Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch141- Crown of We

Ch141- Crown of We

The professors had outlined the basics of the hunt: enchanted eggs hidden throughout the castle and grounds, each with unique charms and surprises. The students' task was to inject creativity and house spirit into their designs.

As the meeting progressed, ideas began to flow. Ravenclaw eggs that solved riddles before revealing their contents, Gryffindor eggs that required bravery to retrieve, and Hufflepuff eggs that rewarded hard work and fairness.

Nigel, observing the brainstorming session, couldn't resist commenting, "Ah, nothing says 'Easter' quite like sending your peers on a wild goose chase for magically concealed eggs. Let's just hope the castle's house elves are prepared for the aftermath."

With that, the group disbanded to kickstart the planning phase. As they dispersed, Pansy Parkinson, her voice laced with a playful tone that was unusual when directed at Harry, couldn't help but tease him, "So, Potter, lost for words? I was under the impression you had more tricks up your sleeve."

Harry, with a light chuckle, chose not to respond directly. He had indeed formulated several ideas that would surely astonish the school, but he preferred to keep his cards close to his chest for now.

Pansy, not deterred by his silence, continued her playful jabs, "Come on, Potter, don't tell me you're going to let Diggory outshine you. I thought Slytherins were supposed to be cunning."

Harry looked at Pansy with a smirk and said, "Careful, Ms. Parkinson, one might take your words as a sign of affection. Or should I be flattered by the attention?"

Pansy, unfazed and perhaps even emboldened by Harry's response, leaned in closer, her voice a playful whisper. "Oh, Potter, you should know by now that in Slytherin, we wear our hearts on our sleeves. Or is it that we hide them under our cloaks? I can never quite remember."

Harry chuckled, not giving away much. He had indeed thought of several ways to make the Easter Egg Hunt memorable, but he preferred to keep his strategies a secret for now. "Ms. Parkinson, I assure you, when the time comes, Slytherin's contributions will be nothing short of spectacular. As for being outshined, I believe in letting actions speak louder than words."

Pansy, trying to gauge Harry's plans from his expression, sighed dramatically. "You're no fun when you're all secretive, Potter. But fine, keep your mysteries. Just remember, I'll be watching closely. I expect to be impressed."

Nigel couldn't resist chiming in. "Ah, the age-old dance of flirtation and competition. Be careful, Master Harry, or you might find yourself caught in a web of intrigue and teenage hormones."

Harry mentally rolled his eyes at Nigel's commentary but decided to keep the conversation with Pansy light. "Well, Mr. Parkinson, it seems the stage is set for us to demonstrate the unparalleled might of our intellects at Hogwarts. Of course, when I say 'our', I'm referring to the royal 'we', where the crown—rather heavily, I might add—rests upon a certain head far more than the other. But let's not dwell on the specifics; after all, we wouldn't want to confuse the audience with the nuances of our contribution metrics, would we?"

Pansy looked at Harry, her expression one of befuddlement, clearly unsure of the layered meanings behind his words, while Nigel couldn't help but chuckle internally, thoroughly entertained by the scene unfolding before him.

"That was a good one, Master Harry," Nigel's voice echoed in Harry's mind, rich with amusement and a touch of pride. "Seems like the day I leave the crown of 'we' in the kingdom of sarcasm and snarkiness to you is closer than I thought. To weave such a tapestry of words, cloaking dagger-sharp wit in the soft velvet of humor, oh, what a skill to behold! You've certainly outdone yourself, making the invisible crown of irony rest upon your head with such ease. Pansy's befuddled gaze is a testament to your mastery, akin to a maestro leaving the audience in awe after a flawless performance. Keep it up, and we might just make a tradition out of this intellectual jousting, with you as the reigning champion, of course."

Harry couldn't help but smile inwardly at Nigel's elaborate praise, feeling a warm glow of satisfaction at the acknowledgment of his verbal dexterity. It was one thing to spar with words among friends and another to receive accolades from Nigel, whose own sharp tongue and quick wit were legendary in his own right.

Days rolled by, and the moment finally arrived. It was the 12th of April, and in the Great Hall, before lunch, Dumbledore stood up, observing that all the students had already taken their seats. Normally, lunches, other than on special days, were not mandatory, leading to students arriving at varying times, but this day was different. Everyone was summoned, sparking curiosity and excitement. The Easter Egg Preparation Committee, having been sworn to secrecy, had not let slip any details of their plans, leaving the rest of the student body to speculate. Although Easter hadn't been officially celebrated at Hogwarts for years, the anticipation was palpable.

Dumbledore stood tall and commanding in the Great Hall, his voice echoing gently yet firmly across the room, "Today marks a special day." His announcement instantly straightened every student in their seat, their attention riveted on the headmaster.

"For some time now, a group of your peers has been working diligently on a project, reviving a tradition that has long been dormant within these walls," Dumbledore continued. Fred Weasley, unable to contain his surprise, blurted out, "You're joking!" His eyes were wide with disbelief.

Dumbledore, with a twinkle in his eye, replied, "I assure you, Mr. Weasley, I am quite serious. Although, now that you mention it, I do know a rather amusing joke involving three vampires and a bar—" His story was abruptly cut short by a gentle cough from Professor McGonagall, standing to his side, a reminder to stay on track.

Regaining his composure with a light chuckle, Dumbledore said, "Ah, yes, where was I? Right, after lunch, we will engage in the Traditional Easter Egg Hunt!" The announcement sent a wave of excitement crashing through the hall, students erupting into cheers and applause.

The energy was palpable, and even the professors couldn't help but smile at the students' enthusiasm. As the noise settled, Dumbledore explained, "This isn't just any hunt. It's a testament to the creativity and unity of our students, a celebration of the diversity and strength found within our four houses."

The excitement in the Great Hall was palpable, students barely touching their food, their conversations buzzing with anticipation for the Easter Egg Hunt announced by Dumbledore. At the Slytherin table, Tracey and Daphne cast curious glances at Harry, their eyes filled with suspicion and a hint of excitement. They seemed convinced Harry had a hand in this unexpected event. However, Harry only offered a mischievous smile in return, his expression giving nothing away, as if the unfolding plans were news to him as well.

As the meal concluded, Professor Flitwick, with a flourish of his wand, floated above the faculty table, capturing everyone's attention. With a flick of his wand, numbers materialized on the walls, reading "101." The hall fell silent, every student hanging on to his next words.

"There are 101 eggs hidden within the castle, crafted by the four houses, 25 each," Flitwick announced, his voice tinged with excitement. George Weasley, ever the inquisitive one, couldn't help but shout, "What about the last one?"

Flitwick, chuckling at the question, replied, "Ah, the final egg was a special collaboration between a student and myself. I must say, we're quite proud of our creation." His eyes twinkled as he scanned the room, leaving everyone wondering who the mysterious student collaborator might be.


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