Godfather Of Champions

Chapter 74: Tang En’s Holiday Part 1

Chapter 74: Tang En’s Holiday Part 1

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Volume 2 The Sky Of Nottingham Chapter 2 Tang En's Holiday Part 1

The sharp, penetrating sound of rubber tires skidding to a halt on asphalt outside the the Royal Hospital of Nottingham University, caught the attention of many. The rear door of the black cab flew open before it came to a full stop at the curb. Tang En jumped out of the car with Jude in his arms and did not forget to turn back and thank Landy as well as the kind, middle-aged man whose cab ride had been hijacked by Tang En.

"Thanks, Landy. I will pay you later! And for Mr. Finnan's fare, too!"

He was running the whole time, shouting back at the cab.

That passenger, Mr. Finnan, who was sitting up front with Landy, looked at Tang En, and shook his head. "It is hard to imagine, a professional football manager…"

Landy laughed and started the car again. "Sir, that was the much-loved manager, Mr. Tony Twain. Also, I have to specially thank you for your time, I am so sorry…"

Finnan waved his hand. "That is what a gentleman is supposed to do."

He thought of the scene when he saw Tang En at Branford Gardens Street 15 minutes before and was smiling again. As a gentleman, he had never used vulgar language and felt displeased whenever he heard it. However, he had not taken offense at all when Tang En had thrown around a very liberal amount of curse words in the cab. He could tell it was because the man really cared about the girl. The girl who, even while struggling with fever, still looked pretty.

To cause such concern, the girl must be Tang En's daughter. Finnan looked in the direction of the hospital entrance and prayed in his heart for the father and daughter.

Tang En rushed into the hospital, looked around, and felt that he had lost his sense of direction. Finally, he found the elevator and ran over to it quickly.

At this moment, Ms. Lilith at the registration desk stood up and shouted at Tang En, "Sir, you have to…"

"F*ck the registration!" Tang En replied angrily before she could finish what she was saying.

"I am just… I just wanted to ask you about the patient's condition," She muttered after the fierce man's back, not recognizing Tony Twain.

Tang En saw the elevator was full of people and decided to take the stairs to level four.

The girl's temperature was extremely high, and her pajamas were entirely soaked through with sweat. She seemed to be having a nightmare. More and more she spoke in a language that Tang En could not understand. Her hands and legs were shaking, as evidenced by scratch marks on Tang En's neck. She was obviously in great pain.

Tang En knew nothing about medicine, but he knew that even if a small cough was not treated, serious consequences could follow. Jude's high fever was no small cough.

In late spring 2003, there had been a SARS epidemic in China. Tang En remembered clearly the harm the disease had caused. During that time, even someone with a small cough was treated as a potential SARS patient and was segregated. A high fever was much more serious, of course.

He did not know if there were reports of SARS in England. All of his attention had been on China back then. He had to be cautious. What if this girl had gotten SARS? She spoke fluent classroom English and had an Asian face… What if she came from China? Tang En had no way of knowing, so he did not dare jump to any such conclusion.

After carrying Jude to the fourth floor, Tang En was exhausted. He found room 415. Looking at the closed door, he gave up on the idea of knocking, since both of his hands were holding Jude. Using his leg, he kicked the door.

Professor Constantine was chatting happily with his pretty nurse who he was about to ask out to dinner for that weekend. But before he could, the was a loud bang on the door. Annoyed by the interruption, the professor went over and yanked the door open. Whoever it was better have a good reason for such a rude disruption.

"Professor! Patient!"

"Tony?!" Constantine was shocked to see Twain standing there with a young girl in his arms.

The nurse examined the girl in Tang En's arms and said she appeared to have a serious fever.

"Fever, but Tony, this is my office. I don't treat—"

"Hell!" Tang En cut off the professor, "I didn't know where else to go!"

Constantine nodded, unfazed by Tang En's rudeness. He then turned and asked the nurse to go find some assistance.

The nurse nodded and hurried out. Then Constantine looked at the exhausted Tony Twain and the girl in his arms and asked, "Tony, who is she?"

Tang En gasped heavily. "I just picked her up somewhere…" He did not have the energy to explain anything at that moment.

Seeing this, Constantine tried to comfort him instead. "Don't worry, we'll arrange for a full examination and get her the best treatment. She'll be in good hands here."

While the professor was assuring him, the nurse returned with hospital staff and a gurney. They quickly put Jude on the gurney and rolled her away.

Tang En felt relieved to have the weight taken from his arms, but realized that they were so far past the aching stage that he could not feel anything. Although the girl was not heavy, carrying someone for so long was strenuous work.

Constantine did not go with the hospital staff, as they were not under his charge. He patted Tang En's shoulder. "Come in, I will make coffee for you. Take it easy. She will be fine. So, did you really just 'pick her up' outside?"

The sound of footsteps had finally disappeared at the end of the corridor. Tang En turned back and nodded to Constantine. "I picked her up on the street… big trouble indeed."

Waking from her terrifying nightmare, Jude realized she was not in Tang En's house, but at the hospital instead. She tried to move her neck but her head ached terribly. So she gave up moving and just rotated her eyes around the room. She saw the machines and infusion bag beside the bed, and she saw Tony Twain standing on the other side. His back was to her, and he was mixing something.

She opened her mouth, wanting to call his name. But her lips were extremely dry, and her throat was so sore she dared not make a sound. As a result, she could only turn her head a bit, to look at Tony, who was busy making something for her.

They had only known each other for less than a day.

When she saw Tang En almost throw the spoon away, but then test it in his mouth to see if it was too hot, she could not help but smile.

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