Grabbing Your Hand, Dragging you Away


Chapter Forty-Two

When I raise my head to look at He Lian Chen, I am directly faced with his smooth and clean chin, looking closely, I can even see the slightly dark stubble, I think to myself, this is young men ah, full of vitality. I attempt to withdraw from his embrace before speaking, just that the strength in his arms around my waist is not light, and so, I could only look up at his chin as I say: “Ah-Lan greets your majesty.”

For some unknown reason, He Lian Chen sounds a bright laughter, without even looking up, he says to He Xing Yan: “Aren’t you going to hurry down now?”

That certain person above in the trees, hurriedly swings his way down, smiling at He Lian Chen with a face of pure innocence as he says: “Imperial Brother.”

He Lian Chen sweeps a glance at him, “Finished writing up the answers to the test Grand Tutor Chen set?”

He Xing Yan’s face stiffens, “Eh, no.”

“Go back and copy {{Retreat Scheme}} ten times.” He Lian Chen very casually says, ignoring how He Xing Yan’s pretty face had instantly darkened in that moment.

“Ten, ten, ten times?” He Xing Yan’s lips trembles, “Imperial Brother, you’re kidding me, right……?”

He Lian Chen hooks up his lips into a smile, “Fifteen times.”

He Xing Yan instantly turns and leaves upon hearing this, with no hesitance.

I inwardly think that this child sure is swift, not even caring about my life or death as he just ditches me like that. Also, isn’t he a fool, why is acting so recklessly without a care right now? Or is this brat the same as me, not acting anymore?

He Xing Yan, this is what you call a fake, you know that?

“Alright.” Great Master He’s pleasant sounding, deep voice sounds next to my ear, “Fifth Princess, it is now about time for us to settle our differences.”

I very unwillingly get pulled along by him towards the room, who wants to settle differences with you? Who has any differences with you? Don’t you blindly overreach now.

Once we arrive inside, He Lian Chen very naturally sits down, finger casually tapping against the table, “Is Fifth Princess liking it here?”

With a smile on my face, I gently say: “Your majesty has provided very thorough hospitality.”

A smile surfaces in He Lian Chen’s eyes, “Princess can stay here a little longer then, also giving zhen the honour to do my best as host, how’s that?”

My tone is very friendly, “Ah-Lan naturally cannot ask for anything more, just that, be it a gold house or silver house, better it be one’s own dog house (no place is better than home), afraid I must reject your majesty’s good intentions.”

“Oh?” He Lian Chen raises his thick brows, “Could it be, Princess is afraid of worrying others?”

I say: “Ah-Lan did not even leave a letter when leaving, it is indeed not right.”

He Lian Chen carries a seeming smile on his face, “Should Princess be worrying about this problem, then it is nothing, you can stay here as long as you want.”

I see some deeper meanings behind his expression, the meaning of his words is……?

He reaches out to pour himself a cup of tea, shaking the cup but doesn’t drink from it, “The people of Yun Mi are currently celebrating the enthronement of the female emperor, the imperial palace is also a scene of overflowing festivity, with no news of someone missing, nor is there any signs of searching for anyone.” He deeply looks at me, fleeting anger flashes past those eyes of faint gold, “Since it is like this, then Princess can accept zhen’s good intentions now.”

I think to myself, these words of yours, that expression, that tone, does it seem like they’re giving me the chance to reject? I lightly say: “Your majesty, we have deterred from the main topic, I know you have captured the wrong person, the one you want to capture is my imperial sister.”

He Lian Chen’s face shows unpredictable emotions, “And……?”

I good-naturedly say: “It’s no use to capture me, look, there’s not even anyone from the palace coming to find me after my disappearance. If this is the case, you’re better with one less matter rather than one more matter. Wait until tomorrow, you can go send someone to the palace, capturing someone that is of use back, how great will that be?”

