Godfather Of Champions

Chapter 73: Picking Up Trouble Part 2

Chapter 73: Picking Up Trouble Part 2

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After 10 minutes, the two of them were standing outside of Tang En's house. Tang En pointed to his house number and asked the girl, "Did I lie to you? Number 13 of Branford Gardens, the place where I live."

The girl nodded and walked straight to the door, trying to open it as if it was her house.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Tang En was shocked.

"Going inside to rest," the girl turned to him and said.

"But this is my house. I have been here for… for seven years, just me alone and do not have any Auntie Ryan that you claim lives here."

"Liar!" The girl was holding the door handle stubbornly.

Tang En looked at the girl's face, and he suddenly felt there was something similar between his and this girl's personalities. As a result, he took out the key, went to open the door, and said, "Fine, you can come inside and look. You are not going to find your Auntie Ryan."

The girl did not expect Tang En to allow her to go in so quickly, and she stood still and hesitated.

"What? Having doubts?" Tang En laughed.

The laughter triggered the girl's curiosity, and she walked in with her head high. "I am going inside to take a look. You think I do not know that you live downstairs, while my auntie stays upstairs?!"

She walked to the staircase while she said this, and Tang En followed her with his head firmly nodding. "Yes, yes! How nice if there was a beautiful auntie living with me. She would help me cook, and I would wash dishes, and then we would watch TV together…"

The girl stopped walking and glared at Tang En, "Auntie Ryan is 53 years old."

"Huh." Tang En scratched his head. "Well never mind then."

They walked up to the second floor. The girl saw an open door. She did not pay attention to what was inside the room, only the big photo that hung on the wall that faced her. Under a great red background, there was one person standing with his arms shot straight into the air.

The picture caught her full attention, and she approached it directly.

"Hey, this is my bedroom." It was to late for Tang En to stop her.

The girl stood beside the photo and said, "You are really a football manager."

"Well I'm not paid to lie to you." Tang En rolled his eyes. How should I make myself look more like a football manager? Wear sports tees, white sports shoes, and walk around with a whistle hanging from my neck all day? That look is stupid.

"So cool," the girl said and then looked around the whole room. "So this is your room?"

Tang En realized that his room was quite messy at the moment. He had not done his laundry or made his bed. There were clothes thrown on the floor, and the book he had been reading the night before was laying open on his pillow.

The girl's expression showed some disgust for the horrible state of the room, but Tang En, scratching his head, could think of nothing to say except, "All single men are like this. That's enough. Let's go. This is my room, and I did not invite you in here!" He suddenly felt strange about how he behaved. Why was he being so pathetic in front of this "guest"?

The girl hurried out of the room, and Tang En said, "See? No Auntie Ryan."

The girl then pointed to the other three rooms with their doors closed.

"Two of them are guest rooms with no one staying in them, and the other one is the bathroom." Tang En opened the doors one by one to show her.

The girl fell into silence after she saw all the empty rooms with only beds in them. Tang En had no idea what was she thinking, but he had to ask her to leave.

"You have seen it with your own eyes. There is only me living at 13 Branford Gardens Street. I have no idea where your auntie is. Now please leave," Tang En said standing by the staircase.

The girl was in a daze while looking at the rooms, and then she said, "I can pay you. Would you let me to stay here for one night?"

This suggestion was unexpected, and Tang En was taken aback. He realized that the girl was thinking of his house like a hotel.

While the girl was taking out some coins and notes, Tang En frowned.

"Not enough?" the girl asked softly. "But this is all I have…"

"Where are your parents? I think I better give them a call, tell you—" Tang En's words were cut off by the girl's screaming.

"Please, no!" She gripped her hands. "If you do not want me to stay here, I can leave now!"

At her reaction, Tang En was even more shocked. He decided to find out more. "I can let you to stay here and will not take your money, but you have to tell me about your parents."

The room fell silent again after he finished his words. The girl seemed like she was considering or hesitating, and Tang En did not push her to respond faster. For him, it would not be a problem if he allowed this child to stay here one night. He was just quite curious as to why the girl had behaved so strangely this whole time.

After a while, the girl finally spoke. "I actually escaped from my house. There is no Auntie Ryan. I was adopted when I was young, but they treat me badly, and I hate them!" She lowered her head and stood in front of Tang En. Her long hair covered her face. Tang En could not see her, but the girl's voice was very low. The hatred she spoke of was real.

