Ghost in the City

Chapter 189

Chapter 189

“You had no right to call for the girl's presence.” Fujimura interrupted my staring contest with his words, as everyone in the room's attention shifted to him. “The girl defended herself from a threat, and was right to do it.”

“Is that so?” Moritaka asked, turning to Nakagawa. “Is it normal for our men to be killed when demanding compliance from those under us?”

I turned to Fujimura to see how he was reacting, and he gave me a very tiny shake of his head. Telling me to stay out of it.

“Hmm. Fujimura?” Moritaka demanded as Fujimura didn’t speak.

“There are proper channels if a meeting is needed. Kidnapping the family of our associates at blade point is not one of them.” Fujimura replied and then looked to Moritaka. “In this case, I ask for censure in turn. Going after one of my lieutenants by targeting their family can only cause strife in our organization.”

“The girl murdered one of my up and coming! Daisuke Smith is the son of Robert Smith. A man you are well familiar with! I had to assure him I would take care of this matter to keep his respect from wavering.” Moritaka hissed out. Then pointed right at me. “My own man confirms the boy she killed was already disabled!” Moritaka hisses back and I felt a few eyes turn to me.

I kept silent for now. If someone wanted to talk to me, then I would be happy to explain that I would kill anyone that attacks me.


“Mr. Smith is important to our current production, but he was told when his son was inducted there would be dangers these he now learned. Moritaka, targeting family members is unacceptable. There will be censure for this.” Nakagawa replied, I could see Moritaka go a bit pale at the words, but his anger seemed to keep the flush to his skin lively.

Then Nakagawa turned towards Fujimura’s group, straight at me. “And you are Motoko Kusanagi. Daughter of Natasaha and Kuze Kusanagi.”

“That’s me.” I agreed blandly, looking up at the man and wondering what exactly was really going on. Politics obviously, but I was wondering how much danger I was in here.

“You killed the boy? ‘Musashi’ I believe he called himself?”

“Yes.” I said without hesitation and I could see Jun wanting to shut me up, but I wasn’t about to try and hide it. After all, the reason I was putting up with all this was to make sure I wouldn’t have assassins coming after me constantly.

But if I was going to have assassins anyways, it was going to be for something I did.

“He is the son of an important assistant to our work.” Nakagawa offered and I just stared blankly at him because that wasn’t a question or anything I cared to respond to. Finally he spoke again. “Do you know the cost of his life? What will need to be paid for his death?”

“Nakagawa-Sama the-” Fujimura spoke but quieted instantly as the old man held up a fan.

“I was asking the girl.” He said and there was silence and so I spoke.

“No, I just know that I value my life more than his. He came at me with a blade. He wanted to live by the sword. So he died by one.” I shrugged, “I’m more surprised that him getting himself killed is such a shock to everyone.”

Jun sent me a glare at my casualness, and it wasn’t the only glare I received across the room. Moritaka seemed to be pissed as well.

Fujimura then sat up, a signal that he wished to speak and Nakagawa lowered his fan.

“Motoko Kusanagi was involved in this entire situation as an attempt to blackmail one of my men. As you all see, even after this attempt was a failure, I brought both with me for this meeting. If a meeting had been called, Junichirou would have come as his duty. The girl is a family member, and not a soldier. She should never have been involved. I ask for acceptance in her defending herself in this situation.”

“You dare?” Moritaka called but Nakagawa raised his fan.

“Her defense of her life is not my concern. The death of Musashi is. Punishment will be meted out.” Nakagawa spoke. “But that is still secondary to the problem that brings us here today. Kisaru Moritaka, and the assassin.”

“Nakagawa-Sama. I ask that any punishment that would be placed upon Motoko be placed upon me instead. As her older brother I am responsible for any of her actions.” Jun suddenly spoke up as he fell into a deep bow while sitting, and I felt myself frowning.

The room was silent for a moment and I noticed Fujimura didn’t look happy either.

“I think that will be acceptable.” Moritaka suddenly said, surprising all of us. “The girl’s mistake is her brothers in truth. I believe we can convince Mr. Smith we acted appropriately to punish the one that cost him his son's life.”

What? That made no fucking sense to anyone! Why would Jun pay for this bullshit? I glanced over and noticed Fujimura looked pissed.

The glare that went between Fujimura and Moritaka made me realize what was really happening.

Moritaka was trying to hit Fujimura. Jun and I were just in the crossfire. We were being used as pawns to damage Fujimura, either his reputation or his powerbase.

This whole thing was literally just yakuza politics.

I was going to murder that man, but first I had to figure out how to get Jun out of this without a punishment he wouldn’t survive.

“I disagree.” A voice called and everyone turned to another side of the room. If Fujimura, and Moritaka had their own little faction groups, then this guy was in charge of another.

But… I recognized him? Where did I know this guy from?