“Of use? Of no use?” He Lian Chen dangerously narrows his eyes, pressing orbs looking at me, “Zhen does not understand how this is called no use. Zhen has heard Yun Mi’s Fifth Princess has gained great merit a while ago, that day at the birthday banquet, it was you who saved your Father Emperor, no? Zhentruly cannot believe Meng Shao Jue had actually failed under the hands of a young lass like you. Zhen has also heard Yuwen Rui exceptionally dotes on you, looks like, Princess isn’t lacking in receiving people’s doting love. Just that, doesn’t Yuwen Rui dote on you very much? Why can’t he concern himself with you when you’ve disappeared?” He brightly smiles, speaking with slight malice: “Zhen has forgotten, he is currently preparing to wed your imperial sister, being a good son-in-law to the Yun Mi Kingdom, of course he cannot concern himself with you.”

I finally understand after hearing these words, He Lian Chen’s anger isn’t directed at me, but Yuwen Rui. But what has your anger towards Yuwen Rui got to do with me? Yuwen Rui isn’t even showing the slightest of care when I’ve disappeared, since it’s like that, then are you insisting on clutching onto me – this useless person — because you got nothing better to do ah? But I understand I am in Yun Zhan, the one I’m facing is He Lian Chen, and not those people that I have always been able to act recklessly without any care towards. Seeing He Lian Chen’s appearance carry dominance within his handsomeness, the look in his eyes deep and reserved, yet vaguely reflects a sort of relentlessness, should I really piss him off, I may very well never be able to leave this courtyard again.

And so I feign obedience, saying: “Cousin……?”

Indeed, He Lian Chen shows a strong reaction when he hears of Yuwen Rui, he coldly harrumphs, saying: “This cousin of yours sure is a capable one, actually sending people to burn ten stacks of rations and forage inside zhen’s city, a great tactic, a great tactic indeed.”

Very good, it’s confirmed, this sneaky fox – Yuwen Rui – had schemed against him, yet the retribution is on me.

He Lian Chen once again stares at me with pressing eyes, suddenly hooking up a smile with a touch of evilness, “Zhen would sure like to see if he really cannot concern himself with your life or death, or whether he is feigning negligence, you want to return to Yun Mi? Can do, wait until that cousin of yours comes with the treasure map and make an exchange with zhen. Zhen knows that having acted dumb and played fool for so many years, your scheming naturally isn’t lacking, but zhen will only remind you with one phrase.”

He comes up to my side, reaching out to raise my chin, tone filled with arrogance as he says: “This is, Yun Zhan.”

My face remains unchanging yet inside, I am lamenting, indeed, the strong dragon cannot suppress the local snake (even the strongest men cannot suppress the power of local forces in their territory), not to mention I am a purebred dragon, I am a fake colour changing dragon (literal Chinese translation for chameleon), I turn my head away from his hand, smiling as I say: “Many thanks for your majesty’s hospitality then.”

He Lian Chen lowly laughs, filled with satire, “Has Princess perhaps heard of a phrase.”


“Don’t eat plain white rice.” (Only know to eat but does nothing)

The corners of my lips twitches, sincerely saying: “I eat white rice, I’m not a picky eater.”

He Lian Chen slightly narrows his star-like eyes and smiles with infuriation, “Zhen’s meaning is ‘don’t eat rice that comes plain white’.”

I continue to twitch the corners of my eyes, saying with even more sincerity: “I eat rice that comes plain white, I can say so myself, I don’t have high standards.”

“Zhen’s rations and forage have already been burnt by Yuwen Rui, the nation’s treasury is now in dire situation, we cannot afford to support idle people, may Princess be forgiving.” He Lian Chen’s tone shows not an ounce of apologetic means, and is instead full of provocation, “Tomorrow, zhen will have Eunuch Qu to come for you, Princess should have a good rest tonight. In coming days……presume there won’t be such leisure.”

Having said that, He Lian Chen makes a swift turn and leaves, suddenly in extremely high spirits. Whilst I cannot hold back from holding up my fist towards his back.

