Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch217- Hogwart’s Greatest Hero- Jacob!

Ch217- Hogwart’s Greatest Hero- Jacob!

Soon, Harry's friends were deep in discussion about how to achieve his latest magical breakthrough. Seeing them so engaged, he felt a surge of pride in their collective curiosity and intelligence.

"Lumos variation could theoretically achieve the reflection effect," Tracey said thoughtfully, twirling her wand between her fingers.

Susan raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "But how will you hide the real body? It's not just about the light."

"Invisibility Cloak?" Neville suggested, hitting close to the mark. The others nodded in agreement.

"That might work," Daphne conceded, "but if it’s a cloak, then we need to incorporate runes to enhance its capabilities."

Hermione, ever the academic, added, "Well, in Muggle technology, there is something similar. They use mirrors and light refraction for illusions. We could study those principles and adapt them."

Harry couldn't help but smile at their eagerness. It seemed that within a few months, they could achieve together what he had been working on alone.

Fred and George were scribbling notes, their eyes wide with fascination. "Harry, you're from the Muggle world. Did you use something similar to that illusion?" Fred asked, curiosity brimming in his voice.

Harry grinned, a twinkle in his eye. He kept his silence enigmatically. The truth was, his understanding of Muggle principles of light and mirrors had significantly influenced his magical experiments, but he wasn't about to reveal all his secrets. It was better if they could find out themselves, since it wasn't urgent or life and death matter.

As they continued to discuss the potential applications of Harry's spell, the excitement in the group was palpable. Ideas were bouncing back and forth, each more creative than the last. The energy was infectious.

Meanwhile, Nigel's voice cut through Harry's thoughts, laden with its usual sardonic humor. "Master Harry, you've certainly stirred the pot of innovation. Perhaps your next feat should be patenting these ideas."

Harry mentally chuckled, "It is fine if they can get it. I don't lack source of income."

Their conversation continued, seamlessly blending into the lively breakfast chatter. Harry noticed how seamlessly his friends from different houses interacted, a testament to the unity he had fostered. This harmony was something he valued deeply, and it filled him with a sense of accomplishment.

After breakfast, Harry and his friends headed off to their classes. The final weeks of the school year were approaching, and exams loomed ever closer. After class, as he made his way to the library, Harry’s thoughts wandered. He couldn’t help but wonder about the consequences of his actions over the past year.

"What would have happened if I hadn't intercepted Ginny getting the diary?" Harry mused quietly, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Nigel, always ready with a quick response, replied, "Master Harry, it's intriguing to speculate on such things. Without your intervention, the Chamber of Secrets would likely have been opened, and Ginny could have been in grave danger, along with many others."

Harry mused, "I am certain Tom Riddle would have manipulated Ginny after getting into her mind. Then, would he unleash the Basilisk like he did 50 years ago?"

He then changed his path and made his way to the Slytherin Common Room and then to his own room. There, he took out the Diary, saying, "Nigel, create two consciousnesses, one at ten percent and the second at forty percent of mine, and remove all the memories from the second. Change the appearance of the second in the Virtual Room. Show the soulpiece in the Diary that I threw the Diary after feeling afraid to see the basilisk. An unknown student takes it and starts to talk with the Diary."

Nigel, with his characteristic sagacity, replied, "A most intriguing experiment, Master Harry. Setting the stage for a grand play of manipulation, are we? Very well, let us proceed."

In the Virtual Room, Harry watched as the scenario unfolded. The second consciousness, appearing as a generic student, discovered the Diary and began to write in it. The pages glowed, and Tom Riddle's scripted responses began to appear, manipulating the student's thoughts and emotions.

As the days passed in the simulation, the student fell deeper under Riddle's control. Nigel couldn't help but comment, "Ah, the subtle art of deception, Master Harry. Observe how Riddle weaves his influence, ensnaring the mind of the unwitting student."

