Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch201- Bullies

Ch201- Bullies

“Hey, Luna,” Harry said softly, sitting down next to her.

Luna turned her head slowly, a dreamy smile spreading across her face. “Hello, Harry. Fancy meeting you here.”

Harry chuckled. “I was looking for you. Are you alright?”

Luna glanced up at her hanging shoes and shrugged. “I’m fine. Shoes are just shoes. They don’t define me.”

Harry admired Luna’s resilience and her ability to find peace in any situation. “Do you want me to help you get them down?”

Luna shook her head. “No, thank you. They’ll come down when they’re ready. Besides, I’ve found it’s rather fun to go barefoot sometimes. Besides, you already helped me.”

Harry smiled at her unique perspective. “You always know how to see the bright side of things. But what do you mean, I helped you?”

Luna smiled mysteriously, not answering Harry's question directly. Instead, she asked, "Why were you looking for me, Harry?"

Harry shrugged casually, "It's been a while, and I was doing my Ravenclaw visit. You're one of my friends in your house."

Luna's face lit up with a bright smile. "Your nargles are especially lively lately. It’s really warm and nice."

Harry, accustomed to Luna's peculiar way of speaking, just smiled back. He didn't fully understand what she meant, but he was getting used to her unique expressions.

At that moment, Peeves the Poltergeist appeared above them, looking down with a mischievous grin. "Potter and the weird girl!" he cackled.

Harry frowned, "Be nice, Peeves, or have you forgotten the consequences of crossing me?" Harry was not unreasonable, but he didn't like those who mixed pranks with bullying. The same situation had happened with the Weasley Twins and Peeves last year. Harry had reminded them of the consequences of "pranking" him and those close to him. From then on, the Weasley Twins never came close to him or his friends, but it seemed Peeves had forgotten.

Peeves, undeterred by Harry's warning, began to shout, "Harry Potter is kissing the weird girl in the hidden corridor!"

Without a second thought, Harry's wand appeared in his hand, and he cast, "Ebublio!" A bubble of water formed around Peeves, trapping him inside and muffling his shouts.

The Poltergeist, annoyed at getting wet yet smirking, tried to fly out, but to his surprise, something was blocking him from leaving. His eyes widened as he looked at Harry in dread. Harry, in return, cast Incendio under the water, slowly boiling the water. The poltergeist looked bothered but couldn't get out at all.

"Listen closely, Peeves," Harry said, his tone firm and unyielding. "Last year, I told you to stay away from me and the people I care about. It seems over the summer, you either forgot my warnings or gained some misguided courage from a witch. I don't care which it is, though. I will remind you once again."

Peeves squirmed within the bubble, his usual mischief replaced by genuine fear. The water grew hotter, and Peeves' smirk disappeared entirely.

"Master Harry," Nigel's voice echoed in Harry's mind, "your handling of this situation is commendable. However, perhaps a bit more leniency wouldn't go amiss. After all, Peeves is, at his core, a nuisance rather than a true threat."

Harry considered Nigel's advice, his eyes still locked on the struggling poltergeist. "I will release you, Peeves, but remember this: if you ever harass Luna or anyone I care about again, I won't be so forgiving."

With a flick of his wand, the water evaporated, and the bubble vanished. Peeves, drenched and humbled, glared at Harry before zooming away without a word.

Luna watched the exchange with her usual serene expression. "That was very kind of you, Harry," she said softly. "You know, Harry, the wrackspurts might be more active this year. Perhaps that's why Peeves was acting up."

Harry chuckled, finding comfort in Luna's unique perspective. "Perhaps, Luna. Let's hope they calm down soon."

Then, Harry noticed something falling, and instinctively caught them. Holding Luna's shoes, which were hanging above them just a second ago, Harry was surprised. He noticed they fell when Peeves passed through that area, accidentally made them fall.

Harry raised an eyebrow, feeling a mix of surprise and mild annoyance. "Did you expect this to happen?" he asked, his tone reflecting his curiosity and slight frustration. He didn't like the idea of being seen through to such a degree, a sentiment Nigel shared as he felt Harry's thoughts.

Luna shook her head gently, her smile never fading. "Not exactly, Harry. The wrackspurts told me you would help me with my shoes, but they didn't say how."

Harry sighed, both amused and perplexed by Luna's cryptic ways. "Wrackspurts, right. Well, I'm glad I could help, even if it was unintentional."

Luna picked up her shoes, examining them as if they held some great secret. "They speak in whispers, you know. The wrackspurts. They tell me things that most people can't hear."

Nigel's voice chimed in Harry's mind, "Master Harry, it seems you've become a hero in the eyes of invisible creatures. Quite the accomplishment."

Harry chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Well, Luna, if you ever need help again, just let me know. Even if it's just to listen to the wrackspurts."

Luna's eyes sparkled with genuine appreciation. "Thank you, Harry. You're very kind. And don't worry, the wrackspurts will guide you too."

Harry stood up, offering Luna a hand. "Come on, let's get back to the common room. It's getting late."

Luna accepted his hand, and they walked together through the corridors. The silence between them was comfortable, filled with an unspoken understanding. As they reached the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room, Luna turned to Harry with a serene expression.

"You want to say something," Luna stated, her dreamy eyes locking onto Harry's. Harry nodded, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. He needed to be gentle yet firm.

"Luna, I can help you, and I can protect you from the bullies, but it will only be temporary. When I turn my back, they'll strike again," Harry said, his voice soft but resolute. He watched as Luna's expression shifted from curiosity to contemplation.

"So, instead of just protecting you, how about I help you get stronger? That way, no one will dare to bully you," Harry continued, his words carrying a promise of empowerment.

Luna tilted her head, her serene smile never wavering. "You think I can be strong like you, Harry?"

"Absolutely," Harry replied with conviction. "Strength isn't just about physical power or magical ability. It's about confidence and knowing your worth. You already have that inside you, Luna. You just need to believe it."

Luna's eyes sparkled with a mix of hope and curiosity. "How do we start, then?"

Harry smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction at her willingness. "We start by practicing spells and learning to defend yourself. But more importantly, we'll work on building your confidence. You have a unique perspective, Luna, and that's a strength in itself."

Luna's smile widened, and she reached out to take Harry's hand. "Thank you, Harry. I trust you."

Harry squeezed her hand gently. "We'll start tomorrow. Meet me by the lake after breakfast."

Luna nodded, her eyes shining with newfound determination. "I’ll be there."


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