Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch140- Easter

Ch140- Easter

In the heart of February, something exciting happened for Harry: he got the first batch of ingredients from the Greengrasses and Longbottoms. This marked the start of their new business venture. With a lot of excitement, Harry used the Virtual Potion Room's automated system to kick off making the potions they planned. After preparing several batches, he dispatched them using Misty Cargo Services. Cyrus Greengrass later informed Harry that they planned to amass a considerable stockpile of the enhanced potions before introducing them to the market.

While they waited for the perfect timing to launch, the atmosphere at Hogwarts shifted to the cheerful vibe of the upcoming Easter holiday. This was a time of joy and celebration, something Harry hadn't really experienced before because of his unpleasant time with the Dursleys. But now, he was eager to join in the fun, especially since Hogwarts always knew how to throw a good party.

"Ah, Easter at Hogwarts. I suppose you're expecting chocolate frogs to start hopping down the corridors any moment now?" Nigel commented, his tone dripping with feigned curiosity.

Harry, busy strategizing for the potion venture, couldn't help but smile at the thought. "That would certainly make for an interesting Easter hunt, wouldn't it? But I'm more interested in seeing what Hogwarts has in store for us. After all, a bit of celebration could do wonders for the morale."

Nigel, seizing the opportunity for a playful jab, added, "Yes, because nothing says 'spring is here' quite like a castle full of witches and wizards chasing after enchanted confectionery. Just be sure not to confuse a real frog for a chocolate one, Harry. The consequences could be... ribbiting."

Rolling his eyes at the prospect of engaging with any creature resembling a frog, Harry couldn't help but reflect on his recent encounter with an unpleasant official at the Ministry. "After meeting that dreadful woman at the ministry, frogs have officially lost their charm for me."

"Why, Master Harry, must you dredge up such traumatizing memories?" Nigel responded, his tone ripe with mock distress. "I had almost forgotten about our amphibian friends until you mentioned them."

One particular day, amidst the lead-up to the Easter holidays, Harry received an unexpected summons to the Faculty room. Upon entering, he found a gathering that spanned houses and years: Pansy Parkinson from Slytherin, Padma Patil and Cho Chang from Ravenclaw, Susan Bones and Cedric Diggory, along with Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown from Gryffindor and some other older students from each house. The room was also occupied by Professors McGonagall, Snape, Flitwick, and Sprout, all seated and looking rather official.

"Now that we are all here, let's begin," McGonagall stated, her voice carrying the same authority it did in the classroom.

Harry, intrigued by the assembly, couldn't help but wonder what was in store. "Looks like we're forming a wizarding council," he whispered under his breath, though only Nigel could hear.

In the faculty room, a sense of anticipation filled the air as Flitwick, with his usual spark of enthusiasm, announced, "We will have a traditional Easter Egg Hunt. It has been some time since we shelved this tradition, but it's time to bring it back." His excitement was palpable, contrasting sharply with Snape's less-than-enthused demeanor, who glanced at the students as if questioning his presence there.

Sprout, ever the optimist, continued, "You are to create a fun activity. Each house will work together for the main theme, while designing in-house special eggs with magic." The idea seemed to breathe new life into the room, sparking whispers of excitement among the students.

McGonagall then took the lead, her voice firm but carrying a hint of warmth. "To ensure this project is a success, we've decided to appoint a head who will oversee the organization and implementation of this event." She paused for effect, allowing the suspense to build, before revealing, "Cedric Diggory, as the oldest, will lead this project."

Cedric, who had been leaning against the wall trying his best to blend in stepped forward, his expression a mix of surprise and delight. "I'll do my best not to disappoint," he said, his voice carrying a blend of confidence and humility that immediately put the room at ease.

Professor McGonagall, seeing the students' curious glances towards Cedric, took a moment to explain further. "Mr. Diggory has been chosen not only for his creativity but also for his exceptional organizational skills. The Easter Egg Hunt is a cherished Hogwarts tradition, and we believe it's time to breathe new life into it. Each house will be responsible for creating magical eggs that embody the essence of their house, and then hiding them throughout the castle and grounds."

Professor Flitwick chimed in, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "Imagine the possibilities, students! Charmed eggs that sing when approached, ones that temporarily change the finder's hair color, or even eggs that can float just out of reach. Your creativity is the only limit."

Snape, with a slightly less enthusiastic tone, added, "While I trust this event will be...entertaining, do remember that any charms or hexes used on the eggs should be harmless. We wouldn't want any accidents, now would we?" His gaze lingered on the students, a silent warning in his eyes.

Professor Sprout, ever the optimist, encouraged the students. "Think of this as an opportunity to showcase the unique characteristics of your houses. For example, Hufflepuff eggs could embody traits such as loyalty and hard work, perhaps by leading finders on a small task or quest before being rewarded with the egg."

Cedric, now officially in charge, stepped forward, signaling his readiness to take on the challenge. "I'm really looking forward to working with all of you. Let's make this Easter Egg Hunt one for the history books!"

Nigel, seizing another opportunity for his commentary, quipped, "From the sound of it, Hogwarts will soon be overrun with enchanted eggs. Let's just hope the castle's still standing by the end of it."

After the professors dismissed them, Cedric led the group into an abandoned classroom to start planning the Easter Egg Hunt. The room, long forgotten by most, now buzzed with the energy of students from all houses, united by a common purpose.

Cedric, standing at the front with an air of confidence, began, "So, the first step is brainstorming. We need to think outside the box—magical eggs that truly represent our houses. But more importantly, we need to work together. This event is about unity, showing that all houses can collaborate for something great."

Susan, always inquisitive, raised her hand. "Why was the tradition paused in the first place?"

Cedric took a moment before responding, "Over the years, the houses grew apart. The sense of unity was lost, and it became difficult to organize events like this. But recently, there's been a change. We're seeing the houses come together more, especially this year. There's a stronger sense of community now." His eyes hinted at Slytherin's new inclusivity, a subtle nod to Harry's influence, though he didn't mention any names.

Parvati, curious, then asked, "Why aren't Fred and George Weasley involved? They seem perfect for this kind of mischief."

Cedric chuckled, "While their pranks are legendary, we need controlled chaos. The Weasley twins have a tendency to turn everything upside down. For this hunt, we want fun and mischief, yes, but we also want it to be an enjoyable experience for everyone."


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