Ghost in the City

Chapter 194

Chapter 194

I ‘borrowed’ a cheap looking car as I traveled over. I knew my Quadra would stand out, since I had chased after Yuto in it last time.

Since I knew where he was, and I knew how hard it would be to get close without being seen, I had come up with a brilliant plan!

“Alright. Everything looks good… Alright Tachikoma-Chan. We are synced up. Time to see what you can do.” I whispered to it as I opened my car door and plopped it out on the dirt.

This section of the city was dirty little suburbs of sorts. Run down houses and apartment blocks packed around the canal, and that was what caused the problem. Yuto was in a house down in the canal, and I couldn’t get anywhere near it without someone being able to see me.

I scanned around with the Tachikoma as my actual body leaned back in the back seat. I had some practice using the Tachikoma, but this was going to be the first time I had given it a real test drive. I started moving, the Tachikoma’s legs mostly noiseless on the grass besides a few difficulties keeping all four legs in mind.

But I quickly got the hang of it, and crawled past the two run down houses and looked down. The Canal area was more than a twenty foot ramp down into another suburb. And that was where Yuto was. The house he was hiding out in was right there, but I had to get Tachikoma down there without breaking.

Nothing for it. I climbed over to the incline and hunched down, and just let Gravity take control.

My Tachikoma didn’t have any wheels installed yet, and so I winced a bit at the noise, but it wasn’t overly loud for the area. Cars and people, and music played from radios filled the air, so as my little drone slipped down it only made a modicum of noise before hitting the end and rolling a bit.

Using its arms I flipped it back onto its legs and looked around. Success. I scurried over to a pile of garbage to hide out in for a bit in case the noise had alerted anyone, but after a few minutes I slipped out and started towards the house.

Tachikoma stealth!

I actually started feeling pretty happy about this. The movement was working pretty well and I was getting to use a piece of my arsenal that I hadn’t gotten a chance to use yet!

Crawling up to the back door I connected into the back door hacking through and accessing the controls. Unfortunately it was a closed system, and wasn’t connected to anything else, so I ran into the first problem.

The Tachikoma was a prototype. And because of that, she had a bit of an issue.

She couldn’t hear anything. I hadn’t actually installed any sort of microphone receiver in the prototype.

Something I decided I would have to fix asap, but until then I would have to rely on my other senses, and whatever I could hack into.

To be careful, I retreated and then had the door open. Waiting for a while to see if anyone came to see why the door opened.

A few minutes later it looked clear and I had the Tachikoma slide inside. Looking over the kitchen I entered, I took in the situation and grinned. With a quick motion I had the Tachikoma open a cupboard and slip inside, as I started hacking into all the electronics in the house.

Most things had some sort of microphone and so without much difficulty I hacked into the radio that was on the kitchen counter, and suddenly with a bit of digital work I was able to hear.

The sound of a TV blaring in another room made me smirk. I did a quick sweep to check for any cameras or something, but this was just a residence, not a gang base.

It wasn’t going to be that easy.

Now that I could hear I slipped back out of the cupboard, gently crawling across the kitchen doing my best to stay in the shadows, funnily enough, while it wasn’t perfect ninjutsu was transferring well enough I was able to be ninja Tachikoma.

Considering how useful this was, I might have to start running the AI through some stealth programs teaching it how to sneak around.

I peered out of the kitchen into a hallway and realized the sound was coming from my right. A living room space set up with a large entertainment space, and the man I was after sprawled across the couch.

Along with two goons as well.

Target confirmed.

I considered a few things. Could I hack Yuto right now to kill him? I didn’t have anything installed that was lethal though.

I grumbled, if I had a more lethal hack this entire issue could be resolved right now.

Shaking it off I noticed something interesting. The two 6th Street goons that were also in the room. They weren’t there hanging out with Yuto.

They were there guarding him.

And I don’t think it was for his protection. Yuto had the look of someone being held.

I don’t think whoever was running this little trouble between 6th Street and the TC, really cared for Yuto.

In fact considering he had failed twice, he might be on the gonks shitlist.

I moved the Tachikoma under a coffee table in the corner and settled in as I started hacking.

I knew Yuto’s contact was Roger, but I wanted to know what the fuck was really going on.

So I quietly slipped into the goons' agents.

