Grabbing Your Hand, Dragging you Away


Chapter Forty-Three

Throughout the process of dressing He Lian Chen, I was deeply pondering about whether I have been born in the wrong place, clearly of a princess identity, but why is that I always end up being the one serving others? Although I have been a rice bug in the palace for over ten years, but the matters that have been happening as of recent, truly baffles me. Ai~, when will these days come to an end.

He Lian Chen glances at me after getting dressed, neatening his sleeves as he says: “Xiao Lan Zi, listen to zhen well, from now on, without zhen’s permission, you are not to leave zhen’s side, understand?”

I nod in response, “This servant understands.”

He Lian Chen hooks up his lips into a smile, “Looks like you’re very tactful.”

Well if it isn’t right? Should I not know to be tactful, then I’ll be getting to know the immensity of the universe.

The palace maids outside makes a timely entrance to help He Lian Chen wash up, I – this extremely weak and small, little eunuch – thus withdraws to the side in waiting, after waiting for him to finish washing up, I then get ready to leave the doors, once again closely following behind, thoroughly carrying out my duties as an eunuch.

I also stand at the side when He Lian Chen has his meal, that long table filled with countless exquisite morning dishes, meat and veg – everything one expects – are all there. His body makes a bow as he takes a seat, holding the ivory chopsticks as he lightly points at various dishes, the eunuch beside him then nimbly place the chosen food onto a plate and then presents it to him.

I feel my stomach churn at the sight, look at that, such an attitude of a great master, really makes people feel ill. He sure knows to take bites of this, eat a bit of that, seemingly like he doesn’t really have a good appetite, the one to suffer is I – this newly appointed little eunuch, nevermind the dizziness I’m feeling, I’m already unbelievably hungry. I inwardly sound a cold harrumph, wait until I leave this place, I will also have a table like this for my morning meal, discard one plate after one bite, thoroughly taking on the persona of the new rich.

On the other end, He Lian Chen wipes his mouth with the napkin, saying without even a turn of his head: “Have you eaten your morning meal yet?”

After a moment of pause, I finally realise he is asking me, hence I hold back my resentment in saying: “In response to your majesty, not yet.” To hell did I eat, dragged out of bed early in the morning to work, where did I have the time to eat?

“Xiao Shun Zi, take him to have a meal.” He Lian Chen says to the eunuch next to him, but directs the next sentence at me, “Don’t be keeping an empty stomach next time.”

I secretly purse my lips, “Yes, your majesty.”

When eating, Xiao Shun Zi looks at me with slight arrogance, saying: “New here?”

I stuff a mantou into my mouth, “Yes.”

He inspects his own nails, “How old ah?”

I eat a mouthful of congee, “Fifteen.”

He then touches his own face, “Which eunuch brought you in ah?”

I eat a mouthful of cabbage, “Eunuch Qu.”

He slightly widens his eyes, then rather warmly says: “So it’s someone brought in by Eunuch Qu, evidently an intelligent one with one look.” He brightly laughs, “Want to eat any more? Have more if it isn’t enough.”

“It’s enough, thank you Eunuch Shun.” I avoid his eyes as I feel troubled inside, in this day and age, all the eunuchs look like women, presume he wouldn’t care how others look at him. En, is this the development of times, or the development of human nature?

After eating, Xiao Shun Zi leads me outside the main hall, occupying a corner spot as he quietly tells me: “His majesty is currently holding a morning court assembly inside, we just need to wait for him to finish.”

My heart trembles, doubtfully asking: “Eh, Eunuch Shun, his majesty’s morning court assembly……how long is it?”

Xiao Shun Zi looks to the skies, “Two sichen at shortest.”

I silently look at my legs, two sichen……

“Eunuch Shun.”


“Approximately how long do we have to stand every day?”

“En, only exceptions are sleeping and eating times.”

……He Lian Chen, you sure a ruthless.

I gloomily stare at my own shoes, He Lian Chen says there is no news of my disappearance in Yun Mi, then what is Yuwen Rui planning? I presume I’ll have a pair of radish legs by the time he comes.

*Tears up*, sounds painful at the thought of it, radish legs.

Two sichen here is four hours in modern times, I simply don’t know how I’m going to withstand it, only knowing that I am deeply inhaling and then exhaling, hypnotising myself to fall into a daze, so that I don’t need to take notice of the passing of time. Clearly, I managed to get through it, at least I didn’t collapse when the court assembly ended, just that following after him, my steps has slowed.

