Ghost in the City

Chapter 195

Chapter 195

The next morning I groaned as I sat up. We had all crashed on my couch watching TV and hanging out, and I had definitely not gotten my full eight hours, but the sun was out coming through the window waking me up.

Stupid California sun.

I looked around. Hiromi was curled up beside me. Rebecca looked like she had kicked Ichi in the face at some point in the night as she looked like she was ready to fight ninjas in her sleep.

Ichi was on the floor looking a little pitiful, and Malcolm had started on the floor and was happily drooling away.

Using Ninja reflexes to switch my leg that Hiromi had stolen with a pillow I got up and stretched. I should get some breakfast for my chooms.

I headed around the room quietly, making sure not to make a single noise as I got ready and then while everyone was still sleeping I slipped out.

There was an okay food stall just down the street. I hit the ground level, and walked out. The morning was busy. People heading to jobs. Heads down beaten by the daily grind.

I walked over to the food stall and slipped into the line. Yawning a bit as I felt sleepy, not something I usually had to deal with, but that was fine, a bit of more natural sleep every once in a while wasn’t a bad thing.

I passed over the eddies and started piling skewers of meat into my hands when I heard it.


I looked up as did everyone. One or two shots was normal, but full auto fire was unusual, especially this early in the morning.

I could see tension rising, but no one started screaming or running off, they just hunched in on themselves and got on with their day.

As the gunfire continued I felt a frown growing on my face.

Then I heard explosions, grenades if I was right.

Something bigger than normal was going on.

I took a bite of my meat skewer and chewed slowly.

Oh well!

I turned and headed back upstairs.


“Not bad.” Rebecca offered as she chowed down on her breakfast after I woke everyone up. “Not as good as the old lady that cooks around my place, but not bad.”

“Nah, the old guy around my apartment has the best skewers.” Malcolm denied, and I had to jump in with a scoff.

“No, the old guy around my old apartment had the best ones.” I argued and soon all of us were pointing out where the best meat skewer places were in Night City.

There must be drugs in the skewers because everyone argued that the place nearest to them had the best ones.

We were getting rowdy arguing when suddenly Jun popped out of his room. Already fully suited up in his Tyger Claw stuff.

“Jun?” I asked, because it was unusual to see him dressed up this early in the morning.

“6th Street just did a raid on one of our distributors.” He offered as he hit the kitchen and grabbed a burrito obviously for the road.

“Shit. Does that mean there’s going to be another gang war?” Ichi asked, and Jun stopped for a moment.

“Not sure, but we won’t just let this one go.” He looked at me. “This is probably retribution for… Yuto.” He explained and I frowned.

6th Street wouldn’t react this strongly to just some gonk getting flatlined. Not unless they wanted an excuse to do this anyways.

“I’m going to call Wakako.” I said, and Jun shrugged before heading out.


“Just give me a second Hiromi. Wakako will know what’s going on… Actually I’ll send her a text, she might be busy.” If there was a surprise attack, Wakako would definitely be busy handing out information.

*Motoko: I’d like any information on what is going on with 6th Street you can give me Wakako. Attacking because of Yuto sounds wrong.*

I nodded as I sent it off, and I was about to bite into my meat stick when Wakako suddenly called.


*6th Street are claiming that the multiple dead killed by a Tyger Claw hired assassin are the cause of the attack. At least that is what their lieutenants are saying.*

Wakako dropped that on me for a second and I could feel my jaw drop.

*But I only killed Yuto!?*

*They are claiming multiple other deaths.*

*I have a BD!*

*I’m aware. Fujimura handed it over right away, I didn’t see it myself, but it was checked over. I’m trying to confirm if the two men actually are dead, or are just being hidden as an excuse. You want work?*

*I’ll help.*

*Good. I’ll be in contact with your little fixer.*

The call ended and I rolled my eyes as Wakako still hadn’t learned how to say goodbye.


“6th Street is retaliating, they are saying I killed some of their people, trying to frame me. I only killed Yuto and had a BD of it. Something is fishy. Wakako is going to give us some work.” I looked around the room. “I think we should get suited up.”

Ichi, Malcolm, and Hiromi nodded right away, but I saw Rebecca looking a little blank at the whole thing.