“The boy Junichirou, and his sister both have proven themselves before. I owe my life to both of them. I believe this situation has gotten out of hand. Perhaps punishment can be put aside as simply the folly of youth. No harm was intended. Only self protection.” The man offered casually and I could see the heated glare Moritaka sent him.

I blinked. Okina? Where… Ah! It was Sushi Boss! The Tyger Claw boss Jun and I saved from the Edgerunner borg that we both had to work together to take out. Holy shit!

He looked over and gave me a small tilt of his head, and I was actually kind of blown away.

A Tyger Claw boss that actually remembers a favor he owed to someone? Completely unexpected!

Nakagawa nodded at the man's speech. “I will take it under consideration. For now, Fujimura. You were placed to hunt down this assassin. Why is he still at large?”

“Forgive me Nakagawa-Sama. I did hunt him down, but his trail grows cold with a connection to 6th Street. I informed Ichida-Sama about this just yesterday. We were discussing what should be done considering the involvement of an enemy.”

“Is this true?” Nakagawa asked, turning to one of the men closest to him. Dressed in an actual red suit and not Japanese formal wear.

“It is Nakagawa-Sama. The matter would have been on today’s docket.”

I could practically hear Moritaka’s teeth grinding as Fujimura proved he had been doing his job hunting Yuto.

“Then we will-”

“Stand aside!” A voice yelled from the entranceway, and everyone went for their weapons before finally a form walked into the main room.

I blinked.

Dressed in a very fancy Kimono, hair done up in an elaborate style was none other than Hayato. Wow. She cleaned up nicely. I had to admit that the elegant look suited her… Well maybe not the angry face, but the rest of her sure. Okay maybe the angry face was cute too.

10/10 angry Yakuza princess.

But what was she doing here?

“Hayato, what is the meaning of this-” Nakagawa went utterly silent as not only Hayato entered, but so did Wakako.

I blinked. What?


I had the same feeling you got when you saw your teacher outside of the classroom. Something about this was wrong. Wakako was best when she was sitting in a scummy Pachinko parlor smoking up a storm, and watching midday TV.

“Father! I demand an explanation for this!” Hayato spoke clearly but faster than perfectly normal, she was obviously upset, but while Hayato was talking everyone was looking at Wakako.

“Mother?” I heard whispered aloud from more than one man in the room.

Taken from Royal Road, this narrative should be reported if found on Amazon.

I blinked because the Ichida guy had also said something similar. So he was one of Wakako’s sons?

I blinked, remembering that Wakako had like nine children? I got the feeling more than a few of them were in this room.

And wait. Did Nakagawa just call Wakako Mother in law? But if Wakako was Mother in Law, what did that make Hayato?

I looked at my friend. Huh.

That was about the same moment said friend noticed me, blinked once, and a myriad of reactions all ran through her face before she seemingly couldn’t stop herself.

“Motoko?” she said in a blurst of sounds talking much faster than normal.

I considered what my reaction should be. Polite?


“Sup Hayato.” I offered with a raised hand. Greeting her happily.

“Hmm. I got a report that you caused trouble.” Wakako interrupted before Hayato could respond, as she walked over, walking right past the still confused looking Hayato as she approached me.

“I just defended myself.” I responded back a little darkly. I was getting pretty done with everyone blaming me for not letting some arrogant little shit kidnap me.

“Is that why my Son in Law dragged you here? Because you killed Daisuke Smith?” She seemed to ponder the crowd. Then to my surprise she reached out and patted my shoulder. “I can already see what is happening here. Son in Law, there seems to be some confusion, so let me clear it. Motoko Kusanagi works for me.” Wakako said bluntly and the room went silent at her proclamation.

Moritaka I noticed looked pretty irritated, but said nothing in response.

“The girl works for you? Truly?” Nakagawa asked.

“She does.” Wakako said in a tone of voice that was very evident she was wondering why he was questioning her.

“But that still doesn’t explain this interruption.” He seemed to grumble looking at Wakako and Hayato. “Hayato, you should have been here an hour ago.”

“I would have been father if not-” She trailed off in a splurge of word vomit, her face red, telling me she was very irritated. Before she paused, took a breath and continued.

“If not for the message that I was given that requested my presence at home. When I arrived, there was nothing happening, and I was hurried away by my guards… I called Grandmother to try and figure out what was going on.” Hayato explained and Nakagawa looked less than pleased as he turned to Wakako.

“The message was sent from a burner account. More interesting is where my Granddaughter was when the message came. Tell him.” Wakako called and Hayato looked confused.

“I was at the Deravaja Dojo. I was sparring with Motoko.” Hayato said slowly, her confusion for once making her speak at a normal rhythm.

“You were… With the girl?” Nakagawa demanded, pointing at me, and she nodded.

