Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch206- Hollow

Ch206- Hollow

Before Harry could further study his eventual encounter with the basilisk, a letter arrived from Amelia Bones. Harry had long planned how to bring Peter Pettigrew to justice. With ample time and the combined intelligence of both Nigel and himself, the plan was a mischievous stroke of genius.

A month later, in the Great Hall, this year's Easter Egg hunt had just ended. The event was a resounding success, building on the excitement and wonder of last year but with a new and thrilling twist that captivated everyone. The Magical Books of the Duelling Club had played a crucial role, turning the hunt into a magical adventure.

Professor Flitwick stood at the front of the Great Hall, beaming with pride. "Thank you all for participating in this year's Easter Egg hunt!" he announced, his voice full of enthusiasm. "This year, we incorporated your enchanted books from the Duelling Club to make the event even more challenging and rewarding."

The Magical Books had turned into event mode, revealing the progress of the event. The books displayed clues, riddles, and challenges that the students had to solve or overcome to find the hidden eggs. Unlike last year, where solving puzzles and riddles was enough, this year required magical abilities as well. This added a layer of complexity and excitement, encouraging students to use their skills and knowledge in new ways.

"To make the hunt fair and inclusive," Professor McGonagall continued, stepping forward, "some eggs were designed to be found only by certain age groups or combinations of different years. This encouraged the creation of 'parties,'” she looked at Harry to see if she used the right term then continued, “where students could team up and work together. Additionally, some eggs required collaboration between different houses, promoting inter-house unity and cooperation."

Throughout the hunt, students had the option to form parties, combining their strengths to tackle the more difficult challenges. The more experience points (EXP) they gained, the higher their level, and the harder riddles or quests they could undertake for bigger, more rewarding eggs.

Seeing Draco Malfoy and his fellow Slytherins partnered with a group of second-year Hufflepuffs almost made all the hard work worth it. They navigated the dungeons, using their combined magical abilities to solve cryptic clues and dispel enchantments that guarded the eggs.

The Great Hall buzzed with excitement as the results of the hunt were displayed. Each student's Magical Book showed their achievements, highlighting the eggs they had found and the challenges they had overcome. The inter-house collaboration was particularly praised, with many students expressing how much they enjoyed working with peers from other houses.

Harry, the mastermind behind the event, watched with satisfaction from the back of the hall. He had spent countless hours designing the challenges and integrating them with the Magical Books, ensuring that the hunt was both fun and educational. 

Nigel's voice chimed in Harry's mind. "Master Harry, it appears your plan has succeeded splendidly. The students are thrilled, and the inter-house unity is a delightful bonus."

Harry smiled inwardly. "Yes, Nigel. It's wonderful to see everyone enjoying themselves and working together but the real show is yet to begin."

As the students continued to celebrate their successes, Professors Flitwick and McGonagall handed out special awards for those who had shown exceptional teamwork and creativity during the hunt. The atmosphere was one of camaraderie and mutual respect, a testament to the power of cooperation and shared goals.

With the Easter Egg hunt concluded, Professor Flitwick once again took the stage, his voice ringing with excitement. "This year, Harry Potter has another little addition to our Easter Egg hunt. Let's see what he has for us."

The students erupted in cheers, many of them already familiar with Harry's knack for creating engaging activities through the Duelling Club and previous hunts. They eagerly awaited Harry's next surprise.

Harry stepped onto the stage, a confident smile on his face. With a flick of his wand, an elaborate setting appeared behind him. The scene was reminiscent of a maze, but designed for various pets – owls, rats, frogs, and other student pets. Each section of the maze was tailored to the abilities of different animals, with intricate pathways, tunnels, and small obstacles that they could navigate to find hidden eggs.

The students gazed at the setup in awe, their excitement palpable. Harry began to explain, "This year, I wanted to create a special event where our dear companions can join in the fun. The reward for this challenge is a 50 Galleon gift check from none other than Long Green Pot Alchemy!"

The mention of Long Green Pot Alchemy brought a roar of approval from the crowd. The company, having entered the market just last year, had quickly risen to fame due to the superior quality of their potions, rivaling others in the market while maintaining affordable prices.

Ron, holding Scabbers tightly, was particularly thrilled. The prospect of winning the prize was enough to make his eyes gleam with excitement. "Scabbers, this is our chance!" he whispered to his pet rat, who twitched its nose in response.

Harry continued, "Your pets will navigate through the maze, searching for eggs hidden within. Each egg contains a small treat for them and a point towards the grand prize. The maze is designed to challenge their natural instincts and abilities, making it both fun and rewarding."

The intricate details of the maze were impressive. There were sections where owls could swoop down to grab eggs, tunnels for rats to scurry through, and small water pools for frogs to navigate. Each pathway was filled with enticing scents and sights to guide the pets towards their goal. The maze even included magical elements like enchanted lights and gentle breezes to make the experience more engaging.

Students quickly lined up, eager to enter their pets into the maze. As the event began, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement and friendly competition. Pets darted through the maze, each determined to find as many eggs as possible. The students cheered and encouraged their pets from the sidelines, creating a lively and joyous environment.

