Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch216- Riddle Likes Slides?

Ch216- Riddle Likes Slides?

As Harry was about to leave, he turned back to the basilisk. "Are there any other entrances to here? I do not like the slides," he asked.

The serpent's hiss almost sounded like a chuckle. "You can alter it however you wish. The slides were designed by the previous heir."

Harry blinked in surprise. Tom Riddle liked slides? Finding it hard to picture the sinister dark wizard enjoying such a thing. He shrugged, deciding not to dwell on it. Gathering his magic, he envisioned a more suitable way to enter and exit the chamber. His magic surged, transforming the slides into a grand, majestic elevator that glowed with an eerie green light.

"Well, that’s certainly an improvement," Nigel commented dryly. "I imagine it will make your visits much more dignified."

Harry smiled at Nigel's tone. "Definitely. Let's head back. We've got a lot to do."

As he stepped into the elevator, it glided upwards smoothly, taking him back to the entrance of the Chamber. The cool, dark passageway soon gave way to the familiar, if somewhat eerie, sight of the girls' bathroom. 

Emerging from the hidden passage, Harry inhaled deeply, feeling a sense of mild satisfaction. Despite his detailed planning, the giant guardian serpent had seen right through his ruse. Yet, he had successfully communicated with the basilisk, which felt like a victory. His next task was to deal with the horcrux and the soul piece within it. However, before diving into that, he wanted to spend some quality time with his friends, shedding the burdens he had carried throughout the year. For once, he felt genuinely at ease. He had solved the mystery of the Chamber of Secrets, caught Peter Pettigrew, excelled academically and in Quidditch, and seen his Dueling Club thrive. This sense of peace was a welcome change.

“Nigel, the quest isn't completely finished yet, is it?” Harry asked.

Nigel sighed, "Unfortunately, Master Harry, the quest was to 'Uncover the Secrets of the Chamber of Secrets.' While you've done most of the work, the rest involves discovering the place at your own pace."

Harry nodded, understanding. With the basilisk acknowledging him, the rest would be simpler. He made his way to the Slytherin common room, where students were beginning to stir.

In the common room, Pansy was yawning as she descended from the girls' dormitory. Spotting Harry, she raised an eyebrow. "Where were you so early?"

Harry smirked. "Gotta keep up the work if I want to excel in Quidditch, you know."

Pansy rolled her eyes but didn't press further. "Always the mysterious one, aren't you, Harry?" she teased, a smirk playing on her lips. "One day, you'll spill all your secrets."

Harry chuckled. "Maybe one day, Pansy. But not today."

Pansy leaned back against the couch, crossing her arms. "So, what's the grand plan for today? More secret meetings with the professors? Or perhaps another adventure we won't hear about until later?"

Harry shrugged, trying to keep the conversation casual. "Just the usual, Pansy. Classes, Quidditch practice, and maybe a bit of studying. You know how it is."

Tracey and Daphne arrived just in time to hear the last part of Harry's reply. "Studying? Harry, you really need to balance your life more," Tracey said with a playful grin. "All work and no play makes Harry a dull wizard."

Daphne nodded in agreement, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "She's right, you know. You need to take breaks and enjoy yourself more. We can't have our star student burning out, can we?"

Harry smiled at their concern, feeling a warmth spread through him. "I'll try to keep that in mind, ladies. But right now, I think breakfast is calling. Shall we?"

As they entered the Great Hall, the delicious aroma of breakfast wafted towards them, making Harry's stomach growl in anticipation. They found their usual spot at the Slytherin table and sat down, immediately helping themselves to the array of food laid out before them.

Harry's other friends from different houses arrived one after another, joining the Slytherin table as if it was the most natural thing in the world. This was the effect Harry had cultivated over the past two years, bridging the gaps between the houses with his charisma and kindness. Neville and Hermione from Gryffindor came in with Parvati and Lavender, chatting animatedly. Ginny, already sitting at the Ravenclaw table with Luna, got up and walked over to Slytherin, with Cho Chang following closely behind. Susan and Hannah arrived from the Hufflepuff table, greeting Harry warmly.

They all knew Harry was up to something, even if they didn't know the specifics. Seeing him now, more relaxed and seemingly less burdened by worries, they could tell he had been successful in whatever he had been working on. His lighter demeanor was a clear sign.

"Morning, Harry," Neville greeted, taking a seat beside him. "You seem more cheerful today."

Harry smiled, pouring himself some pumpkin juice. "Yeah, I've managed to sort out a few things."

Hermione gave him a knowing look, her curiosity piqued. "What kind of things?"

"Just some personal projects," Harry replied evasively, not wanting to get into the details yet.

Ginny, settling in next to Luna, grinned. "Well, whatever it is, it seems like a weight's been lifted off your shoulders."

Luna nodded, her dreamy expression focused on Harry. "You have an air of accomplishment about you, Harry. It's quite lovely."

Susan and Hannah, arriving with their usual cheerful demeanor, added to the lively atmosphere. "It's nice to see everyone together like this," Susan said, taking a seat across from Harry.

Tracey, who had been quietly observing, couldn't help but comment. "So, Harry, when do we get to hear about these 'personal projects' of yours?"

Harry chuckled, shaking his head. "Soon, Tracey. I promise. But for now, let's just enjoy breakfast."

Fred and George Weasley joined the group with mischievous grins. "Morning, all," Fred greeted, plopping down next to George. "So, Harry, what's the latest adventure?"

Harry smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Fred and George exchanged a look, then turned back to Harry with matching grins. "Actually, we would very much like to know," they said in unison.

Harry rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "Usually, when someone says they don't want to talk about it, it means they really don't."

Fred nodded sagely. "Noted, but we're still curious."

George leaned in, his expression conspiratorial. "Come on, Harry. Give us a hint. We're your friends, after all."

Harry couldn't help but chuckle at their persistence. "Alright, alright. I'll tell you this much—it's related to some new spells and charms I've been working on. But that's all you're getting for now."

Fred's eyes lit up with excitement. "New spells, eh? Now you've really got our attention."

George nudged his brother. "Maybe we can test them out in one of our pranks."

"Not a chance," Harry said firmly, though he couldn't hide his amusement. "These spells are a bit more serious than your usual mischief."

Harry then decided to tease them. "Actually, it's quite good for pranks. Imagine standing here, but people can only see your reflection at a different spot." He grinned mischievously, letting the idea sink in. "That's all you're getting for now."

Fred and George exchanged looks of awe and excitement, their eyes sparkling with mischief. "Blimey, Harry, that's genius!" Fred exclaimed, clearly impressed.

George, however, frowned thoughtfully. "But that's got to be really difficult to achieve."

Harry's grin widened. "Well, I may or may not have succeeded," he said, his tone playful and enigmatic.

Fred leaned in closer, his curiosity piqued. "So, are you saying you've actually done it? You've managed to make this happen?"

Harry chuckled, enjoying the twins' reactions. "You'll just have to wait and see. But trust me, it's going to be worth it."

George shook his head in admiration. "You're full of surprises, Harry. I can't wait to see what you come up with next."

"Nor can I," Harry replied with a smile. "But let's focus on having a great day today."


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