But then she firmed up. “No fucking way we just let them blame us for shit.” She decided and I smiled at her.

Everyone got moving soon after and we started gearing up.


“Overdressed?” Wakako asked me and I scoffed at her.

“Not with this shit happening.”

“Do as you like. Here.” She threw a shard at me, but her words stopped me from slotting it. “That’s the delivery item. Meet up with Muamar Reyes, a Fixer in Santo Domingo.”

“Sure. Anything else?”

“Answer any questions he has. It’s a copy of your BD.” Wakako offered and I blinked looking at the shard.

“Letting him see what happens so he can pass the information on?” I asked, breaking down what was happening.

“Exactly. He might request some assistance, that’ll be up to you, but he doesn’t want a gang war any more than I do.”

“Understood. I’ll see what he needs.”

“Good. Motoko.” Wakako said as I made to turn away. “6th Street likely already knows you were involved yesterday. Your information has been spreading for some time. Be careful on the drive through. Perhaps take another vehicle.”

“Understood. Thanks Wakako.”

If you come across this story on Amazon, be aware that it has been stolen from Royal Road. Please report it.

“Hmm.” She scoffed, but to my surprise spoke again. “Hayato has enjoyed having a friend. The girl is pressured to act a certain way because of her status. Thank you.”

Honestly it felt more awkward to be thanked than anything else! It was like the hairs on the back of my neck were rising up, which was impossible since my Neural Link covered the entire back of my neck.

She glared at me suddenly. “Don’t look at me like a scared cat. Get out of here.”

“Yep!” I agreed and quickly ran away.

Time to get back to work.


Rebecca was driving. We had all piled into her truck as I took Wakako’s advice seriously. Since Rebecca’s truck was the newest, it would have the least connection to Section 9.

I had even swapped out my helmet, and was just wearing my Net Gogs to hide my eyes as we drove through Rancho Coronado onto an overlook.

That was apparently where Muamar Reyes the fixer hung out.

I vaguely remembered this was where you could find him in the game too. So I guess it was just his favorite spot.

Rebecca pulled off the road and onto the sidewalk as she slowed to a stop, and I stepped out.

“Hoh? A whole group coming to meet El Capitan?” The man with the goofiest haircut I’ve seen in a while called out as I approached.

“Delivery from Wakako. Mr. Reyes.” I informed him professionally as I held out the shard.

The guy blinked a bit, seemingly surprised at my courtesy before he just huffed and took it. Interestingly he didn’t check it himself, but passed it off to a woman that was in his car who promptly put on a BD wreath and started watching.

“So. You’re the real hot shot that caused that trouble yesterday.”

“I only completed the job I was hired for.”

“Yeah well, you are shaking up a real hornets nest. Offing four 6th Street gangoons is really increasing tensions.”

“I only killed one person, Yuto, and he isn’t 6th Street. That BD will prove that.”

He looked over at the woman before looking back at me. “If you say so.” Then he crossed his arms and reset back against the side of his car and seemed content to just wait.

Hiromi joined me and threw me a raised eyebrow, but I just shrugged at her.

Not sure what Reyes was playing at.

Finally not long after the woman took off the BD.

Reyes glanced to us and then leaned into his car, where the two started talking quietly.

I didn’t bother to listen in, and not long after he stood up.

“Well unless you somehow managed to fake a BD, you’re right. Dammit.” He cursed as he took the BD and tossed it to me. “Wakako said you’d be interested in a gig to help out with this.” He spoke and I nodded.

“That’s right.”

“I need to put this into the hands of some people that can do something about it. I’ll need some guards, and… Well frankly, I can’t promise you’ll be safe, but if you can explain it’ll help.”

I was about to accept it off hand before I stopped.

“Motoko?” Hiromi asked but I stayed quiet.

“I’m not Tyger Claw, and frankly, this entire situation isn’t my problem. I did a gig, I got paid. Problem is over.” I offered, and Hiromi looked surprised before she slowly nodded, raising her dark chromed fingers up to her lips as she tapped them.

“You’re right. If someone wants to cause a war between the TC and 6th Street, it’s not any of our business.” She replied and I nodded as she realized the same thing I had.