Xiao Shun Zi and I follow behind him on his left and right, arriving at the study room, he sends Xiao Shun Zi out with a wave of a hand, only leaving me behind to attend to him. I fix my gaze onto his back, attend to him? I sure want to assassinate him instead.

He Lian Chen suddenly turns around to look at me, handsome face carrying a smile of ill-intent, “Xiao Lan Zi appears to be very tired.”

I reveal a faint smile, respectfully saying: “This servant is grateful for your majesty’s concern.”

He walks up to the table and sits down, casually picking up a booklet and opens it up, “This is still just the beginning, Xiao Lan Zi must be mentally prepared.”

My chest is raging with fire, but it is only suppressed fire, can only be suppressed inside, “Your majesty’s reminder is correct.”

“Very well.” He nods in satisfaction, “Pour zhen a cup of tea.”

I calm my anger as I walk up to pour the tea, just as I was about to withdraw behind him, I tripped, and then fell into a certain someone’s arms. That person, tightly holds my waist, not allowing me to get up, leaning down to my ear side, as he lowly laughs, “Zhen sees that your legs are badly shaken, would you like to sit down and rest for a while?”

I grin at him, “Thanking your majesty’s good intentions, this servant is still able to stand.”

Having said that, I wanted to push him away and stand up, just that He Lian Chen tightens his hold on me even more, handsome face filled with comfort, “This body of Xiao Lan Zi’s sure is soft, very pleasant to keep in hold.”

I blatantly give up on struggling, “Is there something your majesty wishes to ask me?”

He Lian Chen looks at me in surprise, then loudly laughs out loud, “Originally had something to say, but being asked by you like this, zhen suddenly doesn’t want to ask anymore.”

My hands clenches and loosens, and clenches again, oh dear lord, don’t blame me for being too violent, only blame this person for being too infuriating.

He suddenly stares at me, carefully looking at me for a long time, then narrows those star-like eyes, asking: “Has zhen met you before?”

I kindly remind him, “Your majesty, we met the last time you went to Yun Mi, you even asked me for directions.”

He Lian Chen slowly, gently, strokes my hair, eyes deeply looking at me, “No, zhen is saying before that.”

I frankly shake my head, “No.”

“Really haven’t?”

“Really haven’t.”

His hand makes an abrupt move, causing pain to my scalp, “Did you perhaps go to Mount Qi Yun seven years ago?”

I think for a bit, dishonestly shaking my head, “Didn’t go.”

The gold in his eyes subtly flashes, “Really didn’t?”

“Really didn’t, it was my imperial sister that went back then.” The look in my eyes, and my tone, were all on point.

“Oh……” He meaningfully looks at me, “Zhen suddenly got a feeling from you.”

“Eh? What feeling?”

“For example, when you say you didn’t,” He leans towards my face, warm breath blowing against me, “There’s a great possibility that you did.”

I’m being wronged, “Your majesty, this servant didn’t.”

He carries laughter as he bites down on my ear, “If zhen says you did, then you did.”

I immediately sound “-si-” and move my head backwards, is this person ill, why does he always bite my ear. “Your majesty’s words are right.”

“Look at you, clearly not happy at heart, yet insists on agreeing with zhen’s words. The more you act like this, the more zhen wants to mess with you, haha.” When saying this, his eyes were circulating with meanness, and actually appears slightly childish, “Alright, stop hindering zhen with your clumsiness, go stand in waiting at the back.”

When I stare at the back of his head, I find that I have recently been twitching the corners of my lips more frequently, really.

After that, the room was quiet for a while, just when I thought it will continue be quiet, someone knocks on the door, Eunuch Qu’s voice is heard, “Your majesty, her highness Consort Yi is requesting an audience.”

He Lian Chen stays silent for a moment upon hearing this, then says: “Let her in.”

I immediately straighten up, I dare say, I smell the scent of gossip.

The doors are gently pushed open, a woman in pink clothing comes in with a tray in hand. That woman is around seventeen/eighteen years of age, needless to say she is beautiful, the slightly upturned corners of her eyes reveals a graceful charm, at a glance, one can see that she is a sharp-witted woman.

She bows to He Lian Chen, lovely voice carrying countless charm, “This consort greets your majesty.”

Compared to her, He Lian Chen’s response is a lot plainer, “Beloved consort has matters?”

Consort Yi lightly flutters her lashes, the smile at her lips not at all faltering, “This consort heard your majesty has been busy with the affairs of the state, have been sleeping in the study room for approximately half a month, hence specially asked for some nourishing recipes from Nanny He……hoping that your majesty will take good care of your dragon body.”

