Ghost in the City

Chapter 196

Chapter 196

My breath in my ears was all I could hear as I moved. Up and down, over and across. I raced across the city. Legs pumping, and arms pushing and pulling as no obstacle slowed me.

I had felt constricted after everything. Between the Tygers bullshit, and now 6th Street trying to frame me?

So once everyone had split up I had headed outside and just started running. I wasn’t sure why I had selected Athletics as my grind for the day, but maybe I hadn’t. Maybe I just needed to get away.

So I ran. Heading through the dense urban jungle with no direction in mind. I simply let Parkour guide me over all obstacles..

There were a lot of people I suddenly wanted to kill. I still needed to flatline the stupid old man that thought kidnapping me was acceptable. But I had told Wakako I would let it go.

I needed to kill the gonk fuck that had tried to frame me for killing 6th Street gangoons. Not that I wouldn’t have killed them, but I didn’t like the fact it seemed planned. Someone had wanted a war between the two gangs, and had done a lot to set it up.

Yuto. Then framing the merc that killed him.

And I had to consider how much I wanted to get involved.

I paused breathing heavily, sweat streaming down my forehead as I leaned against a wall for a moment. So much trouble because some gonk wanted to kill another.

So much trouble for something I didn’t care about, and wasn’t even involved with. I wiped my forehead and stalked around a bit, cooling down my muscles as I considered.

I hadn’t heard anything about the 6th Street and TC thing yet. I would have to stop by Wakako in the morning to find out if everything was back to normal, or if the TC were planning to retaliate back as well.

This could easily turn into another gang war.

I shook it off. It would become whatever it would become.

Wandering over to a few SCSM’s I started browning. I could use something to drink.

“Hey Chika.” A voice called out grabbing my attention. A tino teenager was sauntering up to me, a few of his boys that had been sitting on a pile of tables in front of a small food place were sauntering up. “Never saw your chrome down this way before.” He offered with a smile that made me realize he was trying to be charming.

“Sorry, choom. Not interested.” I offered clearly and went back to picking a drink. Ugh. Most of these tasted like cough syrup. Stupid NiCola. I’d kill for just a Coke, or a Dr. Pepper or something.

“Hey c’mon Herman-URK!” He choked out, his reaching hand had grabbed my shoulder, so I grabbed his throat. With a shift of my hips I slammed him into the SCSM I was looking through and held him in place.

I decided on a Grape NiCola. Yuck, and fished out the drink as it came through still holding the boy against the SCSM.

He was scrabbling a bit, but I let him breathe at least.

“I’m not interested, and don’t touch me.” I told him as I slammed my thumb through the top of the can and started drinking, chugging it down I crushed the can and forced it into his hand. “Throw that away for me, and next time take a no.”

Idly I noticed his boys were rushing over, but they weren’t a threat. I shifted back, turned away and then leapt.

Backflipping onto the SCSM I let the force push me even higher and jumped upwards again.

Hands reaching out and grabbing the guard rail of a street that ran over the area. With a quick flip I was standing on the guard rail a dozen feet above the boys and looking down on them.

I spun and with a bounce of my ankles to start up, I started jogging up the rail.

And out of sight, ignoring the calls of surprise from the teenaged boys.

I leapt up, jumping nearly on top of a light pole that was lower than me, and hefted myself up, then I took a few running steps and leapt.

The street below me might be filled with cars, but for a moment I felt utterly alone in the entire city.

Then I landed, slipped a little as the light poles weren’t designed for people to run on then, and ended up spinning down the entire pole to keep myself from falling.

I stepped off, and I realized I was actually in City Center.

Damn. That was a hell of a run. I looked around at the Corpo suits that were staring at me in surprise as I had appeared from nowhere.

Deciding I had run enough for now, I called for my Kusanagi, and walked over to a bench and took a seat.

What a day.

Since I had nothing else to do, I went ahead and sent out some texts.

*Motoko: Hey Wakako, you know how the 6th Street, and Tyger Claw thing is going?*

I sent the text and sat back expecting to be waiting for a while, but Wakako responded back pretty quickly actually.

*Wakako: There has been a meeting called between bosses. Cease Fire has been called until that is over. You should avoid their territory, but neither side truly wishes for a conflict. Well done.*

*Motoko: Didn’t do much.*

*Wakako: You were targeted by a gang, and stood in front of the leader of that gang. You did much. Speak to Hayato in the morning. She was worried.*

I laughed at the last bit and couldn’t help but respond.

