Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch192- Priorities

Ch192- Priorities

Harry was hoping for a calmer year, but he had already had too much on his plate. Before he could even start the school year, the Malfoy family’s house-elf visited him and warned him about a grievous danger at Hogwarts. Then, he thwarted the phony professor Lockhart from ruining another Defense Against the Dark Arts year. That same day, he discovered the potential danger Dobby was talking about—the Diary. If he hadn't taken it from Ginny, Harry was certain the soul within would corrupt her and unleash the Basilisk on the school. As soon as he entered the school, he learned the supposed dead friend of his father was alive, living as a rodent with the Weasley family for a decade. Professor Flitwick and Lupin wanted him to champion the Duelling Club, and on top of all that, he was the Serpent of the Crown and Seeker of the Slytherin Quidditch Team.

Harry sat on his bed, the weight of his responsibilities pressing down on him. "Nigel, how am I supposed to handle all of this? It feels like there's just too much."

Nigel's voice, calm and steady, answered in his mind. "Master Harry, you are doing remarkably well considering the circumstances. Take it one step at a time. Prioritize and focus on what needs immediate attention."

Harry pondered and sighed helplessly, "Then I should first focus on the Duelling Club."

Nigel asked in mild shock, "Are you sure you have your priorities straight?"

Harry chuckled, "Nigel, the Basilisk has been here for at least a thousand years. If it wasn't for the Diary, it wouldn't be a problem for a long time. The same goes for Pettigrew. He's been living as a rodent for a decade; he can continue for a while longer. These are very worrying things, but not urgent. On the other hand, Duelling Club, Quidditch, and my reputation come first."

Nigel sighed in mock exasperation, "Very well, Master Harry. If you say so. Let's turn you into a celebrated duelist then."

Harry smiled, feeling more confident about his decision. He knew the Duelling Club was important for building unity among the students and improving his own skills. Besides, it was a chance to show leadership, something he was becoming more comfortable with each day.

As he sorted his priorities straight, he thought about how to approach organizing the Duelling Club. He'd need to talk to Professor Flitwick and Professor Lupin about scheduling and rules. He also needed to find a way to make the sessions interesting for students from all houses. Harry had learned a lot from his experiences, and he wanted to share that knowledge in a way that was engaging and useful.

Harry spoke in his mind, "Master Flamel's idea about RPG games gave me some ideas, Nigel. How about turning Duelling Club into a game?"

Nigel responded with enthusiasm, "Ah, gamifying the experience could indeed capture the students' interest, Master Harry. How do you envision this working?"

Harry thought for a moment before replying, "We could set up different levels and challenges. Each duel could be a quest where students earn points and rewards. They can gain experience points, or XP, for successful spells and strategy, which they can then use to unlock new skills or spells."

Nigel chimed in, "That sounds intriguing. We could incorporate various magical creatures and obstacles they need to overcome as part of their training. It would make learning much more engaging."

Harry nodded, "Yes, and we can have different ranks like novice, apprentice, and master duelist. As they progress, they face tougher opponents and more complex challenges. We can even have special events where they face off against professors or join forces for team challenges."

Nigel added, "And what about a leaderboard? A bit of friendly competition can be quite motivating. Plus, it would help track progress and encourage students to improve their skills."

Harry smiled, "Exactly. We could even have rewards like special lessons with professors, rare potion ingredients, or magical artifacts for those who reach certain milestones."

Nigel continued, "It would be beneficial to involve the other houses too, promoting unity through inter-house competitions. Perhaps even a house cup specifically for dueling achievements."

Harry's excitement grew, "Yes, that's perfect. And we can document their progress in a special book, maybe enchanted to show live updates. It'll be like a magical RPG guidebook."

He then stopped, "Wait, why stop there? I will turn everything into a book. Be it their experience, spell lists, their progress. I can use runes and charms to make sure books are similar to the Status screens in the games. I will need the help of Professors, but it will turn everything more exciting."

Nigel's voice was immediately interested, "Ah, a comprehensive record. Quite the ambitious project, Master Harry. How do you envision this working?"

Harry began pacing, thinking out loud. "We could use enchanted books that each student receives at the start of the club. These books would automatically update with their progress, spells learned, and challenges completed. Each spell they master, each duel they win, it all gets recorded."

Nigel chimed in, "Indeed. A sort of magical logbook. The enchantments could be linked to the dueling room itself, ensuring accuracy and up-to-date information."

Harry nodded, "Yes! And we can use the points system. Each successful duel or task completed earns them points, which could be used to unlock new spells or special training sessions."

"And what about the social aspect?" Nigel asked, always thorough. "Would these books allow for inter-student communication or collaboration?"

Harry thought for a moment, "We could have sections for students to leave tips or advice for others, maybe even challenges. A leaderboard to track progress and foster a bit of healthy competition."

Nigel's tone was approving, "A splendid idea, Master Harry. The competitive element will certainly keep them motivated. But we'll need to make sure it remains friendly."

Harry grinned, "Of course. We can have house points integrated as well, promoting inter-house cooperation and competition. It would be like an ongoing tournament, with a big duel at the end of each term to see which house wins."

Nigel added, "Perhaps special rewards for the top duelists or for those who show the most improvement. It could be quite the incentive."

Harry was getting more excited by the moment, "And the professors could contribute special lessons or guest duels. Imagine dueling against Professor Flitwick or even Professor Lupin. That would be amazing!"

Nigel chuckled, "Indeed, quite the experience. And it ensures that the students are exposed to a variety of dueling styles and strategies."

Harry was practically bouncing on his feet, "Alright, I need to start drafting a proposal for this. I'll need to talk to Professor Flitwick and Professor Lupin about the enchantments and the structure. And I'll need to figure out the points system, rewards, and how to enchant the books to update automatically."

Nigel's voice was encouraging, "A thorough plan, Master Harry. I'm sure the professors will be most intrigued by your proposal."

Harry grabbed some parchment and a quill, starting to jot down ideas. "This is going to be amazing, Nigel. The students will love it, and it'll make learning so much more fun."

Nigel's tone was warm, "I'm sure it will be, Master Harry. Your enthusiasm is infectious. Now, let's get to work on making this a reality."


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