across the room. Passing many other men already waiting, seemingly for us, including Komorebi who I recognized despite the man having changed into a Kimono as well.

Fujimura guided us over to a section where a few of the traditional cushions rested that Fujimura settled all of us on.

For once I didn’t fight it, and settled into a seiza that wasn’t too bad and just watched the show.

I looked over the crowd, old men in suits or Kimono all looking at the man at the front. Waiting, although a few glanced our way seemingly irritated.

Everything went quiet when the man at the front raised a hand carrying a paper fan. A moment later a group of women in fancy Kimono came out, passing out a saucer of Sake to everyone. Only once the fan dropped did everyone drink.

I wasn’t sure if it was rudeness that I was excluded or kindness since I didn’t like alcohol. So I decided to not worry about it.

Then a moment later the man at the front started speaking.

“I have been informed about the situation. Normally such things would not require my direct attention, but the seriousness of the allegations merit my personal attention. Moritaka, how is your Grandson?”

“Kisaru is alive.” One of the old men spoke, his voice like gravel, and familiar. Considering I had heard that name before I looked over. The old man was grizzled, and had very obvious chrome over part of his face, a neck replacement, and very high end Kiroshi as well. Wealthy and old. That’s the sense I got from him. “But this is the second time my son has come under threat! There will not be a third.” He added petulantly, a threat that was eye rolling.

One of the few that didn’t look irritated by the threat was a familiar man sitting next to him. Komorebi, the Tyger Claw I had fought, was sitting next to him. Our eyes met and I knew the man wanted to continue our fight.

Yet despite the petty threat the man at the front of the room nodded. “I agree. This matter must be put to rest. But first, there is the matter of honor. Fujimura.”

“Yes, Shinobu-Sama.”

“You’re man was aware of these assassination attempts before they were acted on?”

“Not as such Shinobu-Sama.” Fujimura offered with a bow. While still sitting.

“Do not lie here Fujimura!” Moritaka interrupted and Fujimura simply remained bowing as the… Leader? Was that guy really the head of the Tyger Claws? Well he just looked on for a while before nodding.


“Junichirou knew the assassin from their youth. Before the man was sent to prison while covering for Moritaka Kisaru’s actions.”

“My Grandson did no such thing!” The old man growled, but no one seemed to be interested in that. I guess Yuto was right, everyone knew Kisaru was a piece of shit.

“Moritaka.” Shinobu I guess his name was, said bluntly, and then he looked back to Fujimura.

“When Yuto was released, he reached out to Junichirou, and did bring up desiring vengeance… For the perceived slight.” Fujimura added, stopping Moritaka from interrupting again with a quick addition.

“The boy was not taken care of? Threatening to assassinate one of my lieutenants was not enough to act?”

“Junichirou owed much to the assassin from their youth, and has assured me he denied any willingness to help, and had directed the assassin away from his quest. Hoping to stop this entire series of events.” Fujimura offered, ending with a bow.

“And yet my Grandson twice now has nearly been killed!”

“Junichirou had no involvement in that.”

“So he says! I want the assassin, and I want something done about this! For a member of the Tygers to allow an assassin to continue to act without stopping them! There is no accepting this!” He rumbled glaring with his beady eyes.

“Hmm. Junichirou, that is true. You knew this man was plotting murder of a lieutenant and did nothing?”

“When Yuto brought it up, he was very drunk. Nakagawa-Sama. We were celebrating his release from prison. I denied him, explained to him the foolishness of his words, and instead pressed him to live his life. I even offered him work, as he was once an apprentice to the Tygers as I was.” Jun offered, sounding calm, but there was a hint of nervousness in this voice.

“So a man calls for the murder of my Grandson and you do nothing? Are you a Tyger, or some Maelstrom plant?” Moritaka cut in, and Fujimura twitched as Jun slowly turned to the older man.

“I am not Maelstrom. I have always been Tyger Claw.” Jun offered cooly, surprising me at how calm he was. That was definitely a targeted insult.

“So you say.”

Nakagawa, the man in the front grunted, and everyone went silent turning to him. “And then, today I am informed that there was more trouble. Moritaka?”

“I sent a group to collect the boy's sister. I wanted to ensure I wouldn’t have some Cyberpsycho breaking down my door to finish what his friend started. My people were killed.” He had been blase about the response until the end, when his voice turned dark.

He looked over at me, and our eyes met.

I allowed nothing to show, but my brain was processing ways to murder the guy. Just for fun. This wasn’t the time or place for it, but I went through all the ways I could end this man's life.

There were a lot.

Instead of acting on it, I simply continued to stare, eyes promising death.

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