*Motoko: Are you trying to set up a playdate with your granddaughter? You know I didn’t know she was your Granddaughter.*

*Wakako: I’m aware. It is why I allowed your continued contact. Don’t disappoint me.*

I blinked because that was definitely a threat. I wisely dropped the conversation there.

My bike pulled up a while later and I rose up, sliding onto the seat and throttling the engine I grinned. It had been a while since I took my Kusanagi out for a spin.

I gunned the engine and let the front wheel kick a bit as I took off, quickly blurring into the traffic and enjoying the feeling of the motorcycle cycling gears as I slipped through the City Center traffic.

I let my body act without thought as I weaved through traffic. I still felt like moving. I didn’t head home. Instead cycling up and heading north out of the corporate district and into Watson. Traffic got worse, but for once I wasn’t following laws.

I weaved in and out, jumping onto the sidewalk when I needed, I kept moving. Ignoring the press of traffic around me. To my surprise I got an alert.

*100 Reflex XP Gained*

That was handy, and I was smiling happily as I finally made it to a more open area. My engine whined and roared as I raced through the emptier streets of Northside. Up and down ramps, through mostly empty streets. I just felt… constricted and irritated.

I finally slowed and parked on the side of a road overlooking the area.

This book's true home is on another platform. Check it out there for the real experience.

Neon lights in the distance, and farther City Central in the far distance sending lights into the night.

It was Lucy that thought the lights looked like a prison.

I scoffed as I stepped off the bike and jumped up onto the concrete barrier.

This place didn’t look like a prison to me. It looked like…


The thought made me nod, and I nodded again as I realized it was the truth. Lazy. I was lazy, always had been. But it was time to get some shit sorted.

I plotted as I looked over the city until the plan in my mind was at least a plan and not just a thought.


The next morning I sent a text out to my chooms asking if everyone minded meeting up for dinner tonight.

We had been running around so much together, I wanted to give them some personal time, but I think this was important enough to need a real meeting.

I got an agreement and it was settled.

But first in the morning I reached out, and set up a meeting like Wakako asked. To my slight discomfort the meeting place was the Dojo once again.

Hayato had agreed to a meeting and so I headed over.

I pulled my Kusanagi up onto the sidewalk in front of the Dojo, noticing there were plenty of other bikes parked together.

I stepped out and adjusted my holster. Mostly just to make sure my guns and knife were still in place.

As I walked in I glanced at the spot where Musashi had died, but not even a blood stain remained. Stepping inside, I found no trouble which I had almost expected but as I entered the main room, I did see Hayato, but before that I saw Sensei.

His focus shot to me the moment I stepped inside, and there was something in his eyes. For once, he didn’t just point and demand, but actually walked over and approached me as I entered.

“Kusanagi… A moment.” He requested, and it really was a request.


I nodded, and he stalked off, back into the office section of the dojo, and I walked with him into what was obviously his business office. He didn’t speak at first, instead holding himself solidly and then turning to face me.

“The attack on you at this Dojo was unacceptable. While I was not able to defend you at the time. I have spoken my displeasure, but that means little to you. This place is meant to be a secure location. The sanctity of my dojo was broken.” Then he bowed low and I realized he was being serious.

“It wasn’t your fault.” I argued but I knew that just that wouldn’t be enough. “I accept your apology, Sensei. You’ve treated me well. I won’t hold this issue against you.”

“You will always be welcome here, Kusanagi.” He said and I nodded, getting the feeling he wasn’t talking about just coming to train. This was a sort of hideout for the Tyger Claws as well after all.

With that concluded I headed back out to finish my actual meet up.

To my surprise Hayato wasn’t suited up. When I found her she was sitting in the main Dojo room on a chair, a chair that wasn’t usually there. In a full Kimono? Yukata? One of those. She looked like an actual Japanese Princess if I was honest. Although the chrome of her Kerenzikov stuck out and gave her a cyberpunk feel.

I approved and threw her a thumbs up.

“You look awesome like that.” I told her as I approached and her mouth had been half open as she was about to speak sort of flapped as she took in what I said and seemingly had no response.