It was going to take a while, but I wanted all their calls and records.

Knowledge was power, and I would like to find out who was trying to cause so much trouble between the gangs.


“Motoko!” Hiromi called as I finally arrived at the restaurant that was in City Center, just across the bridge from Arroyo.

“Hey Hiromi. Sorry I’m late… I thought they’d send someone else.” I mentioned looking at Jun and Akari sitting in the booth behind my chooms.

“I was ordered to come.” Jun offered weakly. Far too weak for the man that I knew.

“It’s fine Jun-nii. You won’t have to do anything. I scoped out where Yuto is currently staying, and honestly… Neither you or Akari can really help.”

I pulled up a picture I had taken and sent it to everyone.

Instantly Ichi noticed the issue, Malcolm right behind him. Jun was frowning heavily.


“Right in the middle of 6th Street territory. Practically impenetrable. Especially for a couple of very obvious Tyger Claws.” I agreed and everyone was angry to hear it.

Rancho Coronado’s strange little section that was technically the dams wash zone, but it had been completely converted into a little suburb. And every inch of it belonged to 6th. Street. The place was packed. Massively populated, and nearly impossible to get into without everyone and anyone knowing about it.

It was also ironically where Maine had set up his little hideout.

There was no easy way to do this without going up close. So that was what I was going to do. “So that’s the plan.” I finished and got nods from my crew, but looks of concern from Jun and Akari.

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“That’s dumb.” Jun finally said. “How are you going to get out? You can’t do this!”

“I’ll have a car parked close by. Malcolm will be my wheels in, Ichi and Hiromi will be parked here.” I highlighted the location and sent the update to everyone's agent. “If everything goes well, I’ll be out before they can do much. If something goes wrong, and I get chased, Malcolm will be racing to meet up with Ichi, and then Ichi and Hiromi will have the heavy weapons ready.”

“This is crazy. Do it.” Akari said, reminding me that she was crazy, because this plan was crazy and only a crazy person would do it.

Our eyes met, and I nodded.

Oh yeah. I was not happy with this situation. Yuto needed to die. Plain and simple.

“Going in alone is dumb. I’ll come with you.” Jun started, but I cut him off.

“Denied.” I refused, crossing my arms in an X. “You are too slow, and too obvious. This is absolutely doable. This time, speed will be my advantage. They can’t formulate a good escape if I hit them faster than they could hope to respond. I won’t fuck up this time. I know exactly where Yuto is, I have a direct camera looking at him.” I could acknowledge last time I had been too hotheaded. Rushing in myself instead of doing some searching around before we hit Yuto.

But this was different. I had properly scouted the place this time.

I looked around at everyone. “Any questions?” I asked, and only Malcolm raised his hand. “Yeah, I think we should call in more backup. Rebecca’s a good shooter.”

“Let’s do that right now.” I agreed with a smile, having once again forgotten that I had more than my small group of chooms ready for war.

Time to fuck shit up.


Malcolm’s Caliburn got a lot of attention, and that was intentional. I could have used the ‘borrowed’ car I had picked up before, but I wanted eyes on the ride instead of on me.

With the Tachikoma in place, I already had all the control over the situation I could ever need.

As we drove up, I reconnected to the signal, and saw that while a few things had moved the three of them were still downstairs watching TV.

It was time.

I was in full kit, although I had considered going either way, but this was 6th Street we were dealing with. I didn’t want to end up shot and not having something to protect me.

Besides, as much as I wanted to do this as a full stealth run… That wasn’t likely just because of all the eyes on Rancho Coronado to start with.

And there was a part of me that just wanted to send a message.

You can’t protect some gonk from me.

That was what a part of my mind wanted to tell 6th Street.

I had pushed it away and ignored it, because getting this done and getting out was more important…

But it would always be there.

I shook it off as Malcolm hit the point and I nodded. To him.

*Go time. Everyone get ready.* Then I opened the door of his Caliburn that had slowed to a crawl and leapt.

I was up on the upper level above the canal, on a street that had a few run down houses overlooking the lower suburbs. As I jumped I raced between two of the run down homes, and in the backyard was a drop leading straight into the backyard of the house Yuto was in.

I hit the canal edge and slid down in an easy motion, riding my momentum until I nearly hit the bottom as I leapt again.