Now the problem was more complicated and hard to decide about. Would she be any trouble?

The girl did not hear anything from Tang En, and she raised her head and looked at him with a scared look. She saw that Tang En frowned even more.

"All right, Sir. I know my request is unreasonable." The girl lowered her head again, as her hope was broken, and she picked up her bag to go.

Tang En stopped her using his hand. "I'll agree to let you stay here, but we have to sign or make some agreements. Something like a rental agreement will do. I do not want to have any problems or arguments with you in the future. This is beneficial for both of us. Do you understand what I mean?"

She nodded vigorously. "I understand fully! Uncle you are such a nice soul!"

Upon hearing the girl's last sentence, Tang En's mouth twisted up and then he pointed a finger at her. "I have one more condition. Do not call me uncle. I am not that old yet! This kid… what is your name?"

"Jude, Jude Shania Jordana. You can call me Jude, Sha, or Jor," the girl answered him, smiling. The afternoon sun that reflected from the windows of the rooms shone on her face. Looking at her happy face, Tang En wondered if the pitiful expression she had been wearing a moment before was just an act.

Tang En continued to ask questions. He at least needed to know the basic information of his temporary tenant.

"Okay, Jude. How old are you?"

"13!" Jude answered clearly, and her answer shocked Tang En.

He tilted his head and examined her from head to toe carefully.

Tang En's height was 186 centimeters, and the little girl in front of him almost reached his throat. At that height, who would believe that she was just 13? Especially with those long legs. Her face, however, was youthful, which matched her age.

"How tall are you?"

Jude thought for a while and then answered Tang En, "Maybe I am 5'3" or 5'4". I'm not exactly sure."

Five-feet-three inches was equivalent to 160 centimeters, while 5'4" was approximately 163 centimeters.

These numbers shocked Tang En again. He really wanted to ask Jude what she ate, and in what way her adoptive parents abused her to make her reach a height that some women might not even reach.

Just casually standing there, her posture was naturally straight, and Tang En thought, She is model material.

The rest was easy to handle. Tang En asked more about her basic information and drafted a simple agreement, which both of them signed. Jude was a Brazilian girl who came across the Atlantic to escape her foster parents who had always mistreated her. Tang En was amazed at her precocious mind.

That night, Tang En brought Jude to the Forest Bar for dinner, and their arrival caused a small stir.

Quite a few people came over to greet Jude with their beer glasses, but immediately noticed Tang En's unfriendly eyes. Jude smiled sweetly and said hello back to the English men, just like how she had greeted Tang En on the street. But Tang En knew how the men would behave once they were drunk.

Several people around Tang En started to tease and make fun of him, even Burns.

"Hey, Tony. Since when did you have a daughter?"

"Haha!" the people around them laughed.

Tang En defended himself, "Oh, Dear Kenny. You know that no one can ever replace you."

Everyone laughed even more, including Burns.

Jude curiously watched the two of them arguing. Everything there was foreign yet interesting to her. She was not afraid of these men with their red faces and their energy. She felt safe instead, although she did not know why.

After they had finished dinner, Tang En did not stay at the bar to continue chatting and drinking with everyone like normal. He had Jude to take care of.

"Bye, guys. I have to go home now." Tang En held Jude's hand and tried to say goodbye at the door.

There was a loud sigh from the bar.

"Tony! Just go home. No one would ask you to stay longer, but Jude can stay!" Burns winked at Tang En.

His words received everyone's support with their laughter. "Kenny's got a good suggestion, Tony!"

"No way!" Tang En showed his fist. "Go home and spend quality time with your wives!"

Tang En and Jude left the Forest Bar filled with laughter.

On the way home, Jude was quite interested in Tang En's relationship with the people in the bar.

"Are you close to them?"

It was just a casual question asked by a curious girl, but suddenly Tang En's heart was touched. He thought about all the people that he had met and the things that he had encountered in the past five months. The first time he met Michael; the exciting halftime and the second half of the match with West Ham United; George Wood who loved his mother and his mother who loved him as well; the happiness of seeing Yang Yan again; the "humble" lesson Mr. Clough taught him; Mark Hodge, who only had honor on his mind; the innocent little Gavin; and the playoffs that were on the verge of success… It was such an unbelievable half year in his life.

