Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch210- Sirius Black

Ch210- Sirius Black

Amidst the chaos, Sirius emerged from a side room, looking both relieved and apprehensive. His eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on Harry. There was a mixture of gratitude and pain in his gaze. Harry, keeping his emotions in check, walked over to him and embraced him warmly for the benefit of the onlookers. "Harry," Sirius said, his voice hoarse with emotion. "You look so much like your father."

"It's good to see you, Sirius," Harry said, his voice steady.

Sirius hugged him back tightly, whispering, "Thank you, Harry. I owe you my life."

Pulling back, Harry nodded. "Let's get through this, Sirius. Together."

The photographers captured the moment, and Harry could feel the weight of their lenses. He knew this image would be all over the Daily Prophet by morning. As they posed for more pictures, Nigel couldn't resist a comment. "A perfect family reunion for the press, Master Harry. With your ability to deceive the press, perhaps you should consider a career in public relations."

Harry mentally chuckled. "Noted, Nigel. Let's just get through this."

Minister Fudge stepped forward, clearing his throat. "Ahem, yes, well, this is a momentous occasion. Sirius Black has been exonerated, and we are here to witness his reunification with his godson, Harry Potter." He then turned to the press and announced, "But beyond that, Harry Potter caught the true lieutenant of the Dark Lord, and exonerated an innocent man, Lord of the Black Family. Including his efforts to end the Dark Lord, I, Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic, hereby present the First Class Order of Merlin to Harry Potter."

Gasps filled the room as the press scribbled furiously. Harry stepped forward, his expression calm but determined. "Thank you, Minister Fudge, but I cannot accept this honor." Another round of gasps followed, and Fudge's smile faltered, confusion and concern clouding his face. He had hoped this gesture would smooth things over, but Harry's refusal was a public rejection of his goodwill.

Just moments ago, they had exchanged pleasantries, and now Harry was refusing his goodwill. Fudge looked visibly uncomfortable as the press buzzed with curiosity.

Harry continued, his voice steady and clear. "I believe there's a misunderstanding about my so-called achievements." He took a deep breath and addressed the room. "I don't understand why people exaggerate my achievements so much, but it's time to make things clear." 

The room fell silent, all eyes focused on him. "The only thing I achieved that day was crying my eyes out and waiting for the deadly spell to hit me in the face." He pointed at his scar, making many wince.

Cornelius Fudge shifted uneasily. "My mother, Lily Potter née Evans," Harry continued, "researched, studied, and fought against Death Eaters and Voldemort for years, all while carrying me. In the end, she found a ritual that protected me from the curse."

Cornelius Fudge shifted uncomfortably, realizing the depth of Harry's message. Harry pressed on, "I understand why some might want to keep this knowledge hidden. Ancient rituals can be complex and not always pleasant. But why should the spell that saved me, fueled by my mother's love, be kept a secret? Especially when the most dangerous curses are already known to everyone?"

The room was tense, the weight of Harry's words sinking in. He had turned the narrative from one of personal glory to a tribute to his mother's sacrifice, challenging the secrecy surrounding the protective magic she had used. Harry's refusal to accept the Order of Merlin wasn't just a rejection of personal accolades but a call for recognition of true heroism and the importance of transparency in the wizarding world.

Fudge, visibly taken aback, managed to recover slightly. "Well, Harry, your humility is commendable. We shall respect your wishes. But know that your bravery and your mother's sacrifice are deeply honored by the wizarding community."

Harry nodded, his point made. He glanced at Sirius, who looked at him with pride and gratitude. The press continued to buzz with excitement, capturing every moment of this significant event.

Nigel's voice, laced with approval, echoed in Harry's mind, "Master Harry, your speech was as masterful as your plans. You’ve certainly given the press something substantial to chew on."

Harry mentally replied, "Thanks, Nigel. It was time the truth was told."

People around looked at Harry with awe. It was rare, especially for someone so young, to decline such an honor. This action showed not only his humility but also his determination to honor the truth. The press eagerly captured every detail, sensing the magnitude of Harry's words. In just a short speech, Harry had managed to convey several profound points.

