Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch200- The Little Trick

Ch200- The Little Trick

"Master Harry, despite being some time since we are together, your calculative mind still scares me," Nigel said as Harry opened the book.

"Why, Nigel. You hurt my feelings," Harry teased.

Nigel rolled his virtual eyes. "To think you used the Duelling Club to keep track of everyone in the castle, not even sparing professors, tut tut, Master Harry, you are really becoming a mastermind."

Harry chuckled as he looked at the list of names on each page, and precisely, on the first page was, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. This was not a coincidence, of course, since he had convinced Flitwick and Lupin to enchant the book as such, so they could show the ranking among students. What both professors never imagined was that Harry was using it to test the strength levels between professors.

"Despite showing only a minuscule of his power, he is still in the first place," Harry was astounded. Of course, he knew other professors also held back, but Dumbledore was at another level.

As Harry flipped through the pages, he saw the names of various students and professors, each with their magical strength quantified and ranked. It was a comprehensive overview of the magical prowess within Hogwarts. His mind raced with the possibilities this information provided, both in strategizing for future challenges and understanding his peers and mentors better.

"Master Harry," Nigel began, "you've done a thorough job. It's rather... intriguing to see the disparity between what people show and what they truly possess."

Harry nodded. "It's crucial to know where everyone stands." Harry left the Dueling Club and headed back to the Slytherin common room. 

With the excitement of the Duelling Club settling into the daily routine, Hogwarts once again fell into its familiar rhythm. Of course, the number of students visiting the club was still impressive, but the novelty of the first day had worn off, and only the truly dedicated or curious remained consistent in their attendance. This was expected; not everyone was eager for the hard work required, despite the efforts Harry and the professors put into making it engaging. Harry didn't mind. His goal had been to create a decent club, and now that he had achieved that, he saw himself more as a supervisor than an active participant.

In the days that followed, Harry found himself balancing various responsibilities. His focus had to shift back to his studies and the complex web of plans surrounding Pettigrew and the Chamber of Secrets. Despite the challenges, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. The successful launch of the Duelling Club had given him confidence in his ability to lead and organize.

One afternoon, as Harry was making his way to the library for some research, Nigel's voice echoed in his mind. "Master Harry, might I suggest a brief respite? Even the most diligent of students need a moment to breathe."

Harry smiled at Nigel's well-meaning reprimand. "A break sounds good, Nigel. But I need to check on a few things first."

"Ah, the eternal struggle of the industrious mind," Nigel quipped. "Might I recommend starting with a cup of tea? It works wonders for both focus and relaxation."

Harry chuckled and made his way to the kitchen, where elves brewed a pot of tea. As he poured himself a cup, he couldn't help but think about the recent developments. Amelia Bones had assured him that everything was in place for Pettigrew's capture. The revelation of his own intricate plans to Dumbledore had added a layer of complexity to his already busy life.

As he sipped his tea, Harry's thoughts drifted to his friends. He decided it was time to catch up with them. They had all been so supportive, and he missed their company. Making his way to the Ravenclaw common room, Harry stood in front of the bronze eagle. 

Nigel spoke at this time, "Here to see, Ms. Lovegood?" His tone was admonishing, as if he was saying, haven't I told you to take a break right now, why are you here?

Harry hummed as he came before the magnificent eagle. The Ravenclaw common room was different from the other three, requiring anyone to answer a riddle posed by the statue to enter.

"Master Harry, why do I get the impression you seek more intellectual company today?" Nigel quipped.

"Let’s see if I can get past this door first," Harry replied. The eagle’s eyes gleamed as it came to life and asked:

"I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?"

Harry thought for a moment, recalling a similar riddle he had encountered before. "An echo," he answered confidently.

The eagle's beak curved into what could be interpreted as a smile, and the door swung open. Harry stepped inside, feeling the warmth of the Ravenclaw common room envelop him. It had been some time since he had spent quality time with Cho Chang, Padma Patil, and Luna Lovegood.

As he walked in, a few Ravenclaw students looked up, surprised to see Harry. Most, however, merely nodded, knowing that if he had managed to enter, he must have had a good reason.

"Lovegood, perhaps?" Students guessed.

Harry had met Luna this year and spoken with her a few times. They were friends, though not particularly close yet. Padma was a more frequent acquaintance, and Cho, both a friend and a rival in Quidditch, always provided stimulating conversation.

First, he spotted Padma sitting by the window, engrossed in a thick book. He approached her with a smile. "Hello, Padma. Mind if I join you?"

Padma looked up, pleasantly surprised. "Harry! Of course, have a seat. What brings you to our little haven of knowledge?"

Harry chuckled as he sat down. "I needed a change of scenery. Besides, I thought it would be nice to catch up."

They talked about their classes and the upcoming exams, sharing tips and laughing about their professors' quirks. Padma, ever the diligent student, appreciated Harry's insights on their recent Potions assignment.

After a while, Harry excused himself, wanting to find Cho. He found her in a corner, practicing a spell. Cho greeted him with a competitive smile. "Harry, here to spy on the competition?"

Harry laughed. "Always, Cho. How's the practice going?"

They fell into easy conversation about Quidditch, exchanging friendly barbs about their teams' chances in the upcoming match. Cho’s presence was invigorating, and Harry enjoyed their playful banter. They reminisced about past games and discussed strategies, each trying to glean any useful information from the other.

After bidding Cho goodbye, Harry continued his search for Luna. Despite his efforts, he couldn’t find her anywhere in the common room. With a shrug, he decided it was time to leave when he noticed Penelope Clearwater waving at him.

“Ms. Clearwater, how are you doing?” Harry greeted her with a smile. He had always had a good impression of the Ravenclaw Prefect.

“I’m doing well, Mr. Potter. How about you?” she replied warmly.

“I’m good, thanks,” Harry said. 

"So, what brings you to our humble common room, Mr. Potter?" She asked after some small talk.

Harry dramatically rolled his eyes, gesturing to the room filled with giant statues, myriad shelves of books, and intricate bronze eagles. "Humble, sure," he joked. “I was just here to see some friends. I found Cho and Padma, but I couldn’t find Luna. Do you have any idea where she might be?”

Penelope sighed, her expression turning slightly troubled. “Follow me,” she said, gesturing for Harry to walk with her.

Frowning, Harry followed Penelope out of the common room. They walked through several corridors until they reached a quiet corner of the castle. There, under a gargoyle, sat Luna Lovegood. Above her, a pair of shoes hung precariously from the stone creature.

“Some of the girls in the house prank her,” Penelope explained, pointing to the shoes. “I warned everyone, but I can’t watch over them all the time.”

Harry felt a surge of anger at the unfair treatment of his friend but managed to keep his composure. “Thank you, Ms. Clearwater. I’ll talk to her.”

Penelope smiled and nodded. “Thank you, Harry.”

Harry waved as Penelope walked away and then approached Luna. She was staring out the window, her eyes moving constantly as if she could see things others couldn’t.


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