Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch202- Giving Assignment

Ch202- Giving Assignment

Harry glanced at his clock and decided, "I have some time to see Hannah and Susan too." A metal card appeared in his hand, shifting as a message materialized on its surface: "Kitchen. In 3 minutes." This was Harry's clever application of the Protean Charm, a N.E.W.T.-level skill far beyond his current abilities. Despite its complexity, Harry deemed it essential and incorporated it into every magical book he distributed in the Duelling Club. The iron card in his hand acted as a master key, combining the Protean Charm with Intentus Revelio, a charm he had frequently used since discovering it during last year's Easter Egg Hunt.

Intentus Revelio allowed different reactions based on the user's intent. During the Easter Egg Hunt, Harry had used it to reveal the final egg only to those motivated by the adventure rather than by greed or ambition. Dumbledore had later adapted Harry's idea, applying it to the Mirror of Erised to reveal the Philosopher's Stone solely to those who sought to protect it without personal desire for its power. Harry had then collaborated with Professors Flitwick and Lupin to integrate this charm into all Duelling Club magical books for various purposes.

One significant advantage was Harry's ability to send messages to specific individuals based on his intent. Without Intentus Revelio, using only the Protean Charm would have meant broadcasting the message to every connected item, requiring Harry to maintain numerous separate items linked to different people. Now, with Intentus Revelio, he could direct messages to individuals precisely, enhancing both convenience and privacy.

"Master Harry, ever the innovator," Nigel quipped in his mind. "Using advanced charms to arrange casual meetings. Truly, you could give the Ministry a run for its galleons."

Harry chuckled softly at Nigel's remark. The Protean Charm had been a significant achievement for him. It wasn't just about creating a link between objects but making sure the communication was private and secure.

When he arrived at the kitchen, the elves immediately surrounded him with warm greetings. Harry was one of the few students who often visited them, bringing gifts of recipe books that the cooking elves adored. As he entered, he saw Susan and Hannah already seated at a table, engaged in a lively conversation.

"Good evening, ladies," Harry greeted with a smile, taking a seat across from them.

Susan looked up, her face lighting up. "Harry! It's so good to see you. How have you been?"

"Busy, as always," Harry replied, pouring himself a cup of tea from the pot the elves had thoughtfully placed on the table. "What about you two? How are things going?"

Hannah grinned. "We've been great. The Duelling Club is fantastic, Harry. Everyone's talking about it."

Harry nodded, pleased. "I'm glad to hear that. It's been a lot of work, but seeing everyone so engaged makes it worthwhile."

Susan leaned in, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "What about you, Harry? Any new adventures or mysteries you're working on?"

Harry chuckled, taking a sip of his tea. "Always, Susan. Always. But I can't reveal everything just yet. Let's just say there's a lot going on behind the scenes."

Hannah raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Oh, come on, Harry. You can't leave us hanging like that."

Harry laughed, shaking his head. "Patience, Hannah. You'll find out soon enough. Besides, some things are better kept under wraps until the right moment."

Nigel's voice chimed in Harry's mind, "A bit of relaxation with friends, Master Harry? How delightfully mundane. Though I must admit, it's a pleasant change from your usual high-stakes endeavors."

Harry smirked, mentally replying, "Even I need a break sometimes, Nigel. It's good to catch up with friends and enjoy some normalcy."

As the evening wore on, they continued to share stories and laughter, the stresses of their magical education momentarily forgotten. Harry felt a sense of gratitude for these moments of peace and friendship, knowing they were just as important as any grand adventure or mystery he pursued.

Harry grinned as he said, "By the way, I learned something important about Helga Hufflepuff."

The mention of their house's founder made the girls excited. Leaning in, they looked at Harry with anticipation.

"What is it, Harry?" Susan asked eagerly, while Hannah even held his arm, shaking it with excitement.

Chuckling, Harry continued, "It's said that Helga created a special map to keep track of her friends at school, as she wouldn't feel at ease otherwise."

The girls looked at him in surprise.

"Did she put a tracking spell on them?" Hannah asked, wide-eyed.

Harry smiled a little, shaking his head. "Of course not. At the founder's level, tracking spells wouldn't work. Any of them could detect such spells if placed on them and protect themselves easily."

"So, what is it then?" Susan asked, her curiosity piqued even further.

Harry's eyes twinkled with excitement. "It's a map that taps into the wards of a place and keeps track of people in that domain."

The girls "woahed" simultaneously, their faces lit with fascination.

"So," Harry said, leaning back with a playful grin, "my assignment for both of you is to come up with something like that."

The girls looked at Harry in shock and trepidation.

"Harry, that doesn't sound easy," Hannah said, her voice tinged with worry.

Harry laughed. "Of course not. That's why I trust you with it. You both have the skills and creativity to figure it out."

Susan and Hannah exchanged glances, their initial shock giving way to determination. "Alright, Harry," Susan said with a resolute nod, "we'll give it our best shot."

"I know you will," Harry replied, his tone encouraging. "I believe in you both."

After bidding goodbye to the girls, Harry too returned to his room and entered the Enchanted Briefcase, making his way to the mansion's study. The room, filled with ancient books and magical artifacts, greeted him with an air of quiet reverence. As he settled into his favorite chair, the books on the shelves began to move, their pages flipping open to relevant sections.

Nigel's voice, ever present in Harry's mind, resonated with a blend of sarcasm and curiosity. "To think the Potter Invisibility Cloak is not enough for you, Master Harry. You now study the art of invisibility itself. Your ancestors would be heartbroken."

Harry rolled his eyes at Nigel's remark, a slight smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "You know, Nigel, sometimes subtlety can be just as important as the cloak. To defeat the basilisk, I need a comprehensive plan. Half-baked schemes won't work."

Nigel hummed thoughtfully. "Indeed, Master Harry. A strategic approach is paramount. Might I suggest starting with the properties of invisibility in both magical and theoretical contexts?"

Harry nodded, focusing on the books before him. He had a few ideas, but he needed to study more for now. The basilisk was no ordinary magical creature; its gaze alone could kill. Harry had to be prepared, not just with spells but with an understanding of the basilisk's nature and the ancient magic that surrounded the Chamber of Secrets.

One of the books opened to a chapter on ancient enchantments. Harry skimmed through the text, absorbing the information about spells used by the founders of Hogwarts. He found a section on Salazar Slytherin and his affinity for serpents, detailing the intricate charms and protections he might have placed on the Chamber.


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