We could walk away.

It was obvious Muamar Reyes the Fixer was going to speak to someone big in 6th Street. That could easily lead to a shoot out, but for what? I doubt the guy was going to pay us anywhere near what such a thing should be worth.

So was I supposed to do this pro-bono?

Hiromi hounded me about getting paid for things. This was one of those situations.

Tyger Claws had tried to kidnap me, why should I do my best to keep a war from starting? I mean, I would always worry about Jun, but I was a merc.

War would be good for business if I was willing to be mercenary about it.

“There is something you’re maybe forgetting.” Ichi whispered as he approached from behind. “If 6th Street believes you were responsible for the deaths, then you’ll be a target.” He added and I grumbled, and even Hiromi nodded at me.

“Fine. Hiromi, talk to Mr. Reyes, figure out how much this is going to cost him?”

“On it!”

“Ichi, Malcolm. Just keep an eye out. We are still in 6th Street territory.” I added and both boys nodded. I turned to Rebecca and just threw her a thumbs up, because Rebecca was looking fucking nova, her arm up on the window of her truck a big pair of mirrored shades on her face.

She threw me a thumbs up back.

Ten minutes later we were preparing. We would be working as a guard and offering intel to some member of 6th Street that was showing up.

I stared down the road, until I noticed a trio of trucks with 6th Street tags heading our way. I glanced over. Rebecca was inside her truck, machine guns at the ready in case of any trouble. The others were spread around, while Hiromi stayed in the truck with Rebecca, and I stood beside El Capitan.

I was still wearing my Net Gogs, hopefully they would give me enough time to speak before they just started firing when they saw me.

The trucks pulled up and out came a half dozen gangoons. All armed, but looking pretty calm, none of them seemed to care much about the fact me and my chooms were around.

“Alright, then. You called us up here. What is it?” The one who spoke, wasn’t anyone I recognized, and with a quick scan I realized who I was dealing with.

Rick Morton stomped up. The man had the physicality of an ex-soldier. Old fatigues, with the red white and blue, and his jacket had a large eagle on the shoulder.

This was the General of 6th Street. The main man. The leader.

I was standing in front of one of the most powerful people in the city, and he very likely thought I was the killer of some of his boys.

Fucking El Capitan, when this was over, if I was still alive I was going to punch him in the dick. A little warning would have been nice!

“General! Good to see you are still healthy, I got some intel for you. Preem shit.”

The man continued to stomp over and glanced me over for a second. Thankfully his eyes refocused on Muamar instead.

“You better not be wasting my time. Talk to me.”

“Me? Never, you know I don’t waste time. I do real business. I heard about your little issues yesterday. Couple of your men killed in your own territory, Tyger Claw action was it?”

“Get on with it, Muamar, I’m busy.”

“Well, I got the real story of what happened. Straight from the source.” He offered doing the one thing I wish he hadn’t, patting me on the shoulder.

A moment later guns were up, and I was staring down a man that would kill me without hesitation while I was in a sub optimal position.

Two dick punches, if I survived this.

I slowly reached up and pulled the tech gogs up over my forehead so my eyes were clear, staring down the rather large Malorian Overture that was pointed in my face.

“I didn’t kill your men.” I said firmly and clearly.

The silence between the three of us carried on, even as his men continued to point guns at Ichi, Malcolm, and even Rebecca as things grew tense.

“Hey! Hey now, easy! C’mon now General, you know me! I wouldn’t put you in this situation if this wasn’t serious. Intel remember?” Muamar called out hands raised at the angry 6th Street goons that were still very hostile. I hadn’t actually expected it. The guy actually stepped in front of me, covering me here…

Okay, I’ll forgive the dick punches.

“Explain. Now.” Rick demanded, but not to Muamar, but to me.

“I’m a merc. I was hired to take out Yuto, a Tyger Claw goon who kept trying to assassinate a member of the TC. Yesterday I tracked him down to a home in Rancho Coronado, and I took him out. Simple clean. This morning I find out that somehow multiple 6th Street bodies were found.”

“You saying that wasn’t you?”

“I’m saying I killed one person yesterday.”