Ron watched anxiously as Scabbers navigated the maze, the little rat showing surprising agility. "Go, Scabbers! You can do it!" he shouted, his voice full of enthusiasm.

Harry observed from the side, pleased with how the event was unfolding. Nigel's voice chimed in his mind, "Master Harry, your intelligence and knack for grand showmanship never cease to amaze me."

Harry chuckled inwardly. "Why, thank you, Nigel. Although I do consider myself a little angel, I can play the role of a devil if necessary."

As the event progressed, it became apparent that the maze wasn't just for the pets. The further the pets ventured, the more the clues began to resemble challenges meant for humans rather than animals. Visual, auditory, and other complex riddles started to appear, ones that would be almost impossible for the pets to solve on their own.

Remus Lupin and Albus Dumbledore were watching closely. Lupin's eyes widened in realization as he spotted a familiar rat scurrying through the maze. "No," he hissed, his voice barely audible.

Dumbledore, too, seemed to recognize the significance. Just as he was about to act, the doors of the Great Hall swung open. Amelia Bones, flanked by a group of Aurors, entered the hall and surrounded the maze. Unfortunately, the pets inside couldn't see outside. 

"What is the meaning of this?" Dumbledore asked, looking at Harry and Amelia.

Harry remained calm. "I did tell you my plans, Headmaster. Don't you remember?"

Dumbledore's expression was unusually stern, clearly bothered by being kept in the dark, a rare occurrence for him.

Amelia Bones stepped forward, handing Dumbledore a scroll. "By the order of the Ministry of Magic," she announced, "I am here to apprehend Peter Pettigrew, the suspect in the murder of twelve Muggles on October 31, 1981, for betraying James and Lily Potter, assisting the Dark Lord, causing their deaths, and the deaths of countless others. He is also accused of high treason, deceit of the highest order, and orchestrating the betrayal of the Potters, leading to their tragic demise."

The more those in the Great Hall heard, the more shocked they became. Students exchanged bewildered glances and whispered anxiously. Faculty members had varied reactions, from concern to disbelief. The air was thick with confusion and tension, as everyone knew these were the charges against Sirius Black, the supposed traitor and murderer. How could Peter Pettigrew, the hero who was believed to have been killed by Black, be implicated in these crimes?

Only Lupin rose from his seat and approached the pet maze still in progress. He observed the lone contender, a rat scurrying frantically through the labyrinth. The other pets had all given up, unable to navigate the maze's increasingly complex challenges. The students watched in bewilderment as the rat continued its feverish quest, gobbling up eggs and squeaking excitedly each time a morsel of chocolate appeared before it.

This elaborate setup was Harry's subtle revenge. He had designed the maze to expose Peter Pettigrew in the most humiliating way possible. He watched with satisfaction as the rat, oblivious to the attention it was garnering, dashed from one treat to the next, its greed overriding any sense of caution.

"Master Harry," Nigel's voice echoed in Harry's mind, laced with a mixture of amusement and disbelief, "it appears your plan is unfolding quite spectacularly. Our rodent friend seems to be quite the glutton."

Harry smirked, maintaining a facade of calm as he replied mentally, "Just wait, Nigel. The best part is yet to come."

The rat, oblivious to the scrutiny, continued its feverish quest, squeaking with each new discovery of chocolate. The students and faculty watched, some laughing, others puzzled by the scene. The Aurors, led by Amelia Bones, observed with a mix of professional detachment and curiosity.

Finally, the rat reached the end of the maze and leapt into a large cage, its attention wholly focused on the mound of chocolate at the center. The cage door slammed shut with a loud clang, causing a collective gasp from the audience. The rat, too engrossed in its feast, seemed not to notice.

Amelia looked at Harry and asked, "Mr. Potter, is this the suspect?"

Harry nodded, his expression serious. He took out his wand, feeling the weight of the moment. The Aurors around him reflexively reached for their own wands, but Amelia stopped them with a stern look. Harry gave her a small nod of thanks and approached the cage, taking a deep breath. Despite his composed exterior, he felt a surge of anger towards the rat in front of him – the betrayer of his family. Although he wasn't completely certain, months of research had led him to believe that Sirius Black was innocent and that the real traitor was Peter Pettigrew. Harry's anger boiled, and the idea of killing the rat in the most painful way crossed his mind several times, but he suppressed those thoughts. Taking another deep breath, Harry cast the Animagus reversal spell he had learned during his research. "Revelio Animagus!"

A flash of light enveloped the cage, and the rat began to morph. Its small body elongated and expanded, bones cracking and reshaping until it transformed into a man with a round face and watery eyes – Peter Pettigrew.

The Great Hall filled with gasps of shock and disbelief as the small, rat-like man cowered in the cage, looking around with wild, terrified eyes. Peter Pettigrew's face twisted in horror as he realized he was no longer in his rat form. His watery eyes darted frantically, taking in the surrounding students and teachers. His face paled when he recognized the stern gaze of Albus Dumbledore, the surprised but steady look of Remus Lupin, and the resolute expression of Amelia Bones.