Say, what exactly is he wanting me to do?

The next day, when the skies were grey and misty, a fair-skinned and round eunuch carrying the orchid hand gesture (middle finger and thumb pressed together, whilst the remaining three fingers sticks up), comes into my room, saying to the me who was still in a blur: “Aiyo, little lady sure is delicately radiant and pretty looking, no wonder why his majesty is taking to the troubles of keeping you by his side.”

My mind was still not sober enough, and could only hazily answer, “Ah?”

Eunuch Qu covers his mouths and chuckles, such behaviour is more feminine than females, “Alright alright, from today onwards, you are not a woman, understand?”

My mind slightly clears up, what? Not a woman? You’re the one that’s not a man!

The fat Eunuch Qu’s cheeks trembles, little eyes narrowed into tiny slits, “Now now, tell this eunuch, what’s your original name?”

I rub my eyes, “Ah-Lan.”

“Ah-Lan? Nice name, nice name. but you cannot be called this in the palace, have to follow everyone else. How about this, call you Xiao Lan Zi, what do you think?” (Xiao ___ Zi is typically how low ranked eunuchs are called)

Xiao Lan Zi……?

Eunuch Qu waves the horsetail whisk in hand, pointing to the clothing on the table: “Alright, quickly change into those clothes, his majesty is about to wake up.”

I mechanically turn my head to look at the clothing……this is an eunuch outfit?

“Eunuch Qu.” I calmly speak.

“Is there anything else?”

“May I ask……what am I going to be doing?”

Eunuch Qu furrows his brows, “After entering the palace, cannot address yourself as ‘I’, from now on, address yourself as ‘this servant’, you must keep this in mind.” He then changes to a smiling face again, “As to what you’ll be doing? Of course, you’ll be attending to his majesty. After changing into this outfit, you will be his majesty’s personal little eunuch, no one else knows of your identity, you must also play your part well, should anyone catch you out then it will be difficult to handle. Alright, this eunuch shall wait outside for you, do be quick.”

After Eunuch Qu leaves, I expressionlessly look at the ‘work uniform’ on the table, very well, Xiao Lan Zi, I really should have voiced out my thoughts to call myself Xiao Luo Kuan (lán zi / 篮子 means basket whilst luó kuāng / 箩筐 are large bamboo baskets). Although I feel absolutely unwilling at heart, I can only obediently put on the clothing and then leave Xiao Cui to do my hair and put on the hat. After everything was done, I look in the mirror, at that sissy-like youth with fair skin and red lips, that insincere smile turning downwards.

One has no choice but to bow their heads under the roof of others, in order to live, I shall endure!

I follow Eunuch Qu in turning left and wandering right around the huge palace. Yun Zhan Imperial Palace is very clearly not as exquisite and elegant as Yun Mi’s, it more so leans towards a coldly unyielding and domineering vibe, just like the feeling He Lian Chen gives me.

To speak the truth, humans truly are a strange living beings, clearly different in appearance yet are all pleasing to the eye. Yuwen Rui appears beautifully handsome, is more elegantly refined, Su Qi appears stunningly beautiful, is more enchanting, whilst Meng Shao Jue appears beautifully handsome, is more pretty looking, and He Lian Chen is sharp and reserved unlike the rest of them, with a whole body of charming dominance.

These several people stood together can be said to each have their own strong points but are equally outstanding, if they lived in a peaceful time, perhaps they could even form a ‘Four Swordsman of OO’, too bad they are only destined to be opponents in this life.

I feign pensiveness, since Yu is born why is Liang also born ah, and also Liu Bei who was able to take on Cao Cao instantly, truly regretful. (Yu refers to Zhou Yu of the Wu state, Liang refers to Zhuge Liang of the Shu state – both were talented strategists in the Three Kingdoms period but Yu was always outwitted by Liang, hence saying this phrase at his deathbed to express his frustration, it basically means – why was Yu born when there’s Liang – Liu Bei and Cao Cao are also figures from the Three Kingdoms)

“Xiao Lan Zi, we have arrived at his majesty’s residential palace, have you remembered what this eunuch told you before?” Eunuch Qu stops in his steps and looks at me, asking this.