*100 Athletics XP Gained.*

While in the air, the Tachikoma camera gave me access and I pushed through the hacks.

The two gonks with Yuto both went blind and shocked in a few seconds and started crying out as they dropped to the ground.

I saw through Tachikoma’s feed the moment Yuto seemed to realize what had happened, and how much danger he must be in. He rose up and made it two steps towards the exit of the living room as he tried to escape.

I had activated my Sandevistan as I reached the door. Speed was my ally.

I caught him before he even made it a few steps, sliding through the kitchen and into the living room as I brought up my Copperhead. I took a moment to really get a good look at him.

There was a moment where he saw me.

His eyes widened, he wouldn’t know who I was. My helmet blocked my face, but for just a second I considered the fact he had a past with who I had once been.

Motoko Kusanagi, the wild child.

Then I lined up my shot and pulled the trigger. The Copperhead barely jiggled in my arms as I watched the bullet shoot out in almost slow motion.

My Sandy wasn’t that fast after all.

A moment later I turned off the Sandy and it was over.

Yuto crumpled.

I walked over and just to be sure, shot him three more times in the head.

*250 XP Gained.*

Then I was gone. Ignoring the two screaming 6th Street gonks on the floor. I grabbed my Tachikoma and rushed out the front of the house. My escape car already waiting for me. A little Mizutani Shion Reaver. One of the cars that we had stolen from the Raffen. This one was one that Hiromi had nabbed although she barely used it. But it wasn’t my Quadra.

I could hear people pointing out my appearance, and I knew I wouldn’t have much time.

I slipped inside, throwing the Tachikoma into the passenger seat before hitting the gas. I struggled to get my seatbelt on as I floored it down the street.

There would be people chasing after me, but I had come up with an exit strategy.

I drifted around the corner of the street, avoiding a few civilian cars, with a gentle flick of the steering wheel sending me around them, and then the engine rumbled and I was gone. Straight up the ramp out of the canal and onto the highway.

Traffic was pretty bad, which wasn’t a good thing, but I wasn’t staying on the road for long. The Shion’s ending whined as I jerked onto the shoulder, ignoring the honking and angry looks from those slowed in heavy traffic as I hit the gas, and took the first ramp back off. New Pacific Highway was the road that went past the Biotechnica flats, and out to the customs checkpoint.

But it was also a long distance road that would let me get out of the city and lose anyone following me because without any trouble I hit the gas straight down and flew down the road.

*I’m out and on my way. Target neutralized.* I finally sent over the open line.

*Great job Motoko!* Hiromi cheered.

*So… Yuto?* Jun asked, suddenly and I went quiet.

*I made sure it was painless.* I offered back the only thing I could really say to comfort my brother.

I checked my rear view not seeing any 6th Street cars chasing after me. Likely left behind in the traffic if they tried.

I shifted gears to get that little bit more speed out of the Shion.


I pulled into the parking lot seeing Malcolm already here which was a relief.

As I parked I noticed a few familiar Tyger Claw vehicles parked nearby, including Fuijmura standing over by Jun and Akari.

I guess he had wanted to come check.

Walking over I pulled out a shard and offered it to him. “Proof of the contract completion. BD recording.” I explained and he nodded pleased and pocketed it.

“You solved a lot of trouble with this. I’ll make sure everyone knows that Junichirou is no longer under investigation.” He offered back and looked to Jun.

Jun that looked… Tired.

I walked over and hesitated. I had killed one of his chooms. Should I touch him? Would that be a good, or a bad thing? Should I just let him take some time?

But it was taken out of my hands as he reached out and gently pulled me into a side hug.

“Don’t overthink it.” He said finally. “I’m not… I wish it didn’t have to go this way, but I don’t blame you for doing it Motoko. Yuto made his choice.”

“Indeed.” Fujimura offered, but he wasn’t saying it to be gentle to Jun. “Yuto went too far, and he is now an excellent example for the future.” He offered, and then looked at Jun with an almost glare.

Ah. I had thought for a moment Fujimura was just being ignorant of Jun’s difficulty here, but that wasn’t the case. He was actually well aware, but trying to berate Jun about it.