His eyes finally settled on Harry, who was standing with an air of confidence, his wand still raised. Peter's shock quickly turned to panic as he stuttered, "N-no! This isn't what it looks like! I was forced! Sirius Black turned me into a rat! I had no choice!"

Lupin stepped forward, his voice calm but filled with authority. "Peter, you are an unregistered Animagus. Your form is a rat. You... Have you been hiding all these years?"

Peter's eyes darted around the room, looking for any sign of support or escape. "No, Remus, you have to believe me! Sirius forced me! He made me hide!"

Lupin shook his head slowly. "If you were innocent, why did you hide? Why didn't you come forward after all this time?"

Peter's face twisted with desperation as he lied again. "I was afraid! You have no idea what Sirius is capable of! He threatened me! He would have killed me if I didn't obey!"

The students in the Great Hall whispered among themselves, trying to process the unfolding drama. Harry watched with a mix of anger and satisfaction as Peter's lies unraveled. He stepped closer, his voice clear and steady, but underneath, he was using every fiber of his being to stop himself from killing the man. "Enough with your lies, rodent. You've caused enough pain. It's time to face the consequences of your actions."

Amelia Bones stepped forward, her voice carrying the weight of the law. "Peter Pettigrew, you are under arrest for the betrayal of James and Lily Potter, for causing the deaths of twelve Muggles, and for your alliance with the Dark Lord. Your excuses will not save you now."

Peter's eyes widened with fear as the Aurors closed in around him. He made one last attempt to plead for his life. "Please, you have to believe me! It wasn't my fault! I was just trying to survive!"

Peter's eyes darted around the room in panic. "Please, you have to believe me!" he pleaded, looking directly at Ron. "I stayed with the Weasleys all these years. Wasn't I good?"

Harry's gaze was steely with barely controlled anger, his eyes blazed with madness. "You spied on underage students, pretending to be a harmless pet. And now you dare ask if you were good? You're nothing but a filthy traitor."

The students gasped, their faces a mix of shock and revulsion. Ginny's face turned pale as she remembered all the times she had changed with Scabbers in the room. She fell into her seat, trembling.

The Weasley twins clenched their fists. "You vermin!" they shouted, charging towards the cage, but Dumbledore stepped in front of them.

"Let's not escalate the situation," the Headmaster said, his voice calm but firm.

Harry's eyes flashed with fury. "Why not? This rat deserves no mercy. He killed my parents, spied on underage members of the Weasley Family, and hid among a noble family to probably spy on your so-called light side, Headmaster. What kind of kindness does he deserve?"

The tension in the Great Hall was palpable, the air thick with a mixture of outrage and disbelief. Pettigrew, realizing his pleas for sympathy were falling on deaf ears, continued to cower, his body trembling with fear.

Amelia Bones stepped forward, her expression one of stern resolve. "Peter Pettigrew, you will face justice for your crimes. Your actions have caused unimaginable pain and suffering. It is time you answer for them."

Peter's eyes darted around the room, seeking any sign of support, but finding none. His shoulders slumped in defeat as the Aurors closed in, securing him with magical restraints.

Harry's heart pounded in his chest, a mix of satisfaction and sorrow swirling within him. The man who had betrayed his parents, causing their deaths and so much more suffering, was finally caught. But it also brought back the grief of losing his parents, the pain of his childhood, and the immense weight of his responsibilities.

"Master Harry," Nigel's voice echoed in his mind, a hint of approval in his tone, "you have done well. Justice will be served, and your parents' memory honored."

Harry turned to leave, his feet moving automatically, driven by a whirlwind of emotions. "What does it even matter?" he muttered, his voice thick with sorrow and rage. "I couldn't even hurt him or avenge my parents. Even if I did, it wouldn't bring them back." The coldness in his tone belied the depth of his pain, a mix of anger, sadness, and confusion swirling within him.

"Master Harry," Nigel's voice, tinged with uncharacteristic gentleness, interjected, "revenge seldom brings solace. Your parents would not wish for you to be consumed by hatred."

Harry's eyes flashed with frustration. "Nigel, you don't understand. He took everything from me. My parents, my childhood... and he's been hiding here all this time, living as a rat while Sirius rotted in Azkaban for crimes he didn't commit!"

Nigel paused before replying, choosing his words carefully. "Justice will be served, Master Harry. Pettigrew will face the consequences of his actions. Your role in exposing him has already honored your parents' memory more than any act of vengeance could."

Harry stopped walking, his hands clenched into fists. "But it still hurts, Nigel. It hurts so much. I feel so powerless."

"The pain is a testament to your love for them," Nigel said softly. "And your power lies not in revenge, but in your capacity to change the world for the better. That is what will truly honor their memory."

Harry took a deep breath, trying to steady his emotions. "You're right, Nigel. I just... I need to focus. There are still so many things to do. Pettigrew might be captured, but the Chamber of Secrets is still a threat."

"Indeed, Master Harry," Nigel agreed. "And might I suggest that we redouble our efforts in mastering the spells and strategies needed to confront the basilisk? Idle hands, after all, are the devil's workshop."

A small, wry smile tugged at Harry's lips. "Thanks, Nigel. Let's get back to work."


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