“Yes. Motoko is my sparring partner now. John introduced her, and set us together… She challenges me well.” Then Hayato looked from Nakagawa, to Wakako, to me. “I was with Motoko, and she is now here… Motoko, what happened after I left?” She demanded from me instantly.

So I shrugged. “I took a shower to wash up and left the Dojo, on my way out Musashi and a bunch of his punks jumped me. They were trying to kidnap me. So I killed them.”

“Musashi? I saw Musashi as I left! Are you telling me this message was from him? Did that pathetic fool send me on a wild chase just to get to you?” Hayato sounded pissed as she spoke, she turned to her father…

Holy shit. That was her father. Hayato was literally the Tyger Claw Princess… I mean I had called her the Yakuza princess, but she literally was!

I really hope no one found out that I punched her in the face pretty often.


Nakagawa raised a fan and she fell silent. “Mother in law. This girl Motoko murdered one of my lieutenants.”

“So?” Wakako asked in response, seemingly completely uninterested in the accusation. “She is one of mine and should not have been bothered with this nonsense from the start.” Wakako said, making me look up at her, in a slight bit of relaxation.

It was unexpected, but it was flattering that Wakako was speaking up for me. I mean I didn’t even really do many gigs for her. For her to act this way, she must actually secretly in her cruel dark heart care.

It was sweet… And terrifying because I was sure I would be paying for it later. She was going to work me to the bone or something.

“Then we will speak about the costs of the girl's actions later Mother in law. The Assassin must die. Fujimura, this is your people's mistake. It is on you to fix it.”

“Understood Nakagawa-Sama.”

“Good. Hayato, come with me. Mother in law, please join us.” Nakagawa then stood and everyone besides Wakako and I bowed, and then Wakako dropped one more pat on my shoulder before following the man into another room.

Only once they were gone did everyone rise. Before anything else Moritaka stood and walked over.

“Do not think this is over. Your Kamikaze group won’t last. Not with the constant mistakes like this.” Moritaka said to Fujimura, but the man just looked him over for a moment.

“Moritaka-Dono, my securing of the Japantown Projection has already been decided. The Kamikaze completed their task as required. And I have few complaints about their after war actions. Today is a mistake that we will pay for, but it will not stop my work.”

“That you think this is something that will be brushed under the rug shows your ignorance Fujimura. I will be watching you closely from now on. Any mistakes will not be allowed to hide in the shadows.”

“You have your tasks Moritaka-Dono, and I have my own.” Fujimura replied and I had a feeling a lot of undercurrent was going on, but I wasn’t entirely in the know about what the fuck was going on.

Was this really all Tyger Claw Politics? If it was, I was going to murder some fuckers.

Moritaka looked me over a moment later, and scoffed. “Wakako will not protect you either. You will pay for your actions today, murdering a member of the Tyger Claws will not be forgotten, or forgiven.”

I just stared at the man, and wondered if I was really going to have kill this guy right in front of all of his people, when Jun stood up.

“You go too far. My Sister is only here because you decided to put her in the crosshairs of loyal men. Tyger Claws doing their duty trusted by their higher ups. You forget that Nakagawa-Sama already stated you would be censured for this!”

“Fool boy. Watch your tone.” He spoke and I noticed Komorebi had followed after Moritaka was now close enough to react with his blade.

A threat. That’s fine, I was about ready to make my own threats.

I stood up slowly, wiping my jeans a bit as I stretched my legs. “I don’t take it lightly when people try to have me kidnapped. Moritaka, right?” I asked and Jun was there, hand on my shoulder holding me back.

“Don’t Motoko.”

“Tsk, a child playing at being a gangster isn’t anything new girl. Be silent, or I’ll have you taught a lesson.”

“By who? Your guard Komorebi? The guy that wasn’t able to beat me before when I was alone facing all the men you sent after me?”

“Heh.” Komorebi chuckled at that, cutting of Moritaka who had looked like he was going to demand my head right there. “You sure got some steel in your spine. Motoko Kusanagi. I’ll remember that. I think I’ll end up crossing blades with you again.”

“You won’t.” Jun said, then rumbling and furious. “None of you will ever touch my sister.” Jun took a step forward, but it was Fujimura that stopped him.

“I agree. You already face censure for getting a family member involved in our business. Perhaps I will push for a more direct punishment. My boy might have made a mistake in not stopping the assassin, but he is just a boy. Well known for making mistakes, what man in this room hasn’t when he was that age? But you? Men our age don’t make mistakes. You flaunt your disrespect of the rules blatantly.”

“Watch your mouth Fujimura. Watch it close. You may be high after the tiff between the Maelstrom, but you are not at my level yet!”

The whole place shifted when a door opened and out came Nakagawa. “I see my men are getting along.” He spoke coolly after a moment receiving bows from everyone as he walked closer. “Fujimura, I want this issue taken care of.”