“What? No! No nonsense right now. Sillyfoolwhydoi- Motoko.” She started rambling before shaking herself and stating my name in a serious matter.

“Hayato.” I instead greeted her with a wave of my hand and a big smile that had her once more breaking her serious character for half a second before firming up and glaring.

“Motoko! I’m trying to be serious! Sit!” She demanded and pointed at another chair beside her. I laughed instead and walked over to sit.

“Sorry sorry. What’s got you so serious Hayato?”

“I need to hire you to kill someone.”

“Sure, who?”

I blinked as she blinked. Her face cracked once more as she seemed to have no idea how to respond.

“How are you so calm! I just asked you to flatline someone!”

“Yeah? I do that for a living Hayato. I’d be weird if I wasn’t comfortable with it.”

“I-Wha? You!” She eventually decided on and glared before calming, closing her eyes and breathing in and out rapidly, which I assumed was meant to be calmling breaths. “I thank you for accepting. This is important, and I don’t like having to ask a-a choom for this.” She added.

And I did my best not to snicker, because that sounded like something she had practiced saying so she could get it right.

“If you can’t ask your choom to flatline someone for you, are you really friends?” I asked jokingly, but Hayato just looked blank as her mouth fell open as she once again seemed to fail to find the words.

Ah I should probably stop teasing her.

“Okay hold on. I’ll stop being so casual about this. I’ll accept it provisionally. I don’t really care much about the eddies, but Hiromi will literally flay me alive with her words if I don’t mention payment and stuff. But we can worry about that after.” I added as Hayato seemed to pick up on that and looked ready to speak again. “Who do you need killed?”

“Kanada Tsukimura.” She said with almost a hiss saying his name with more real anger than I’ve ever heard. “He is… One of my potential Fiance’s.” She admitted and I blinked because wow. Wasn’t expecting that. She noticed my shock. “He has done something I can’t forgive.” She added after a moment.

“You don’t need to make any reasons to me Hayato.” I said after a moment. “I’m a merc. I kill people for a living. If you want him dead because he smells, then that’s a good enough reason for me to kill him.” I explained and the idea made her snort into a rapid fire giggle before she realized what she was doing and gained control of herself.

“Then… That is it?” She questioned and I smiled, because this was definitely the first time she had ever ordered someones assassination.

“That’s pretty much it. Other than payment stuff, but blegh.” I stuck my tongue out at that. “But any information you can give me will make it easier. Where does he hang out, a picture of him would help a lot.” I explained and she nodded, her eyes flashed and suddenly I received a package.

A very familiar style of information packet. “Wakakos work?”

“Eh? Yes… Grandmother helped me put this together… How did you know?”

“The way the information is structured is her style. It’s a good thing. Wakako’s gig info packets are pretty clear.” I explained and that had the girl relax. I took a moment to look over the information and whistle. “He’s a big shot alright.”

“He is.” She added after a moment with a disgusted look. “I… I spoke with Grandmother and she… I want this done without any question as to what this was… I need everyone to know that it was me that caused his death.”

“That’s… Complicated. You realize that doing it that blatantly will make people look at me?”

“Do not worry about that! If he is dead I will make sure it is known that it was my hand that called for his death.” She said and I looked at her. And smirked a bit because she was once more saying something she had practiced.

She noticed and looked away with a glare, but it made me laugh regardless.

“Okay. Then Hayato Nakagawa, you’ve hired yourself an assassin.” I confirmed for her and she looked surprised at my words. “This is actually going to be fun. I’ve never done a really blatant assassination before… I think It’ll be a good thing for me actually. Maybe I’ll finally convince the Tyger Claw goons to stop poking me if I prove I can eviscerate them?” I wondered and Hayato did a little scoff laugh.

“I believe that no matter what you do someone will still think they can ‘poke’ you.” She said with a grumble that told me she had experience with this.

“Fair enough. Any particular death you want for this guy? Gun, blade, bomb?” I asked, and she flinched at the question that apparently came out of nowhere.

“Ah. Uh. Whatever you think is best?”

“Okay. I’ll figure out something with a statement then.” I assured her, and she nodded. Then she got quiet like she didn’t know what to say. “Want to be involved in the whole thing?” I asked suddenly and she jerked like I had struck her.

“What? You mean?”