“Likely story.”

“How about plain and clear evidence.” I cut off as the man looked like his patience was ending. Muamar then came in, holding out the shard in his hand.

“She’s right General.”

“This is?”

“A copy of the BD that I scrolled yesterday. I scroll all of my gigs. Call it a hobby.” I explained and I could see behind the mans Kiroshi eyes, that he was considering.

Did he want a war with the TC? If he did, killing all of us would give him what he wanted regardless.

But I had to hope that the man wanted to know who had lied to him more, because he definitely didn’t know that I hadn’t killed his men.

“Carlos!” He yelled, and a man ran up. “Check this BD.” The order was followed and while guns didn’t lower everyone was more interested in what was going on as Carlos rushed the truck and settled in to check the BD.

Our eyes never left, and I made sure to not show a hint of fear.

I wasn’t entirely confident I could grab the overture pointed at my face before he fired. Not even with my Sandy, he was the leader of 6th Street. No way he didn’t have his own speedware.

But I wasn’t going to let him intimidate me.

A few minutes later, Carlos was out of the Brain Dance, and he hurried over.

The General took a few steps back and Carlos whispered into his ear. I watched on as the man's face remained blank throughout, but when it was done he waved a hand, and all the guns suddenly dropped.

I supposed he got what he wanted.

“Muamar, you confirmed this?”

“Got it direct from Old Wakako.” He offered waving at me.

“And this was you?”

“It was.”

“And the reason I shouldn’t flatline you for coming onto my turf, and committing a murder?”

“Yuto was Tyger Claw, and someone in 6th Street was hiding him. Imagine what would have happened if on his third assassination attempt he succeeded.” I countered with an arched eyebrow at the older man.

If he wanted to play threatening games I could too.

“Then the Tygers would get sent back to their fucking Pachinko parlors in body bags.” The General countered to some grumbled appreciation of the men behind him.

“And some of your men would have gone back to their family in the same. Because someone decided to play games. I don’t know if you knew about this. I don’t know if this was planned, but frankly. I don’t care. I took a gig to kill a man, and I did it. I got paid. Gig over. But I didn’t kill your people. I’m a professional.”

“Yet my boys are dead.”

“But not by my hand, and not by the Tygers.” I argued back and the men around us were frowning. Unhappy.

“And I’m supposed to take the word of some Asian kid, that it wasn’t the Tygers?”

“Don’t believe your lying eyes?” I asked, after a moment. “That’s not my problem then, I took the gig from Wakako to deliver that shard, and I took the gig from Mr. Reyes to be his bodyguard and explain my side of what happened. If you don’t want to listen, that's not my concern.”

“You think you are above this? That I won’t send men against you?” He asked in turn, almost amused as he questioned me.

“I think that I’ve done everything I can to prove that I’m not your enemy, but if you want to waste men on killing some gonk kid while also starting a war with the Tygers, that’s your choice. Just don’t expect to get those men you send after me back in one piece.”

Things got quiet for a minute, and I could practically see the thoughts running through the Generals head.

“You got some balls kid.” He finally said as he came to a decision. “Don’t usually see street rats your age pull off actual hits.”

Thinking about his words and the amused tone he said them in, I shrugged.

Hiromi would be happy.

I reached into my back pocket and wormed around a bit to find it. Managing to snag it even though the pocket was barely large enough for a finger I pulled out a slightly rumpled business card.

“Section 9, is always looking for more business.” I offered and handed the slightly rumpled card.

There was a sense of confusion, but eventually General Morton took the card and flicked it over. It was still pretty fancy even though I’ve been sitting on it for a while and I think I ran it through a wash at least once…

He showed it to Carlos, the guy he had sent to look at the BD and both of them chuckled.

“You’re a funny one.” He seemed to decide on, and then turned around. “Let’s roll!” He called out and all the 6th Street goons rushed back to their cars and soon the cavalcade was on its way.

“Well I think that went well.” El Capitan said seemingly pleased, and I shrugged.

“We aren’t dead or in a firefight, so I guess so.” I agreed and he nodded as I seemed to get it.

“I’m out of here too.” I decided then. I was sort of done dealing with Gang leaders today.

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