“Yes Nakagawa-Sama.”

“Moritaka, allow Fujimura and his boys to clean up their mess with no further issue. My sympathy to your son's injuries. I am glad he is still alive.”

“He is strong. An Assassin will not be his end.” Moritaka said with sudden confidence.

For a moment he turned to me with a look but he said nothing.

Instead he turned to others and began speaking to everyone. Giving them orders, or asking them to assist others.

The TC were mobilizing.

I guess finding out an assassin targeting a higher ups kid was with 6th Street would do that.

“Fujimura-Dono, and Jun-Kun.” A voice spoke and it was Okina. He looked then to me, and offered an actual smile. “And Motoko-Chan. It is nice to see you. Even in these circumstances. I never got the chance to thank you for you and your brother's actions that night.”

“Ah.” I said because he was talking to me. “Well it was nothing, we were involved from the start.”

“Perhaps, but not many would, or could have done anything. These circumstances are… Unpleasant.” He decided on after seemingly tasting the word. “But have no fear. Even without Wakako-Sama, you and your brother have others behind you.”

“Thank you.” I offered, because it was actually an earnest offer.

“Will you need any assistance, Fujimura-Dono?” He asked, turning to the older man after.

“No Okina-Dono. I believe once we decide on a path forward through 6th Street or not, my men can handle this problem.”

“Good. Don’t hesitate to call if you need assistance.”

I stood there for a while as more and more conversations broke out over the room. None of it interested me, instead I opened my agent and made some texts to my chooms. Just letting them know I was alive, and that things were okayish.

As I was responding to the third text from Hiromi in our group chat of her freaking out, I noticed someone approaching.

“Hey Hayato.”

“Motoko.” She greeted back and looked at me for a while before seeming to firm her resolve. “Come with me.”

I looked to Jun who was distracted and shrugged. Following her, we walked into the same room Nakagawa had entered before and I wasn’t surprised to see Wakako inside, already smoking a cigarette while sitting on a couch and looking annoyed.

“Good. Motoko come sit. Hayato child do not frown so. This situation is irritating but no longer unstable.”

“Yes Grandmother.”

“That’s so weird.” I muttered and Hayato turned to give me a glare while Wakako just put out her cigarette.


“Just… I knew Hayato for a while, and I didn’t know she was your grandkid. And I’ve known Wakako forever. It’s just weird to see you both together, and to know you are related.” I answered and Wakako just scoffed, obviously uninterested in dealing with my nonsense, while Hayato huffed.

“I told you who I was!”

“You never told me you were Wakako’s grandkid.” I denied laughing, cause she really hadn’t.

“My name! Hayato Nakagawa! Na-ka-ga-wa!” She growled out enunciating each syllable.

I looked at her blankly for a minute before I chuckled out a laugh. “Hayato, I didn’t know the leader of the Tyger Claws was named Nakagawa until like twenty minutes ago?”

“How!? Everyone knows that!”

I just shrugged. “I didn’t.”

“Then… Then why did you agree to spar with me?”

“Cause you’re fun to fight? I didn’t have a lot of practice against someone using a Keren, and it’s kinda nice to fight someone my own age and stuff you know?”

My words had an odd effect on Hayato who looked flushed for a moment before seemingly growing angry. “You’re an idiot!”

“Little rude.” I mumbled, but that only set her off more.

“I can’t believe someone so stupid is able to challenge me! This… This shouldn’t be possible. You’re too stupid to be this skilled.”

“Super rude.” I added.

“Hayato.” Wakako offered and Hayato went silent. “You are allowing your emotions to overcome you dear. Breathe, you should apologize. Motoko is an idiot, but it’s rude to tell someone that to their face.”

“Is this gang up on Motoko day? First Musashi and his group, then this whole bullshit, and now you two?” I grumbled at the two, but Wakako just gave me a look telling me she was very amused to be able to torture me, and Hayato while not amused, didn’t seem to disagree.

Fuck they were related!

“You… You really didn’t know that I…” Hayato asked and I just looked at her for a while and she then scoffed and laughed and just broke into laughter.

“She! She has nothing between her ears! Grandmother! She’s!” She started laughing then. Practically dying of laughter as she bent over, and Wakako had to look away to hide her own amusement.

“Okay if everyone is just picking on me, I’ll go.” I grumbled because wow super rude you know?

“Motoko.” Wakako spoke and I stopped my attempt to leave. “There is something I wish to discuss with you… Outside of my granddaughter's realization.”

I sighed for a moment. “Fine, can we make it quick? I didn’t exactly plan to deal with all this Yakuza politics bullshit today.”

“Yakuza! We are not Yakuza!” Hayato snapped, unbending from her laughing fit at my words but I rolled my eyes at her, and focused on Wakako but she waved at me, and I sighed and settled into a chair.

This wasn’t going to be something I liked.

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