“Well I’ll be calling in my chooms to get this done, everything is easier with a crew, and it’ll probably be an all day thing before we get everything locked down. So… Do you want to come with?” She blinked and then her head surprisingly slowly nodded up and down.


“Preem! C’mon! I was already planning on meeting up with everyone for dinner, but for a gig that changes things a bit!”


“Sorry about calling you all in early! As I said we got a surprise gig offer.” I said as Ichi and Malcolm both arrived first. We were at my apartment, since I didn’t think I would need to do much netrunning since Hayato knew where the guy’s house was.

“No problem. I was just hanging out with the folks today.” Malcolm offered and Ichi shrugged. “I was going to mow the grass… I uh, paid some kid up the street to do it instead. So I can’t complain either.” They both offered and then as they came around they noticed my third guest.

Hayato was sitting a little stiffly on the couch, still in her fancy Kimono.

The fact there was a Tyger Claw guy in the corner that I had kindly offered a seat too when I realized he was going to just stand there was the next thing they noticed.


“Right! So meet, Hayato! She’s our client for this gig, and a friend of mine! We punch each other!” I explained happily and the two boys looked at each other before shrugging at my statement.

“What Motoko means is that she is my sparring partner!” Hayato cut in, in a rush of speech before slowing as she realized what she had done.

“Makes sense. Motoko is a gorilla.” Malcolm offered and I scoffed at his words, and watched as he came in and settled on the couch without a care.

“I’m Malcolm, and that one is Ichi. Nice to meet you.” He greeted Hayato with feigned casualness.

“Hayato Nakagawa.” She greeted and Malcolm twitched and practically jumped off the couch in shock like he had just been burned

“Holy fuck, you’re the Tyger Princess!”

“Malcolm! Language! This is our client.” I grumbled and he looked at me and then at Hayato who wasn’t looking very comfortable.

“How do you even know her Motoko? Why didn’t you tell us you know Hayato Nakagawa! The second!”

“Malcolm, you say her name like I should just know anything about what that means. I only found out she was important during the whole kidnapping attempt.” I waved it off and then Ichi was there beside me.

“Hiromi is going to kill you for never explaining you knew Hayato Nakagawa.” He whispered to me, and while I felt an uncomfortable premonition go down my spine I still jabbed his ribs a bit.

“It’s just Hayato. Stop saying her name like she’s a thing.” I whispered to them, and then looked to Hayato. “Don’t mind these gonks, they act like morons, but are actually surprisingly competent!” I said lying through my teeth which I happily noticed both boys had picked up on and threw me a betrayed look.

“I see?”

“Anyway! To business! Hayato needs someone killed.” I explained and she did sort of wince at my blunt statement, but a moment later the boys nodded at that.

“Well that’s something Motoko can do.” Ichi whispered, and then Hiromi entered the apartment.

“Hey, I’m here! We have a client?” Hiromi asked, looking excited but keeping her pace and speech calm as she entered.

“Yep! Hayato needs someone killed.” I explained once more being blunt about it.

“Section 9 specializes in asset removal!” Hiromi said, as she settled onto the couch near Hayato, and to my amusement offered her a card. “Have no fear, we will ensure complete customer satisfaction for your needs.”

Hayato took the card almost without realizing it and then blinked as she looked it over, and then at me.

“Section 9 is our merc company. Hiromi is our corpo, don’t mind her corporate speech it’s just how she is.”

“Rude.” Hiromi whispered under her breath and I flashed her a smile in apology.

“Very well?” Hayato added, still looking a little confused. But then she straightened up. “I understand that you are the one Motoko said would handle payment?”

“That’s me!” Hiromi said cheerfully, and then pulled out a shard and handed it over. “And here is our pricing, and plan structure.” She said just as cheerfully, and I rolled my eyes as Hayato now looked a little uncomfortable.

I walked over and bent near Hiromi’s ear and made a little cough. “Friendship discount.” I whispered and then moved over towards the boys. Both of them looked to Hayato to me, and then to Hiromi.

“Hiromi has no idea who she is talking to, does she?” Malcolm whispered to me, and I shook my head.

“No? Why would she?”

“You realize, no you know what. It’s better this way.” Malcolm said, smiling as he turned his attention back to Hayato and Hiromi hashing out things.

To my surprise, while Hayato had looked uncomfortable at first, she was easily keeping up with Hiromi and arguing back just as easily.

They were getting along surprisingly well.

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