Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch211- Late Night Celebration

Ch211- Late Night Celebration

Kingsley led Harry out of the Ministry, past the remaining reporters and onlookers. They made their way to a quiet spot where Kingsley could safely Apparate them back to Hogsmeade. The familiar tugging sensation enveloped Harry as they vanished from the Ministry and reappeared at the edge of the village.

Kingsley walked with Harry towards Hogwarts, the castle’s silhouette growing larger against the evening sky. “You handled everything remarkably well today, Harry,” Kingsley said, his tone respectful.

“Thank you, Kingsley. I couldn’t have done it without your support,” Harry replied politely, feeling a sense of camaraderie with the Auror.

As they approached the gates of Hogwarts, Kingsley gave Harry a reassuring nod. “If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to reach out. You have more allies than you might realize.”

Harry smiled, appreciating the sentiment. “I’ll remember that. Thanks again, Kingsley.”

With that, Kingsley turned and Disapparated, leaving Harry to make his way back to the castle. As he walked through the familiar grounds, he felt a mix of exhaustion and relief. The day had been long and emotional, but it had also been a significant step towards justice and closure.

Nigel’s voice broke the silence in Harry’s mind. “Quite the eventful day, Master Harry. Perhaps now a bit of rest is in order?”

Harry chuckled softly. “Yes, Nigel. I think I’ve earned it.”

Nigel then chuckled, "Well, for a person as popular as you, that is a bit difficult, it seems."

Harry looked ahead and saw all his friends waiting for him at the gates of the castle. He wasn't discontented but happy. Smiling, he walked towards them.

"Harry! There you are!" Daphne called out, her voice filled with relief. Tracey was right beside her, grinning widely.

"Welcome back," Tracey added, giving Harry a playful nudge. "How did it go?"

"It went well," Harry replied, his spirits lifting further. "Sirius is free now."

"That's fantastic news!" Susan exclaimed, her eyes bright with excitement. Hannah, standing next to her, nodded in agreement.

Neville joined the group, his face reflecting the relief he felt. "We heard about it. Must have been intense."

"It was," Harry admitted, "but it's a relief to have it done."

Hermione pushed through the group, her face beaming with pride. "Harry, you did amazing! We're all so proud of you."

"Thanks, Hermione," Harry said, appreciating the support. Ginny, who had been a little behind, smiled shyly at him.

"You were brilliant," Ginny said, her voice soft but sincere.

Luna appeared beside him, her usual serene smile in place. "You did wonderfully, Harry. The stars must be pleased."

Harry laughed softly. "Thanks, Luna. I'm glad to be back."

"Hey, we should celebrate tonight," Parvati suggested, excitement in her voice. "A feast in the Dueling Club!"

"Sounds like a plan," Harry agreed, grinning.

Fred and George, always ready for a bit of fun, clapped their hands together. "We'll handle the arrangements. It'll be a night to remember!" George declared.

Draco, Nott, and Ron, who had been hanging back a bit, moved closer. Draco raised an eyebrow. "So, Potter, you stole my heirship of Black Family. Masterful move."

Harry smirked. "Keep dreaming."

The party that night was loud and fun, but Harry's mind was still occupied with the last of his quest for the year. The Chamber of Secrets was an enigma he was determined to solve.

While the celebration buzzed around him, Harry found it difficult to shake off thoughts about his upcoming challenge. He was almost finished with his version of the invisibility cloak, at least on paper. The next step was its application, a task that promised to be as challenging as the theory itself.

For now, though, Harry decided to push all those thoughts aside and focus on enjoying the party. The Club Room was alive with laughter and chatter, filled with the aroma of delicious food. The twins, Fred and George, had managed to sneak in some alcohol, much to the delight of the older students. Harry made sure that only those who were of age drank, keeping a watchful eye to prevent any mishaps. The younger students grumbled at his vigilance, but he took their complaints in stride, knowing it was for their own good.

"Harry, loosen up a bit!" Fred called out, handing him a butterbeer. "You deserve to relax."

Harry smiled, accepting the drink. "I am relaxing, Fred. Just keeping an eye out."

George grinned, nudging him playfully. "Always the responsible one. But seriously, mate, you’ve done a great job this year. You deserve this."

Harry took a sip of his drink, feeling the warmth spread through him. "Thanks, George. I appreciate it."

Across the room, he noticed Daphne and Tracey laughing with Susan and Hannah. Neville was demonstrating his newly improved Ice Jinx, creating intricate ice sculpture cubes for everyone's drinks.

As the night progressed, the atmosphere grew more vibrant. Music played, and students danced, their worries momentarily forgotten. Harry found himself drawn into the festivities, enjoying the rare chance to unwind with his friends. 

The party continued late into the night, the students reveling in their hard-earned break. Eventually, as the clock struck midnight, the crowd began to thin. Harry, feeling the weight of the day's events and the party's excitement, decided it was time to call it a night.

"Alright, everyone," he called out, raising his voice above the din, "let's wrap it up. We've got classes tomorrow. Don't forget we were allowed to party until midnight for this special occasion."

A collective groan echoed through the hall, but the students began to gather their things, still chatting animatedly. Harry watched them with a smile, feeling a sense of pride and contentment.

In his room, Harry sat at his desk, pulling out his notes on the invisibility cloak. He reviewed the intricate details, ensuring everything was in order. His version of the cloak was designed to not only render him invisible but also protect him from the basilisk's deadly gaze by refracting light in a way that would confuse the creature's senses.

"Tomorrow, we start the practical applications," Harry said to himself, feeling a renewed sense of determination.

"Indeed, Master Harry," Nigel responded. "With your meticulous planning and skill, I have no doubt you will succeed."

Harry smiled, feeling a sense of reassurance from Nigel's words. He climbed into bed, his mind finally at ease. Harry drifted off to sleep, ready to face the challenges ahead.

Following weeks passed in a blur as Harry worked on the application of runes. Each day brought new challenges and discoveries as he honed his skills and delved deeper into the complexities of runic magic. The room he used for practice was cluttered with books, scrolls, and various magical artifacts, each one essential to his experiments.

Harry spent hours poring over ancient texts, meticulously translating and interpreting the runes. He used system database to cross-reference information, ensuring that he understood the nuances of each symbol and its potential combinations. "Master Harry, it appears you've become quite the scholar," Nigel remarked, his tone a blend of amusement and genuine admiration.

"Thanks, Nigel," Harry replied, his focus unwavering as he traced a particularly intricate rune on a piece of parchment. "But this isn't just about learning for the sake of it. Every rune, every symbol has to be perfect if we're going to create a cloak that can fool the basilisk."

Nigel hummed thoughtfully. "Indeed, Master Harry. Precision is key. Even a slight error could mean the difference between success and petrifying failure."

Weeks turned into months, and Harry's progress was steady but slow. He practiced combining runes with various charms, testing their effects and tweaking the combinations to achieve the desired results.


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