I obediently nod, “This servant understands.”

Eunuch Qu smiles in satisfaction, “Indeed an intelligent child, no wonder why his majesty has taken a liking.”

Deep inside, I laugh, liking, he likes gibberish, more like he wants to send me to my death.

Eunuch Qu walks up and lightly knocks on the doors a few times, “Your majesty, it is time.”

The person inside sounds a deep reply, Eunuch Qu hence opens the doors in utter silence and steps in, his actions carried out with great familiarity, even throwing hand gestures towards me whilst at it. I am extremely amazed by Eunuch Qu’s unintentional show of skills, to open and close the doors without the slightest of sound, heavens, how many times must one open and close the doors to be able to master this skill?

After stepping in, behind the beaded curtains and concealed by sheer fabric, a bright yellow and big bed can be seen, from inside, a husky man’s voice sounds: “Has the person been brought over?”

“In response to your majesty, the person is right here.” Eunuch Qu suddenly glances at me, then bows his head and says to the person inside: “Your majesty, this servant shall call in the palace maids to dress you now.” Although he says this, he does not make a move, only smiling ‘sweetly’ as he looks at me.

The one inside lazily says: “Leave it, tell her to directly attend to it, you leave now.”

Eunuch Qu’s smile becomes even more sweeter, swiftly saying: “This servant shall obey your command.” When he turns around, he even has a very meaningful smile on his face, coupled with his fair and smooth fat cheeks, it appears even more greasy.

I rub my belly, oh that’s right, I haven’t eaten yet.

“What are you stalling for, waiting for zhen to come get you?” The husky male voice says with slight anger.

I secretly clench my fists, when walking amongst the Jiang Hu, how can one not feign obedience. And so I lift the beaded curtains and enter, only seeing that on the edge of the spacious bed, the handsome man is sat in a white under-robe, star-like eyes looking at me rather meanly. I understand, dare I say, this person is a grumpy rouser. I bow my head and respectfully greet: “Good morning your majesty.”

“What name has Eunuch Qu given you?” He Lian Chen’s slightly dull voice still carries sleepiness.

The corners of my eyes uncontrollably twitches, “Xiao Lan Zi.”

“Xiao Lan Zi?” He laughs, “This name sure isn’t bad, pleasant to hear and pleasant to say. Xiao Lan Zi, come and get zhen dressed.”

I am not unfamiliar with helping to dress people, back then, wasn’t this exactly what that guy – Meng Shao Jue – instructed me to do? But thinking about it now, I was rather comfortable in the Meng Estate, at least I could eat my morning meal.”

Only when I was helping He Lian Chen get dressed, did I fully come to notice his body is much firmer than that of Yuwen Rui and Meng Shao Jue’s, compared to him, those two truly are fragile scholars, also those two people, have a scented smell on them, yet this person disregards such luxuries, his entire body carrying the smell of sunlight, refreshing and energising.

Whilst fastening the belt, I think to myself, what brand of honey locust does this outfit use ah (honey locust was used as a primitive form of laundry soap), the pure scent of natural sunshine, truly is environmentally friendly.

All of a sudden, my chin was clamped, and was then forced to look at He Lian Chen’s handsome face that was lowered. He furrows his thick brows as he carefully inspects my face, as though wanting to find a third eye on me, then helplessly say: “Looking left and right, zhen really cannot find anything attractive about you, really as ordinary as a basket (Lan Zi).” He lets go after saying this, looking ahead as though it was nothing, as though the one he just picked on isn’t worthy.

I wanted nothing more than to wrap the belt around his neck and pull it a few times, but in the end, I calmly keep myself under control.

From today onwards, I shall f*cking change my name to ‘King of Calm Eunuchs’……

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