I felt my own glare towards the man come on, but instead of what I expected Jun stood up straighter. “Understood Fujimura-Sama. Thank you.” He offered back and then he turned to Akari, and the few other gonks that Fujimura had with him. Some guards of some sort?

“Yuto is dead! Drinks are on me!” He called out, and the gonks cheered, and Akari nodded.

I watched Jun’s back as he walked away stepping into a position of mob leader. My confusion was pretty strong. Jun… Wasn’t hurt about Yuto? But he just was!

Then I saw it.

Jun looked away while in the middle of the group, and his face told it all.

Hurt, and pain.

He wasn’t unbothered, he was playing his part…

“Jun has to pretend to be okay with this, proof that he wasn’t involved.” I spoke quietly.

“That’s right.” Fujimura spoke back just as quietly. “This will get out. Make rounds, that the Oni celebrated the death of the traitor. It will be good for his rep, clear him of some of the suspicion.”

I watched on, and realized I would have to do something.

But not here. Not when Jun was trying to regain his position with the Tygers. The very idea of it sickened me more than before, but that was Jun’s choice, not mine.

Instead I turned away and headed over to my chooms who had been hanging back. Hiromi was smiling proudly as I approached, and Malcolm looked very pleased by even the random people stopping at the gas station checking out his car despite all the Tyger Claws around.

Ichi nodded, but Rebecca pouted.

“I thought there would be more shooting?”

“There might have been.” I offered instead. I was surprised at how well this had gone. I expected a car chase and a shoot out and everything too. “C’mon! We just finished a big gig! Foods on me!” I called out and thankfully that was the right call Rebecca cheered and Malcolm joined her.

Everything was… Okay. Not great. Not perfect, but this was Night City. Sometimes good enough was good enough.


“Mother fucker!” I hissed as Ichi Malcolme and Hiromi all grabbed me and held me back as I kicked at the stupid advertisement.

“Whoa, Motoko!?” Malcolm called out, absolutely shocked at how I had just been beating the shit out of the advertisement.

“Calm down!” Ichi called out, but I shook a bit.

“You calm down!” I hissed, unfortunately I wasn’t interested in hurting my chooms, and so they managed to drag me away a bit.

“What’s got into you?” Malcolm asked, and I shook my head, not wanting to answer.

“Fuck yeah!” A moment later a voice called out and even I stopped pulling to look over as Rebecca drop kicked the ad as well laughing hysterically.

“Rebecca? Why are you trying to destroy it?” Hiromi asked, and Rebecca wiped herself down.

“Huh? Oh I don’t have any reason, Motoko was doing it, so I thought I might as well, you know?” She said looking like she was going to continue smashing the thing, but Hiromi shook her head and looked to me.

“That was your song wasn’t it? Why are you freaking out?” Hiromi asked and I stopped pulling and looked at her with a glare. I watched as she shifted back a bit.

I wasn’t angry with Hiromi though. I was just angry.

“Tank, isn’t dick ad music!” I demanded and Hiromi just blinked in surprise at my words.

Then Malcolm started laughing hysterically, Ichi looked away from me as he let go, and his shoulders were shaking.

“That was your song?” Malcolm managed to gasp out and I growled looking back at the damaged ad sign.

“I’m going to break it.” I growled and Hiromi jumped on me again. Rebecca just started cackling and looked about ready to start smashing again.

“We have to go. NCPD will be here soon! C’mon!” Hiromi demanded and I growled, but when Rebecca whooped and started running, I figured it was fine.

To my surprise, I could hear the sirens of the NCPD already starting to come closer.

Huh. I guess advertisement boards were something they took seriously. I glanced back and took a moment to hack into the advertisement's camera system and deleted the recording.

No reason to let the NCPD target us.

Then I started running, and soon I was laughing along with everyone as we ran through an alley to escape from the cops.

We ended up down the block and then through a little shopping strip. Stopping to let Ichi grab some candy from a vendor and then continued on.

I wasn’t sure where we were going, as we weren’t really going anywhere, but that was okay.

The five of us were just… Walking through the city.

Rebecca was ahead of us, arms behind the back of her head as she walked along, and all of us were just shooting the shit.

Then a familiar jingle came over a nearby ad again.

“Mother fucker!” I yelled as my chooms leapt on me to keep me from committing murder on another ad board.

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