"Do you want to hear a story, Jude?"

Jude nodded happily.

"The story is very long, and the ending may not be satisfying. Do you still want to hear it?"

"Yes, yes please!"

"It's from a long time ago…eh, well, it was actually just five months ago…"

As Tang En was telling his story in his deep voice, the two of them walked slowly under the sunset with their shadows trailing behind.

Now that Tang En was no longer living alone, and there was a temporary tenant, he woke up early the next day to prepare breakfast for Jude. When Tang En was alone, his breakfast was always simple with just one bottle of milk and one slice of bread. Now that the girl was there, Tang En had to try to make something better, something more nutritious.

Luckily, there was still some food in the fridge.

One cup of hot milk, an egg, one slice of bread, cheese, and smoked ham. Looking at all the food on the table, Tang En thought a while and then went and got an apple from the fridge, washed it, and put it beside the plate. Since he had transmigrated there half a year ago, he had not once prepared such a delicious breakfast. Even before then, he did not know how many years it had been since he had made a real breakfast. He was definitely out practice, because he had gotten shell in the egg.

After he clumsily finished making breakfast, Tang En noticed that Jude had not yet come down. He thought that she must be tired from all her travelling and wanted to let her rest more. So, Tang En started to read the newspaper at the dining room table.

The name that appeared the most was David Beckham, followed by Chelsea and Bates. The old man had finally given up on fighting off the more than £90,000,000 debt of Chelsea and planned to sell off his club. After months of speculation, lies, and claims, the most likely buyer had finally surfaced, which was the ultra-wealthy Russian Roman Abramovich.

Now the media was buzzing about this person and his mysterious property, and some viewed him as some kind of savior of the Premier League.

What pleased Tang En was the fact that there was not much difference between what was happening now and his memory of it from his other life. He had already planned to benefit from the ripple effect all this transfer of clubs would cause once the Russian took over Chelsea.

After thinking about it for a while, Tang En became frustrated. His team did not have any outstanding players to interest the Russian and swindle him with. Michael Dawson was not mature enough, and even if the Russian wanted him, he would not sell him. For those he would like to sell off, there was no reason to think the Russian wanted them in the first place. Furthermore, due to the interference from the Russian, all the clubs would double the price of their players in the near future. As Forest was in such a bad financial situation, it would be almost impossible for them to get any player at a cheap rate.

On second thought, the entering of the Russian was way more harmful than beneficial to Tang En. He cursed out loud and put his newspaper to the side.

He realized that Jude was still not up. The food would be no good cold. So he decided to go up and wake the kid up.

Tang En knocked on the door softly at first, but there was no answer after a few knocks. After that, he shouted, and there was still no reply. Worried, even though there was a girl inside, he took out his key to open the door.

The black and white bag was half open on the floor. Her clothes and belongings had been scattered on the floor. On the bed, the blanket was messy and hanging half off the bed. Under the blanket, there was a small body that was shaking like a poor, frightened cat.

Tang En rushed to the bed.

Jude seemed to be having a seizure. Her face was frowning, her teeth were gnashing, and she was saying something that Tang En could not understand. She obviously had a fever.

Tang En took out his phone, called Landy, and put the phone between his ear and shoulder. While waiting for Landy to answer, he removed the blanket and picked up Jude in just her pajamas and rushed downstairs.

"Landy, where are you? I have an emergency, and I need a car immediately! Please come quickly. It's life or death!"

Landy glanced at his GPS and said, "Three minutes, three minutes at the most."

Then he told the passenger behind him, "I'm so sorry, Sir. Please fasten your seatbelt, because I have to rush over to get someone else." Following these words, there was a loud roar from the motor, and the little taxi suddenly turned to a race car. It drifted into a turn, adjusted back, and immediately rushed in the direction of Branford Gardens Street.

Tang En stood at the side of the road waiting anxiously for Landy's cab. From time to time he looked down at the curled up Jude. Though she was not short, she was still light to carry, and Tang En attributed that to her cruel parents. There was sweat on her forehead, and her hair was wet and stuck to her face as if she had just come up from under the water. Tang En's clothes were also wet from Jude's sweat. The girl's body was sticking to his, which was slimy and uncomfortable.

He looked at the girl whose life was in danger and sighed to himself, I really picked up big trouble this time!

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