Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch193- Setting Things Straight

Ch193- Setting Things Straight

Late afternoon, Harry sat in the common room, surrounded by books and notes. He was sketching out designs for the enchanted books and the points system when Daphne and Tracey approached.

Tracey sat next to Harry, while Daphne sat across from him. "What are you working on?" Tracey asked, trying to peek at his papers.

Harry quickly covered them with his hand and grinned, "It's a surprise."

Daphne raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "A surprise, huh? Does it have to do with the Professor's summon the other day?"

Harry's smile widened. "Maybe," he said playfully. "But you'll have to wait and see."

Tracey pouted, "Come on, Harry. Give us a hint!"

Harry shook his head, laughing. "Nope. You'll find out soon enough."

Daphne raised an eyebrow, "A big one since you are like this, huh? You sure you don't need our help with it?"

Harry shook his head, still smiling. "Not this time, Daphne. But don't worry, you'll find out soon enough."

Daphne leaned in, her curiosity piqued. "Alright, then. But don’t make us wait too long."

Harry nodded, "I promise it’ll be worth the wait."

Nigel’s voice piped up in Harry’s mind, "Ah, the allure of mystery, Master Harry. A classic move."

Harry chuckled to himself and began gathering his papers, carefully putting them away. "I promise you'll both like it," he said, glancing at Tracey and Daphne.

"Fine, keep your secrets," Tracey teased, leaning back in her chair. "But we’re expecting something spectacular."

Harry gave a mock salute, "Spectacular it will be."

The bell rang, signaling the end of the period. Since students would fill the common room soon, the trio stood up, grabbing their bags. As they walked out of the common room, Daphne asked, "So, where to next? Library?"

Harry nodded, "Yeah, I need to check out a few more books for... research."

Tracey laughed, "Still the diligent student, Harry. Let's go."

Inside the library, the trio settled at a table in a quiet corner. Harry pulled out his list of books, scanning the shelves for the ones he needed. Daphne and Tracey followed, occasionally pulling out interesting titles for themselves.

As they sat down with their selections, Harry whispered, "So, what have you guys been up to? Any interesting projects?"

Daphne shrugged, "Just the usual. Homework, studying... Trying to keep up with everything."

Tracey added, "Yeah, same here. Though I've been thinking about starting a new club."

Harry smiled, "Oh, what it might be?"

Daphne held back her giggles, knowing what was coming, "You deserved this, Harry."

Tracey beamed, "I am not saying. You will see soon."

Harry chuckled as he saw Tracey's triumphant face, then got up. "Need to talk with Professors. See you later." He headed towards Professor Flitwick's office, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness about presenting his idea for the Duelling Club.

Upon reaching the office, Harry knocked lightly and heard Professor Flitwick's cheerful voice inviting him in. As he entered, he saw Professor Lupin sitting comfortably in one of the chairs.

"Ah, Harry! Good to see you," Professor Flitwick greeted him with a warm smile. "What brings you here?"

Harry smiled back, "Good to see you too, Professors. I have an idea for the Duelling Club and wanted to get your thoughts on it."

Professor Lupin leaned forward, intrigued. "Go on, Harry. We're listening."

Harry took a deep breath and began. "I was thinking about making the Duelling Club more engaging by turning it into a sort of game. Like an RPG—role-playing game," he explained, seeing their puzzled expressions. "It's a concept from the Muggle world where players take on different roles and complete quests."

Professor Flitwick's eyes twinkled with curiosity. "Interesting! How would this work in our Duelling Club?"

Harry continued, "We could set up different levels and challenges for the students. Each duel could be like a quest where they earn points and rewards. They can gain experience points, or XP, for successful spells and strategies, which they can use to unlock new skills or spells."

Professor Lupin nodded thoughtfully. "That sounds like it could really motivate the students. How would we track their progress?"

Harry smiled, pulling out a sketch he had made. "I thought of using enchanted books. Each student would get one, and it would automatically update with their progress, spells learned, and challenges completed. Like a magical logbook."

Professor Flitwick clapped his hands in delight. "Marvelous! And these books would be enchanted to keep track of everything?"

"Yes," Harry confirmed. "We could have a points system. Each successful duel or task completed earns them points, which could be used to unlock new spells or special training sessions."

Professor Lupin's eyes lit up. "And what about collaboration? Could students work together on certain challenges?"

"Definitely," Harry replied enthusiastically. "We could have team challenges and even inter-house competitions to foster unity. Maybe a house cup for dueling achievements."

Flitwick and Lupin exchanged impressed glances. "This is a splendid idea, Harry," Flitwick said. "And the students would love the competitive element. It would certainly keep them engaged."

Harry continued, "We could also document their progress in a special book, maybe enchanted to show live updates. It'll be like a magical RPG guidebook."

Harry thought for a moment. "We could have different ranks like novice, apprentice, and master duelist. As they progress, they face tougher opponents and more complex challenges. Special rewards could include lessons with professors, rare potion ingredients, or magical artifacts."

Professor Lupin nodded approvingly. "Involving the professors in special lessons or guest duels would be a great addition. It would give the students exposure to different dueling styles and strategies."

Harry smiled, feeling more confident. "We could even have special events where students duel against professors or team up for larger challenges. It would keep things exciting and varied."

Professor Flitwick looked thoughtful. "And how do you plan to implement these enchanted books? It sounds quite complex."

Harry replied, "I'll need help with the enchantments and the structure. But if we can link the books to the dueling room itself, it would ensure accuracy and up-to-date information."

Professor Lupin leaned back, clearly impressed. "Harry, this is a remarkable idea. With some effort, we can definitely bring this to life. We'll help you with the enchantments and structure."

Flitwick added, "Indeed. This will require some advanced magic, but I believe we can do it. Your enthusiasm and creativity are inspiring, Harry."

Harry felt a surge of pride. "Thank you, Professors. I'm excited to get started."

Leaving the room, Harry heaved a sigh of relief. "That is one problem down. Next is Quidditch. I shouldn't have increased the number of games played in a year. Now, my schedule is full." Harry walked towards the Slytherin Common Room to talk with Marcus Flint. Even last year, he had a great say in the team as the Seeker who caught the Snitch every game. Now, he was Serpent of the Crown, and others would listen to him more, "Although Selena accepted my proposal last year and the team acted with more decorum, they were still pretty aggressive. Time to demolish all the bad reputation Slytherin has. Starting with fair and sportsman Slytherin."

Harry gathered the Slytherin Quidditch team in the Serpent room, ready to address the changes he wanted to implement. As the Serpent of the Crown, he now had more authority and could speak directly to the team without relying on Selena’s orders. The room was dimly lit, and the atmosphere was serious as the team members took their seats.

"Thank you all for coming," Harry began, looking at each of his teammates. "Last year, under Selena’s guidance, we reduced our aggressive playing style. This year, I want to take it a step further. I want Slytherin to be known not only for our skills but also for our fairness and sportsmanship..."


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