Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch194- How to Deal With the Rat?

Ch194- How to Deal With the Rat?

After dealing with the Quidditch team, Harry knew he had to focus on his studies next. Despite being ahead in most subjects, essays and homework were still part of the curriculum, and he had to maintain his reputation as the star student. Sitting at his desk, he pulled out his assignments and began to work through them methodically.

Nigel's voice piped up, "Ah, the joys of academic excellence, Master Harry. Remember, while brilliance is expected, let’s not forget a touch of creativity. Professors love that."

Harry chuckled. "Noted, Nigel. Let’s see if I can make this essay on Transfiguration as dazzling as you suggest."

Hours passed as Harry diligently worked through his assignments, pausing occasionally to consult his books and notes. By the time he finished, Harry felt satisfied with his work.

"Another task completed, Master Harry. You are quite the multitasker," Nigel remarked with a hint of pride.

Harry smiled. "Thanks, Nigel. Now, what’s next on our list?"

"No more running, Master Harry. After a good night's rest, either Pettigrew or the Basilisk," Nigel stated with firm resolve.

Harry sighed, nodding his agreement. "You're right, Nigel. We've been putting this off for too long. It's time to face these challenges head-on."

He closed his books and stood up, stretching his arms. The day had been exhausting, and he felt the weight of the tasks ahead. Harry changed into his pajamas and climbed into bed, feeling a mix of anxiety and determination.

"Good night, Nigel," Harry whispered.

"Sleep well, Master Harry. Tomorrow is a new day, full of potential," Nigel replied.

The next morning, Harry woke up early, feeling more rested than he had in days. He quickly dressed and grabbed his school bag, preparing for the day's classes. As he headed out of his room, Nigel spoke up.

"Remember, Master Harry, stay focused. We have a lot to accomplish today."

Harry nodded, his mind already turning to the tasks ahead. As he made his way to the Great Hall for breakfast, he bumped into Hermione.

"Good morning, Harry," Hermione greeted with a smile. "You look determined today."

Harry grinned. "I have a lot on my mind, Hermione. We're planning to start the Duelling Club soon, and I need to focus on my studies too."

Hermione's eyes lit up. "The Duelling Club? That's exciting! Let me know if you need any help with organizing it."

"Thanks, Hermione. I might take you up on that offer," Harry replied as they entered the Great Hall.

During breakfast, Harry discussed the new school year with his friends, and they offered their enthusiasm for the new subjects they would learn. Afterward, he headed to his classes, keeping Nigel's words in mind.

Harry decided to deal with Pettigrew first. By now, he had gathered enough evidence. Entering his room, he took out his Enchanted Briefcase and enlarged it by whispering the password, "Potter Heaven." Once the palm-sized briefcase grew into its regular size, he stepped in and entered the glorious mansion he liked more and more as he spent time inside.

In one of the studies, the walls were covered with Sirius Black and Pettigrew's news articles. As Harry walked past them, he glanced at the headlines and photos, each telling a story of betrayal and heroism. The articles painted Pettigrew as a hero who confronted the mad betrayer Sirius Black. But looking at the moving picture of his father's best friend, Harry was conflicted. The man indeed looked mad, but Harry could see pain in those eyes. "How did no one else see it?" he thought to himself.

Nigel's voice broke into his thoughts, "It seems the Wizarding World loves a good scandal. They'd rather see a tragic hero than dig for the truth."

As he confirmed Scabbers was Pettigrew, Harry knew he had to proceed cautiously. He planned to first have a face-to-face talk with Amelia Bones. Luckily, she often came to watch Quidditch matches ever since Harry changed the stadium for outsiders to watch as well. He planned to have some alone time with her, explain his intentions, and get her help with handling all legal procedures so that when Harry finally caught Peter, no one could take him away.

"Okay, Nigel," Harry said, pacing the room. "First, we talk to Amelia Bones. She's well-respected and knows the law inside out. If I can convince her, we'll have the legal groundwork covered."

"Indeed, Master Harry," Nigel replied, his tone measured. "Amelia Bones is a formidable ally. She will ensure that Pettigrew faces justice without interference."

Harry nodded, feeling reassured. "After that, I'll speak with Snape. Despite his disdain for Lupin and Sirius, I believe he'll help if I present solid evidence. But if I approach him before talking to Bones, he might just dismiss me."

"Sound strategy," Nigel agreed. "Professor Snape's loyalty to the truth will prevail if you present your case effectively."

"And finally, Lupin," Harry continued. "He's my father's old friend, and while I trust him, I need to see if he'll run to Dumbledore or stand by me. If he goes to Dumbledore, it's fine, but if he keeps the plan to himself, it means I can trust him even more."

Nigel chimed in, "Master Harry, your approach is methodical. It covers all bases, ensuring you have support at every level."

Harry took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the plan. "Alright, let's do this."

The next morning, Harry woke early and prepared for the day. He knew Amelia Bones would be attending the Quidditch match later that afternoon. His mind raced with how best to approach her without arousing suspicion.

As Harry entered the Great Hall for breakfast, he saw Daphne and Tracey waving at him. He greeted them with a smile. "I will sit at Hufflepuff today. Wanna join?" The girls shrugged and got up. As a gentleman, Harry took their trays from them and carried them to the other table, sitting next to Susan and across from Hannah. Daphne sat next to him while Tracey joined Hannah. "Good morning, girls," Harry greeted them warmly.

"Morning, Harry," Susan replied with a smile. "What's got you in such a good mood today?"

Harry chuckled. "Just feeling positive about some plans. Lots to do, but it's all exciting stuff."

Daphne raised an eyebrow. "Plans? Do tell."

Harry shook his head playfully. "Patience, Daphne. You'll find out soon enough. Let's just say it involves something new and fun for all of us."

Tracey leaned in, curious. "Come on, Harry, give us a hint. You know we hate waiting."

Harry laughed. "Alright, alright. It's about the Duelling Club. We're planning to bring it back and make it better than ever."

Susan's eyes lit up. "That sounds amazing! What changes are you planning?"

"Well," Harry began, "I'm thinking of turning it into a sort of game. Like an RPG, where each duel is a quest and you earn points and rewards. The more you participate and succeed, the more you can unlock new skills and spells."

Hannah nodded, intrigued. "That sounds really interesting. How will it work?"

Harry explained further, "We'll have different levels and challenges. Each student will get an enchanted book that updates automatically with their progress, spells learned, and challenges completed. We'll also have team challenges and inter-house competitions to keep things engaging."

Daphne looked impressed. "That's a brilliant idea, Harry. It sounds like it'll be a lot of fun and really motivating for everyone."

Harry smiled, feeling encouraged by their reactions. "Thanks, everyone. I'll need help organizing and setting it all up, so I'll be counting on you."

As breakfast continued, Harry's friends offered more ideas and suggestions, making him feel more confident about the Duelling Club's potential success.


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