With my interest aroused, I think to myself, Consort Yi reminding He Lian Chen to take care of his body is false, reminding him that he should dote on his consorts is instead the truth, right? Of course, the consort, would be best if it is her.

He Lian Chen’s tone of voice is still very plain and calm, “Zhen has troubled beloved consort with worries, zhen still have matters to attend to, just place it to the side for now.”

Consort Yi’s face slightly stiffens upon hearing this, but immediately restores her charming bearings. She takes small and light steps to the table and place the tray down, then looks towards me, the means of driving me out surfacing in her eyes. But I just pretend to not see this, between a consort and Great Master He, without needing much thinking, I already know who I should be listening to.

Consort Yi’s face slightly contorts, after sending me a glare, her body suddenly turns limp as she leans onto He Lian Chen, her delicately slender fingers slowly drawing circles on his back, saying in a slightly grieving and seductive voice: “Your majesty, you’ve already not come to this consort’s place for several months now……”

He Lian Chen’s back view doesn’t make the slightest move, “Zhen not only hasn’t been going to beloved consort’s place, but other places in the palace too.”

Eh, if I haven’t remembered wrong, he’s only ascended the throne several months ago, does this mean he married his wives, but doesn’t sleep with them?

“Your majesty……” Consort Yi once again speaks in a tender voice: “This consort, this consort has specially prepared for your majesty……” She leans into He Lian Chen’s ear to say something, then continues to charmingly smile, “Your majesty, come with this consort to see it.”

Just that, He Lian Chen seems to really not get the hint, his voice still placid as ever, “Zhen has already said, there are matters to attend to these days, zhenhas received beloved consort’s good intentions, will come to see you another day.”

“Your majesty……”

“Xiao Lan Zi, grind the ink for zhen.”

I obediently come forward, “Yes, your majesty.”

Consort Yi once again, fiercely glares at me, then immediately becomes gentle like water when facing He Lian Chen, “This consort shall not disturb your majesty then, this consort shall take her leave.” Having said that, she gracefully walks out, whilst casting looks of contempt at me.

Who have I bothered, who have I provoked ah? The one who doesn’t dote on you is him, not me.

“Say, between Consort Yi and your imperial sister, who is more beautiful?” He Lian Chen rests his chin in one hand as he asks.

Is there even any need to compare, Imperial Sister is Yun Mi’s number one beauty, that appearance, that bearing. I say: “Of course Imperial Sister.”

“En.” He looks at me and deeply smiles, “Then say, you made zhen lose such a beauty, is that not a great sin?”

……could it be, I was willing to be captured?!

He sighs, voice sounding at ease: “Ai~, zhen feels pent up emotions whenever this matter comes to mind, forget it, forget it, you just do well in serving zhen.”

-_-||| apologies, I really cannot hear any pent-up emotions in your pleased voice.

All in all, the days of being a eunuch were just like the above, boring and hard work, but no matter how unwilling I am, before I can leave Yun Zhan, I have to dutifully go through the days to protect myself. I very rarely think about Imperial Sister and Yuwen Rui’s matters, because I know that even if I crack my head open with all the thinking, it will be to no avail. I do not like to give myself troubles of the mind, only willing to live in the present.

Having been He Lian Chen’s personal eunuch for almost a week, I have not seen him angry, yet I am deeply aware, this person is not one with a good temper, and the facts proves that I have guessed right, because after leaving the court assembly today, he furiously throws open the doors upon entering the study room, and had even fiercely stomped at the eunuch that was in his way.

I vaguely get a bad feeling, but must still follow him into the study room. After entering the room, he angrily curses “damned idiots”, then seems to vent out his anger as he kicks all the chairs down to the ground, in the end, those nice looking dark eyes turns red as they look at me.

“Who told you to come in?” He half narrows his eyes as he demonically says, giving off the force of an oncoming storm.

I say: “You majesty said this servant cannot leave your side without your permission.”

He Lian Chen ferociously smacks the table, casually picking up a cup and throws it towards me, “Ignorant scoundrel! What does zhen need people like you around for?!”

I have no energy to think about whether he is cursing at me or someone else, because that cup had solidly hit my forehead, and there is a warm and wet substance slithering down. I dizzily see He Lian Chen instantly come forward to hold my body, anxiously scolding: “You fool! Don’t you know to dodge out the way?!”

I half close my eyes as I weakly say: “You bastardised scoundrel……”

After cursing, I swiftly close my eyes at ease in his spacious arms, falling unconscious.

╮(╯_╰)╭ I am indeed a girl with a bitter life.

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