Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch205- Awakening of Hogwarts Faculty

Ch205- Awakening of Hogwarts Faculty

In his room, Dumbledore was seated behind his desk. In front of him lay a report that held his keen attention. While the Duelling Club was Harry's in name, Hogwarts was still under Dumbledore's watchful eye. He was aware of nearly everything that transpired within its walls. The report detailed the remarkable progress students had made in spellcasting, progress that was so impressive it had even stirred some of the older teachers, bringing a new vigor to their teaching methods.

Just the previous day, several professors had gathered in Dumbledore's office, discussing innovative ways to teach their classes. They realized that their decades-old methods might be growing stale to the students who were now used to the dynamic and engaging activities of the Duelling Club. Though stepping out of their comfort zones was challenging, the professors recognized that these changes could lead to significant positive outcomes.

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair, adjusting his half-moon spectacles as he skimmed the report once more. The Duelling Club had indeed brought about an unprecedented level of enthusiasm among the students. Their spellwork had advanced rapidly, and even the most reluctant participants were showing marked improvement. The Headmaster's eyes twinkled with a mixture of pride and amusement.

"Well, well," he murmured to himself, "young Mr. Potter has certainly stirred the cauldron."

Just as he was about to set the report aside, a knock echoed through the room. The door creaked open, revealing Professor McGonagall, her expression a blend of curiosity and concern.

"Albus, may I have a word?" she asked, stepping inside.

"Of course, Minerva," Dumbledore replied, gesturing to a chair. "What troubles you?"

McGonagall took a seat, smoothing her robes. "It's the Duelling Club. The students' progress is remarkable, but some of the staff are feeling... overshadowed. They're concerned their traditional methods may no longer be sufficient."

Dumbledore nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, I've been thinking the same. Change is never easy, but it is often necessary. Perhaps it's time we re-evaluated our approach to teaching."

McGonagall sighed, her stern demeanor softening. "I suppose you're right. It just feels daunting to adapt after all these years."

Dumbledore smiled gently. "Minerva, you've always been an exemplary teacher. Embracing new methods doesn't diminish your accomplishments; it enhances them. Let's consider this an opportunity to grow alongside our students."

As McGonagall nodded, the door opened again, and Professor Flitwick entered, his face alight with excitement. "Headmaster, Minerva, you won't believe the advancements some of the students have made. Harry's idea for the enchanted books has transformed their learning experience!"

Dumbledore chuckled. "It seems Harry has provided more than just a club. He's inspired a new wave of enthusiasm."

Flitwick nodded vigorously. "Indeed! We've been discussing ways to incorporate more interactive elements into our lessons. The students are more engaged than ever."

McGonagall's eyes twinkled with a newfound determination. "Then let's not waste any time. We'll start by integrating these new methods into our classes and see where it takes us."

Dumbledore watched his colleagues with a sense of pride and optimism. The winds of change were sweeping through Hogwarts, and he was eager to see where they would lead.

After the others left, Dumbledore muttered to himself, "It's inspiring to see a student bringing such changes to the school, but my concern is it is him." He couldn't help but sigh somberly. "The more popular he becomes, the more difficult it will be." Rising from his chair, he gazed out the window, his thoughts heavy. "For the Greater Good," he mused. "Only if we are right."

The weight of his words hung in the air as he watched the grounds of Hogwarts below. The sun was setting, casting a golden hue over the castle and its surroundings. Dumbledore's heart was conflicted. He admired Harry's ingenuity and leadership, yet he couldn't shake off the unease that came with Harry's growing influence.

In the dungeons, Snape was sitting with Lupin. It was an odd combination that many would assume impossible.

"Even you are thinking of changing your teaching style. I would never have believed it," Lupin said with a grin, while looking at the potion Snape had given him. It was a Wolfsbane Potion, specially made for him to ease his lycanthropic transformation. Despite their differences, Snape had been helping him concoct this potion since the beginning of the year, and for that, Lupin was thankful.

Snape snorted. "I am not above realizing when change is necessary. Potter's idea in the Duelling Club shows there are better methods in teaching, and I can accept that I have room for growth. Unlike you, who is still stuck in your archaic ways."

Lupin raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly. "Archaic, am I? Coming from someone who clings to the past as if it were a lifeline, that's rich."

Snape's eyes narrowed. "At least I am consistent. You, on the other hand, waver between trying to be everyone's friend and an effective teacher. It's no wonder your students are confused."

Lupin chuckled. "Consistency is key, they say. But sometimes, a bit of flexibility can work wonders. Not that you would understand."

Snape's lips curled into a sneer. "Flexibility? Is that what you call your lack of discipline and structure? No wonder you could never hold a steady job."

Lupin's expression darkened for a moment before he regained his composure. "Better to be adaptable and open to change than to be rigid and unyielding. It's why the students respond to me, Severus. They know I care."

Snape's eyes flashed with irritation. "Caring is overrated. What they need is discipline and a firm hand, not some misguided notion of friendship."

Lupin leaned back in his chair, studying Snape. "Perhaps, but there's room for both approaches. It's what makes a well-rounded education. Or are you too proud to admit that?"

Snape's response was a cold, hard stare. "I admit nothing to a werewolf who fancies himself a professor. Remember your place, Lupin."

Lupin's eyes met Snape's, unwavering. "And you remember yours, Snape. We're both here for the same reason – to teach and to ensure these students are prepared for the world beyond Hogwarts. Whether you like it or not, we must find a way to work together."

Snape's gaze didn't soften, but there was a grudging respect in his voice. "Very well. But don't expect me to hold your hand through this. You may find the students' affection, but respect is something you earn through more than just kindness."

Lupin nodded. "I wouldn't dream of it, Severus. Let's see what the future holds."

As they parted ways, the tension between them remained, but there was also a mutual understanding. The dynamics of teaching at Hogwarts were changing, and both men, despite their differences, were a part of that change.

In the days that followed, Harry continued his preparations in the Virtual Room, refining his spells and strategies. He knew the danger of facing the basilisk was immense, and he needed to be as ready as possible. His enhanced runes, now imbued with protective enchantments and light-bending spells, were a crucial part of his plan.

Harry practiced tirelessly, using the Virtual Room to simulate encounters with the basilisk. He set up reflective surfaces to navigate the Chamber safely as a back-up plan, avoiding the creature's deadly gaze. Each night, he rehearsed different scenarios, ensuring he could respond quickly and effectively to any situation. The Virtual Room allowed him to experiment with various spell combinations and defensive techniques without real-world consequences.

In addition to his physical preparations, Harry spent hours in the library, delving into texts about ancient enchantments and the history of the Chamber of Secrets. Harry also took time to improve his Parseltongue, mostly to change it into runes. He practiced speaking the serpent language fluently in spell casting, ensuring he could command the creature if necessary. Before he could further study his eventual encounter with the basilisk, a letter arrived from Amelia Bones.


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