First, it became clear that Harry Potter, the famous "Boy Who Lived," survived not because of some unique power or destiny, but due to his mother's profound love and sacrifice. He emphasized that it wasn't about him being a chosen one who could deflect the Killing Curse at will. Instead, it was Lily Potter's protective spell, fueled by her love, that saved him.

Second, Harry openly saying Voldemort's name showed his stance against fear. Many in the wizarding world still avoided mentioning the Dark Lord's name, but Harry stood firm, unafraid. This was a powerful statement, demonstrating that he was willing to confront the phantom enemy that many still feared.

Third, Harry's revelation about how those in power hid the facts from the public resonated deeply. While he acknowledged the reasoning behind keeping certain magical rituals secret, he questioned the logic behind concealing a protective spell that saved his life. His argument was simple: everyone knew the deadliest spells by now, so why hide a beautiful ritual that brought salvation?

As the room buzzed with this newfound information, Nigel commented in Harry's mind. "Master Harry, you've certainly given them something to chew on. If only their minds could digest it as well as they do scandalous gossip."

Harry chuckled inwardly, but did not answer. Reporters' quills scratched furiously on parchment, capturing Harry's every word. His speech had not only addressed the immediate issues but also sparked a broader conversation about the Ministry's transparency and the public's right to know the truth. This was more than just a moment of personal glory; it was a call for accountability and change.

People continued to murmur amongst themselves, clearly moved by Harry's courage and integrity. Some older wizards and witches nodded in approval, recognizing the wisdom in his young words. Others exchanged concerned glances, realizing the implications of what Harry had revealed.

As the crowd began to disperse, Minister Fudge, visibly shaken, stepped down from the podium. His plan to restore order with a public display of honor had backfired spectacularly. However, it was clear to him and everyone else that Harry's disapproval was not directed at him personally. Harry had shown respect for Fudge's efforts, merely declining an undeserved accolade. This situation, including Sirius's wrongful imprisonment, was not Fudge's fault. For that, Cornelius was thankful.

Sirius, now free, approached Harry, his expression a mix of pride and gratitude. "Harry, that was incredible. Your parents would be so proud of you."

Harry smiled warmly. "Thanks, Sirius."

The scene in the room was still tense, the echoes of Harry's words lingering in the air. Reporters were scribbling furiously, capturing every nuance of the unfolding drama. Sirius, though free, looked gaunt and weary from his years in Azkaban. His eyes, however, were bright with gratitude and determination.

"How are you feeling, Sirius?" Harry asked, genuine concern in his voice.

"Better now that this nightmare is over," Sirius replied, his voice steady but tired. "Thank you, Harry, for everything. I owe you my freedom."

Harry shook his head. "You don't owe me anything. I'm just glad the truth came out."

Harry, after his heartfelt conversation with Sirius, turned his attention to the others present. He approached Minister Fudge and Amelia Bones, his expression a mix of gratitude and formality.

“Thank you, Minister Fudge, for your efforts today. I truly appreciate the support,” Harry said, shaking Fudge’s hand firmly.

Fudge, still somewhat taken aback by Harry's earlier speech, managed a smile. “Of course, Harry. It’s the least we could do after all you've done.”

Harry then moved to Amelia Bones, who had been instrumental in orchestrating Pettigrew’s capture. “Madam Bones, your help has been invaluable. I’m grateful for everything,” he said earnestly.

Amelia nodded, her stern features softening slightly. “You’ve shown remarkable bravery and wisdom, Harry. We’re all proud of you.”

With the formalities concluded, Harry turned to Sirius. “Sirius, you need to rest and recover. The Aurors will take you to St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. They’ll ensure you get the care you need.”

Sirius looked at Harry with a mixture of pride and affection. “Thank you, Harry. I’ll see you soon.”

Harry watched as Sirius was escorted by the Aurors, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. He then rejoined Kingsley Shacklebolt, who had been waiting patiently nearby.

“Ready to head back, Harry?” Kingsley asked with his usual calm demeanor.

Harry nodded. “Yes, let’s go.”


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