The student, now entirely under Riddle's sway, began to carry out tasks dictated by the Diary. These included opening the Chamber of Secrets and releasing the Basilisk, just as Riddle had done fifty years ago. Harry observed every detail, noting how Riddle's manipulation tactics played out.

Nigel clicked his tongue as he said, "It appears our dear Riddle has quite the flair for drama. Notice how he exploits the student's fears and desires, bending them to his will."

Harry nodded, impressed by the thoroughness of the simulation. "This is exactly how it would have happened to Ginny if I didn't take the Diary," he said. "Riddle's influence is insidious, and the student becomes a puppet."

Nigel's voice held a note of caution. "Indeed, Master Harry. This exercise serves as a reminder of the dangers posed by those who seek to control others. It is a valuable lesson in vigilance and the importance of safeguarding one's mind."

The boy, named Jacob, began experiencing dreams and visions orchestrated by Riddle. His behavior changed subtly at first—staying up late, whispering to himself—but soon, more drastic actions followed.

Jacob's descent into Riddle's control was swift. He started sneaking out at night, performing tasks dictated by the Diary. In one of these excursions, he found himself opening the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, just as Ginny Weasley might have if Harry hadn’t intercepted the diary.

In the eerie darkness of the Chamber, Jacob could feel the ancient magic pulsating through the stone walls. Riddle's voice echoed in his mind, guiding him step by step. "Speak to me, Slytherin's greatest creation."

Jacob's voice trembled as he repeated the words in Parseltongue. "Speak to me, Slytherin's greatest creation."

The stone mouth of the Salazar Slytherin statue began to open, revealing the basilisk. Its immense body uncoiled, and its deadly eyes glowed in the darkness. Under Riddle's command, the basilisk started its sinister task of petrifying students.

As the simulation concluded, the student, now completely dominated by Riddle, unleashed the Basilisk upon the school more and more. The creature's deadly gaze petrified students, spreading fear and chaos throughout Hogwarts. Harry watched, understanding the gravity of what could have happened.

Harry clenched his fists. "He is targeting students with Muggle origins or half-Muggle origins. Such hatred—it really reminds me of Voldemort." He couldn't help but voice his frustration. Then, a sudden realization struck him. "Tom Marvolo Riddle," he muttered. Quickly, he instructed Nigel, "Nigel, remove the letters that form 'Voldemort' from Tom's name."

In a swift response, Nigel generated floating letters in the air, spelling out "Voldemort." The remaining letters floated separately, forming "M, a, o, R, i, d, l."

Harry gasped. "Reorder them to say 'I am Lord.'"

The letters shifted and reassembled themselves: "I am Lord Voldemort."

Looking at the result, Harry's fists tightened. "Tom Marvolo Riddle... I am Lord Voldemort."

As he absorbed this revelation, Harry turned his attention back to the virtual scenario Nigel had created. In the simulation, the student who had picked up the diary quickly fell under its dark influence, manipulated by the soul fragment within.

Back in reality, Harry watched the simulation unfold, a knot of anxiety tightening in his stomach. "This is what would have happened," he muttered. "If I hadn't stopped it, this is exactly how things would have played out."

Harry got up and walked around the room. "This doesn't bode well, Nigel. I wasn't expecting such a challenge from a Horcrux of a student from 50 years ago, but now I realize this is not just any name forgotten in time. This is Voldemort, who changed his origin." He thought deeply, piecing together the implications. He knew Hagrid was blamed for opening the Chamber of Secrets 50 years ago, and his wand was taken from him. Harry wanted to exonerate Hagrid, but things took another turn. "Reveal some of Jacob's memories," he instructed. "Jacob's parents were war heroes who caused Voldemort's fall in the future. When the soul in the diary feels that, it will want to kill Jacob. With great courage, Jacob breaks free from Riddle's control. Make sure Jacob questions Riddle enough to reveal his identity."

Nigel's voice chimed in. "Master Harry, setting the stage for a dramatic reveal. Let’s see how our dear Tom Riddle handles this new development."


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